my followers are horrible

Chapter 169 Chapter 225+226 You are called Yumen No. 1+closed loop

Chapter 169 Chapter 225+226 You are the No. [-]+ closed loop

"Cang Lan, how much do you know?"

Guo Teng didn't know much about this witch organization in China. Except for hearing the word from Guo Qianqian last Wednesday, he didn't know the specific role of this organization until now.

"Bringing a local witch organization."

Dorothy's words made Guo Teng twitch.

Of course I know that this is a local witch organization in Daihua. I want to know the specific content of its work and its main direction.

Seeing the change of expression on Guo Teng's face, Dorothy went on to explain.

"The witch organization Cang Lan is very special. They are mainly engaged in aerospace and military engineering projects related to China."

His grandma's, no wonder Guo Qianqian said that Canglan's atmosphere is not good, co-authoring is a gathering place for high-level bosses and a place for top students.

It would be strange if this little scruffy Guo Qianqian could get in.

"Of course things are not absolute."

"As long as Cang Lan's witch leaves a certain range in Shangping, she will also be captured by the Inquisition."

"The royal family of Daihua has repeatedly protested to the Nordic joint for this. After the protest was fruitless, Daihua threw dozens of dirty bombs into the sea area jointly controlled by the Nordics every year. The two sides have been fighting in secret for decades."

Guo Teng was shocked when he heard this. He originally thought that the Daihua royal family was just a mascot, but he didn't expect that he would dare to do such a thing.

This is really a dead end!
"Don't you know this kind of thing?"

Dorothy looked at Guo Teng very strangely, anyone in the world would know this kind of news.

"I really do not know."

He just became a weak chicken god last week, how could he know such news that ordinary people would never know.

Guo Qianqian didn't tell him either.

"It's no wonder Qianqian always refuses to let her family buy imported items from Nordic United. It turns out that the roots are here!"

Dorothy looked at the shocked Guo Teng, opened her mouth, wanted to say something, but finally closed it.

"Perhaps I should contact Tiance Mansion to discuss how to spread faith in Daihua."

"Official promotion, as long as the administrative implementation is in place, I can at least get a few million shallow believers."

"The daily harvest of faith must be a considerable amount."

Let's think about this matter later, and solve Dorothy's matter first.

Guo Teng put aside the connection with Tiance Mansion, sat up straight, and looked at Dorothy.

"Dorothy, listen well, your next mission is to do this."

Seeing Guo Teng sitting upright, Dorothy also put her hands on her knees and waited for the arrangement.

"Wait a minute, don't go directly to Sydney."

"You go directly to the South American Group, raid the church there, and rescue the witch there."


Dorothy was puzzled. Geographically speaking, she was much closer from Tongjing to Sidney in Ostrilia than directly to the South American Group.

Guo Teng asked her to go far away and run to such a far place.

"With your actions, the seventh-level knights from the American Group will come to Daihua today or tomorrow."

Tonight, if you level Tong Jing's St. Ahab's Church, the Christian Orthodox Church will definitely send a powerful figure to town.

Maybe the seventh-level knight of the American Group has boarded a plane to the Far East tonight.

What if I don't let you hurry up and let you pay for the house.

Do you know how to harass?
"I don't know what you did tonight to let such witches join us."

"I guess, your actions tonight must be quite big, maybe the same as what you did in Dayu."

Of course Guo Teng knew what Dorothy did tonight, but he couldn't tell her.

If you say something, it will reveal clues.

"I went to Tong Jing in the afternoon, leveled St. Ahab's Church, and killed the head of the Orthodox Far East Tribunal, fifth-level bishop Alex Heydrich."

"At the same time, we rescued our witch sisters there."

"You don't seem surprised."

Dorothy looked at Guo Teng with a calm face, feeling strange.

Isn't this news shocking?
"Why should I be surprised, something that has been expected."

This is not expected. When you leveled St. Ahab's Church, I watched from the side.

I regretted letting you out at the time, and wanted to teleport you back, give you a spanking and throw you into another world.

The more things happen to you, the more you can bear them.

Guo Teng felt a burst of emotion in his heart, and drank the tea in one breath.

"After the raid on the church in the South American group, you have to rush back to the Red World quickly, and I will arrange other tasks for you."

"You want me to make a fuss?"


Putting the teacup on the coffee table, Guo Teng rubbed out another cup of tea.

"You must know, Dorothy, that our present preparations are not adequate."

"The Christian Orthodox Church has more people under its jurisdiction than us, and there are more masters than us."

"We have the world-destroying weapon bestowed upon us by the Lord God, but we cannot use it all the time."

"At this moment, we still need to accumulate strength at all times."

"When you and other believers who joined the church set foot on the fourth level of combat believers, we will have the moment to show our strength in this world."

These words were fooled by Dorothy. Next month, Xin Ya will be reincarnated for the second time, and her battle strength will exceed [-].

I erected the sign of the Clock Church directly opposite the Dayu Orthodox Church.

Your name is Yumen No.[-], right?

Wait a minute, the Orthodox Church of the Dayu Christianity has already leveled Dorothy?
I don't know if it will be rebuilt next month.

It seems that I can only go to Shangmei or Hexiang to fight in the ring.

"I understand."

Dorothy nodded, stood up, and was about to go out.

"Yes, Dorothy."

Guo Teng also remembered one thing.

"what happened?"

Dorothy, who was stopped by Guo Teng, turned around and wondered what else Guo Teng had not explained.

"If you are fighting and see that the enemy is too strong, please bring him to the Red World."

"The venue, the ball certificate, the host, the referee, and the co-organizer here are all our people. Others cannot compete with us here."

Guo Teng still remembered how Dorothy was suppressed just now.

You have to tell her clearly about Hongshi's cheating, otherwise this girl is too honest, if someone else takes a sword and you take an axe, the two of them will clang together.

In the end, it was not the railgun that worked well. Although the first shot didn't kill him, it made him don't know where he was going.

So, you can't be too honest in being a human being, you have to do bad things if you want to do bad things.

Bring the enemy into the red world, let the apostle of the red world help you unscrew his head, and then return to the world by yourself, and hang the enemy's head on the cross, wouldn't it be beautiful.

Seeing Dorothy's sudden realization, she knew that they didn't pay attention to what she told the witches at the beginning.

This is life-saving content, but you don’t even care!

It seems that it is necessary for Paria to conduct a safety test on the group of witches who can only eat and drink.

"Thank you for reminding me, Artanis."

"It's nothing, Lord God Master told me, he said that you look too good in battle."

"Give me time to teach you melee weapon skills."

In order to prevent Dorothy from doubting the above words, Guo Teng had to make up more lies to fool her.

"Then, you go, be careful on the road, goodbye."


Dorothy waved her hand and left the Red World with her subordinates.

Guo Teng was also sitting on the small coffee table, thinking about how to contact Tiance Mansion for church promotion.

"Perhaps he shouldn't have been so straightforward when he rejected Gou Xiaoyun from Tiance Mansion last week."

When Tiance Mansion approached me last Thursday, I should have left room for maneuver, instead of not wanting to have more intersections with the official system, expressing that my church needs to develop independently.

"At that time, I didn't expect that my strength would develop so quickly in just a few days."

"I'm afraid it's not so easy to talk to others now."

While drinking tea, Guo Teng was thinking about how to form contact with Tiance Mansion again.

Looking down, Guo Teng saw that Dorothy's teacup was still on the coffee table.

The red lipstick on the edge of the teacup made Guo Teng think of something different.

Don't think about it, no matter how energetic Guo Teng is, he will never attack his followers.

He thought of what Dorothy had just said.

Cang Lan, a local witch organization in China, is a professional engaged in aerospace and military industries.

The royal family of Daihua will definitely pour a certain amount of protective power on them.

And the protective power is not small.

Guo Teng has already thought of re-establishing a bridge with Tiance Mansion, or the imperial family with Hua.

"Routines have won hearts since ancient times, but sincerity is the most moving."


Guo Teng drank the tea that Dorothy had not finished drinking.

"A hero saves the beauty, and promises with his body."

"Believers are all crazy. Dorothy is crazy enough to throw a nuclear bomb at me."

"It doesn't make sense that a dog raised by the Orthodox Church will be so obedient and won't take the initiative to attack Cang Lan."

Tongue licked the sweet spot on the rim of the teacup, and the red lip marks disappeared.

"In this case, I have to find someone to be this hero."

Guo Teng stood up and came outside the hut to look far into the distance.

The Ferris wheel rotates slowly in the distance, and several pairs of lilies are adding a different pink color to the steel wheel.

"Dorothy can't be a hero."

"I'm not free either."

"So, the people under your command, who do you want to go to?"

The script Guo Teng has been written.

Dorothy monitored the actions of the Inquisition and followed them to find the Azure Witch they wanted to capture.

After the fierce exchange of fire, the hero and the beauty sparked different sparks.

It doesn't have to be a hero, but a heroine is also fine.

Relying on the beauty, she got online with Canglan, and then got in touch with the Daihua royal family.

It doesn't matter if you can't get in touch.

Guo Teng only needs to wait patiently for a month, and next month, the royal family with Hua will take the initiative to come to him.

Offer olive branches to sprouts.

The new shoot will offer him an olive branch.

"Fuck, if you think about it this way, why should I write a script about a heroine saving the beauty!"

"I'll just wait for Xin Ya to reincarnate for the second time!"

The plan turned around and formed a closed loop, which made Guo Teng close himself.

"As expected, strength is the prerequisite for any right to speak."

"Leah, send me to the altar of the elders in Galio's world, I want to start reincarnation."

The bigger the fist, the bigger the voice.

Others refused to accept it and knocked him down with a punch.

If you dare to have too many BBs, kill them directly.

【My lord, your reincarnation may take a long time. Are you going to explain some funeral matters before reincarnating? 】

"How long does it take to reincarnate for the first time?"

[The time for a reincarnation is 24 hours. 】

"Can you use faith to speed up my reincarnation?"

The last time Xinya lost a lot of faith, she was able to be reincarnated in just a few hours. If she increased her faith investment, it might come out in an hour.

With the rapid development of the church, Guo Teng has no time to waste.

[No, Lord God, your status is higher than mine. I cannot invoke the rules of the Elder Altar to apply to you. 】

"If you can't, you can't. When I reincarnate, Liya, please help me watch."

"Most importantly, watch Dorothy and don't let her mess around."

What Guo Teng is most afraid of now is that Dorothy will go out, maybe he will get him some moth to shovel shit.

Guo Teng took out his mobile phone and opened the witch eating and drinking group.

Artanis: "Master God has arranged a task for me. I need to leave the world for about 24 hours."

Artanis: "If you encounter danger, go directly to the Red World, don't talk nonsense, over."

At 1 o'clock in the morning, Guo Teng left two messages, and he left the room and came to the icy and snowy environment.

"This is the shelter of the crow spirit."

The gaze given by Leah was completely different from her own observation.

The crow spirit's dark blue protective layer was [-] meters above his head, which made Guo Teng sigh a little.

Constant blizzards washed away outside the crow spirit shelter, like a flood.


"My lord."

Darnassus came behind Guo Teng, bent down from the tree, and saluted Guo Teng respectfully.

"You know me?"

Guo Teng didn't expect Darnassus to know his identity.

"Of course, you are our hopeful guide. With your presence, I can naturally have telepathy."

Darnassus was very happy. It looked at Guo Teng and his belief, and felt infinite comfort in his heart.

Even the elves bred on the treetops descended one after another at this time, and came to Guo Teng's side, circling around him.

"My arrival, and my existence, don't tell anyone."

Guo Teng didn't want to be exposed in front of believers so soon.

When one person knows his identity, soon everyone will know.

In that case, many of Guo Teng's plans would have to be adjusted quickly.

This is very unfavorable for him who has not set foot on the rank.


"Follow your wishes."

Darnassus bowed, respectful.

"I'm going to the altar of the elders, can you help me block the sight of other believers?"

There must be some strange phenomena in reincarnation, Guo Teng can't let believers know that he has been here.

He wants to enter the village quietly and amaze everyone.

Darnassus took root, and ever-growing trees surrounded the Altar of the Elders.

The branches and leaves of the trees are tightly closed to prevent anyone from peeking inside.

"Thank you, Darnassus."

"This is what I should do."

Darnassus who was thanked was very happy, and shook his body, and many fresh branches and leaves were shaken off by him in this way, and fell to the ground.

Guo Teng put his hands on the statue of the goddess on the altar of the elders, and slowly blended into it.

The whole person came to a dark space.

"What's next Leah?"

In the winter of Heibu, Guo Teng couldn't see anything, even his body's touch disappeared, leaving only his mind and consciousness.

【Do you want to sleep first? 】

"I am not sleepy."

Without any feeling, Guo Teng now feels that his state is very strange.

Without the feeling of the body, he can't perceive many things at the moment.

Even the concepts of time and space are blurred.

[One reincarnation is the process of body remodeling. 】

[During this process, many parts of your body will be elevated to a level that perfectly fits with your soul. 】

Perfect fit?

Guo Teng felt that something was wrong, he remembered that Leah had said before that his soul was fat.

"Leah, can you make my body a little thinner, not too thin, or my family won't recognize me."

[The concubine can't do it, my lord. 】

[The fit of body and soul must be closely matched with the soul, that is to say, what your soul is, what your body will be like. 】

"Is there no way to change the soul?"

[Ah, the second reincarnation seems to be able to manipulate the soul. 】

[However, we still can't do it. 】

[Master God, your status is too high, and it is already extraordinary to be able to do something different to your body. 】

[If you do more, I will be killed by others. 】

"other people?"

(End of this chapter)

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