my followers are horrible

Chapter 167 Chapter 221+222 Hell and Hell+Future

Chapter 167 Chapter 221+222 Hell and Hell+Future
[May the Lord of the ring forgive your sins. 】

Dorothy nodded in satisfaction after inserting Alexei's head on the cross.

The voices of her subordinates turning into bears came from behind, and the desperate murmurs of the members of the trial court made Dorothy's face even more flushed.

【Your pain and despair are the greatest praise to our Lord. 】

【Hahahahahaha! 】

Dorothy clasped her hands together and looked at the iron armored bear under her hand. The flames from the Gatling machine gun cut the human body in half in front of her, and she laughed heartily.

[Cry!call!Then go to hell! 】

[Slass, Lass! 】

14 one-meter-long flames illuminate the dark world.

The members of the Tribunal who fell into fear only had deep despair on their faces.

They watched in horror as Dorothy hung Alexei on the cross.

The bodies of a group of people were trembling.

Metal Storm didn't appreciate their fear.

The golden jet draws a straight line, from left to right, with a light stroke.

The flesh and blood body was easily cut apart.

Splattered blood, shattered internal organs, howling in pain.

There are also 30mm shell casings, which fall to the ground and make a crisp sound.

Everything that happens in the dark is covered by the world of neon lights in the distance.

【Hope の花系いだ结を】

Singing came from afar, paying humane homage to this vengeance.



At the end of the song, blue smoke came out of the fiery red gun barrel.

Seven iron-clad giant bears stood quietly in front of the ruined walls.

【Hahahahahaha! 】

Dorothy came in front of a member of the Inquisition Court whose body had been shot in half by bullets, dragging his upper body and still alive.

Facing him with a face of fear, despair and resentment, he smiled.

[The devil, my lord, will not let you go. . . 】

[Crack. 】

The sound of bone cracking.

There was only a puddle of red liquid and cracked bones under Dorothy's feet.

【Before my lord, everything is evil. 】

【Hahahahahaha! 】

Guo Teng wanted to cover his ears now, not to hear Dorothy's devilish smile.

Especially the headshot of her still wearing a manhole cover.

Guo Teng didn't feel much about her killing members of the court.

Now he sees Dorothy putting her head on the manhole cover and smiling hahaha, Guo Teng finds it strange.

Is this the beautiful woman he saved before?
Guo Teng felt something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"It feels weird to not see Dorothy for a day."

Guo Teng leaned on his chin and watched Dorothy dragging Alexei's body in circles on the ground.

The other witches replaced the iron armored bear with bear fists, and pierced the ground of St. Ahab's Cathedral.

Under the church, a large number of witch sisters were imprisoned.

As the bridgehead of the Orthodox Christianity in the Far East, Lanya is the religious center.

In the underground of St. Ahab's Cathedral, there are enough sinful witches imprisoned in their opinion.

Guo Teng, who followed the iron armored bear to the ground, suddenly felt that Dorothy's cruelty just now was too childish.
The witches imprisoned underground are compared to the members of the Tribunal who have been shredded by metal bullet chains above.

After suffering a lot of pain, do they still feel that they are complete human beings in their hearts?
Lack of moisture, shriveled eyeballs thrown on the ground at will.

The dried and black blood on the ground and walls, and the blood that was flowing under their feet.

The rotting minced meat and the torn skin were spread out on the table.

A witch hanging on a wall with chains on her shoulders.

Gatlin, who was driving the Iron Armored Bear, was trembling non-stop!
Guo Teng couldn't bear to watch the hell-like scene.

He finally knew why the country always overprotected scenes of bloody violence in the past.

Because of this kind of scene, he already felt uncomfortable watching it, why did he let the person he was protecting see it?

People can only get uncomfortable and disgusting experience visually from the gore of film and television works.

When I came to the actual scene in person, not only the eye-catching scene, but also the pungent smell of blood and decay, the depressing atmosphere, and the continuous lifeless groans.

Guo Teng, who can bear even death in the dark world, also finds this scene a bit unacceptable.

"So there are always countless sins and darkness behind all the majestic surfaces?"

The line of sight returned to the cathedral with only a beach of ruins left.

Pure white marble, and colorful windows, now only the ruined wreckage remains.

Guo Teng's eyes stayed here, thinking about this meaningless question.

【Ding! 】

【boom! 】

The sound of Jin Tiejiao came from behind Guo Teng's line of sight, making him, who was in deep thought, turn around and look at a person who came out of nowhere.

Wearing knight plate armor, he is tall and tall.

The face was hidden in the helmet, so Guo Teng couldn't see it.

Looking at him like this, it seems that he belongs to Guo Teng's current enemy, a member of the Christianity.

The two-meter-long sword in his hand was colliding with the giant ax in Dorothy's possession.

The dust around the road was vibrated by the violent impact of the two, making a loud noise.

The asphalt road under their feet was also cracked by the two of them.

【flame. 】

The flames burst out violently from Dorothy, sweeping everything outward.

The surrounding flowers, plants and trees were quickly burned, billowing green smoke.

Fire brings light back to dark places.

It shone red on the armor of the Crusaders.

The fierce fire squeezed around the armor, but it still couldn't touch the steel.

【heresy. 】

[Your behavior will definitely pay the price! 】

[Knight Cliff Vazquez, attack! 】

The armored man in the wrestling shouted, raised his foot and swept towards Dorothy.

The heaviness of the armor did not make his movements slow and deformed at all.

Under the reflection of the flames, the whip legs glowed red.

A kick kicked Dorothy hard in the waist and swept her into the ruins of the church.

This made Guo Teng, who was paying attention to the battle, feel tight.

As the most important fanatic in his hands, Dorothy couldn't make any mistakes.

"Leah, who's on duty in the sky right now?"

[Believers A2. 】

[Do we want to provide strategic support to believer Dorothy now? 】

"Can you teleport Sprout there?"

Just as a slap is the most deterrent when it is raised, the significance of strategic weapons is the same.

If you really drop the antimatter bomb, some things are really hard to talk about.

Guo Teng has been preparing for a showdown with the Christian Orthodox Church.

But he really doesn't have many cards to play.

He is not a Dengzi, someone gives him cards every day, and he can play whatever he wants.

If he had countless cards in his hand, Guo Teng would have already transformed the world into his own shape.

How can I stay with you here and here.

"If Dorothy is continuously suppressed, send Sprout over there."

Guo Teng is not going to throw Xin Ya to solve Dorothy's crisis now.

Believers always grow through the wind and rain.

How could Dorothy bloom the most beautiful flower without wind and rain.

As the third person in this world's combat power, Guo Teng hoped that Dorothy would be honed faster by various whetstones.

[Hahahahahaha. 】

A low, crazy smile came from Dorothy's mouth lying in the ruins.

Add fear to the dark world.

Dorothy slowly stood up in a strange posture.

The head portrait of the manhole cover showed cute big eyes, looking at Cliff who raised his sword and was on alert.

【Pain will never make people happy. 】

[Hate also arises because of this. 】

Dorothy took up the Messerschet Marauder with one hand, and flames rose from the axe.

The rising red flame brightened the surroundings again.

Billows of black smoke shot straight into the sky.

【You are the incarnation of sin and must be cleared from this world. 】

What Cliff said was upright, what he said was a righteous Lingran.

If you have the ability, you can publish the content under the church to the world and see who is the evil in this world.

"TMD, why did I forget about public opinion attacks?"

Guo Teng slapped his thigh and finally thought of this matter.

This thing is much more offensive than Christian Orthodox molestation of little boys and girls.

It's completely Nawan's method, if this is not used to attack you, how can you attack you.

People always sympathize with the weak intentionally or unintentionally.

Among the weak, female weak are more likely to receive sympathy.

"This matter must be explained to Dorothy next time."

"An organization that has been in existence for thousands of years, the darkness under it is much more than some boring and popular actors."

"Maybe a group of people were slaughtered here, and a group of people were slaughtered there."

"It's not just massacre, there are various ways to use it."

"Maybe global wars also have the figure of the Christian Orthodox Church."

Public opinion attacks, whether true or false, have some effect.

The battle between Guo Teng and the Christian Orthodox Church in the future is not only to eliminate the other party physically, but also to erase them spiritually.

If necessary, he even needs no more information about Christian Orthodoxy in history.

The kind that doesn't even have a full stop or a comma.

The battle of gods is so cruel.

Guo Teng was thinking about how to suppress Christianity spiritually.

Dorothy and Cliff fought wildly, leaving no room for them.

Dorothy's eyes were full of anger, and her silver teeth were clenched tightly in her mouth.

Her flames could only illuminate the various scars on the armor, but could not attack Cliff himself.

The dancing of the ax was quickly dodged by Cliff.

And when Dorothy closed the move, he launched a sharp blow to her, leaving various cracks on Dorothy's body.

The kind with visible bones!
This made Guo Teng frowned as he returned to focus on the battle.

"The divine flame can't harm Christian believers?"

[I suspect that the existence of the beliefs of Christian Orthodox believers may have realized the rules and overlaid the rules on his believers. 】

[The higher the believer's level, the stronger the resistance to various elements. 】

Guo Teng couldn't help tapping his fingers on the table.

Guo Qianqian had told him before that believers of gods in various churches are extremely resistant to various elemental attacks.

Whether it is wind, thunder, water, fire, earth, or highly poisonous, it corrodes this kind of damage.

The invisible shield on them can reduce elemental damage by up to 75%.

Therefore, the believers of various churches are naturally restrained for the group of witches.

"Perhaps the persecution of witches by Christianity and Orthodoxy is not as simple as what Jin Lu's mother said."

"Their ancestors definitely did something that greatly damaged the faith interests of the Orthodox Christianity."

"It's definitely not just about questioning the existence of the Christian Orthodox God."

Watching the sixth-level knight Cliff's attack on Dorothy, Guo Teng felt that it was necessary to find a combat master to teach them how to perform melee attacks.

Guo Teng felt that Dorothy's stiffness in swinging the ax was horrible.

"Leah, send ZB to the Church of the Red World tomorrow, and ask her to teach those witches how to train melee combat."

[Don't we need to directly copy the battle memory for the witch believers? 】

[Or, we install Kara for witch believers so that they can share battle memories? 】

The Witch Follower installs Kara.

Guo Teng couldn't help standing up, pacing back and forth in the room.

Kara is indeed a good thing, it can quickly allow all believers to share the highest use memory of one of the believers, as well as their mixed emotions.

But what if Kara was corrupted by something like Amon?
To be reasonable, the reason why he can peep into his thoughts and memories is because his current body is still human.

The dialogue with Leah in the soul will be automatically copied on the body.

Then, if the witch believer is caught, or is read into the thoughts or thoughts in the heart by other psychic spells.

That is not a matter of one believer and two believers, but a matter of the entire believer.

[We can add soul firewalls to believers to prevent them from being snooped. 】

"Your thinking is too simple, Leah."

"Just like a sonar waveform emitted by a submarine, a piece of waveform feedback or disappearance of the waveform will attract people's attention."

"Regardless of whether people can detect the memory and thoughts of believers, they will find problems."

[If we add false personality memory to the soul firewall, it will be OK. 】

[As long as someone comes to peep, the firewall set up in the soul will automatically spread the false memory. 】

Guo Teng stopped, put his index finger on the chair, and stood upright on his head.

Perhaps because he felt that this could not achieve the purpose of training his body balance, Guo Teng kept standing up the three pens, and then stuck on top of the three pens himself.

"Time is the sole criterion for testing truth."

"We can conduct experiments on a small scale among senior witch believers first, and then expand to all witch groups when the effect is good."

"If the effect is really good, we will expand to animal believers later."

"The feedback I got from Animal Believer was also great after that."

"It is necessary for us to promote it to all believers."

The golden holy light continuously flowed on Guo Teng's body, relieving his physical fatigue.

He was in an upside-down state, and his thinking was the same as usual when the holy light was constantly operating in his body.

"Since I have touched the existence of rules, when I look for rules next time, my body will leave a familiar experience."

Guo Teng then put an eraser and a triangle ruler under the pencil.

"In other words, I am not too far away from the rank."

"The time I spend with believers will be less and less."

Leah didn't say what the world of rank would look like after mastering the rules.

He couldn't guess it either.

There is no reference object in his line of sight at all.

People can be divided into various classes based on money.

It can also be divided into various powerhouses according to their strength.

But for rank, Guo Teng felt that he would not gradually upgrade step by step like elementary school students.

There are more and more fulcrums under the pencil, and Guo Teng's feet are touching the ceiling.

Guo Teng had no choice but to go back to the ground, sit on a chair and continue thinking about his future.

However, before that, Guo Teng continued to take a peek at the battle between Dorothy and Cliff.

Sister, we can't fight, can we change our style of play?

Guo Teng couldn't help but want to complain when he saw the world being beaten by the two of them.

"Accordingly, shouldn't you enter the Red World when you fight?"

"Why did they fight on a real level?"

If Dorothy doesn't draw the enemy into the red world, Guo Teng has no choice but to pull the enemy into the red world.

"You have to tell Dorothy when you come back, you must be flexible and not rigid when fighting."

"One sword can control ten thousand swords."

"If you can hack and kill the enemy, don't spend that effort to challenge yourself."

【My lord, didn't you say that Dorothy needs training in battle? 】

[Why are you thinking about hanging up now? 】

Obviously, Guo Teng forgot what he had just thought.

"Fighting requires brains, and it's not ashamed to cheat when the enemy is obviously stronger than you."

"Let's talk about sharpening the knife, sharpen it twice to get the meaning."

"Too much grinding, you can make up for the loss of the tool!"

Watching the heavy blow of an ax with divine flames, it hit the ground heavily, and the splashing flames exploded the soil.

Guo Teng knew that Dorothy's fight could no longer continue.

She needs a strong foreign aid to help her deal with the sixth-level knight Cliff in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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