my followers are horrible

Chapter 16 I am not the god of medicine, but I am really a god

Chapter 16 I am not the god of medicine, but I am really a god
Guo Teng really wanted to ask Leah why she was sent here just by saying the word of the interrogative sentence.

Could it be that Leah doesn't know the difference between interrogative sentences and affirmative sentences?

This kind of thing can be put aside for now.

Guo Teng silently stared at the man squatting on the ground crying in front of him.

"Phew, it's a good thing it's a man. If it's a woman, I'm afraid I've encountered some kind of insanity."

"Maybe it's still like the boxing emperor."

"It's nothing if the avenue collapses with one punch."

The man cried very sadly.

This is crap.

The man cried in despair.

This is also nonsense.

Suppressed crying, not disturbing others.

Add the rope in your hand and the chair beside it.

Guo Teng didn't think this man was a shovelless class who wanted to hang capitalists on street lamps.

The moonlight outside the window did not shine on him.

It only shines on the window sill beside it, waiting for his death.

The figure in the dark is slowly approaching the end of his life.

He wiped away his tears, stood up, stepped on the chair, threw the rope to the beam, and tied the rope tightly.

I tugged hard.

Under the effect of gravity and desperation, the rope was straight and taut.

The man in front of him slowly put his head into the rope.


Guo Teng, who was standing behind the man, finally made a sound.

But he startled the man and kicked the chair down.

His neck was strangled by a rope, and his legs kicked hard.

Two seconds later, the man reacted, his legs stopped moving, and he was hung by the rope, waiting for death to come.

But Guo Teng didn't say that Liya teleported herself to let a person who could become a believer die.

150 faith was exchanged for a jungle knife, Guo Teng threw it against the rope.

The sharp blade slashed across, causing the man in front of him to fall to the ground.

"Why did you save me! Why!"

"It's better to let me die!"



The man lay on the ground crying again.

At this time, Guo Teng finally saw clearly the appearance of the man in front of him.

On a malnourished face, there are only skin and bones.

The face is curled up, with few muscles.

"Who is that, what is your name, what, what, what!"

Guo Teng knew that he was familiar with the man's face, but he couldn't pronounce his name.

The man's crying gradually stopped, and finally he looked up out of the window.

"Lu benefited."


Guo Teng patted his thigh.

"Yes, it's you! Lu Yiyi."

Seeing this, Guo Teng finally figured out where Liya sent herself.

"I'm Not a Medicine God".

A well-made domestic movie labeled as a comedy, but actually full of tragedies.

Back then, Guo Teng believed that his heart was as strong as iron, and there was no movie or film in the world that could destroy the barrier of his heart.

Until he watched "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

Guo Teng has only one sentence.

You fucking broke my defense, right?
Especially in the back of the movie, the depression and despair of the plot really made Guo Teng very uncomfortable.

Not to mention that sentence.

"He's only 20 years old, there's nothing wrong with wanting to live."

If a person wants to live, what crime can he commit?

"Get up, the ground is dirty and cold."

"Don't break your body."

This is the public restroom of the hospital where Lu Yiyi committed suicide.

It's clean in the movie, but in reality it's not like that at all.

"My body is already broken."

Lu Yiyi's eyes were dull, and he said these words silently.

Yes, Lu Yiyi's body has long been tortured badly by leukemia.

Death, for him, or for his family.

It is an outcome acceptable to both parties.

But that was without Guo Teng.

Now that Guo Teng is here, will he still watch Lu Yiyi die in front of his eyes?
"Didn't you ask God for help just now?"

Guo Teng stood on top of Lu Yiyi's head, looking down at him.

Under the refraction of the dim moonlight, Guo Teng was blurred in Lu Yiyi's eyes, only a dim figure.


How can there be a god in this world?

Can God save everyone?

"That's right, wasn't it you who prayed just now?"

"I don't want to die, I want to live, God, please, help me."

"Did you just say that?"

Guo Teng continued to look down at Lu Yiyi and asked him.

"I seem to have said that."

Lu Yiyi supported the wall, slowly struggled to sit up, and looked at Guo Teng.

"But how do you know?"

He leaned against the wall, panting,.

The action of getting up just now put a lot of pressure on his thin body.

"I am the God you pray to!"

Guo Teng stood in front of Lu Yiyi and said with a smile.

"You, God?"


Lu Yiyi glanced at Guo Teng and said something sarcastic.

I think this sentence sounds familiar.

Guo Teng felt that someone said that about him, so he thought about it carefully and remembered.

Guo Ma said the same thing yesterday.

"I actually want you to see the majesty of God."

Guo Teng looked at the weak Lu Yiyi.

"But seeing as you're like this, I might as well forget it."

"Just ask you a word, do you want to live?"

Guo Teng walked up to Lu Yiyi, lowered his head, and looked into his eyes.

Lu Yiyi didn't speak, and looked at Guo Teng wondering what he was thinking.

"Leah, how much faith is needed to peek into the thinking skills."

[Mind detection, 20000 beliefs, you can know the other party's current thoughts. 】

20000, forget it, let Lu Yiyi love whatever he wants.

"It seems you don't want to live."

"In that case, I'll go back."

Don't know what will happen if the prayer faith is not done.

But Lu Yiyi in front of him obviously didn't believe him, so there was no need for him to forcefully save him.

"Leah, take me home."

I still don't know how Liya sent her here, so it shouldn't be a problem to send her back.

Guo Teng's body gradually glowed.

Lu Yiyi in front of him widened his eyes.

He looked at Guo Teng whose figure was glowing and fading, and a force surged in his body, and he rushed towards Guo Teng.

"Wait, wait."

Lu Yiyi's pounce forced Guo Teng, who was waiting to be teleported back, to stay where he was.

"What are you doing!"

"Don't you want to live!"

Guo Teng wanted to kick Lu Yiyi away.

However, he hugged his thigh tightly, making it impossible for Guo Teng to lift his leg and kick him.

"I want to live, I want to live!"

Lu Yiyi hugged Guo Teng's thigh and cried again.

"I want to live, I don't want to die!"

"I also want to live and go out with my wife and children like a normal person."

"Take my wife and children to the playground, the park, and the restaurant."

"I don't want to die, I really don't want to die."

"I look at these two of them, I really don't want to die."

"I'm dead, who will take care of them."

Lu Yiyi's tears and nose flowed down together, and he couldn't stop crying.

Let Guo Teng, who was angry just now, dissipate.

My heart also softened.

"Are you the God of Medicine?"

Lu Yiyi, who stopped crying, looked at Guo Teng and asked Guo Teng speechless.

"I'm not the god of medicine."

The light in Lu Yiyi's eyes dimmed, and the hand holding Guo Teng loosened.

"But I really am a god."

The light in Lu Yiyi's eyes appeared again, and he hugged Guo Teng tightly.

"Wow woo woo."

Lu Yiyi cried again, but this cry was no longer desperate.

He knew that he was saved.

In the silent night, Lu Yiyi's crying sounded far, far away.

(End of this chapter)

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