my followers are horrible

Chapter 157 Chapter 201+202 Which Race + Eggman Do You Novices Choose?

Chapter 157 Chapter 201+202 Which tribe do you guys generally choose for beginners+egg people
Fanatics are really a double-edged sword.

Guo Teng raised his hand, but put it down weakly.

He doesn't have to worry about Dorothy's safety now, what Leah is looking at must be a good thing.

Besides stealing things, is that called stealing?
God's things, can that be called stealing? I've taken a fancy to it, so naturally it's mine.

"Fuck, everyone, expects me to wipe their asses."

"Leah, how much faith do we have?"

Dorothy went to Fu Ying to kill another group of Christians and Orthodox Christians, which could effectively draw the attention of the Christian Orthodox Church away.

If Dorothy went all the way to the American Group, then Guo Teng felt that it was necessary for the Christianity and the Orthodox Church to chase and intercept Dorothy.

If Dorothy went to the Holy Court of the Orthodox Church.

Guo Teng trembled all over, and his whole body trembled.

"Brother, are you alright?"

Guo Qianqian looked at Guo Teng, who was suddenly startled, with a worried expression, and held his slightly cold hand.

Even Paria looked nervous.

Guo Teng may be fine, but if something happens, the group of witches will not have a good life.

Xin Ya came over, came to the bed, and put Guo Teng's head on his knees.

Paria stared at Xinya's movements in a daze.

God's knee pillow!


Guo Qianqian also looked at Xin Ya with a strange expression on her face.

You're a god, so close to believers, okay?
However, the expressions of the two people in front of him were so strange, Guo Teng put his head on Xinya's knees, and he really felt that the pain in his brain was much less.

"It's okay, wait a minute, I'm thinking about what to do."

Guo Teng closed his eyes and continued to deliberate on the result of Dorothy's killing to the Holy Court.

He wasn't worried that Dorothy would be killed instantly. If necessary, he would definitely ask Leah to teleport Dorothy away.

And Dorothy not only has his attention poured into her, but Leah's eyes will definitely be on her all the time.

To be reasonable, Leah has taken away [-]% of her faith. Can she not pay more attention to Dorothy?
The topic is a bit far away, Dorothy's current situation, Guo Teng has nothing to do.

Her actions have her own considerations, no matter how much she says, she has nothing to do if she doesn't listen.

At present, I have to find a big guy, a big guy who can hold everyone down, to fight against the offensive of Christianity and Orthodox Church.

The meaning of Dorothy's stay is too obvious, you can just leave a coin.

You have to draw a circle.

I'm afraid that others don't know that you are from my Konoha, right?
"Leah, how much faith do we have now?"

Guo Teng needs to learn from Xingjiahui, and shock them with something that can collapse the planet at any time.

You're better than me at the moment, it's okay.

The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken.

The planet is destroyed and everyone is finished.

At worst, I will move the believers and their family members to the world of Nier, for fear of being an egg.

[2 Faith. 】

"What big things can we realize, other than nuclear bombs, atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs."

Large nuclear weapons are not easy to deliver, and no one will believe you if you tell them.

All cats and dogs have nuclear weapons. Do you think of nuclear weapons as sky monkeys?

"Are there space-based weapons that can be exchanged?"

"It's best to have a big, conspicuous target."

What is called a strategic deterrent force is to stand out, be conspicuous, and tell you clearly that if this thing goes on, someone will definitely die, and more than one person will die.

Hidden and tucked away, is that also called a strategic deterrent force?
To be honest, Guo Teng can wait for a while until Xin Ya's second reincarnation.

At that time, with her combat power breaking through 100, she can almost rub everyone she can see on the ground.

Now, let's wait for a while.

[Do you want to be fixed or not? 】

"I definitely want to be unfixed."

Being motionless is bastard, and bastard will definitely be beaten.

Without mobility, it is too easy to be taught by others.

This is Guo Teng's lesson from playing T95 blood.

[Empire: 500 Faith. 】

[Villa Tor: 490 Faith. 】

[Ibis: 470 Faith. 】

[Reaper: 400 Faith. 】

"I think you're talking about the same thing, and why does the Reaper require so much less Faith than other novice ships?"

The plan given by Leah is the novice ship of the EVE four families.

Don't look at the lackluster performance of the novice ship of the four clans in the game.

But in modern times, these things are equipped with anti-ground weapons and hung in space.

I'll give you two shots if you don't like it.

Whether it's Caldari or Gallente antimatter orbital bombs, or Minmatar's fusion bombs and proton bombs, the power of these things is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The question arises, which ship will he change to.

In terms of combat effectiveness and appearance, the Empire is the most handsome, and the Reaper is the ugliest.

Guo Teng definitely favors the Empire.

And the price difference between the Empire and the Reaper is 100 Faith.

That's 10 beliefs. If he changes 4 beliefs of the Empire, he can exchange 5 Reapers.

【Lord God Lord, I want to remind you that with your current strength, you still cannot see the satellites hanging in the sky. 】

[Do you want to try to think about practical issues? 】

Leah is right, weapons are about practicality.

It is a consumable, or a deterrent.

Holi is fancy and really unnecessary.

However, as the only existence in the universe that believed in God, Emma, ​​Guo Teng felt that the Empire was very suitable for its current situation.

The god of the multidimensional universe.

Break out of the planet and come to the boundless space.

In the universe, there are also gods.

"So I have to consider exchanging for 4 Empires or 5 Reapers."

"Forget it, 1 Empire, with 4 Reapers."

There are only 10 more beliefs, which is not a big problem.

【My lord, I need to remind you that what I took from your memory was just an empty ship. 】

[The turret and ammunition also require you to consume additional faith to realize it. 】

"I knew it."

The Spear of Adun has 640 billion beliefs, and this novice ship only needs 50 beliefs, which is wrong no matter what you think.

Cooperating with Leah, you have disassembled the equipment here.

【How dare I take it apart, my lord, this thing is in your memory piece by piece. 】

Leah's words were full of grievances.

It seems that Guo Teng really misunderstood her.

EVE's ship was really piece by piece when he was playing the game.

There are three slots, high, middle and low, and there are also ship slots.

This is not a piece of what is it?
"Come on, my dear sister Leah, tell me how much faith you need for the fort and ammunition."

Liya listed the small forts in Guo Teng's memory.

The cheapest is the civilian fort, 20000 Faith one.

Is it powerful?

Tsk, it's about the same as an ordinary 460 naval gun.

When it hits the ground, it makes a loud noise.

Derivative level 1-4 forts require faith ranging from 3 to 5.

The fort of T2 technology actually needs 10 beliefs!
Ammunition is better, one frequency crystal 5000 Faith.

200 beliefs for a small orbital bullet.

As for the missile, the speed of this thing is too slow, Guo Teng can only give up this thing.

When the missile flies to the target position, I am afraid that others have already prepared for it.

"Can we get the production line out? This thing is really expensive and I can't accept it."

Even with more than 200 million beliefs, Guo Teng cannot say that he is really rich.

He is still a poor and lower-middle peasant.

Unable to afford India's Asan-style large-scale military purchases, he hopes to have an automated production line to directly produce these spaceships.

As long as the time is longer, he can also use his faith to strengthen more believers, and even create a new sprout.

[We need a certain amount of time. 】

[I'm trying to assimilate the Nier world. When I finish assimilating, we can rely on the Nier world to produce all kinds of equipment that believers need. 】

[Even if it is the iron armored bear that believers need, there can be two. 】

[The believer drives one, and the AI ​​automatically controls one. 】

"Iron Armored Bear still needs faith to manifest?"

Guo Teng suddenly became restless. This thing requires faith?Didn't you say it's a skill?

[Reasonable, my lord, the Iron Armored Bear is a mechanical creation, and of course it needs faith. 】

[The skills given to believers can be regarded as the power of the heart. 】

【And Iron Armored Bear is the power of things, you can think of it as a piece of equipment. 】

Well, hopefully Iron Bear doesn't consume a lot of Faith.

[12000 beliefs each. 】

"How much faith maintenance does it take for Iron Armored Bear to break down?"

You get what you pay for, not to mention that faith cannot be measured by money.

[The Iron Armored Bear whose belief is manifested does not need to pay to repair the belief. After being severely injured, quit the bear and pray again. 】

[Equivalent to re-summoning. 】

[If it is an assembly line product, scrap it directly and replace it with a new Iron Armored Bear. 】

"What's the difference between these two Iron Armored Bears?"

Guo Teng does not hope that there is a huge difference between the products of the assembly line and the things embodied in his beliefs.

That would be irresponsible for the lives of believers.

[There is no difference in performance, the difference is that one requires a huge amount of faith, and the other does not. 】

I need pipeline.

Now, right now, right now.

It's such a waste to use faith to realize these black technology things.

These things can be assembled as long as there are materials.

But now, he needs a large number of beliefs to realize them.

What is waste, this is waste.

[Please wait patiently for me to finish assimilating Nier's world. 】

[There are many legacies left in that world, we don't need to waste faith to realize the production line now. 】

Leah was right, it would be a waste for him to show the production line now.

The world technology level of Nier World is not too strong, but it is not too weak either.

[The combat abilities of those artificial humans are not weak, we still need them to become egg humans to drive the spaceship you need. 】

"Eggman is needed for a manifested spaceship?"

Guo Teng frowned, and the faces of Guo Qianqian and Paria who were watching him were full of tension.


Sprout smiled at the two of them.

The cold is gone, and the new warmth is ushered in.

Probe green, all things grow,
Guo Qianqian and Paria seemed to see spring in their eyes.


Guo Qianqian's murmur woke her up, she quickly lowered her head, not daring to observe Xin Ya again.

Paria was fighting with each other, and already wanted to leave the room.

Guo Teng didn't speak, Paria didn't get exact instructions, she didn't dare to leave even if she wanted to.

Guo Teng, who was discussing things with Li Ya with his eyes closed, didn't know what was happening beside him.

He suspects one thing now, Eggman.

Does he also need the skill book that he manifested with his faith?

After absorbing the skill book, can the boat be launched?
【My lord, you are really smart, extremely smart. 】

"Shut up, I don't know if I'm smart or not?"

As a normal person with an IQ of only ⑨, Guo Teng has sufficient evidence to prove that Liya was mocking him just now.

"Tell me, my dear sister Leia, come and tell me how much faith is needed to turn A2 into an egg man and drive the Empire loaded with weapons and ammunition!"

Guo Teng no longer wants to talk about faith with Liya bit by bit.

He only knew that when the situation in this world stabilized, he would go to the altar of the elders in Galio's world, reincarnate once, and raise the upper limit of his body to the point where he could touch the rules.

[A total of 79.5 beliefs are required. 】

[Empire has 50 beliefs. 】

[Small modulated energy beam IX3, a total of 15 beliefs. 】

[Multi-frequency crystal S X3, 1.5 beliefs. 】

[Shooting 3 beliefs, small energy fort research 3 beliefs, mechanics 3 beliefs, maintenance system introduction 4.5 beliefs. 】

[5 Faith for Civilian Armor Repairer, 1 Faith for 5MN Civilian Afterburner]

The enemy may not be able to hit you, just in case, you still need a maintenance device.

"Tell Osha, let A2 lead her to bring ZB and 9S into the church, and evolve them into eggmen by the way."

"Exchange me another Reaper and Virator with the same conditions."

"Let the three of them take turns to be on duty."

"In addition, start the artificial human production line in Nier World and add new logic."

"The Lord of the Faith Ring, protect the believers of the Clock Church."

In a crisis situation, Guo Teng also disregarded his own conscience, and, as before, let people slowly guide the artificial man to believe in himself.

Instead, let Leah directly add new rules to the cyborg.

Now he even plans to let the animal believer become a human, and directly add various logical knowledge ideas.

Fortunately, a little sunshine in Guo Teng's heart stopped him.

"Leah, add another rule to the artificial human's logic."

"They are the children of the Lord of the Ring, and they are equal to others."

【I understand. 】


After explaining the matter, Guo Teng finally opened his eyes.

He saw the Two Boundaries Mountain.

"Artanis, how is your communication with Lord God?"

Seeing Guo Teng heaving a sigh of relief, Paria pushed Guo Qianqian aside, propped her hands to the side of the bed, and asked Guo Teng.

Guo Teng had a relaxed look on his face, it seemed that he got something that could hold the field from the Lord God.

With these things, they can feel at ease.

"Lord God Lord gave me three good things."

"I believe that you will see it in the news reports soon."

Guo Teng is very confident.

The world does have land-based air-to-air weapons at the moment.

There is a return, and I will lose if I can beat the sky.

The Imperium has a long axis of 56m and a width of 24m, and its basic moving speed in space is 300 meters per second.

EVE's speed system is a place worthy of criticism by every sci-fi fan.

With a base speed of 300 meters, what are you thinking about CCP?
Guo Teng can only hope that the production line will come out in the future, and the believers will replace all the propulsion engines of the EVE spacecraft.

In space, you are not required to run at the speed of light, you must have sub-light speed.

The speed of 300 meters is barely enough, and the land-based weapons on the ground are still enough.

"Can you tell me what it is, so that everyone can feel at ease."

Paria didn't want to play charades with Guo Teng, not only other witches, but even she needed a powerful message to boost her confidence and keep herself safe.

"Did you know, Paria, Xingjia will have 125 nuclear bombs on paper, so they can jointly compete with the Christian Orthodox Church in Northern Europe."

"Although the thing God Lord gave me is not as many as 125 nuclear bombs."

"But each of its attacks is as powerful as a nuclear bomb."

"And the attack speed is very fast."

Guo Teng is very confident.

He is quite confident.

The power of antimatter bombs, proton bombs, and fusion bombs, I believe no one is willing to appreciate how they look when they hit the earth from the sky.

 Thank Xiaoxiao Mufeng for the monthly pass.Thank you all for your votes, thank you very much! ╭(●`●)╯

(End of this chapter)

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