my followers are horrible

Chapter 149 Chapter 185+186 Showing Muscle + Strength Brings Dignity

Chapter 149 Chapter 185+186 Showing Muscle + Strength Brings Dignity
Guo Teng doesn't care about any constraints.

Now he only wants to protect the people around him, whether they are good for himself or not.

What's wrong with the constraints.

Just like Jin Lu's mother without restraint, she is about to become a lunatic?
If you pay and gain, you are bound by yourself.

But family affection, love, friendship, he has no shortage of any of them.

【Time will erase all of this, my lord. 】

After Liya displayed this sentence in her sight, she stopped talking.

The conversation with Liya made Guo Teng feel depressed.

He didn't want to continue playing with the iron armored bear, and walked towards his church step by step.

"Brother, is this on you?"

Guo Qianqian and a group of witches looked curiously at the iron-clad bear driven by Guo Teng.

They stood on top of the church just now and saw the power of Guo Teng driving it.

It is really violent to level the building like a lawn mower.

The question is, how did this thing come about.

God sent it?
Guo Qianqian was curious, and so were the other witches.

This thing has not been corroded like other steel in the Red World!

It's really amazing.

If they can get the armor of this steel creation, then they can make corresponding self-defense weapons.

Whether they see the church in the red world or other hostile forces, they have the power to protect themselves.

The witches who built the church quietly waited for Guo Teng's description.

"Since you asked in good faith."

Guo Teng flipped on the spot and played a Thomas maneuver with one hand.

Iron Armored Bear's 15-ton weight was flying in the air.

With his head on the ground, his legs spread apart, he turned around a few times, and finally returned to his original position, and said to the witches in front of him.

"Then I will tell you mercifully."

"To prevent the world from being destroyed."


"elder brother!"

Guo Qianqian interrupted Guo Teng's trick.

Guo Teng dragged Yuhui and Guo Qianqian to read this passage in Guo Qianqian Elementary School's stage play.

Guo Teng plays Kojiro and Yuhui plays Musashi.

As for Guo Qianqian, she plays the cat boss.

After reading, Guo Qianqian ignored Guo Teng for two weeks.


It was so shameful that people in Guo Qianqian's school at that time would start with this word when they greeted Guo Qianqian.


This is Guo Qianqian's dark history, if she tells it in front of her, she will scratch her face.

If it wasn't for Guo Teng being wrapped up in a giant iron-clad bear, I believe Guo Qianqian would rush up to greet Guo Teng.

"Haha, Qianqian is shy."

"If only I had such a brother who loves me."

"Me too. I only have a bad sister in my family who always bullies me."

"Ah, my dear sister, did I treat you badly at home?"

"Sister, I was wrong, please don't rub my face hard."


A group of witches deliberately forgot the fear of being arrested by the Inquisition before, joking with each other and playing wantonly.

Life is too short to have fun.

They are very open.

"This is actually a divine technique."

Guo Teng's words made all the witches startled.

The mech in front of me, which looks full of wasteland style, is a divine technique?

The mech in front of me equipped with a double-linked and three-barreled Gatling is a magic spell?

The mecha that cuts the wall like grass in front of me is a magic spell?

Technology and magic, why don't they go together?
The witches all quieted down, waiting for Guo Teng's explanation.

"This is magic."

Guo Teng told many witches that whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

Feeling that the witches were still suspicious, Guo Teng felt his scalp itch again.

The double-connected three-barreled 30mm Gatling barrels rubbed against the scalp, and the eyes of the hundreds of witches in front of them were wide open.

They were afraid that if Guo Teng accidentally pulled the trigger, the body in front of them would turn into blood mist.

"This is the reward given to me by Lord God for saving the church members and new church members."

"A bear that can only be used by third-level believers."

The witches frowned.

Becoming bears, they seem to have heard of the animal transformation technique of the Druids of the Nordic Union and the Black Witch Society of Mexico.

But the mecha that Guo Teng was driving in front of him couldn't match the Bianxiong.

A bear in the eyes of a witch.

Black, huge, blind, a hero of StarCraft.

Oh, by the way, they will also eat honey and catch fish.

The people in front of them were thinking hard, how did this thing get in touch with the bear?

"There are two types of bears."

Guo Teng lifted his transformation, threw two cubes and stacked them, and stood on top of them.

The witch below did not express anything.

They have seen people like Guo Teng a lot, and they are no strangers to it.

Instead, they pointed at Guo Teng in twos and threes to discuss with great interest.

Guo Qianqian couldn't help covering her face.

She found that her brother seemed to like it very much recently.

"One is a biological transformation into a bear, and the other is a technological transformation into a bear."

Guo Teng spoke very seriously, making the witches in front of him quiet down.

"The biological transformation into a bear corresponds to the animal believers in our church."

"Because of the structure of the soul, if a pure human believer turns into a bear, the result will be that the body rejects the soul because the body does not match the soul."

"To put it simply, it is dizziness and fainting."

"This has been reflected when I first transformed."

"Become a bear."

A giant panda, a national treasure, stands on the square, with black and white color matching, which makes people feel infinitely fond.

The quiet witch below was in a commotion, but returned to calm again, and continued to wait for Guo Teng's explanation.

"Non-human believers, their soul structures are naturally adaptable to all kinds of animalized bears."

"Their transforming spells such as transforming into bears, panthers, and tigers will not have any repulsive effects."

"But here comes the problem. Pure human believers cannot transform, which will lead to a decline in their fighting ability. This is not what the Lord God wants."

"So, Lord God gave me the improved version of the bear."

Guo Teng changed back to human form, and the witches no longer paid attention to his body, waiting for Guo Teng's next move.

"Become a bear."

When the witches saw the giant iron-clad bear appearing from the bottom of Guo Teng's feet, they wrapped Guo Teng in an instant.

"This is the improved version of the god master, the bear, the iron armored bear."


The bullets poured out, and the muzzle emitted a meter-long flame.

The Gatling barrel turned red within two seconds.

A torrent of metal draws a golden line of light across the sky.


The cheers of the witches below.

The thing on Guo Teng's body seemed very powerful. With this thing, it was enough to deal with their third-level search hounds, not just the fifth-level censors of the Inquisition.

"Because it's a divine technique, this thing can be used both in reality and in the Red World."


The witches screamed excitedly.

"And it can carry not only the twin Gatlings, but also the flamethrower."

Guo Teng replaced the Salamander, and a 50-meter-long flame spurted out.

The witches didn't scream this time, because their enemies had strong elemental resistance.

"Don't like flamethrowers?"

"There are other things."

Guo Teng replaced the railgun.


Very slight noise.

Only the witches in the front row heard it, and the witches in the back row didn't hear the sound of the railgun firing at all.

"Railgun, which converts electrical energy into kinetic energy, can reach a speed of 20 kilometers per second in an instant."

"In front of it, there should not be many people who can stand still."

The witches became excited again, this thing looks very good.

"Like it, and more."

Guo Teng changed to the Hammer Agreement.

Why does the country always take the lead in the National Day every ten years?

Of course, it is to gather people's hearts and inspire people's hearts.

Gives people a sense of pride and a sense of belonging.

Did you see that the national defense is so strong that no one else can break in.

Guo Teng naturally wants to show the witches the muscle strength of his church, and let them realize that in this world, only the Lord of the Ring loves you good daughters as much as Dad.

Other forces will just eat you alive.

"Although there is no reward for guessing right, I still hope that you can liven up the atmosphere."

"Guess what this is?"

Guo Teng raised a "little fat man" on his right hand and asked everyone.

The excited witches were all stunned, looking at the radiation icon of the little fat man in Guo Teng's hand, and did not speak for a long time.

"which one!"

"A sign of radiation, isn't it?"

"Is this thing also a magical skill?"

"I do not know."

Is this thing really related to magic?
The witches below whispered in twos and threes, and then looked at Guo Teng in a daze, but no one stood up and answered Guo Teng's words loudly.

Guo Teng felt a little embarrassed standing on it.

"As you can see, this is a small nuclear bomb with a yield of 20 tons of TNT."

"The absolute killing range is 50 meters, and the effective killing range is 1000 meters."

Feeling embarrassed, Guo Teng continued to introduce Leah on his own.

The witches in front of them were all breathless.

This thing is really a nuclear bomb!
Looking at Guo Teng's eyes, they couldn't help being a little afraid.

"Are you afraid that this nuclear bomb is a self-destruct tool?"

"Don't worry, you have to know that you are safe inside the Iron Armored Bear."

"The damage from the nuclear bomb, as long as you don't stand in the absolute killing range and within 200 meters, you won't suffer the damage."

The witches in front of them might have been frightened, so Guo Teng quickly comforted them.

"If you think this nuclear bomb is too powerful, we can also replace it with a grenade launcher and a rocket launcher."

The two weapons of Guo Teng Iron Bear are replaced by V-35 Grenade Launcher and Conqueror Rocket Launcher.

Shoot away.

"Boom boom boom!"

The V-35 grenade launcher fires at a shorter distance and is about as powerful as a normal 40mm grenade.

However, she has a large quantity, and there are dozens of them in one volley.

The Conqueror Rocket Launcher is as powerful as the 155mm Howitzer.

Several rockets flew into the distance, blasting big craters in the ground.

The spirits of the witches have improved a bit. It seems that the nuclear bomb icon just now put too much mental pressure on them.

If I had known how to be persuasive, I would first move out the grenade launcher and rocket reflector.

As a result, the drug was suddenly prescribed, and it is not very easy to publicize now.

Guo Teng calmed down his inner emotions, and then spoke to the witches in front of him.

"You know, my sisters."

Guo Teng put away the iron-clad giant bear, turned into a giant panda, stood on the square, and tried to make himself more friendly.

"Just two hours ago, I saved our sisters who were captured by the Inquisition from those who were more demons than demons."

"The opponent's fifth-level inspector, Pash, left me a sentence."

"You can protect them for a while, but you can't protect them forever."

The witch below didn't know what Guo Teng was going to say, and looked up at Guo Teng.

"What he said is very good and right."

"Do you know that I only have one, I can't be by your side all the time to protect you, the only one who can protect you is you."

"In all fairness, none of your fourth-level Starlight Witches can beat the third-level investigators of the Inquisition."

"A fourth-level starlight witch can't even beat a third-level hound. Look at you, girls, prayers, and dreams, and you can't even beat them."

"When you meet someone from the Inquisition, what can you do? Can you hide around?"

"Why are you afraid of nuclear bombs? You must know that you are the one who controls the power, not others."

"With Bean Bear, you can protect yourself."

"Even if you can't beat the people of the Heresy Inquisition, at worst, the last nuclear bomb will fulfill yourself and prevent yourself from becoming the magic dog of the Heresy Inquisition."

"Think about it, is this the truth?"

Guo Teng looked around at the witches under him. Their spirits had become normal, and what he said more or less made them feel useful.

"I don't like digging other people's wounds, because that will hurt people a second time."

"But at this time, I don't have to say it. Sometimes, death is really better than becoming a magic dog."

"Do you know how painful it is to have your eyeballs gouged out, your nose and ears cut off, all your teeth smashed, the skin on your body covered with bells, and the soles of your feet pierced with steel nails?"

"How long do you think you can endure this kind of pain?"

"Don't expect you to die after being made into a magic dog. Believe me, the people of the Inquisition will not let the prepared magic dog die so easily."

A witch girl under Guo Teng's feet was so frightened that she shed tears.

It seemed that she had imagined how painful that would be.

"Master God, why did you improve and become a bear?"

"The magical art of changing bears, from any point of view, is not something that human believers should master. This is a blessing given to non-human believers by the Lord God."

"But he saw your tragic fate, so he will make improvements."

"You know, his eyes won't stay on you and me too much. Many times, we have to rely more on ourselves."

"Master God Lord often said this sentence to me, God saves those who save themselves."

"If you don't even want to save yourself, you just want to call on the name of God and ask the Lord God to rescue you."

"So many universes, so many believers, how many can he save?"

Guo Teng turned into an iron-clad bear again, and replaced all the weapons in his left and right hands with the hammer drop agreement.

"My lord God gave us a way to save ourselves, you should work hard to master it instead of being afraid of it here."

"Fear is meaningless."



The two-shot hammer agreement flew into the distance at a speed that was neither fast nor slow.

The witch's eyes were fixed on it.

The nuclear bomb changed from a basketball to a ping pong ball, and from a ping pong ball to a small marble.

until it disappears from sight.

Then, the world seemed to stop abruptly.

A huge light appeared from a distance.

After a few seconds, it turned into the shape of a mushroom.

Billows of black smoke rose into the sky.

An invisible impact swept around, sweeping away everything.

But it was blocked by the green barrier.

The witches looked at the red-stained mushrooms in the sky together, with excitement in their eyes.

"Hiding around, you can only get a moment of peace."

"Only a sharp sword in your hand can bring you dignity and safety."

Guo Teng shouted at the witch in front of him.

Gatling in his hand pointed at the big red mushroom in the distance, and pulled the trigger in his hand.

The flames sprayed from the muzzle made Guo Teng even more powerful at this time.

"The 125 nuclear bombs that Xingjiahui combined in Northern Europe made the Orthodox Church fearful of it."

"Why can't we?"

"You know, sisters, when the weapon in your hand is powerful enough, everyone has to look at you with respect."

Guo Teng turned into a giant panda again, and said to the excited witch in front of him.

"Even if they become cute creatures like me, they still have to talk to me with respect, don't they?"

Guo Teng stretched out his red tongue at the witches in front of him.

Playful smile.


The cheers of the witches let Guo Teng know that his speech worked.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Xiao Xiao Mu Feng.Thank you all for your votes, thank you very much! ╭(●`●)╯

(End of this chapter)

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