my followers are horrible

Chapter 145 Chapter 177+178 Is there any god in word teaching? + Throw cubes to followers

Chapter 145 Chapter 177+178 Does the Cross Religion have no God? +Throw the cube to the believer

"It's a bit different from what you said, but it's not far behind."

"Jin Lu, go and get that scroll from my room."

Ai Huasha gave Jin Lu instructions.

"You really dug up the graves of Christianity and Orthodoxy?"

Guo Teng found it incredible.

In this world, Christianity and Orthodoxy do not have holy places, only holy courts.

This is the place where the Orthodox God of the Cross appears and returns. Orthodox believers of the Cross come here every year to pay their respects.

If you bunch of crumb witches really dig up someone's ancestral grave, then, in a sense, it's really irreconcilable.

"Actually, what we did, in their eyes, is worse than digging their ancestral graves."

Jin Lu handed Ai Huasha a sheepskin scroll, and she spread the scroll on the small coffee table.

There are a few random strokes on it, which seem to match, but also like words.

"Christianity and Orthodoxy."

"They don't really have a god."

Ai Huasha looked down at Guo Teng, and what she said made the sound of wind blowing snowflakes outside the window suddenly stop.

"They, no god?"

Guo Teng tapped his index finger on his hand.

Leah, have you felt the power of God from those people?
[I feel the power of faith. 】


Liya's words were ambiguous, and Guo Teng didn't know whether she admitted that the power of the Inquisition had a connection with God.

"Yes, they have no gods."

"Or, their beliefs come from something strange."

"The ancient witch Dolly went to the Holy Court before we were hunted down by the Christians on a large scale."

"There, she found the symbols."

"It's a pity that after she passed on these symbols, she was caught by the Inquisition and tortured to death."

Aihuasha's hand stroked the symbol lightly, following the lines of the symbol, and drew it from beginning to end.

"You published a hypothesis that questioned the Christian God?"

Guo Teng guessed that these crumb witches had done something extraordinary.

The nods of Ai Huasha and Jin Lu also confirmed his guess.

"2000 years ago, we published the original theory of the non-existence of Christian gods."

"Then, there is endless pursuit."

Ai Huasha's face became clouded, Jin Lu put her hand on Ai Huasha's and comforted her silently.

Damn, you witches are really awesome.

You are not digging people's ancestral graves, you are digging people's roots!
Destroying people's wealth is like killing their parents. You are even worse than killing your parents!
The god of Christianity and Orthodoxy, let alone whether he exists or not.

Your statement will first of all damage the interests of the Christianity, an interest group.

They have to come and kill you first.

You say their god does not exist, then how do they deceive people to make money.

How to openly compete with the country for taxes.

How to use divine power to suppress imperial power.

If the Christian God really exists, you are destroying the foundation of his belief by doing so.

If he can't receive faith, how can he be a god?

If some people say that Guo Teng is a fake, a man as generous as Guo Teng will give him two big mouths.

You have affected Lao Tzu's harvest of faith, so I won't teach you how to do it.

You witch spread this rumor and affect the listed stock price of the Christian Orthodox Church.

People's stock prices have fallen, the year-end financial report is not good, and the thugs they raise don't get dividends.

What can you do if you don't come out and cross provinces.

Guo Teng didn't know what to say for a while.

"Then, do you believe in the existence of the Lord of the Ring?"

"I believe."

These are Jin Lu's words.

And Ai Huasha just looked at Guo Teng very plainly.

I'm sorry, you still don't believe in the existence of God.

Guo Teng suddenly felt very tired, and Qianqian and Huihui forced him to go home and get married.

"It's not that I don't believe in the Lord of the Rings."

"I just don't believe in what I haven't seen."

Aihuasha's words are very sincere.

Seeing is believing, hearing is not.

"In ancient times, people had no knowledge and believed that there were gods and spirits in everything in time."

"In the feudal era, people mastered the basic knowledge and theories, but were blocked by the giant feudalism from the road to rapid development in the future."

"It was not until modern times that people broke through the earth and flew into space."

"I realized that the starry sky is so beautiful, and the planet is so huge but so small."

"God, what is it like? I don't know what words and thoughts to use to describe his existence."


Jin Lu interrupted Ai Huasha's words.

"Sorry, I'm so excited."

Aihuasha took a deep breath and slowly calmed down.

"Ah, that, Artanis, I'm sorry I said something I shouldn't have said on the spur of the moment."

"Our church doesn't have an institution like the Tribunal. If I say so many things that go against the church, will I be punished?"

"How about I betroth Jin Lu to you, and you don't want to tell me what I said?"


Jin Lu's face was puffy, and she glared at Ai Huasha angrily.


Guo Teng rubbed his face and temple helplessly.

"Aihuasha, what did you study in college?"

Guo Teng felt that this kind of talk, like a scientist's contempt for religion, should not go well with a witch.

"Studying natural sciences in Zurich in 1920."

"In 1934 went to Instein's Imperial College to study physics."

"Going to Massachusetts to study computer science in 1980."

"what happened to you?"

Jin Lu and Ai Huasha looked at Guo Teng with his mouth opening and closing, not knowing why he behaved like this.

"It's nothing."

TMD, I should have known. In the feudal era, witches, witches, and alchemical formulas, as a progressive person, will continue to do research and invent.

Learning and questioning are their deep-seated instincts.

To put it simply, these witches are members of Aleister's technology side.

Naturally hostile to Christian Orthodoxy.

Then I accepted this group of crumb witches, so I became Aleister?
"Ah, Artanis, if you want to study further, I can write to the president of the University of Zurich."

"Maybe you can learn something different in Zurich."

Aihuasha clapped her hands, thinking of something.

"No, really, I've already graduated from college, from an ordinary school."

As the master of Shangping, Guo Teng's score is naturally 200 points lower than other students.

Even though he was a poor student, he thought it was already pretty good.

"Ah, that's it."

Aihuasha was a little disappointed.

"Okay, Aihuasha, start contacting those old school witches."

old school.

People are educated to such a high level, and they are still old school.

Guo Teng felt that he was the old school person.

"As for Lord God, I believe that one day, you will see it."

These witches don’t believe in God, so just show them the existence of God.

"Jin Lu and I have other things to do, and you can distribute these new maple leaves to other people."

"It will let the apostles of the Red World protect you when you enter the Red World."

"It can also teleport you to the church."

Leaving behind the sprouting maple leaves, Guo Teng stood beside Jin Lu.

He also wants to take Jin Lu to build a church.

As a refuge in this world, it should be built as soon as possible.

"I see."

Ai Huasha focused her gaze on Jin Lu.

"When you are free, send me messages often, okay?"


Jin Lu walked over and hugged Ai Huasha.

"I'll be back every week from now on."

"I want fried fish, and a burrito."

"You remember to do it."

"it is good."

Aiwasa spoke nasally.

"take care of yourself."

"I know."

Jin Lu let go of Ai Huasha and came to Guo Teng who was walking to the door.

"Then, see you when the church is finished."

With a wave of his hand, Guo Teng took Jin Lu and disappeared in place, entering the Red World.

Guo Teng brings Jin Lu to the Red World.

"Is this the Hongshi?"

Jin Lu looked at the dark red world and asked in doubt.

"Actually, it's not called Li Hong Shi either."

"This is an eroded world."

"Its periphery is what we collectively call the Red World. In fact, this place is not called the Red World."

"You can call it the mirror world, the dream world, or the counter-world."

"Go and study the issues related to the world in the future. We have to go to the cathedral to choose the site first."

The cold feeling enveloped Guo Teng.


Jin Lu screamed.

Like an astronaut who loses gravity and moves around in the space station, her hands and feet are constantly struggling.

Guo Teng didn't speak, but secretly smiled, watching Jin Lu's funny look.

Let you laugh at my ugly blueprints.

[Qi, Lord God is really narrow-minded. 】

I'm just narrow-minded.

Jin Lu struggled for a while, saw Guo Teng looking at her with a smile, paused, moved her body in mid-air again, picked a good posture, and lay there.

It seems that she has discovered that she is being held by the apostle Guo Teng said.

"Is this the apostle?"

Jin Lu pointed to a place beside her that she couldn't touch.

"Yes, the executor of this world."

"In front of the executors of this world, the head of the incarnation of the god will also be screwed off as a ball and kicked as a ball."

Jin Lu's eyes widened in surprise.

She was shocked.

God's incarnation, so easy to be beheaded?
"Don't be surprised, even if this world is eroded, the will of this world will always be there."

"Barely keeping the world running."

Guo Teng smiled at Jin Lu, and suddenly thought that he and Jin Lu could let Xin Ya take them over.

"Okay, your bodyguards in the Red World have also felt it, so we should go to the church in another way."

"Get out your sprouting maple leaves."

Jin Lu took out the new maple leaves from her arms.

Guo Teng suddenly thought of a question, could he let Leah convey to him the feeling of touching the buds of maple leaves?
【I advise you not to do this, Lord God】

[Believe me, Lord God, if I do this for you, you will be disgusted with women's bodies in the near future. 】


【You will feel good at the beginning, you will get tired in the middle, and you will get bored in the end. 】

[Let you eat meat all at once, and you will also want to try bean sprouts and cabbage after eating for a long time. 】

I understand.

Guo Teng nodded, the ordinary life will feel fresh if it is different.

When freshness becomes daily, there is nothing that can cause inner fluctuations.

Jin Lu looked at Guo Teng looking at her new bud maple leaf and suddenly froze, not knowing what to think about.

"Maybe thinking about the development of the church."

Jin Lu thought very well of Guo Teng, the temporary leader.

In fact, leaders always think about some weird things while working.

She stood aside, waiting for Guo Teng to finish thinking.

After thinking about it, Guo Teng took out the sprout maple leaf.

"go to church,"

The church hasn't been built yet, which doesn't affect Xin Ya's understanding of what Guo Teng said.

The plants that couldn't be handed in twisted and grew from the ground, surrounding Guo Teng and Jin Lu, wrapping them layer by layer.

The branches and leaves fell and the stars glowed, floating down from the top of the two of them and falling on the two of them.

As if his body was smeared with white fuel, Guo Teng found that his body had become transparent.

The transparency lasted for three seconds, and then the color that disappeared from his body returned.

Plants that wrap themselves also retract back into the ground.

Only then did Guo Teng realize that he had come to a relatively wide flat ground.

In the distance are decaying buildings.

Unlike other places, there is a lot of greenery up there.

Vines crawled over the building, spreading large leaves over it.

Various trees are planted on the ground and on the roof.

Different sizes, different heights.

Added vitality to this dark red world.

His disciple witches are sitting together on the green grass in twos and threes, comforting each other.

It seems that the arrival of the Inquisition and Tribunal scared them enough.

"elder brother."

Seeing Guo Teng, Guo Qianqian ran over in small steps, and let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Guo Teng's clothes were damaged.

She was very worried about what happened to Guo Teng.

Now it seems that her worries are a little unnecessary.

Seeing Guo Qianqian running towards him, Guo Teng also breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Nizi is fine.

"The other witches from the eating and drinking group didn't come, why?"

Zhuo Peilin ran over after seeing Guo Teng.

Liya told Guo Teng that there were only 435 witches at the scene, which did not match the number he saw in the eating and drinking group.

But luckily, Leah said they were safe for now.

"Some of them just can't be contacted."

"Everyone who can be contacted has come."

Zhuo Peilin looked at Guo Teng with anxiety on her face.

Because the smell of blood on Guo Teng's body was completely different from the smell of blood caused by her surgery on animals in the animal hospital.

In this bloody smell, there is the smell of life disappearing.

"Go find someone and continue to contact other witches."

"In an hour, tell me the result of the contact."

"Jin Lu, you bring the designers and start building the cathedral."

Guo Teng started throwing cubes from his arms.

He no longer has the time to experience what it's like to play MC in the real world.

On the one hand, he wanted to find people who were willing to expand the Miracle Shelter, and then asked Leah to send them there.

On the other hand, he has to wait for the result of Zhuo Peilin's contact.

They are only temporarily safe, not really safe. If Palin still can't contact them, then tonight, he has to go to the church in Shangping.

"Shall I build the cathedral?"

Jin Lu pointed to her nose with a look of astonishment.

"Literally, you and our fellow congregants."

2000 small squares are placed on the ground and piled up into a hill.

"These cubes don't need a foundation, you just throw them on the ground."


A strange sound appeared, and the small square suddenly turned into a large one-cubic square.

"This is the block material you said!"

Jin Lu was shocked, her eyes widened.


"If you want to take the cube back, hit it a dozen times in a row."

Guo Teng tapped the block quickly, and mosaic cracks appeared on the block.


It was the dull sound just now, and the big cube turned into a small cube that could be picked up.

"Wait a minute, what's going on!"

Jin Lu picked up a square, and it was amazing that 8 squares appeared in front of her, floating in front of her.

The cube in her hand was thrown into the grid, and the cube she threw appeared in the grid.

"My lord is worried that you will not use this for construction, so I specially made the operation UI for you."

Guo Teng thought that Leah was lazy and moved out MC's system separately.

"This UI is so rough."

"Feeling you with Artanis."

Jin Lu resisted the impulse in her heart and suppressed her words.

"Don't care if he's rough or not."

"It can be used."

Guo Teng doesn't have time to beautify the MC's UI.

After handing over the task, he needs to take some time to spy on Galio.

Except for him and Huahua, all the believers today have watched it.

Huahua doesn't matter, it can't have a big effect yet.

As for Galio, the situation there is worthy of his attention.

(End of this chapter)

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