my followers are horrible

Chapter 130 Chapter 147+148 Condemnation+generosity

Chapter 130 Chapter 147+148 Condemnation+generosity
"One more question, Leah."

"What should I do to ensure that the red mist does not come to corrode my church."

After going out with his new mobile phone, Guo Teng began to think about the second thing.

How the church is to be built.

The erosion of the Red World is obvious to all.

No matter how old the building is, or the doors and windows of special alloys, they are all corroded like decades or hundreds of years.

If it wasn't for the fact that the bodies of the people who entered the Red World didn't age, Guo Teng would have doubted whether the Red Mist of the Red World would have time to speed up this rule.

[In a sense, aging is indeed a one-way acceleration of time. 】

[But those red mist are just erosion and corruption, not the function of aging. 】

[Moreover, we have something regular, which can resist the erosion of those red mist. 】

"Oh, tell me?"

[MC’s cube. 】

"this thing."

In a sense, MC's cube is really a rule.

If you don't beat the block, it will always be the same block if it sits there.


"According to your statement, it should be that all game buildings have the function of not breaking the rules."

【certainly. 】

[But in terms of specificity, MC's cube is the most special. 】

"How to say?"

If you accidentally walk into a prosperous area, if you suddenly go to the Red World, it will be a little troublesome to be discovered.

Guo Teng chose to turn around and walk back.

Thinking about it, I feel that something is wrong. The animal believers did not peep last night. They should go to the warehouse to see them today.

[Creation and Destruction. 】

There was plenty of time, and Guo Teng was not in a hurry to go to the warehouse, he walked slowly on the road.

The weather in the morning is still cool, and after a while, the coolness will turn into scorching heat.

The bicycle on the side road, which was faster than Guo Teng's speed, moved forward quickly with the impatience of being late.

As for Guo Teng, he walked unhurriedly under the shade of the tree, thinking about what Liya said.

"Is this the rule?"

Apart from these two words, Guo Teng couldn't think of anything else.

[Yes, the simplest rule. 】

【Actually, last night you divided the believers into battle and wrote destruction and restoration, which is almost what it means. 】

[I thought you had realized something, but. 】

The text in sight paused for an additional three seconds, and then another line of text was displayed.

[I can't urge you without spying on your thoughts for a while. 】

[So, please forgive me in the future. 】

"You love to peep and peep."

"Birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together. I like to spy on believers. There's no reason why you shouldn't spy on me."

Guo Teng was very open to Liya's detection of his own thoughts.

"How many cubes can I change with my current beliefs?"

Now that he knows the function of the MC cube, Guo Teng is going to start building the cathedral.

However, how to design buildings is a big problem.

He was a caveman, a caveman.

As for the house, he really didn't build it seriously.

[You can submit the design drawings to Ms. Yuhui. 】

"No, I'm more anxious about this."

Guo Teng planned to go to the Red World Building Church after inspecting the warehouse.

So what style of the church should be, this is a question.

As a place where believers gather, the church must be solemn, magnificent, and friendly.

And three, no matter how you look at it, it conflicts with one or two.

It's a little difficult.

If Guo Teng were to forge Frostmourne and quench the blue kitchen knife, he would.

But architecture.

【Professional matters, please invite professional people to come. If it is not possible, you can first draw a foundation in the Red World, and then let the disciples design the sketch. 】

Yes, I have already said that I will not interfere in the management of believers. As for what style of church you want, you should let the believers decide.

Just don't think too much about believers in the future.

Guo Teng figured it out and turned on his phone.

Artanis: "Master God Lord killed all my plans (tears run)."

Paria: "Why, didn't you hire a professional to design it?"

Brigitte: "No one passed, is Artanis's aesthetics completely different from that of Lord God?"

Brigitte: "Can you post your design proposal to the group?"

Brigitte's words were approved by everyone, and they all asked Guo Teng to upload the design plan to the group.

However, Guo Teng just casually said where did he get the design plan.

It's too late for Yuhui to make a plan now!

In desperation, Guo Teng bit the bullet and drew square graffiti on the ground.

Fortunately, the foundation of mechanical drawing in the past is still there, the near is big and the far is small, and the two-point perspective has not been forgotten.

Draw the design draft on the ground in a few strokes.

"It should be able to fool the past."


The sketch on the ground looks normal at first glance, then at second glance, and finally at third glance.

Forget it, don't look at it.

Artanis: "Picture, picture, picture."

Guo Teng is ready to be sprayed.

Sure enough, the group has already started to denounce him.

Paria: "Artanis, communicate with the Lord God about the Holy Church proposal, why is it on the ground, can you give me an explanation?"

Paria: "If you can't give a reasonable explanation, then I will seriously consider your vote for the future pastor administrator."

Lyfar: "Oh my God, Artanis, what have you done!"

Lyfar: "You, you, you."

Lyfar: "Voice (12 seconds.)"

Lyfar: "Voice (8 seconds.)"

Lyfar: "Voice (14 seconds.)"

Guo Teng didn't dare to turn on Lyfar's voice.

No matter which part of the body one thinks about, Lyfar's voice is definitely not a good thing.

Jinlu: "Чтоты, чертвозьми, делаешь? Кактымогтакпоступитьснашим Богом?"

"What does this sentence mean?"

Why is this even pulling out Mao Guoyu?

Click on the text to translate.

"Bastard, what are you doing, how can you do this to our god."

Watching the anger, accusations, and reprimands slowly swiping across the screen.

Guo Teng didn't feel angry.

The more emotional they felt about this matter, the more they recognized their identities.

If they don't care about their expressions, then Guo Teng has to find a way to increase the piety of these witch followers.

Yoko Hiki: "Ha, Lord God really prefers Artanis, such an ugly design is still on the ground."

Yoko Hiki: "If it were me, I would choose to commit suicide by caesarean section to express my remorse for Lord God."

Liliana: "Artanis, you are ashamed of the Lord God's preference for you."

Damn, the more you talk about it, the more outrageous you are, so I drew 3 sketches on the ground. Why are you criticizing me like this!

Artanis: "Stop, stop, listen to me."

Ana: "Artanis is stupid!"

It was over, and little Loriana also hated herself.

Guo Tengfa's words were rushed to the top.

Artanis: "Master God Lord has indeed expressed his reprimand to me, and I will be punished later."

Artanis: "Stop criticizing me. Now the Lord God wants us to design the church together."

Paria: "We don't have you in us, you stay here! Don't even think about meddling in the design of the church."

Lyfar: "Voice (4 seconds.)"

Guo Teng wiped the sweat from his head. Fortunately, these angry women were not in front of him.

If it's in front of me, I'm afraid I won't be eaten alive by them.

The witches in the eating and drinking group began to discuss how to design the church.

Guo Teng has given them the design requirements.

Temporarily, it can accommodate 500 people, because there are only people plus animal believers in this world.

In addition to the solemnity, magnificence, and friendliness required just now, the style must fully consider the building materials, that is, MC cubes, and there must also be places for plants to grow.

Brigitte: "2000 cubes with a length, width and height of 1 meter? What kind of material is this!"

Brigitte is a top student at the Nordic Swiss Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich.

There are 5 other support groups for eating, drinking and sleeping for such an awesome architecture student like her.

There are 50 other top students in other subjects like her who support each other in eating, drinking and sleeping.

Even Lyfar, who Guo Teng always thought was very simple, also has a double bachelor's degree from the Nordic joint Instein scabbard.

I don't know how many Guo Qianqian + Yuhui are better than Guo Teng, a scumbag.

Artanis: "Only this block can prevent the erosion of the red mist in the Red World. Without this block, no other material can guarantee our safety in the Red World."

Artanis: "Originally, Lord God only wanted to give 1000, but I gave 1000 more after being soft and hard."

Paria: "I have doubts about your hard work. It is possible that because of your fault, Lord God gave us 3000 squares, but 1000 squares were deducted because of you."

"Cough cough cough."

Guo Teng choked on Paria's words.

How can you be so innocent.

And the slander is quite reasonable.

"This group feels like it can't stay any longer, and my reputation has been directly brushed to indifference, damn it."

Guo Teng looked at the witch eating, drinking and sleeping group who had ignored him and considered whether to delete the group and leave.

Artanis: "By the way, Brigitte, please design as soon as possible. The Lord God hopes to see an overview of the church around 5 pm."

Artanis: "In the evening I will build the cathedral."

Guo Teng's words finally attracted everyone's attention.

Brigitte: "How can you finish the church design in one noon, you bastard Artanis, are you getting in the way!"

The current time is 9 o'clock, and the preview is due at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. How can this be designed!

Artanis: "Why do you mean I'm in the way? I didn't do anything, okay?"

Artanis: "My lord doesn't need to be pretty, as long as I can put people down. If you can't come up with a design plan in the afternoon, then you can only build it according to the building I showed you in the morning."

Guo Teng made up his mind that the church must be erected tonight.

It doesn't matter what kind of cover it is.

Jinlu: "Asshole, your garbage is polluting our eyes!"

Jinlu: "Just wait for me, take out the blueprint at 4 pm."

Jinlu: "@bridgeita@louise@frinsa@liliana, let's find a channel to chat."

The five top students in architecture from the Witch Food and Drink Group are going to make a big move for Guo Teng.

Artanis: "By the way, all the blocks are recyclable. After the construction is completed, if you are not satisfied, I can knock down the blocks and rearrange them."

Artanis: "Don't be restrained by modern architecture, you must remember this sentence, it is very important!"

Several people did not respond to Guo Teng's last instructions, and I don't know if they saw them or not.

However, anyway, see the outcome at 5 o'clock.

[Master God, 2000 cubes, are you sure you want to manifest it? 】

[That's 20 beliefs, you are so willing? 】

"I can't bear to change before."

"But Lia, you didn't misappropriate my belief yesterday, isn't this belief enough?"

Believers' beliefs increase in a snowball manner. As time goes by, believers' beliefs will increase.

Guo Teng felt that Liya promised him to withhold the beliefs that should belong to him yesterday, but also because there were too many beliefs in the later stage and the data did not match, so she surrendered in advance.

My own doubts are just an introduction.

But Guo Teng didn't know how much faith he could increase in an hour until now.

3000 plus.

More at night, I am not the God of Medicine world time is opposite to Guo Teng's time, when Guo Teng sleeps, the belief provided by the God of Medicine world is about 5000 plus per hour.

The beliefs provided for breakfast, lunch and dinner are multiplied and exploded.

Half an hour can provide 10000 plus faith.

From the night's showdown to now, Guo Teng has a total of more than 14 beliefs.

When the time is around 5 pm, 20 beliefs are more than enough.

"As a church in this world, it must be open and bright. This is the face and cannot be saved."

Guo Teng doesn't care about other places, but for production tools, Guo Teng can multiply his beliefs.

If you don't climb technology, how can you get combat power.

In the same way, if you don't pack yourself up a little bit, how can you make other people in this world believe in you.

What's more, the witches of Xingjiahui are more than the 400 or so people in my hands.

In Wuzhou World, Xingjiahui has at least 20 witches.

Including some other forces persecuted by the Orthodox Christianity, the number of believers that can be mastered in this world is expected to exceed one million.

At that time, he will manifest his own space battleship, hang in the sky, control the sovereignty of the sky, and then feed back to the ground.

The theocracy of this world is in your own hands.

【Master God, I have to say that your plan is very good. 】

[However, as your half body, I have to pour a basin of cold water on you. 】

[The real enemy has not yet appeared. If you want to win, please gather your faith in me as much as possible. 】

"You're right, Leah."

"After the church is finished, you take away [-]% of the believers' beliefs."

"For the remaining beliefs, I must first solve the problem of animal believers turning into humans."

"They will be the swords I use in this world."

And Leah is the most important sword in his hand.

Everything else is decoration, only Leah is the most important security.

【Master God, are you not worried that one day I will betray you? 】

Leah asked a very pointed question.

"I'm not worried at all, Leah."

"If you want to kill me, you can kill me after you get the highest authority, why wait until now."

"Are you saying I'm right, haha."

Guo Teng, who was walking on the road, smiled confidently, and made the lady on the phone who was walking in front of him look at Guo Teng several times.

Even if the two were separated, her eyes still stayed on Guo Teng's back.

It is true that Guo Teng is a little fatter, but his appearance is still a little bit.

Especially the smile, very friendly.

If it weren't for this, no rich woman from Heijiaojiang would have taken a fancy to Guo Teng back then.

Up to now, the rich woman and big sister would harass Guo Teng every now and then.

In the middle of the night, send Guo Teng some personal art photos or something.

"Why is Yuhui's car here?"

As soon as he arrived at the warehouse, Guo Teng saw Yuhui's Ben Yue from a long distance away.

But, no one was in the car.

"Where are Sister Wen and Sister Yue?"

Guo Teng was very surprised, so he quickened his pace and walked towards the warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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