my followers are horrible

Chapter 127 Chapter 141+142 New Plan+Who Makes Money

Chapter 127 Chapter 141+142 New Plan+Who Makes Money
[What do you want me to think? 】

"I want to know what kind of deal you made with her."

"The will of a world must not be the same as the star chasing idiot Baitian, who confides so much specious content to me."

"A lot of things, I think she has hidden from me."

[Since you already know, why are you still asking me? 】

"Then what are you thinking?"

Guo Teng sat on a chair and looked at his alarm clock.

It's 12 o'clock sharp, it's time to wash up and go to bed.

"I think what she seeks is not just to restore the world."

"She must have other purposes."

[And your body. 】

"Seize the house?"

Guo Teng always thought that when Liya said she was greedy, she meant something else.

But this time, he thought of something different.

【How could it be possible to seize the house, I am in your body, if she wants to seize the house, she should go and cool off. 】

【She's greedy for your body, it's really a despicable way of greedy. 】

"You mean, the offspring of my union with her?"

【certainly. 】

【It's just that you are too weak right now, you can't even see her body clearly. 】

[If you are stronger, you may not be able to come back tonight. 】

"Will I be squeezed out?"

After closing the believer's magical plan, Guo Teng took off his coat and lay down on the bed.

[For the will of the world, material composition is not necessary for her. 】

【She wants to copy a piece of content from your soul consciousness. 】

[To make up for herself, and successfully give birth to a powerful existence. 】

[An existence beyond your control. 】

"So, the first time I entered the Red World, I was followed by her."

"Just like that black crow from the Crow Church?"

The wind outside the window blew up the curtains, and it also blew onto Guo Teng's body.

After tidying up the bran pillow under his head, Guo Teng closed his eyes and lay on the bed, feeling very comfortable.

[Of course, you are the brightest light in the dark. 】

[She is a moth, so she has to pounce on me no matter what. 】

"Any agreement is to be torn up."

"Family and lovers can also turn against each other."

"So, how do I control her."

Based on the agreement between Liya and Xi, why does Guo Teng feel that it is unreliable.

Meat is called meat when you eat it in your mouth. If you put it in front of you, it is no different from air.

[With your current size, the only way to control her is to dream. 】

[But please rest assured. 】

[Before the relationship of interests breaks down, you and her can still be regarded as unbreakable allies. 】

Guo Teng knew that the interest relationship Liya mentioned referred to the restoration of the Red World.

"Then I can neither fix it too fast nor too slow."

Guo Teng is calculating the progress of restoring the Red World.

"Leah, tell Xi that after my followers enter her world, they need her apostle's protection."

I was patronizing a blind date just now, but I forgot about the business.

"Also, ask her, is there any place that doesn't have those red mist."

"I need to put the cathedral."

"Also, how should I paint other colors in that red world."

[Xi's world, there is that red mist everywhere, it is one of the objects you want to clear. 】

[About the cathedral, you can place several buildings at will. 】

[Finally, Sprouts can help you breathe life into that world first. 】

[After Darnassus is upgraded to the ancient tree, you can intercept a branch of it and plant it in Xi's world to protect a large area. 】

"I think the methods you mentioned are treating the symptoms but not the root cause."

Guo Teng opened his eyes and looked at the fluorescent lamp on the ceiling.

[Of course, before you have fully grasped Xi, our actions are enough to deal with her. 】

"Leah, I suddenly have a question."

"You said that after I master Xi, what can I use her for?"

Guo Teng suddenly thought of this question.

I hope it's not a promotional product on Taobao. After I was tempted for a while, I bought it and threw it somewhere.

As the will of the world, her role should be many and very large.

[Keep the world running. 】

[The will of the world is invincible in this world. 】

[Outside of this world, she has no role. 】

【You want to use her as an assistant? 】

Guo Teng's mind was read by Leah.

He thought of the arsenal of his religious order in the future, as well as various technological production lines.

"I actually want to treat her as a high-level tool person, second only to sister Liya and you."

"As the will of the world, she controls the world, so she can naturally control the flow of time in this world."

[Accelerate the assembly and production of the production line in the arsenal, and the technology research and development in the region. 】

[I have to say, your idea is very suitable. 】

[It's just that it's not an ordinary difficulty to realize your idea now. 】

Even if Liya didn't remind him, Guo Teng knew that it was not an ordinary difficulty to realize this idea.

Xi is now the same as the princess of the subjugated country, except for her identity and her apostle of the personal guard.

She has nothing.

You know, she couldn't even teleport herself in front of her just now.

[Actually, I want to say, Lord God, do you want to kill her directly and take her identity directly? 】

"No need."

"The technology production line is just my preparation for believers."

"And I am destined to climb up the ranks."

"It's not good to put the cart before the horse for these things."

Guo Teng is destined to go to a higher place.

For a believer in the future, it may not be a help for him.

It's a constraint.

His climbing was sent up by believers.

But to climb to higher ground, the believer becomes a burden under his feet.

It is impossible for him to take the believers up with him.

[Yes, my thinking is too backward. 】

"Okay, let's talk about it later."

"Wait until tomorrow to solve more things."

Guo Teng closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Before falling asleep, a strange feeling haunted him.

Wait, do I still have believers who haven’t peeped?
A few hours later.

There is nothing important today, I started to go out for a walk after having dinner with my family.

"Galio's world needs to wait for other tribes in the forest to arrive. I need to prepare a lot of building tools for them."

Guo Teng walked aimlessly on the road, first thinking about the problem of Galio's world.

"Speaking of Liya, is there any evocation spell for construction, can it be bestowed on Galio?"

"If he can use spells to build underground structures, wouldn't it be a lot less troublesome."

Fossils turn into mud, and mud turns into stone.

It would be fine if there were magicians in the Wind Forest, but obviously there were no such people there.

[If it was before, I would advise you to do so,]

【but now. 】

[Don’t you have witch believers? You can find witches who know this type of spell among the believers, and send them to Galio’s world. Wouldn’t it be wonderful. 】

"Um, Sister Liya, I have to say that you have given me timely reminders many times."

Liya is right, I can't find a magician, I'll go to the head office of the witch.

Not all witches can emit colored light with a wand, or fight with pistols, rifles, bows, spears, and one-handed swords.

There will always be witches who are willing to use their abilities to change lives.

"Looks like I have to ask Lyfar."

"In the world of Brother Kill, Osha and Andrea are fine for the time being."

"Okay, the escort mission is completed, and the two of them should be able to form an adventure team by themselves. If the mission is almost done, an adventure group can be established."

"This kind of adventure group can be regarded as the predecessor of the order. As long as it has been trained by Galio, it can be regarded as a formal knight order."

"So Osha and Andrea's military courses are also on the agenda."

"I have to throw these two little girls to Galio to study when I have time."

Guo Teng stopped and looked at the cold drink shop on the right.

"Ice cream is a good thing."

"Do I have to put it in Create Food, or in Create Water?"

Suddenly it feels like sweet and salty tofu nao.

After taking the cone, Guo Teng decided to put the ice cream into the water making technique.

This thing does not satisfy hunger, but quenches thirst.

Holding the cone, Guo Teng continued to walk forward.

"I am not from the world of medicine gods."


Guo Teng was both happy and headache when he thought of the world where I am not the god of medicine.

The people there now regard themselves as the god of medicine.

If there are any problems that the hospital can't solve, I come to myself.

If things go on like this, the Food and Drug Administration and the Ministry of Health over there will have to talk to Pastor Liu.

I hope that people in the world are free from disease, and would rather put medicine on the shelf to make dust.

The words can be said so.

But if this goes on, what do doctors and nurses eat.

They will definitely report problems to their superiors.

The art of making food will definitely have an impact on people's livelihood and economic food in the future.

Another doctor.

It's strange that the higher ups don't come to talk.

"Leah, can spell effects be directly attached to food?"

Guo Teng is not a person who believes that there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

He prefers to plan ahead.

Although most of the time, his preparations for a rainy day are unfounded worries.

But when it really came to the present, he didn't panic at all with the filing.

【Can. 】

【Do you want to buy a food factory and then add spell effects to the food? 】


Rabbit's idea has always been win-win cooperation.

If you follow this line of thought, you will definitely not go wrong.

[In this case, the faith you gain will be limited. 】

Believers should be able to pray for items, but they have to buy them with money, and no one is willing to exchange them.

"I don't earn money from believers."

[Then whose money do you earn. 】

"Whoever has money, I earn his money."

[Then who has money? 】

"You have money."

[Hahaha, cheer up!Lord Almighty, if you fancy something, just take it. 】

"Ha ha ha ha."

Guo Teng himself was amused by Liya.

[It’s nothing to spend money to settle things. 】

[Anyway, gold is useless to us, and it’s not a big deal to use it to settle the affairs of believers. 】


The cone in the left hand was eaten by Guo Teng, and Guo Teng started to eat the one in the right hand.

"I am not the god of medicine. The world is now the place that provides the most beliefs, and the situation in that place cannot make any mistakes."

Nearly all the leukemia patients in the hospitals around Pastor Liu joined the Clock Church.

Occasionally, patients with other diseases found that their physical conditions had changed after eating magic biscuits and magic bread by chance, and they also joined the Clock Church.

It is indeed a good thing that many believers believe in themselves.

But in the world where I'm not the god of medicine, I didn't design a management structure for the Clock Church.

Pastor Liu and Lu benefited from those who first believed in themselves, who were actually the management of Clock Church.

Apart from them, there are no other managers down there.

Since the sacred tree of Qiumu was planted, many believers have come to pay their respects.

Everyone looked at the fruit on the tree.

And the little blue snake.

"Fuck, aren't you afraid it will bite you?"

Guo Teng, whose eyes cut into the world of I am not the god of medicine, was immediately shocked by the situation in front of him.

Some believers actually wanted to reach out and touch the little snake coiled on the sacred tree.

Haven't you noticed that the little cyan snake has a triangular head and bright cyan color?

Very poisonous, that's right.

Seeing his elder sister pushing up his younger brother and reaching out to touch the little blue snake, Guo Teng couldn't help but want Pastor Liu to teach them a lesson with a bamboo stick.

"Damn it, you old Liu, you're still laughing if you don't stop him."

"If these two idiots think that snakes in the wild are like this little snake, they will die!"

Guo Teng was shocked and angry.

But before Guo Teng asked Liya to issue an oracle to Pastor Liu.

The little snake in front of him attacked.

It didn't bite the boy's hand.

He just raised his tail high, and hit the boy's hand hard like a whip.

【Whoosh! 】

【Snapped! 】

The twitch of the snake's tail whistled, and it slapped heavily on the back of the boy's hand.

Visible to the naked eye, a large red bump appeared on the back of the boy's hand.

[Wow wow wow wow. 】

The boy, whose hands were red and swollen after being beaten hard by the snake's tail, cried loudly.

The sister under him hurriedly put him down.

The boy's cry made all the believers on the side laugh.

[Look, you will be beaten for disobedience. 】

[Just to tell you, this snake has a spirit, you can't touch it, you have to touch it. 】

[Xiaotao should have a long memory now, hahaha. 】

【How can you not have a long memory? You can see that your hands are swollen, at least for a few days. 】

Pastor Liu also laughed a few times, walked up to the crying boy, and looked at his sister who was comforting the boy.

【Xiaotao doesn't cry. 】

[Sister, let me blow you, huh huh. 】

The sister blows on the swelling on the boy's hands.

Seeing Pastor Liu walking in front of her, the sister put the boy down.

[Grandpa Liu. 】

[See if you still get used to him in the future. 】

Pastor Liu smiled at his sister.

Fingers lightly touched the redness on the boy's hand.

[Wow wow wow. 】

The boy who cried a little less was crying loudly from the pain.

【Ha ha ha ha. 】

Everyone on the side laughed heartily.

"This child must be a bear child, the kind who lacks discipline."

In fact, this child does lack discipline, but the reason for the lack of discipline is distressing.

Guo Teng also knew the situation of the two children from the believer's words.

My sister is Chai Xiaoyan, 12 years old.

The younger brother is Chai Tao, 6 years old.

My father died of leukemia three years ago, and my mother remarried.

Uncle took them to Modu.

My uncle also passed away unexpectedly a few months ago.

When two people were picking up trash, believers saw them and took them back to the church.

I don’t know when the teachings that Guo Teng was thinking about were posted on the wall.

When you see something that disturbs your conscience, come to Clock Church.

So Chai Xiaoyan and Chai Tao were placed in the church yard.

"Okay, in addition to my additional job as the God of Medicine, I also have a part-time job as the Child Protector."

Anyway, Guo Teng thinks there is no problem.

It doesn't matter what believers think of themselves, as long as they can offer their faith.

Pastor Liu treated Chai Tao's hand with the holy light technique.

Then my sister gave warning education.

Chai Tao is still young, and there are many things that need to be educated by Chai Xiaoyan.

[Alright, it's getting late, everyone should go back. 】

On winter nights, it gets dark very early, not to mention that I am not a medicine god, and now the time is 8 o'clock.

The congregation had been at church long enough that Pastor Liu had to let them go home.

"It seems to speed up the flow of time in the world of believers."

Believers left the church one after another, and the thin golden color disappeared.

If I am not the God of Medicine, the time flow of the world will be doubled, quadrupled, or even 2 times.

Or thousands of times.

The faith I gained was simply unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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