my followers are horrible

Chapter 116 Chapter 119+120 Bad Guys and Good Guys + Accounts

Chapter 116 Chapter 119+120 Bad Guys and Good Guys + Accounts
That was before, but now that I have Sister Liya, I don't need to be a rich woman.

Sister Liya is much better than the rich woman.

【Sister likes to listen very much. 】

Guo Teng wiped off the non-existent sweat on his head, feeling that those words were true.

[Behind a successful man, there must be a woman who urges him every day. 】

I think it's voyeurism, and that's not what I'm thinking of.

"Our church really doesn't charge dues?"

Zhuo Peilin was still surprised.

How does a church with no dues work?
You can’t teach people to pay, right?

Could it be that they don’t charge money on the surface, but actually accept all kinds of donations?

"It's really not charged."

"Master God will give you gold. A brother and sister in the church world ran out of money the day before yesterday. Lord God gave them one cubic meter of gold as an activity fund."

Guo Teng stretched out his hands, making a gesture of a cube.

"One cubic? 19.32 tons?"

As a top student, Zhuo Peilin immediately calculated the mass of a cubic of gold in her head.

Guo Teng nodded, this quality made him calculate it with a calculator.

"Why did Lord God give them?"

Zhuo Peilin asked a question that Guo Teng felt was very anti-intellectual.

"They preach, they can't always ask believers to pay for preaching, can they?"

Guo Teng wondered if Zhuo Peilin had some brain problems.

Wanting the horse to run, but also wanting the horse not to eat grass, how can there be such a good thing.

Believers are people.

It’s not just humans either, I almost forgot about meow and woof.

They live in the world, and they are indispensable for basic necessities of life.

When they go to the place of origin to preach, they can't just run there on foot like Dahuang.

That's time-consuming, isn't it good to buy a ticket!
Not to mention the other expenses.

"I think our god is very strange."

Zhuo Peilin felt that there was a big difference between what Guo Teng said about God and what she had heard about God from other people.

"Is it strange?"

Guo Teng didn't think there was a problem with him.

“I always feel that our church has no future, and it doesn’t make any money.”

Zhuo Peilin's emotion made Guo Teng dumbfounded.

What do you think my church is?

To collect money, I think that money is too hard to wipe my ass, okay?

"Meow, you're a good man, take me to see Cuttlefish Meow."

Huahua patted Guo Teng's leg and looked up at him.

"Okay, let's go see the cuttlefish first."

Guo Teng took Huahua to the operating room, Zhuo Peilin followed behind.

"What's wrong with the cuttlefish meow, it's dead meow?"

Huahua asked Guo Teng while looking at the cuttlefish whose anesthesia effect had not yet worn off.

"It's still under anesthesia, it should wake up after a while."

Guo Teng used the holy light technique on the cuttlefish to speed up its recovery.

The cuttlefish woke up, but the effect of anesthesia still persisted. It raised its head and glanced at Guo Teng and Zhuo Peilin, and then at Huahua squatting in front of him.

"Flower boss meow."

The voice is a little weak.

Guo Teng rubbed out small dried fish for it.

"It is not advisable to eat this after surgery."

Zhuo Peilin wanted to take away the dried fish from Guo Teng's hand, but was eaten into her stomach by the cuttlefish.

The cuttlefish visibly cheered up.

It straightened up, rubbing its head against Huahua.

Seeing the two cuddling each other, Guo Teng had reason to suspect that Huahua didn't get angry when she saw the cuttlefish because the cuttlefish was her good friend.

"Why is boss Hua meowing here?"

The cuttlefish licked Huahua's nose and the fur on its face, and asked affectionately.

"I came to see you, meow, black and white said that you were captured by the bad guys, meow, it's great that you're all right, meow."

Huahua also licked the cuttlefish.

Zhuo Peilin watched the ears and temples of Huahua and Cuiyu rubbing together. She leaned forward involuntarily, with a smile on her face. She didn't know what to be happy about.

[God, I want to know what the two cats in front of me will say. 】

The happy Zhuo Peilin clasped her hands together and closed her eyes.

So Guo Teng saw her heart.

"Leah, give her the animal language."

In the future, Zhuo Peilin will be responsible for the teaching of animals. Without animal language, many tasks cannot be carried out at all.

Zhuo Peilin, who got the animal language, was overjoyed. She heard the conversation between Huahua and Cuttlefish in front of her, but in a blink of an eye, the joy on her face froze.

"It's this big bad guy, Meow. She grabbed me, brought me here Meow, and stuck me with a needle Meow."

The cuttlefish looked up at Zhuo Peilin, and the address she said made Zhuo Peilin's expression dull.



I'm a badass?

"Hey, wake up."

Guo Teng waved his hand in front of Zhuo Peilin in an attempt to wake her up.

"I'm a badass?"

Zhuo Peilin stretched out her index finger, pointed at herself, and asked Guo Teng for confirmation.

It was hard for her to accept what the cute cat called her.

"Maybe your love is too strong for those cuties, so."

Guo Teng turned around so that Zhuo Peilin could not see his face.


Guo Teng laughed out loud.

He just wanted to see Zhuo Peilin's expression when she heard Cat call her a villain.

This time he finally saw it.

"What do they call you?"

Zhuo Peilin felt unwilling and wanted to know how the cat called Guo Teng.

Guo Teng didn't speak, he grabbed Huahua's nape and picked it up.

Huahua, who was picked up, licked her nose with her tongue and said something that made Zhuo Peilin angry.

"My good man, what are you doing meow?"

"Aren't you going home tonight?"

Even though it is already 2:[-] in the morning, Guo Teng still wonders if Huahua will go back at night.

"No, tonight I will find my little brother, Meow, and let them all believe in the god master, Meow."

"In this way, everyone will have small dried fish to eat."

What Hua Hua said made Guo Teng very happy.

As expected of Hua Boss, she is loyal, much better than that scumbag Li Farr.

"Then I don't care about you."

"Oh, by the way, Huahua, if anything happens to you in the future, just go to her."

Guo Teng pointed at Zhuo Peilin.

"I may have a lot of things to deal with recently, if she can't solve it."

Guo Teng pointed at Zhuo Peilin again, and Zhuo Peilin rolled his eyes.

"If she can't solve it, can you come find me at my house again?"

Scratching Huahua's chin, Guo Teng explained the matter to Huahua.

In the next period of time, he really didn't have time to take care of the small animal believers.

In the morning, Xinya reincarnated and didn't know what accidents would happen. He had to keep an eye on Galio's world. In case something happened, he could control the situation remotely.

He still needs to find a place to build a cathedral.

In the past, there was only one idiot like Lifal in this world. They usually chatted through small letters and could explain some things.

But now that there are more than 400 followers of the Witch, he also needs to prepare a place for these believers to have a second home.

Another place to get shelter.

The Tribunal and Inquisition of this world are like hounds, constantly hunting these witches and witches.

The witches and witches who have believed in themselves are their private property to them.

Before his strength is not strong, the base of this world must be hidden a little bit.

Wait until the strength is up, and then display the church openly.

"How about moving the church to Titan or Star City, what do you think?"

Guo Teng thinks the Universal Church is great.

[I think it's okay. 】

Liya agreed with Guo Teng's proposal.

"My good man, where are you going?"

"Are you going to disappear like Douding's master?"

Huahua was not very happy, and her tone was very disappointed.

"It's just that there are things that need to be dealt with, and people don't disappear."

Rub Huahua's head with both hands vigorously, rubbing all the hair.

"It seems that you are very attractive to small animals."

Zhuo Peilin's tone was sour that Guo Teng almost thought she had drunk vinegar.

"Of course, it's better to be liked by small animals than to be called a bad guy."

Guo Teng stimulated Zhuo Peilin and succeeded in making her angry.

"Come on, add a little letter."

Guo Teng turned on the phone and shook it at her.


Zhuo Peilin's mobile phone screen has been broken, it seems that she will have to buy a new one tomorrow morning.

"How can we get in touch if you don't add a little letter?"

"You think I'm just like a pervert, climbing the third floor and coming to your house every day?"

Guo Teng took Zhuo Peilin's phone angrily.

"What's the password?"


Zhuo Peilin casually told her mobile phone password, not worried about Guo Teng secretly looking through her photo album or something.

He has become a believer in the same strange church, so what can he do if he knows.

If Guo Teng dared to peep at her private photo album, she would definitely sue her new faith.

Pray to the gods to punish Guo Teng.

Obviously, Zhuo Peilin didn't know what it meant to have someone sue me.

Guo Teng didn't bother to look through people's private photo albums. After adding small messages to each other, Guo Teng returned the phone to Zhuo Peilin.

"This is the key to a warehouse in my Nanping house. After you wake up in the morning, go take care of some small animals inside."

"They joined the church yesterday and became our church members."

"Master God Master asked me to take care of them yesterday, but I saw you, so I entrust you with this glorious and arduous task."

Guo Teng put the warehouse key in Zhuo Peilin's hands.

"Why should I take care of those animal friends? What are you doing? Didn't God let you go? Why should you give me this matter?"

Zhuo Peilin said so, but she held the key given by Guo Teng tightly in her hand, for fear of falling to the ground and falling into a corner.

"I have other important things that the Lord God just told me."

No matter how you find any excuse to offend Zhuo Peilin, she has already accepted the task he handed over to her.

Things are over tonight.

"It is expected that we will have a lot of animal friends in the future. Lord God is thinking about turning them into people so that it will be easier for them to integrate into society."

Coming to the window, Guo Teng said something to Zhuo Peilin that made her dumbfounded.

"Make these cats and puppies human?"

The theory of evolution doesn’t say that it’s possible for cats and dogs to evolve into humans, right?

Zhuo Peilin searched carefully for the biological knowledge she had learned over the years, but there was no way to make these small animals into humans.

"Don't be so surprised, for Lord God, these things are very simple."

"But it's easy to turn them into people, it's hard to integrate them into society."

Guo Teng pointed to the four cats sleeping on the sofa and the corgi in the cage.

"If they become humans, they will have a huge impact on this society, right?"

Zhuo Peilin had a hard time imagining what would happen to society after these animals became humans.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"My lord God's first thought was to give these small animals that have turned into humans to the dead house, so that these unloved dead houses can get warmth."

"But he found that this group of dead nerds may be too passive. In some respects, their theoretical knowledge can surpass that of astronomers and physicists."

"But when it comes down to it, they can be very coy."

Guo Teng explained to Zhuo Peilin the situation of the group of dead houses in a very cryptic manner.

However, what Guo Teng said was too vague, and Zhuo Peilin obviously didn't understand what Guo Teng meant.

"People are also in heat, do you understand?"

Guo Teng said helplessly to Zhuo Peilin.

Only now did Zhuo Peilin understand what Guo Teng meant, and then she put her hands in front of her and took a step back.

"Sister, it's not my brother who hit you. Your figure really doesn't make me want to commit crimes."

"You are almost as good as the Shanghai blue steel plate, and you still expect me to commit a crime against you? Save it."

Guo Teng hates tablets.

Big fierce, big cockroaches, big white legs are king.

The flat-chested loli stayed away.

【Master God, you still wanted to smelt copper before, so will you abandon your previous creed? 】

I just think the little Lolita is cute, nothing else.


"Is there anything else to explain, if you don't, get out!"

Zhuo Peilin was very angry. She felt that it was definitely a bad time for her to meet someone like Guo Teng today.

"No, Xiaoxin contact me if something happens."

Guo Teng jumped from the third floor and disappeared from Zhuo Peilin's sight.

By the time he got home, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

"It's three o'clock, Leah, do you still need to train tonight?"

[Of course, if you sail against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat. You should know this. 】


With a sigh, Guo Teng lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and entered the drowsy world.

"It's still Naga tonight?"

[Of course, you just defeated them before, and didn't defeat them harmlessly. 】

"Are you sure you didn't pray for faith tonight?"

Liya has sent him a message of praying for faith after training him three times in a row.

Guo Teng didn't want to be extremely tired, but he had to stabilize his heart, calm down, and preach to others with hope.

[Can you let the believer pass? Didn’t the previous believer Galio do a good job? 】

"That's right."

Dodge Naga's slash, and then beat the back of the sword with his fist.

He kicked Naga hard in the stomach, smashing its internal organs.

[Doing everything yourself is not the sign of a good leader. 】

"But aren't we still in the early stages of entrepreneurship? If we don't work harder, how will we exploit believers in the future? Don't you think so?"

Taking the long sword from Naga's hand, Guo Teng imitated them to chop.

The strength was wrong, and Naga made a wound on his body.

"Looks like it's going to be tough again tonight."

After failing in the battle without injury, Guo Teng had no choice but to give up his fearless style of play, and killed them head-on, before proceeding to the next battle.

A few hours later.

"Leah, what is the ratio between the time in this dim world and the time in the outside world?"

Putting all Naga's long swords aside, Guo Teng stepped over Naga's body and began to walk towards the forest in the path.

【endless. 】


The successive fights made Guo Teng's mind a little dull, and he didn't understand what Liya meant by infinity for a while.

[You can understand that when you come to this world, the outside world has stopped. 】

[The time you came in is exactly the same as the time you went out. 】

"So this is ah."

The Naga corpses on the ground were almost piled up to the forest.

There are still many Naga corpses hanging on the edge of the cliff, about to fall.

Guo Teng settled down and looked at the woods in front of the path.

[I don't recommend you to go there now, Lord God. 】

[Of course, if you go there now, you can also try the feeling of being abused. 】


Looking at the Naga corpses on the ground, Guo Teng felt that the word Liya was biased.

(End of this chapter)

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