players lead the world

Chapter 199 The Coin of Truth (4K chapter, please recommend!)

Chapter 199 The Coin of Truth (4K chapter, please recommend!)

"Could it be possible to escape from the Lost City by committing suicide?"

The more Zhou Ze thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. This sentence talked about killing the infinite self. If it was just suicide, where would the infinity come from?If you kill one person, it will end, and the meaning is not smooth.

Read the five sentences over and over again.

The more I think about it, the more meaningful it becomes, but at first glance, I feel in a trance. Could this be something written by a lunatic?

Put away this document first, Zhou Ze wrote down this clue that is likely to be important information, and manipulating Kleis and others to find the vault door corresponding to the zero key is the real business.

After a battle, Kles and Aka were fine and uninjured, but their mental values ​​had dropped a little.

Although Er Gouzi was hit by a stone on the head, he recovered part of his blood volume after using hemostatic medicine and bandages, but his mental value was a little low. If his mental value dropped to zero, he might fall into a state of madness and become a lunatic.

"It's time to make a decision."

Zhou Ze pondered for a while, and decided to spend 20 meritorious service to bestow the Penance Bracelet on Kleiss.

There is always time to leave a free opportunity later.

As a holy artifact to speed up the recovery of mental value, the Penance Bracelet is of great value to Kleis and others in the strange world, especially Krys has another holy artifact that can counteract his curse, St. Mercury Blood of Lys!

Endowed by krypton gold.

There are more bone spur-like penance bracelets in the item bar in the game.

Let Kress try to wear this string of bracelets that are piercing at first glance, to see if the effect of the blood of St. Mercury can resist the bleeding curse of the penance bracelet. still exist?

After some testing.

The answer is gratifying!

Wearing the Bracelet of Penance and the Blood of St. Mercury at the same time does counteract the Bleeding Curse!And the speed of increasing mental recovery is not affected at all!
"In this way, the protagonist can have the effect of two sacred artifacts, but only needs to bear a price that is not difficult."

The price of the blood of St. Mercury is just that someone needs to pray to God before going to bed every day. Compared with the forced bleeding of penance bracelets, I don’t know where it is better.

Give Er Gouzi the priority to give these two matching holy artifacts, so that he can recover his mental state as soon as possible, so that it is not good to go crazy when the san value goes to zero in the next battle.

"Although A-Ka's mental value is rarely reduced due to external circumstances, it will consume a certain amount of mental value every time it casts a magic spell, and after a few more battles, it may drop below the dangerous line."

The most troublesome cost of magic is the drain on energy.

The meaning of spiritual value to magic is the same as that of spiritual power to immortal magic.

From the simplest point of view of the game, it is actually the relationship between the skills and the blue bar... But it doesn't matter if the blue bar is empty like in the game. Whether it is spiritual power or spirit, if it is exhausted, it will burden the body.

It's okay to run out of spiritual power, at best it's weak and prostration.

If you run out of energy, you will be miserable, ranging from falling into madness or coma, to being brain-dead and turning into a vegetative state!
Therefore, such things as exhausting energy in battle must not be allowed to happen.

"I don't know if A-Ka smokes or not."

Zhou Ze opened the inventory and asked Clais and Ergouzi to smoke a cigarette to speed up their mental recovery. Don't forget that those cigarettes are not just currency, but also precious and practical consumables.

The mental recovery effect of cigarettes is not as strong as that of cigars, but it is cheap and large in quantity.

As he guessed, Aka, a mysterious creature, is really different from human beings. It doesn’t need to smoke to ingest nicotine to numb its nerves...Well, it’s not right to say that it’s different from human beings. People who don’t smoke also have very much.

Fortunately, Aka's mental value passively recovers very quickly, so there should be no need to worry that it will go crazy due to the zero mental value.

Since the temporary teammate can act independently with its own will, it must have its own considerations, and will not let its spirit drop below the dangerous line in order to release magic.

Continue on towards the depths of the bank.

Pushing open a door, there are rows of dilapidated desks in the back hall of the bank, and filing cabinets and some decorations are displayed on both sides of the wall.

Looking around, there are more than a dozen lunatics with different postures jumping up and down in this hall, screaming, crying, wailing, crazy words, and meaningless muttering, like magic sounds, echoing in the wide hall.

If there really was a hell in this world, it would probably be no worse than here.

Two options pop up on the screen.

【Destroy this group of lunatics】, 【Sneak and explore alone】.

Considering the efficiency of work, it is indeed more appropriate to let Kress sneak in and explore alone. Since the option of being alone is given here, it should not encounter any inevitable death that cannot be escaped.

Let Aka and Er Gouzi stand by on the spot, and Kress retrieved the two holy artifacts from Er Gouzi and left the team.

With the effect of the night dress blending into the darkness, even without the weak sense of presence of the illusory mask, he can still come and go freely in the dim Azka Bank while hiding in the dark shadows without light.

On the way to sneak, Kress witnessed the crazy actions of many lunatics, and his mental value dropped slightly due to the terrifying and crazy atmosphere.

In a house to the left of the back hall of the bank he found three vault safes.

Kress tried to use the zero key to open the lock, but found that none of the lock holes of the vault could be matched with this key, and none of them could be opened.

"The vault door that the antique shop old man said is not in this room?"

Zhou Ze frowned in confusion, and without hesitation, he manipulated Clais to turn around and leave, not missing the safe in front of him at all.

Anyway, he doesn't know what's in the vault, even if it's all gold and banknotes, it doesn't matter, these things are useless in this lost city, if they can be brought from the game to reality, maybe he will still covet one or two.

Sneaked around the depths of the bank for a few more minutes.

Although Kles didn't find the vault door corresponding to the zero key, he was not without gains.

He found a sacred artifact in a filing cabinet drawer somewhere in the back hall!
This sacred object is a commemorative gold coin with the bank of Azka engraved on the front and the pattern on the back.

[Coin of Truth: Possesses limbs that can throw gold coins, 3-star equipment. 】

[Effect: Ask in your heart whether you should do something (pros and cons), close your eyes and throw the gold coin high, and there will be a higher probability of the front and back of the gold coin after it falls into the palm of your hand (the probability is generally higher than 60.00) %) to guide you to make the right choice. (The positive means that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and the negative means that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages)]

[Curse: Long-term use of this gold coin will make the bearer more and more dependent on it, and eventually it will become necessary to toss a gold coin every time a decision is made. 】

[Remarks: If every decision is judged by a small gold coin, then, does your life still belong to you?Or is it a puppet that has become a gold coin?choose. 】

[Hint: The power of the sacred artifact comes from obsession, and the curse is often accompanied by it. 】

The effects and curses of this gold coin are terrifying.

Regardless of the gold coins, the probability of getting the correct answer is only [-]%, which is only [-]% more than the probability of getting the correct answer by flipping a coin... But the [-]% probability of getting the correct answer means that you can predict it in advance!

As long as you toss a few more times, count the number of times on a certain side, and finally get the side with more times, you can actually increase the probability of the prediction coming true through an infinite number of tosses!

It's tempting to weigh the pros and cons of everything ahead of time, but the curses and notes on this Hallow are daunting.

"If you use this holy artifact gold coin to predict the authenticity of the information, you may be able to figure out whether the fog outside the wilderness of the lost city is an exit or a dead end without wasting save files."

If it is an export, then the gold coin will definitely be positive, which is beneficial to oneself.

If it is a dead end, then the gold coin will face up, which is more harmful to oneself.

"If you only use it a few times, there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

Zhou Ze couldn't resist the temptation and wanted to equip himself with the Coin of Truth to judge the authenticity of certain things.

In addition to the fog, there are still many questions in his mind that need to be confirmed.

For example: Is there a chance to escape the lost city by helping the antique shop owner collect the keys?Or is it more likely to help scientist Cameron get a radio device and escape?Can Amishus be trusted?Can Aka be trusted?
If you flip a coin, you can get an answer with a higher accuracy rate, even if it is not 100%.

This can save a lot of practice time, and the cost is that the protagonist of this archive may be captured by the gold coin sacred artifact.

Let Kles equip the coin of truth, before tossing the gold coin, the options for the question in mind appeared on the screen.

First and foremost the most important question is... can Amitheus be trusted?
The gold coin falls into the palm of the hand, facing up.

In order to get the correct answer, he specially asked Kress to toss the gold coin ten times, six of which were heads, only three were tails, and one time it stood up between his fingers.

"Can you trust it?"

Zhou Ze was thoughtful. He only intended to use the answer given by this gold coin as a reference and would not fully believe it.

Then there was the matter of going into the mists at the edge of the wilderness.

Ten tosses of gold coins resulted in tails eight times and heads twice.

It seems certain that the fog is a dead end.

Don’t rush to ask other questions for the time being, try to avoid the protagonist relying on the coin of truth too early in this save, and it’s not too late to use this gold coin when there are any follow-up questions that have to be judged immediately.

"Every time you want to determine a problem, in order to get a more accurate prediction, the safest way is to toss gold coins more than ten times, so that the frequency of use will be greatly increased, and the dependence will be stronger... The curse of the holy weapon really did not work." So easy."

I don't know if handing over the gold coins to others after the dependence increases can prevent this side effect.

Zhou Ze had a hunch that as a rare prophetic holy weapon, this Coin of Truth was far more useful than other equipment!You have to figure out how to maximize its effect.

The Azka Bank is actually not that big. The two areas, the front lobby reception and the back lobby office, are relatively large. The rest of the area is small rooms, and the total number of rooms is only five.

The two rooms are where archives and documents are stored. They have been turned over by lunatics, and there are feces and blood-stained corpses everywhere.

In the other three rooms, two of them housed the vault and the safe, and the last room located in the deepest part of the bank was extraordinarily exquisitely decorated, and seemed to be the independent office of the bank manager.

It was in this office that the Coin of Truth was found in the desk drawer.

"This key doesn't match the locks of all the safes. Could it be that the corresponding safes have been removed?"

Zhou Ze manipulated Kress to wander around the office to check for hidden clues in the inner room.

After several minutes of careful searching, he clicked the interaction buttons one by one along the walls of the objects, and he actually found a few yellowed papers.

These few sheets of paper were pressed under a statue of a collapsed idol. When Cress lifted the statue to take it out, he found that these sheets of paper were intact, not even a little wrinkled.

Looking at the paper, Zhou Ze found that it seemed to contain someone's diary:
'I have never been a superstitious person, but what I have experienced today has seriously shaken my strict materialistic beliefs. '

'On February 2th, I had an appointment with a visitor without prior appointment. He was tall, dressed in a smart suit and a coat, and carried a decent walking stick, all in dead black. '

'As for his face... as incredible as it sounds, I can't remember what he looked like at all! '

'I can't remember his age, his eyes, or the color of his hair! '

'Although I tried to recall his appearance, my impression was blank, as if a part of the memory in my mind had been cut out abruptly. '

'This mysterious stranger offered me a deal: I would install a new safe in the office, number 0, in exchange for a magic gold coin, and I would not be allowed to tell anyone about the safe . '

'When I asked him what the number 0 meant, he said to me:'

'"Let's put it this way, little guy, all countdowns end at 0 and start at 0, don't they? This safe will come in handy when this is all over. I mean, after everything is over."'

'After that meeting, my mind was full of thinking about the meaning of this sentence, and I couldn't forget it no matter what... It was like the whisper of the devil, and the deal he proposed was also like the deal of the devil! '

' But, I finally did as he said. '

'The magic power of that gold coin is so tempting, even the dice points and horse betting wins or losses that no one can predict, can be answered in advance by throwing the gold coin many times. '

’ He said: This gold coin is called the Coin of Truth. '

'He said: This world is as simple and complex as mathematics, everything has predictable laws, and the so-called irregularities are just the illusion of stupid creatures. '

He also said: As long as enough extensive and accurate information is collected, we can gain insight into the laws of the world and reach the other side of the truth. All unknowns will become known, and the process of predicting the future is as accurate as 1 plus 1 equals 2. '

'He...damn, my head is so full of what he said, I think I'm going crazy. '

'Two days ago, I got a decorator to punch a big hole in the wall and hide the damn safe in the wall above the desk, and it looks like that damn propaganda poster finally came in handy. '

'Now, I'm going to make good money with this gold coin. '

'I don't care about the truth or not. In this world, only money is the greatest truth! '

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!There are too few recommended tickets!Less than a subscription!


(End of this chapter)

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