players lead the world

Chapter 16 See through the real body!

Chapter 16 See through the real body!

The game CG is still again, and there are still three options.

【①Touch the back of the short man's head. (High probability of being discovered)]

【②Do not act rashly. (Give up the opportunity)]

[③ Sneak attack on him! (Launch attack)]

Zhou Ze clicked his tongue: "Your circle is really chaotic."

From the torn photo before, and the gunpowder-flavored dialogue between the two old men, it is not difficult to see that the intricate relationship between the three is enough to stage a bloody drama.

Among the several suspects currently on stage, he believes that the short man is the most suspected.

Not only was he unlucky in wrestling, but it was not difficult to see from the conversation between the two just now that the short man was the closest person to the victim recently.

The clues from the previous investigation in the living room showed that the victim opened the door for the murderer in pajamas. If an ex-boyfriend with a bad relationship with a crew cut came to look for her, it was not certain whether the girl would open the door for him. How could it be possible to invite the murderer in pajamas? He comes in?

But if it is a new boyfriend who is short, it is not necessarily true.

He didn't hesitate to press the option to touch the back of the short man's head.

The game screen changes suddenly.

A black shadow jumped from the corner towards the short man who had just walked into the living room. Several criminal policemen who were investigating the scene were startled when they discovered the black shadow. They hurriedly drew their guns and took aim. The short man also reacted very quickly and turned around to run away, but still failed. Avoid the capture of the shadow.

The game screen freezes, and the black shadow is Zhou Ze.

There was a faint black mist around him, and a pitch-black mask without facial features on his face. He firmly grasped both arms of the short man, and stretched his hands to the back of his head to grope...

[Discover the Thousand-Faced Devil! 】

[Mission Tip: Kill it! 】

"Sure enough, it's this guy, 5 points of merit are really worth it!"

Zhou Ze clenched his fists: "There is only one truth! You can't escape!"

Three options pop up on the game screen.

【① Shout: 'This guy is the murderer! ']

【②Mark enemies with special abilities. 】

【③ Do nothing and keep killing the thousand-faced demon. 】

Being targeted by so many guns, the identity assigned to him by the game is also very mysterious. If he directly kills someone, he may be killed by the criminal police at the scene as a murderer. He doesn't think he can dodge the bullet.

The first option looked good, and it would be great if the detectives could assist him in killing the demons.

"This guy is a murderer!"

Zhou Ze, who was covered in black mist in the game, shouted: "He has a small hole in the back of his head! It is exactly the same as the deadly wound on the back of the deceased's head. You can come and touch it to verify! Don't let him escape..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the short man under his restraint swelled rapidly with flesh and blood, turning into a huge monster covered in bone spurs and bursting with muscles. He was at least two meters tall, and he broke free from his restraints and fled outwards.

Several criminal policemen were stunned, and hurriedly turned their guns to shoot.

But the bullet had no effect on the big monster. It only groaned, and the wound hit by the bullet quickly shrank to stop the bleeding. It escaped from everyone's field of vision at a very fast speed, and disappeared into the stairway.

By the time Zhou Ze and a few criminal policemen chased after him, the Thousand Faced Demon had long since disappeared.

[The target has been disguised as another resident, the mission failed. 】

A blood-red subtitle of 'Game Over' popped up on the screen.

"This guy...will transform?"

Zhou Ze was stunned: "Close-range pistol shooting can't stop it from escaping. Once it escapes the sight range, it will disguise itself as someone else. No wonder no one has been able to catch it after so many years of crimes."

However, he was not discouraged, and reopened the file loading.

Now that we know who the enemy is, why can't we kill it with infinite file reading?

After the game fails, three archive options are given: [Archive 1: Investigate the murder scene], [Archive 2: Characters appear one after another], [Archive 3: See through the devil with thousands of faces].

He chooses save 3.

Still the three familiar options, this time he pressed 'Kill the Thousand-Faced Demon' without hesitation.

[The character automatically activates the power of liver explosion, and automatically uses the absolute intuition skill card. 】

In the game, he took out a kitchen knife from his arms, raised the knife and slashed at the back of the thousand-faced demon's head.

But before he could hit the target, the Thousand-Faced Demon squirmed first. Several pale bone spurs stretched out from the back of his neck to protect the back of his head. The curled blade of the kitchen knife that hit the bone spurs bounced away.

A few bone spurs suddenly appeared from the back and almost pierced Zhou Ze.

Fortunately, he had a premonition to avoid it in advance, and before retreating, he forcibly twisted one of the demon's arms.

Several criminal policemen were stunned, and they later realized that they shot Zhou Ze, who was covered in black mist, and the 'short man' who had turned into a monster. They were both wet with rain and dew, and did not take sides.

In their eyes, Zhou Ze and the monster are also enemies of unknown origin.

Before the criminal police opened fire, Zhou Ze hid behind the larger Thousand-Faced Demon, and firmly grasped the two bone spurs of the Thousand-Faced Demon to prevent him from escaping, forcefully forcing it to eat the round of bullets.

The body was shot more than a dozen times, but the thousand-faced demon groaned in pain, but he didn't die. The wounded part bleeds and then shrinks and heals automatically. I don't know if the gun has any killing effect on it.

It slammed into the wall with all its strength, and flung away Zhou Ze who was clutching the bone spur on his back. He didn't want to fight, and fled towards the corridor again.

Just as Zhou Ze wanted to catch up, there was another gunshot behind him. Fortunately, he reacted very quickly to dodge in advance, and followed the Thousand Faced Demon one after the other and disappeared into the dark stairway of the building. The two disappeared without a trace.

The game screen is plunged into pitch black.

[Failed to catch up with the Thousand Faced Demon, the target got rid of you and disguised himself as another resident, the mission failed. 】

"It failed again. I didn't expect that I couldn't kill it in the first place when I activated the power of liver explosion. I couldn't even catch up with this guy..."

Zhou Ze learned his lesson and reopened save file 3 again.

This time he chose 'Mark enemies with special abilities'.

After marking the Devil with Thousand Faces, the other two options still exist.

He chose to disclose the murderer's identity to several criminal policemen again. Sure enough, the thousand-faced demon couldn't bear to transform into a monster, broke free from the shackles, resisted a few shots and fled towards the stairs.

This time Zhou Ze and several criminal police officers still lost their target.

The screen went black, but instead of failing the game, it jumped to a new chapter.

[The investigation is over, and the target has been locked. 】

[The battle scene of the second act is about to enter, please be prepared. 】

"At this stage, the demon will inevitably escape?"

Zhou Ze was thoughtful: "Sure enough, the correct order is to mark first and then shout, so that even if the target escapes, the mission will not fail. You can continue to search along the marks, and the game will enter the next stage."

The screen jumps directly to the empty abandoned factory.

He and the Thousand-Faced Demon confront each other face-to-face, and the playstyle becomes a live-action type.

The painting style is extremely realistic, and the blood bars of the two are marked on the left and right upper corners.

At first, he didn't figure out how to operate it. He shook the joystick to control himself and ran around for less than ten seconds when the sturdy Thousand-Faced Demon caught the flaw and penetrated his abdomen with bone spurs from behind, killing him on the spot.

"Hiss... this picture is a bit bloody!"

Zhou Ze looked at himself who died tragically on the screen, and shivered: "The opponent is not weak. It may not be easy to kill him without a weapon at hand. I guess he will have to fight hard like the previous game."

Load the file again and reopen, this time there is an extra [Archive 4: Single-handedly kill the demon].

(End of this chapter)

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