players lead the world

Chapter 158 World Situation

Chapter 158 World Situation

"There are quite a few types of awakening abilities. How long has it been since the encyclopedia of awakening abilities has been sorted out on the Internet?"

Zhou Ze was surprised to find that there was an encyclopedia website called 'Secret Garden' that recorded the special abilities of many Awakened people, and even made character cards for those Awakened stars who were promoted by the country to become famous...

These simple character cards mainly describe the abilities of the Awakened, and other information will not be touched.

It is not so much a character card as an ability card.

The information on the website is naturally indispensable: "Savior", "Mysterious Knight", "Elemental Elf", Zhou Ze's vest that appeared in the world videos, and even Lu Chujun's ability introduction is also included.

Zhou Ze flipped through the 'Secret Garden' website for a while, and found that he hadn't gone out for a week, and the whole world seemed to be turned upside down.

There are thousands of strange abilities recorded on the mysterious source alone.

I don't know how many people in the world have awakened special abilities.

Maybe tens of thousands?There may be tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands?even more……

The awakening ability is divided into various categories such as elemental, spiritual, enhanced, and special. The ability to manipulate water, fire, wind and thunder in film and television works does exist, but this is not the most powerful. There are some special types of awakening The ability is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

An elemental Awakener who controls wind current flight.

A spiritual awakener who forcibly manipulates the bodies of others.

A special type of awakening that can manipulate the gravity field to attack and defend.

An enhanced Awakened whose body is as impenetrable as steel bullets.

Many awakening abilities are so rare and powerful that even Zhou Ze is deeply envious after seeing them. Why didn't he awaken himself?Even if there is one more 1-star skill that doesn't occupy the skill slot, that's fine.

There are many awakening abilities, but it is not difficult to see from the video that the strength of these awakened people is generally not particularly strong. Most of them have less than [-] points of combat power at most. If you really want to take them out for actual combat, there must be none is his opponent.

"A foreign country has also established a cultivation system?"

He flipped through the search items of the Awakened, and suddenly found this information that stunned him.

According to news reports, the Empire on which the sun never sets five days ago discovered a mysterious book that recorded similar magical knowledge in an unknown area. This mysterious book caused large-scale supernatural disasters in nearby cities as soon as it appeared in the world.

The specific disaster was not mentioned in the news in detail. It only said that a town with a population of about 10 people was burned down by fire, and no one survived. Only the mysterious book was left in the ruins of the town.

"A city... 10 people..."

Zhou Ze frowned.

The news is understated and overshadowed.

But just a few simple words are still creepy.

"There is probably this 'game' in the world game, but unfortunately I didn't find it, and I can't buy it."

Every game in the world game is preventing disasters that are about to happen in reality. He guessed that the unknown fire in the empire on which the sun never sets can also be prevented by playing a certain game.

If he hadn't bought "The Guide of Destiny" at the beginning, I'm afraid there would be an extra item in the news last month, "A certain city in China suffered a supernatural disaster, and the city with a population of millions has no survivors."

"The secret strategies of the fairy arts in the China Secret Realm, and the mysterious magic books of the Empire on which the sun never sets, all appeared in the world with disasters after the arrival of the age of spiritual power... Could there be similar inheritances in other countries?"

He is not very clear about the affairs of the Empire on which the sun never sets, but he knows the affairs of the Xumi Secret Realm all too well.

Due to the revival of spiritual energy, the seal of the demon is further loosened, and there are three secret strategies of immortality in the secret territory. It can be said that a typical opportunity and crisis coexist. If no one interferes, the demon will eventually wreak havoc on the world and cause a catastrophe.

But after the disaster, the country should be able to find three secret strategies of the immortal law from the collapsed Sumeru secret realm, so as to obtain the inheritance of the immortal law.

Is this process exactly the same as in the Empire on which the sun never sets?
Knowing the inside story, Zhou Ze couldn't help but doubt that this was just a coincidence.

"If you have time, you have to search more in the world game. Is there any other game with a plot similar to "The Guide of Destiny?"

The rest is chores.

For example: almost all the patients who fell into madness due to the whispers of the old days recovered, Huaxia announced that it would share the secrets of the breathing method and the immortal method with other countries next month, and the empire on which the sun never sets also announced that it would share the mysterious magic book with Countries work together to decipher and share the results.

To be honest, Zhou Ze is too lazy to read international current affairs, but he has to.

Some people may not be able to understand why Huaxia and Ribuluo would take the initiative to share their cultivation techniques...

the reason is simple.

Such things as breathing methods and secret strategies of immortal methods are not secrets that are only in the hands of a very few people, but knowledge that must be popularized, and it is destined to be impossible to keep it secret for a long time.

The most difficult thing to prevent theft in this world is knowledge.

Even if the country is no longer willing to share, other countries can get intelligence by playing a little bit.

Rather than being unwilling to be stolen by others, it is better to share it generously in advance. Not only can you get a good reputation, but you can also stipulate that it must not be shared until next month, giving your country a place on the table Buy more research time on the Internet.

The empire on which the sun never sets is even more thieves.

Simply take out the mysterious magic book that has not yet been deciphered and let everyone decipher it together. In the process, they don't need to waste human and financial resources at all. Not only will they earn a good reputation, but they can also enjoy the benefits in the end.

Forget it, Zhou Ze doesn't want to worry too much about topics that are too macroscopic.

After spending nearly an hour browsing through the turbulent changes in the world situation and confirming that he would not be greatly affected, Zhou Ze turned off his phone and left.

The sun is rising in the east, and the morning glow is dazzling.

Another new day.

It's August 1th.

Zhou Ze found an old tree in a remote alley somewhere in the town, skillfully stuffed the Sumeru Stone into the high tree hole, making sure that no one would find it, and then went back into the secret realm.

The portability of Xumi Secret Realm is good, but Zhou Ze still has a headache because it cannot be stored in the storage box.

He can't use the elemental spirit form when he is carrying the Sumeru Stone (the elemental spirit has no entity), so he used the goblin form for the journey during this period, otherwise it would be more appropriate to use the elemental spirit that will not get tired for a long journey.

"Although the Sumeru Stone in the Sumeru Secret Realm is only the size of a little finger, it is difficult to be found, but it is not a solution to always hide like this in the future. You have to find a solution when you have time."

Even if no one notices it, it would be very troublesome if it is accidentally taken away by wild cats, dogs or birds.

Once he stays in the secret realm, he often does not come out for several days. Maybe when he is about to go out after staying in the house for a few days, he will find himself being picked up by migratory birds from the south to the north, or being carried into narrow areas such as sewer pipes by small animals. .

Once the Sumeru Stone has an accident, it means that the entrance and exit of the secret realm will also be blocked.

Zhou Ze didn't want to be trapped to death in the secret realm.

The safety issue cannot be ignored, and we have to find a way to better protect the safety of the Sumeru Stone... For the time being, we can only make do with it temporarily.

(End of this chapter)

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