players lead the world

Chapter 143 Authority Choice

Chapter 143 Authority Choice
Another new title skill, 'Player's Soul', seems to be a mental ability as well.

[Soul of the Player: Consume 5 energy points to forcibly adjust the mental state, gain positive state gains such as 'Persistence', 'Focus', 'Fearless', 'Brave', 'Calm', 'Calm', 'Insight', etc., immune All negative mental states can enhance mental resistance, mysterious resistance, and supernatural resistance to a certain extent. 】

[The consumption is stepped: the player's soul is turned on and lasts for 3 minutes. After the effect fades, it is forced to be weak for 10 minutes. If it is turned on for more than 3 minutes, the effect fades and the force is weakened by 10 times the duration of the effect. 】

[Cooling time: 1 hours. 】

[Remarks: The player's soul should not be disturbed by foreign objects! 】

"Fortunately, this one doesn't need to burn lifespan... Is it the price of forced weakness? It's a bit more restrictive, but overall it's not bad."

The player's soul is equivalent to a negative mental state immunity buff. I don't know how the additional buff mental state will be... Well, it's better to try it now.

Select the skill to open the player's soul.

A clear stream like an oasis flowed across the brain.

Zhou Ze suddenly felt that he had become extraordinarily energetic and in a surprisingly good mood, but he couldn't find any other changes after careful observation. The buff effect seemed to be far less intense than the power of liver explosion.

"Does it have to have a negative buff to reflect the effect?"

Zhou Ze walked out of the room in bewilderment, and looked up at the dark night sky.

He was bored and practiced for a while in the open space in front of the board room, such as 'armor', 'inch shield', 'dangling' and other secret strategies, and waited until the time was close to 3 minutes before closing the player's soul.

The moment he turned off the player's soul, he suddenly felt dizzy and tired.

His eyelids trembled and he couldn't help but want to sleep, but his body didn't feel tired at all.

"Is this mental coercion and weakness? It's not as strong as when the power of the explosive liver is overdrawn. You can still resist it if you grit your teeth a little bit."

Zhou Ze patted his cheek hard, and walked back to his room with all his energy.

Take the high-level spirit stone from the bookshelf and breathe it out.

Ten minutes passed in a flash, and the weak mental state disappeared without a trace.

Zhou Ze put the spirit stone back into place and exhaled: "The side effects of the player's soul are relatively small, but this kind of mental weakness will definitely affect the combat status, so it should be used with caution."

It’s okay to use it casually in the game, and you can still read the file if something happens.

But in reality, there's no way to know if it's safe to do so during the debilitating state, and it's best to simply not use this negatively costly skill.

Find out the effect of increasing the junior player title.

Zhou Ze turned his gaze back to the game interface again, and the player level in the upper right corner was still flashing golden light of unread messages.

Previously, a player who was promoted to level 2 got a chance to choose a player authority. This time, a player who was promoted to level 3 naturally also has a corresponding player authority for him to choose... That's right!New player benefits similar to Card Master are here!
[You can choose one of the following player privileges as a reward. 】

【①Mobile warehouse: +12 slots in the storage bar of the portable interface. 】

[②Junior players: +20% each time you get meritorious rewards (not less than 1 point of meritorious service)]

[③Krypton Gold Changing Fate: Each game can have a certain degree of Krypton Gold privileges, such as consuming 100 meritorious deeds to randomly summon alien creatures to help, or consuming 200 meritorious deeds to force the enemy into bad luck... (Krypton gold privileges per The game can only be used once, and the permission effect can reduce the difficulty of the game by a third at most)]

【④Plane Catcher: Get a random plane shuttle opportunity once a week, and travel to other planes to capture game characters!Persuading or forcibly conquering a specific target can be included as a game character by consuming 100 meritorious service. (Reminder: The time limit for traveling between planes is 30 minutes, and you cannot take any items from this plane. Shuttle between planes is completely random, there is a chance of danger, and you cannot return early.)]

"Choose one of the four? The last two player permissions are a bit complicated this time."

It took Zhou Ze several minutes just to read through the contents of the last two permissions and fully understand the meaning.

According to his previous experience, the player authority must not be selected too focused on the immediate interests...

For example, the first 'Mobile Warehouse' permission has very little prospect of development. There used to be a player permission called 'Pocket Butler' which was similar to this one. It seemed to be OK two months ago, but now it seems very tasteless.

Besides, he owns the large warehouse of Xumi Secret Realm, and the increase in the storage capacity of the portable interface is not so attractive to him.

The second "junior player" is too mediocre. It is true that meritorious service is important, but it is too insignificant compared with other permissions.

It feels like someone is asking you: 'Which would you choose between 100 billion cash and the ability to predict the future? 'Similarly, I have to admit that 100 billion in cash is very attractive, but people with a slightly normal mind will choose the latter without hesitation.

Some things, even if you have money, you can't do it.

With some abilities, you can easily get money with it.

Player permissions are actually almost the same.

"I have to choose between 'Krypton Gold Changing Fate' and 'Plane Catcher', and it feels a bit difficult to choose."

'Krypton Gold Changing Life' can effectively reduce the difficulty of the game, and the reduction of the difficulty of the game means that he can speed through the game faster and better!
The faster he clears the level in the same amount of time, the more games he can play in other worlds. Even if he can't accumulate many merits because the process requires krypton gold, the speed pass game can speed up the improvement of strength!Get more props and skills!
And 'Dimensional Catcher' is obviously an auxiliary permission of the big world game.

Randomly enter other planes to capture game characters or temporary teammates...

Zhou Ze, who has never been in touch with the big world game, is full of doubts about this authority.

What are the channels for obtaining game characters?What's the use after getting it?Is it cost-effective to specifically choose this permission to obtain game characters?
He has no knowledge of this information.

"The ability of the plane catcher is also forbidden to take things from other planes, and can only be used to capture game characters."

Zhou Ze stroked his chin, staring at the game interface in deep thought.

"Randomly enter other planes? It sounds very attractive. Even if you can't capture the game characters, it's not bad just to go to other worlds to broaden your horizons. If there is no 'krypton gold change', I will definitely choose 'bit' without hesitation." face catcher'."

"Krypton Gold Changing Fate" needs to consume a lot of merit to get special help.

In addition to the 560 merits obtained by clearing the "Rite of Cthulhu" just now, he still has 726 merits on hand (it took 100 merits to obtain the plane coordinates, and 20 merits to have Hastur Whispers), and the follow-up in reality Rescuing the cruise ship may require several goblin form transformations, which will cost a lot.

At present, there are many places that need to spend meritorious service.

Merits are required for purchasing new games, merits for changing permanent cards back to the main body in advance, merits for in-game purchases, merits for obtaining plane coordinates... and the newly unlocked big world game, I don’t know how many places need merits.

Make bricks without straw.

If you want to play krypton gold, you have to weigh whether your wallet is big enough.

(End of this chapter)

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