players lead the world

Chapter 136 Improving the Customs Clearance Process

Chapter 136 Improving the Customs Clearance Process
(Chapter 4 explosive update!)
Gotta get the cruise ship out of here quickly!

Immortals fight and mortals suffer.

Human creations are extremely small in front of the old rulers with a size of several kilometers, but if a thunder or tentacles accidentally reach this side, it can easily overturn this 10,000+ ton steel cruise ship.

Now that they have successfully provoked a fight between Hastur and Cthulhu, it is time for these idlers to withdraw.

Since the captain, first mate, and others in the bridge were also cultists, and they were all suddenly killed by him, Ethel, and his daughter not long ago, the cruise ship was currently unmanned.

There was no one around, so Zhou Ze had no choice but to go into battle himself, and went to Nuo Da's cruise ship cab to find a console that could drive this giant steel beast.

"Hey, the cab is so much bigger than I thought?"

After Zhou Ze ran to the driver's cab on the third floor of the cabin, he found that the driver's cab was hundreds of square meters in size, and there were a lot of electronic instruments and consoles that he didn't know what to do. Start the driver's seat of the cruise ship.

This is completely different from what he expected. He thought that even if the cab was a little more complicated than driving, at least he could find the steering wheel and the propulsion lever.

Can this thing be driven by him alone?
Fortunately, this is in the game, you don't need to try to use the consoles one by one, you just need to find a place where you can interact.

It took Zhou Ze a lot of effort to finally find a driver's seat where he could interact.

The game screen suddenly switches to a console with complicated buttons. In the lower right corner, there is a third perspective overlooking the cruise ship swaying in the waves, and the old battlefield with thunder flashing in the distance can be vaguely seen.

The game seems to let him use the console to control the cruise ship to escape the battlefield.

"I didn't expect that the last part of escaping from the battlefield would be a hurdle! How can I drive a cruise ship? And it's a medium-to-large cruise ship with a capacity of 2000 passengers?!"

Am I some elementary school student who learned everything from a trip to Hawaii?Who in the right mind can fly a plane or a ship?
Zhou Ze couldn't help complaining about the soaring technical difficulty of the game.

I don’t know if there are any introductory instructional videos on the Internet that teach people how to drive a medium to large cruise ship. I don’t ask for anything else, as long as they can turn the cruise ship around and drive away. However, it is unlikely that such difficult and niche teaching content is available online. .

"I don't necessarily have to come, maybe I can ask if there is anyone on board who can drive a cruise ship?"

Zhou Ze glanced at the panoramic view of the cruise ship swaying on the sea in the lower right corner of the screen.

Layers of ferocious waves more than ten meters high beat on the hull deck, dragging many passengers into the sea. Some small black spots floating and struggling could be vaguely seen on the sea surface around the cruise ship. At least hundreds of people were washed away by the waves Into the sea.

Trouble, forgot to protect the passengers of the cruise ship from the Cthulhu and Hastur battle.

The two old dogs next to them are almost out of their minds. Even if the cruise ship can start smoothly, Zhou Ze has no time to spend a lot of time saving the hundreds of passengers who fell into the water. If so many people die, they will definitely not be able to get the highest score.

This archive will be discarded again.

"Find a pilot who can drive a cruise ship, guide the passengers to evacuate before Hastur arrives, and sail the cruise ship away from the old battlefield as soon as possible!"

This is the experience Zhou Ze summed up in this archive.

Archive for next time!Guaranteed high score clearance!

Without hesitation, he loaded the file and returned to the time when he had just finished dealing with the group of cultists on the first floor of the cabin.

This time Zhou Ze didn't immediately go to the opera house on the fourth floor to find Amishus and those students, but started to gather passengers along the way as a mysterious knight, telling them to go back to their rooms and not look out the window, and Let Esther's mother and daughter and the old housekeeper also run around to appease the passengers.

The movement of the battle to clean up the cultists not long ago has caused panic among the passengers on the ship.

Even with the status of a mysterious knight, there is no guarantee that all passengers will obediently listen to his words and go back to the room to hide. In case some curious guys secretly lie on the window and look at Cthulhu on the sea, then there is really no way. saved.

"Forget it, let's try to pass the level like this first, and see how many people will die before thinking about other solutions."

In the process of gathering passengers, Zhou Ze did not forget to look for someone who can drive a cruise ship.

It really allowed him to find a few people who could sail.

Although these passengers have never driven this kind of medium and large cruise ship with thousands of passengers, they are still better than Zhou Ze, who has never even seen the cabin cockpit. Let them tinker a little, as long as they can Just move the boat forward.

It took nearly 10 minutes to evacuate the passengers.

Zhou Ze noticed that the few students in the backstage of the opera hall were also influenced by the outside world, so they failed to continue the mystic ceremony, but were forced to go back to the room by their classmates and teachers...

In desperation, he could only personally invite these students to help and let them continue to communicate about Hastur's ritual.

What made Zhou Ze a little uneasy was that the schedule for this archive might be too tight. During this period, Amishus did not show up. He didn't know if he left or was still lurking somewhere on the cruise ship.

He was always a little worried that he hadn't seen this strange guy leave with his own eyes.

Four students held a ceremony in the room behind the stage, while Zhou Ze stood outside the room and waited quietly for Hastur to arrive.

"Be well organized, do things neatly, without a trace of sloppiness, and your actions will never be flawed. It is as perfect as an art performance that has been rehearsed countless times... Interesting, powerful, I am convinced that I lost this game."

Accompanied by unhurried applause, a deep magnetic voice sounded from the earphones.

Zhou Ze turned his perspective and found that Amicus once again appeared quietly behind him in some unknown way, with his signature elegant yet weird smile still hanging on the corner of his mouth, looking straight at him.

These bastards come out from behind people every time, is it deliberately pretending to be coercive?Or to show strength?

On a deeper level, Amytheus probably wanted to express: "It can kill itself at any time as long as it wants"?It is really a way of demonstration that leaves no trace and is hard to ignore.

"Ametheus, the blood sacrifice has been destroyed, you have no reason to stay here, go away."

Zhou Ze skillfully typed a series of deceptive lines.

"Nine Stars are approaching, I know you are eager to find an organization that can give you asylum, as long as you have this intention, I can recommend you to the top of the organization at any time, but the recommendation review process is as fast as two months or as slow as three months. You will be given a task later as a nomination certificate, if you agree, you can just leave, and if you pass the review, the person in charge will naturally come to you to assign the task."

His string of lines made Amitheus stunned.

Everything is covered in every detail, and there is no room for it to ask questions.

(End of this chapter)

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