players lead the world

Chapter 130 Explosive Materials

Chapter 130 Explosive Materials
Unknowingly, he wandered to the door of a police station sub-station, the game progress of "Rite of Cthulhu" stuck in his mind, and the idea of ​​stealing a gun appeared in his mind, but he quickly dismissed it.

What kind of guns can domestic police stations have?At most, there are a few old-fashioned pistols that haven't been used in a long time, and the increase in combat power is minimal.

If the avatar and the butler, who are in their early [-]s, can safely kill the two deep divers, at least they need to get a shotgun or submachine gun, either powerful or fast, so that they have a chance to kill the two deep divers alone.


In fact, it is not necessary for the two of them to deal with the deep divers alone?
Zhou Ze suddenly remembered something.

The first time he tried to destroy the blood formation, he didn't kill the two deep divers immediately, but spent nearly ten seconds trying to get the words out of the mouth of one of the deep divers, and spent another ten seconds forcefully cutting the blood with a knife. The texture of the array is completely destroyed.

After doing all this, he used the permanent card of the elemental spirit to slowly go to the next cabin.

Even though it took such a long time, it still happened to catch up with the scene where the other two deep divers offered to sacrifice themselves to launch a blood sacrifice.

It can be seen from this that there was at least half a minute between the time he destroyed the first blood formation and the time he was discovered by the opponent.

The condition for the activation of the blood sacrifice is that the two deep divers can use their own lives as a guide to summon the blood mist that surrounds the entire cruise ship. If the deep divers are killed, there is no need to destroy the blood array.

"The 20 seconds spent destroying the blood array and trying to extract a confession can be saved completely. This way I have time to get rid of the deep divers in the second cabin before the blood array is activated."

Zhou Ze couldn't help but slapped his thigh fiercely.

Why did you ignore this?

Now that he can solve two blood formations, it will be much easier to deal with the remaining three blood formations.

Ethel, the mother and daughter have their own means to solve it, so don't worry about it. The rest only needs to work together with the avatar and the old butler to kill the deep diver in the last cabin.

Although their combat strength is low, as long as they have guns in hand, they still have a good chance of winning against a deep diver.

If it's just for safety, it's a big deal to make more self-made bombs, let the old butler and the avatar drop the bombs before breaking in, blow up the two deep divers half to death, and then shoot indiscriminately with pistols, even if they can't kill them, at least they can stop them Array.

"Looking at it this way, stealing a gun is not meaningless...but it has to be easier to harder. First steal the materials for homemade explosives, and then steal the gun."

Zhou Ze turned on his phone and searched for the materials needed for homemade explosives.

Potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal are mixed according to a specific ratio (the specific ratio will not be mentioned, it is easy to be harmonious), and then it is sealed and sealed, and a lead wire is added. The process is simple and children can do it.

The easiest thing to get is charcoal, which can be made by burning a few logs.

Sulfur can be bought in general pharmacies, traditional Chinese medicine stores or pesticide stores, and there are no purchase restrictions for private individuals.

The only thing is that it is illegal to buy potassium nitrate privately.

The chemical fertilizer store should have industrial potassium nitrate, chemical pure potassium nitrate can be replaced by chemical pile remover, and pure potassium nitrate needs to be purchased in a special chemical pharmacy store.

"Agricultural potassium nitrate should also be used as gunpowder, right?"

Zhou Ze thought hard with his remaining knowledge of chemistry: "It seems that agricultural potassium nitrate fertilizer is not pure enough and must be purified. It needs to be dissolved and used to crystallize and purify using the temperature difference..."

It's so troublesome, just search on the map where there is a chemical specialty store.

After searching on the map software, the nearest chemical drug store is only seven kilometers away from his current location.

He simply ran all the way over, and when he reached the entrance of the store, he searched around for a location where he could sneak into the store. After struggling for a long time, he discovered that there was only a palm-sized ventilation duct that could lead directly to the store without damaging the building.

Such a small ventilation duct may not necessarily be able to get into the cat.

But Zhou Ze can.

It just so happened that he planned to travel in the form of a goblin for the next day and a half, so it would be good to transform himself in advance to get the supplies.

After using the goblin card to become a palm-sized miniature, Zhou Ze easily sneaked into the chemical pharmacy along the ventilation duct.

Relying on his flying advantage to avoid the surveillance cameras, he looked for the labels of potassium nitrate among the bottles and jars in the store.

It didn't take long to find the white powder.

Potassium nitrate is actually not expensive, the industrial grade is only five or six yuan a kilogram, and the reagent grade is divided into categories, there are 80 yuan a kilogram, and there are 500 yuan a kilogram... He does not know which one can be used. .

Zhou Ze simply moved a large bag of 1000 kilograms of industrial-grade potassium nitrate and several jars of high-purity reagent-grade potassium nitrate from the chemical store's inventory. He left [-] yuan in the store and put the things into the secret realm. , Take the time to slowly try to make explosives in the future.

Taking advantage of the high mobility and concealment characteristics of the goblin form, Zhou Ze quickly went to the warehouse of the nearby pharmacy to get five kilograms of sulfur, and another five kilograms of charcoal from the local product store of the nearby foundry.

For the container, he chose a glass wine bottle.

Anyway, it is to accommodate gunpowder, maybe the lethality of glass shards is even higher.

It's a pity that there is no channel or location to buy explosives directly, otherwise, buying a few explosives of the kind used in engineering to blow up mountains is actually not bad, and it can save a lot of trouble.

"It's time to steal the gun next... I'm a little excited when I think about it."

Most boys have an instinctive love and desire for weapons.

There should be quite a few people who played with toy guns when they were young. Compared with cold weapons, more powerful and more deterrent firearms are obviously the current mainstream pursuit.

It has to be said that even though his combat power is close to a thousand points and he possesses magical skills such as 'Spirit Holding' and 'Armor Wearing', Zhou Ze still believes that firearms are more efficient weapons of destruction.

At least for now, the strength of his spiritual power will definitely not be able to block large-caliber bullets.

The enemies he has encountered so far can actually be easily killed by firearms, even more efficient than cold weapons.

Although the Thousand-Faced Demon has the powerful awakening ability to control his own body, his physical strength alone is not particularly strong. Even if his vital parts are hit by a few bullets, he will die. Even if he blocks the vital parts with his bones in advance, it will only be enough in a head-on confrontation. A question of how many shots to shoot.

Demons seem to be hard to kill with guns.

But in fact, if a heavy machine gun is fired at it crazily, there is still a great chance of hitting the core in its body... The barrage of brainless Gatling guns can turn it into a hornet's nest in a few seconds !
Of course, the premise is that the demon body cannot be too large.

If the thickness reaches tens of hundreds of meters, then the effect of the firearm is really negligible. With Zhou Ze's ability, he will definitely not be able to kill the demon that has swallowed too much flesh and blood. Killing... the topic drifted away before I knew it.

(End of this chapter)

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