players lead the world

Chapter 114 Clearing the level is actually very simple

Chapter 114 Clearing the level is actually very simple

Dodging left and right, seeing that the last [-]% of his mental value was left, Zhou Ze was convinced that he could not escape, so he quickly switched his skill to 'Old Nemesis', planning to try the skill title of 'Old Eternal Sleeper' Effect.

If Mr. Ke could be knocked out, his death would not be in vain.

In the goblin form, he didn't have anything else in his hands, so he simply smashed the Sumeru Stone at one of the tentacles. Anyway, this save file will also be destroyed, and it doesn't matter if you smash it with anything.

Black stones the size of fingernails looked particularly insignificant when they hit the green tentacles.

But it caused an unbelievable killing effect.

boom! ! !
The green tentacles with a diameter of more than ten meters were knocked over by an invisible force, and the whispers from the earphones stopped abruptly.

[The old nemesis activates!Cthulhu was suppressed by the will of the earth and fell into a forced coma state, which lasted for 21 seconds. 】

It's done! ?
Zhou Ze was pleasantly surprised.

He had tried casually with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but he didn't expect it to work?
What is the will of the earth? It sounds very high-end, as if it has appeared in other game titles... If it is really the collective will of the entire earth, why would it help him suppress Cthulhu?Is this skill related to the will of the earth?

Various speculations ran through Zhou Ze's mind, but in the end he couldn't come up with a reliable answer, so he had to give up.

This title skill does not seem to be useless, but it might be used to reverse the situation when facing the old days fleeing for one's life.

With the goblin's ultimate sprint speed, 21 seconds is enough for him to escape from this sea area, and it's no problem to run a distance of nearly ten kilometers... Unless Mr. Ke really doesn't want to be chased by the cards, he shouldn't be able to escape so far Difficult to shake off.

Instead of staying in place, he manipulated the goblin to run wildly.

This game doesn't consider any ratings, just try to save your own life in the game.

The cruise ship is gone, the blood sacrifice is over, all the passengers are dead, the Sumeru Stone is lost, and Cthulhu has recovered... The situation has turned into this terrible situation. fail?

Fei fled in the sky for about ten seconds.

A prompt box pops up on the game screen.

[You saved your life, the game is cleared. 】

This is followed by settlement scoring.

[Facing the old days: face-to-face confrontation with Cthulhu - 10 points]

[Escaper: Cowardice is not shameful, what is shameful is death—10 points;]

[Score for this mission: 20 points (like waste). 】

【Is it uploaded as the final result?After uploading, you can get the meritorious service that meets the evaluation level. 】

"20 points? I'm flattered that I can still get points after playing so poorly."

Zhou Ze scratched the back of his head.

Facing the old days, this evaluation he took was a bit unreliable.

He just hit someone's tentacles with a small stone by relying on the "Old Nemesis". If this can be regarded as a direct confrontation, does his punching the ground count as flattening the earth?
As for the evaluation of the evader, it can be judged that the minimum clearance requirements of this game are actually not high, all he needs is to save his own life.

The reason why he failed so thoroughly the previous few times was mainly because he foolishly did not escape from the cruise ship during the blood sacrifice, and became a victim of the blood sacrifice together with two thousand passengers...

Considering that there is still room for improvement in this game clearance, Zhou Ze read the file and started again.

This time he still used the old routine, throwing more than [-] passengers into the Sumeru Stone before the cult priest started the blood sacrifice, and then fled before the cruise ship was completely covered in blood mist, and took a fork in his hand in advance As a throwing weapon.

Waiting for Cthulhu's first tentacles to drill out from the bottom of the sea, trying to drag the blood cocooned cruise ship into the deep sea.

Zhou Ze changed into 'Old Nemesis' ahead of time and threw the fork at the giant tentacle.

Such a big goal is almost impossible to miss.

And the 'Old Nemesis' has lived up to expectations and successfully entered into force again.

[The old nemesis activates!Cthulhu was suppressed by the will of the earth and fell into a forced coma state, which lasted for 30 seconds. 】

I don't know if it's because Cthulhu is weaker because he hasn't accepted the tribute of the blood sacrifice, or it's just luck that the random number has reached the maximum value. This time, the fainting time was as long as 30 seconds!
For such a long time, he felt it was a pity just to escape.

But I really want to do something else, and there is no trick that can cause damage to Cthulhu, which is often several kilometers in size.

After hesitating for a moment, he could only turn around and continue running away.

When the blood cocoon cruise ship completely disappeared from the field of vision, the game was finally cleared again.

[You saved your life and the lives of a handful of passengers and passed the game. 】

This is followed by settlement scoring.

[Facing the old days: face-to-face confrontation with Cthulhu - 10 points]

[Escaper: Cowardice is not shameful, what is shameful is death—10 points;]

[Incompetent rescuer: You only saved less than a hundred passengers - 10 points. 】

[Score for this mission: 40 points (like waste). 】

【Is it uploaded as the final result?After uploading, you can get the meritorious service that meets the evaluation level. 】

"Saving more than 60 people only adds 10 points. It seems that if you want to pass the level with more than 60 points, you can't do it simply by saving a few people at the beginning. You have to find another way to clear the level."

There is no way to unlock the hidden bonus items if you score less than 60 points.

Hiding bonus items is usually the fastest way for the game to get more information.

"Have more people been saved... yes!"

Staring at the scoring interface in a daze for a few seconds, Zhou Ze suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Since revealing his identity would lead to an earlier blood sacrifice, he might as well lurk in the dark and stuff the people he has come into contact with into the secret realm one by one!
As long as the whereabouts are not captured by surveillance, hundreds of people missing in a short period of time will not be found. Even if someone finds that acquaintances have disappeared, as long as the time is short enough, it will not attract attention. 300 people is not a problem.

When the time is up, let those students finally summon Hastur, interrupt the blood sacrifice plan of the cult priest, and wait for the two old rulers to fight on one side, then he can catch Hastur with great fanfare on the cruise ship... ah No, it's saving lives!

As long as Hastur and Cthulhu don't use the map cannon as soon as they come up, the cruise ship can last for a while under the storm, enough for him to rescue a small number of people on board.

If this score is not enough for 60 points... No, it will definitely reach 60 points!
Just do it!

Zhou Ze's familiarity with the car reopened.

He took off his mask and wandered around the blind corners of surveillance, stuffing passengers one by one into the secret territory while no one was paying attention.

Every time a deck passes by, there will be a group of people missing quietly. Even the couple who are making out in the room and the people squatting in the toilet are all stuffed into the secret realm by him. It is conceivable that there are people in the Xumi secret realm How lively and merry.

It's hard to imagine how the unlucky guy who was squatting in the pit was throwing the 'bomb' vigorously, was suddenly transferred into the secret realm, and was watched by a group of people in panic, what kind of reaction would it be...

Just thinking about it makes people feel so embarrassing that they can't help digging a hole in the ground.

True social death!
Of course, this is not something Zhou Ze should consider.

What is losing face compared to losing your life?Besides, it wasn't him who was ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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