Chapter 76
"What? Is it just this little strength?" Zhao Zhengfei, who didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, was in the sky, looking at Huang Zi below, and smiled.

In fact, when the other party didn't react, he had already withdrawn most of his strength, but he didn't expect to hit him flying with a palm, and he was glad that he stopped. The two people in front of him were different from ordinary people. It doesn't matter if you kill it.

These two people are the subordinates of the true ancestor. As the saying goes, it depends on the master to beat a dog. For the sake of the general, he dare not kill them, so he withdraws his strength.

"This... this... Your Majesty, spare me!" Lan Dali bowed down begging for mercy with cold sweat dripping from his head.

"Well! Are you very knowledgeable about current affairs? Don't worry, for the sake of the true ancestor, I will not kill you, but if you dare to provoke me in the future, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Zhao Zheng stood with his hands behind his back, floating in a black dragon robe In the air, the corner of the clothes swayed with the wind.

Looking at Zhao Zheng in the sky, those people on the side of the road were overwhelmed by his unparalleled temperament. Some women screamed like a nympho on the road, and some women even rushed towards this side and knelt down on the ground. shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty, take me into the harem!"

"Your Majesty, I will give birth to a monkey for you!"

Unlike the men who knelt on the ground and worshiped Zhao Zheng in the distance, the women had already rushed forward, and some even stood up and kept jumping towards the sky, wanting to touch it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lan Dali quickly wiped off his cold sweat, picked up Huang Zi who was on the ground and disappeared into the street in an instant.

"Death!" Zhao Zheng looked at the beautifully dressed women below, each of them in scanty clothes. Although he knew in his heart that this was a change in society, he still couldn't help but loathe it, because his childhood experience made him feel disgusted. Women have long been hated to the extreme, so this time he didn't give those women a chance to live.

As he raised his right hand slightly, all the women on the ground who were yelling obscenities were suspended in the air, as if they were half strangled by something and struggling vigorously.

When those people in the distance saw this scene, they were even more frightened and pressed their heads to the ground hard, not daring to raise their heads.

"Hmph!" As those women were hanged in mid-air, Zhao Zheng snorted coldly, looking at the kneeling people under his feet, he felt a little satisfied in his heart, this kind of supreme power seemed to have returned.


"I didn't expect the person bitten by you to become so strong. Even Huang Zi and the others can make one move in seconds, so let me see how strong you are now!" Although Jiang Chen and Huang Tianren were in the sky, But they are all paying attention to what is happening below.

"I hope you don't let me down!"

After the general minister finished speaking, he raised his head to the sky and roared, revealing two zombie teeth, and his eyes turned red.




After hearing this roar, zombies all over the world covered their heads one by one, and kept hitting the wall, and some even fell to their knees.

"'s's the general!!" Kuang Guohua covered his head with tears and snot dripping down his face.

"It's the True Ancestor!" Among the many zombies, only Xu Fu and Wu Wu were fine. As second-generation zombies, they were extremely powerful, and they had heard the roars of generals many times over the years, so they were somewhat immune. Fear.

"Bang!" With a sound, the door was opened, and Lan Dali broke in.

"Mr. Lan, what happened to the True Ancestor?" Crow Crow asked quickly after seeing Lan Dali come in.

"Who knows why he's going crazy again!" Xu Fu endured more than 2000 years of loneliness, and couldn't help shouting. Although he begged the general to bite him at first, now he hates the general to the bone!
"I don't know, maybe there was a fight with Xianzu?" Lan Dali guessed, but he didn't know too well.

"Hey, don't care about that, that's not what we should care about, let's talk about something else, that Qin Shihuang, he is very strong, Huang Zi fought with him just now, Huang Zi couldn't even take a single move from him! "

"What?!!" Hearing Lan Dali's words, Xu Fu on the side became anxious, which is now Qi Luo.

"Why are you so excited? Do you know him?!" Lan Dali glanced suspiciously at Qi Luo, who was a little over excited beside him. He didn't know these two zombies for long. Since they met, the three of them have been staying together Together.

"" Quirrell shook his head, it was his nightmare, even if Qin Shihuang was born, but now he has become so strong, Mr. Lan in front of him can beat him, and his strength is not comparable to that of Mr. Lan Huang Zi, who was up and down, was actually killed by Qin Shihuang with one move.

This made him finally feel what fear is. He doesn't want to be a servant of others anymore. Although he has been with Mr. Lan all the time, it's just a partnership and companionship, which doesn't mean he's Lan Dali's subordinate.

"Okay, Qi Luo, let Qin Shihuang be great, anyway, he wants to rule the world, it has nothing to do with us, we can just play our game." The crow on the side, who is now Levi's, said nonchalantly.

He really didn't believe that in such a big world, Qin Shihuang would take care of everything, and he would not compete with Qin Shihuang for power, so naturally there would be no conflicts, as long as he didn't provoke them, the world was so big that they were not allowed to play.

"Hmm..." Quirrell didn't say anything, but the expression on his face was no longer as relaxed as before.

Lan Dali looked at Quirrell suspiciously. He only knew that Levi's was a crow bitten by the true ancestor 400 years ago, but he didn't know what Quirrell's identity was. A long time ago.

And at the beginning, Qi Luo also knew that Qin Shihuang was bitten by the immortal ancestor, which he didn't even know. Thinking of this, he thought that Qi Luo was probably from the Qin Dynasty.




Huang Tian was sent flying backwards by the general, and he stopped after a long distance.

"Haha, it's been thousands of years! It's been tens of millions of years! Finally, someone can fight with me!" The general who revealed his true body instantly came to a stop in front of Huang Tian and laughed crazily. He had never fought so hard before. Enjoyed it.

In the past, he never had any desire to fight. From the time he came to Nuwa, to the creation of human beings, and before entering the WTO, he never had any desire to fight, even if it was the pursuit of the Ma family for thousands of years. He was always forced to be beaten, and then hid all the way. He never thought about being beaten, because he had no such idea in his consciousness.

It was not until he entered the WTO that he had all kinds of human nature and so many ideas.

Originally he was very simple and simple, but now he is still simple, but he is no longer simple, but complex, this is human nature.

"Alas, after lying down for so many years, I still can't beat you..." Although Huang Tian had the upper hand in hand-to-hand combat, if it was a life and death fight, it might not be what would happen.

Because although he is not as good as the general in hand-to-hand combat, he still has many supernatural powers that he has not used, and the same is true for the general. The two of them are just purely fighting.

"You have made rapid progress. Over the years, I have realized that love is the real power and my strength has skyrocketed. But you have only been lying down for a few thousand years and your strength has improved so fast. But now your strength is barely He can be called an Immortal Ancestor, haha!" The general returned to his human form and looked at the person in front of him who had gone from being someone who could be easily crushed to death in just a few thousand years to someone who could now fight him in hundreds of moves.

"Hey, when did you become so fond of bragging about me, general? Go down! I don't like flying in the sky!" Huang Tian shook his head. Although he didn't use supernatural powers, the blessings of Pangu God of War and the Holy Mother of Yaochi are still there. The real existence, which is similar to the existence of passive skills, takes effect all the time.

That is to say, with the effect of his physique being multiplied by ten times, he was able to tie with half of the general's strength...

"As expected of the ceiling of combat power, it's just difficult to deal with." Huang Tian who returned to the ground looked at the smiling generals. He didn't like to smile so much before, but now he always looks at himself with a smile on his face.

"Okay, don't be discouraged. It's not just you who has become stronger in these years. If I were before entering the world, I would definitely not be your opponent, but now, haha!" Patting Huang Tian's shoulder, the general said with a smile, Since they can't compare in terms of appearance, it's better to be able to fight.

The reason why he chose to wear a white coat and a scarf was also like Huang Tian's.

Since he entered the world, he found that in terms of clothing, no matter how many years have passed, Huang Tian's attire will always be so handsome and so pretentious.

Therefore, he was also dressed in white, but since he didn't have a whisk, he could only wear a scarf, which still looked very good, provided that he didn't stand beside Huang Tian.

"It's okay, if I lie down for thousands of years, you won't be able to beat me." Huang Tian looked up at the general beside him, and smiled.

This is the upper limit of the generals. This is the limit of the Pangu clan, but although there are restrictions, the Pangu clan is still at the pinnacle of this world.

The upper limit is the top combat power of the universe, while the lower limit is still the strongest group of people in this universe. How can people not feel envious of such talented Pangu people.

But Huang Tian is not envious, because he has no upper limit, as long as he keeps lying down, he will become stronger and stronger, this is his talent.

"Uh... It's okay, if you're better than me, you're better than me, anyway, you're a freak!" The general spread his hands, it doesn't matter if he's stronger than him, anyway, it's impossible for him to kill Huang Tian, ​​and it's impossible for Huang Tian to kill him.

If he is strong, he is strong, and at worst, he will not fight with him in the future.

"Hehe, you have beaten me for thousands of years, when I am stronger than you, I will definitely beat you once!" As if seeing through what the general was thinking, Huang Tian shook his whisk.

Although his supernatural powers may not be comparable to the generals, these two treasures of his are not a joke.

Babaoliantai has a supernatural power, which can make him invincible, but he doesn't know if he can withstand the beatings of his generals.

"Nuwa will return in 2001." After reaching the top floor of the building again, Jiangchen said again.

(End of this chapter)

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