Chapter 7 New talent!

"found it!"

After warning the zombie, Huang Tian tried his best to finally find the cave in the movie. It is still very difficult to find a specific cave in the mountains.

There are many mountains here, but the cave in the play must be close to Renjia Town, because it is impossible for Awei and the others to go very far to catch zombies. Based on this principle, Huang Tian finally found the cave.

There was also a cave next to this cave, and there was a gorilla inside. Huang Tian did not rush in and kill it, but came to the cave in the plot first.


The alien zombie roared softly, and the deliberately low voice seemed a little deep.


Not far away came the sound of a watchman beating a gong, followed by the call of the watchman: "It's a watch!"

After hearing the sound, the alien zombies quickly jumped towards that place.


The watchman saw a vague shadow in the distance. With the help of the moonlight, he took a closer look and found that it was a figure bouncing around.Jumping like this in the middle of the night must not be a human being, so scared that he yelled, threw away his equipment, turned around and ran away!

When the zombie saw the man running away, he quickly speeded up and jumped over. Soon he caught up with the watchman. With one bite, the man's blood was sucked dry by him three or five times!
After he finished sucking the blood, the corpse energy in his body became even stronger.

"Compared to those stupid zombies who only know how to absorb the Qi of the Taiyin, after so many years, it's not as good as just sucking some blood!"

The alien zombies were originally in a zombie mountain, where there are hundreds of zombies densely packed, each of them is a wise zombie, they come out at night to absorb the energy of the sun, increase their cultivation, and do not disturb the world , just practice silently there.

There is also a zombie king among them, they all listen to the command of that zombie king, and he unknowingly has the idea of ​​wanting to resist, so he secretly goes down the mountain to suck blood, who knows that this blood sucking happens to be that the town There was a Taoist priest who chased him all the way here!
After sucking, he was not satisfied, but continued to look for the next human to suck blood!

Ordinary houses have statues of door gods posted on their doors, and he dare not enter them. There are also bronze mirrors on the houses to ward off evil spirits. With low cultivation, he can only look for lonely people outside.

But on this day, there weren't too many singles. After waiting for a long time, he successfully sucked the blood of several singles, and then fled in a hurry.

It's not because Uncle Jiu discovered it, but because it's almost dawn!He had to get to the cave to hide before dawn, or he would be killed by the sun!

"There's nothing here except some mice!"

Huang Tian searched around in the cave, this cave was not big, so he finished his search very quickly, except for some chirping mice, he didn't feel anything.

"Then we can only find that gorilla. With my 47 years of experience and my invulnerable body, I should be able to beat him!"

There was nothing around that could enhance his cultivation, and Huang Tian, ​​who didn't want to suck the blood of a mouse, could only focus on the gorilla next door.

As for whether the gorilla will be infected with corpse poison and turn into a zombie, it is probably not possible. The two sheep he bit have not changed much!

Huang Tian let out a low growl, and headed towards that cave. There was indeed a sleeping gorilla inside, and that gorilla seemed to have been stimulated by something. When he stepped into it, it immediately opened its eyes and woke up. Come over.

"Ho! Ho Ho!!"


Looking at Huang Tian, ​​the gorilla instinctively felt a burst of fear, so he could only show his strength by continuously roaring and patting his chest to force Huang Tian back!

"Brainless thing, trying to scare me away?"

But Huang Tian didn't accept this trick at all. With his nearly 50 years of experience, there was no way he couldn't defeat this gorilla!

Huang Tian lightly jumped, jumped in front of the gorilla, and swept away with his hands, the gorilla was swept away by him, hit the wall with a loud noise, and fell to the ground, life or death unknown.

"I didn't expect my power to be so strong now?!"

Huang Tian was surprised to find that his strength was surprisingly astonishing. It was estimated that a single blow could weigh over a thousand kilograms!Otherwise, how could the gorilla be beaten away so easily!

And this should be the change in strength that the 55 constitution brings to him!Putting away the surprise in his heart, Huang Tian came to the half-dead gorilla and took a bite.

"Goo! Goo!"

As he bit down, it seemed that there was an unknown force in his body that was automatically attracting the blood from the corpse, without him having to expend any effort to suck it!
[Ding, absorb a gorilla with extremely meager Saiyan blood, increase your physique by 2, increase your skills by 1 year, and awaken your talent: the more you fight, the more courageous you become. 】

"Saiyans?! Damn it, there are still Saiyans in this world? Isn't this the world of Uncle Jiu? Shouldn't the mainstream be zombies and Taoist priests?! Where did the Saiyans come from?"

For the first time, Huang Tian felt fear in this world. Bloodlines that shouldn't have appeared unexpectedly appeared, which shows that this world is very likely to be intertwined!

This means that there are two possibilities. One is that other people have been here and have the blood of the Saiyan and have had sex with the gorilla and have produced offspring. Today, the blood of this gorilla is extremely meager!
The second is that this is an extremely chaotic world, not only the world of Uncle Jiu, but also a mixture of other worlds, Huang Tian would rather believe in the first possibility than this one.

Because once a Saiyan is mixed in, it means that someone may explode at any time, and he may die in an unknown battle at any time!

"System, where did the Saiyan blood come from?!"

Compared to guessing randomly, Huang Tian still asked the system, hoping that the system could give him an answer!

[Ding, because your luck is extremely high, you may be able to communicate with the bloodline of all worlds and gain talents from it. This bloodline comes from all worlds and has nothing to do with the current world.Of course, it is not ruled out that some unspeakable existence may come to this world, but this possibility is lower than the possibility that the sun will explode immediately next moment. 】

"That's it! It scares me to death! But isn't this luck so awesome? Creatures from two different worlds can absorb their blood alive?!"

"You are truly worthy of a hundred thousand points of luck!"

After Huang Tian received the system's reply, he calmed down a little. This luck is too strong, indeed it is stronger than the Immortal Emperor's luck, it has such an unexpected effect!
As for that kind of existence, he can't come into contact with it. If he really encounters it, he will die no matter what, and the system also said that that possibility is almost impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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