Chapter 23 Deluxe Queen Room


With the departure of the female ghost, the spell disappeared, and the original spell was no longer maintained, and the seemingly beautiful courtyard became a dilapidated temple.

Not all of the female ghost's spells were hallucinations, and some of them were real, at least for the time being.

And with her leaving, her mana disappeared, the ruined temple returned, and Qiu Sheng also came back to life.

I saw him lying on the bed in a daze, rubbing his eyes vigorously.


The dilapidated scene in front of him frightened him to quickly get up from the rotten bed, but his waist was involved, and he couldn't help taking a breath of cold air while covering his back.


Qiu Sheng, who had just stood up, saw Huang Tian outside the house, and couldn't help but let out a scream.

"What's your name? That female ghost wants to suck your energy, if I hadn't come, you would have died from exhaustion!" Huang Tian looked at the scene where Qiu Sheng was clutching his waist, and said disdainfully.

If it were him, with two indestructible kidneys, how could he be such a bird!
"Ah? Oh, thank you senior for saving my life!" Qiu Sheng who had reacted hastily cupped his hands and bowed. Although he secretly blamed Huang Tian for ruining his good deeds, he didn't dare to show it on the surface. The main master had said that , to stay at a respectful distance.


Huang Tian didn't pay attention to him, but turned around and jumped away. What he cared about was Uncle Jiu, not his apprentices Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai.

And his goal was also achieved, that is to suck Xiaoyu's soul, although only a part of it was sucked, but it also fully increased his skill for three years!This is much faster than catching beasts in the wild to suck blood!

If it wasn't for Huang Tian who can't fly yet and can't catch those ghosts, according to his personality, he would have already gone out to kill and go to the ghost nest to suck ghosts every day to enhance his skills!


Qiu Sheng, who returned to Yizhuang last night, did not mention this matter to Uncle Jiu, but thought of meeting again next time. After all, that female ghost is so gentle and charming, and when it happened to Huang Tian, ​​he didn't intend to talk to him about it. Uncle Jiu said, otherwise he would not be able to explain.

"Uncle Jiu, my father is looking for me again!" Master Ren ordered people to look for when's house early in the morning, and then he went to the coffin shop himself. There is no century-old locust tree in this town, so he He directly bought a pair of pagoda wood coffins and had them carried them to an unoccupied room in the backyard of the Ren Mansion.

After doing this, he immediately ran to the Yizhuang to ask Uncle Jiu for help.

"What? He came to borrow blood from you again?"

Uncle Jiu was taken aback when he heard the words, subconsciously looked at Ren Fa's neck, and asked if there was nothing there.

"That's not true, it's just..." After Master Ren finished talking to Uncle Jiu, Uncle Jiu nodded and said, "Then you can satisfy his request, I think he won't harass you in the future."

For this kind of senior, naturally he would not live in a wild cave, and that kind of environment is not suitable for cultivation, so Uncle Jiu can understand, after all, what Huang Tian wants is nothing more than some foreign objects, and he has always been indifferent to these foreign objects interest.

"I will definitely try my best to meet these requirements. After all, he occupies my father's body. Naturally, I can't bear to let him be homeless. I just really don't want to see him anymore. I am also old and want to live Seeing Tingting getting married and having a child, I don't want to be scared to death by him early."

Master Ren sighed and complained to Uncle Jiu.

"Marry?" Qiu Sheng's eyes lit up when he heard the words. Mr. Ren is the richest man in Renjia Town, and even the mayor of Renjia Town, and Ren Tingting is his only daughter, so if Tingting marries him , that means developed.

"Huh?" Uncle Jiu glared at Qiu Sheng's voice, and Qiu Sheng hurriedly continued to practice.

"That's true, but presumably after this incident, he won't look for you again. You can rest assured that after finishing all this as soon as possible and letting him move out, nothing will happen." Uncle Jiu nodded, It seemed to him that what Huang Tian was asking for was just some money, it was nothing compared to the previous borrowing of blood.

"This... I... still want to..."

"Hey! That's not necessary, don't you believe me? He just doesn't have a place to live, so he begs you to do something, and he won't harm you. If he wants to come to you after you finish these things, I will help you out !" Seeing that Ren Fa wanted to say something, Uncle Jiu hurriedly blocked him back, he didn't want to see that Huang Tian, ​​this zombie was too mysterious, he didn't want to get involved, as long as Huang Tian didn't harm anyone up.

"Okay then! Alas! I just hope he won't come to me again!" Ren Fa sighed when he heard the words. He really had nothing to do with his own father.


late at night.

"I don't know if the big bed room in the luxury villa that Ren Fa prepared for me is ready!"

Huang Tian jumped out of the cave full of joy, and quickly came to Ren's mansion. From today on, he can finally get rid of that damned cave!If the gorilla hadn't been sucked into a mummy by him, it would have stinked, but even so, it was still difficult to resist the stench of the cave.

His sense of smell is not well developed, and he is extremely sensitive to the bloody smell of breathing, but not so sensitive to other smells. Even so, he can smell a foul smell, which shows how serious the stench in the cave is.


This time Master Ren was not in a hurry to sleep, but sat in the hall and waited. He had already greeted those servants and servants, and he was the only one left. Even Tingting had been coaxed by him long ago. go to bed.

Just let him handle this kind of thing by himself.

During this long wait, Ren Fa sat alone on the sofa. Although he was prepared in his heart at this time, he was more afraid than last night. He couldn't explain why, but he was afraid.


There was a sudden jumping sound from the silent Ren mansion, this was made by Huang Tian on purpose, just to prevent Ren Fa from not knowing that he was coming, for fear of scaring this dutiful son again.

"Here we come!" Ren Fa was startled, and then he let out a long breath. Waiting itself is a kind of torment, and it is even more frightening to be waiting for zombies.

Afterwards, Huang Tian's figure descended from the sky and landed in front of the hall door, and then he stopped jumping, but walked in step by step, trying to make himself look more like a human being.

"Father, you are here, please sit down!"

Ren Fa hurriedly bent down to invite Huang Tian to take his seat, Huang Tian was not polite, he went directly to the upper seat and sat down, and asked, "Is everything ready?"

"I went to see the coffin in person. Renjia Town doesn't have a hundred-year-old pagoda tree, so I just bought a coffin made of pagoda wood. Later, I sent someone to look for it in the county. There must be a hundred-year-old pagoda tree there, but I need some. Time. As for the house, I have already sent people to look for it, but no one wants to sell the house, so I am going to build a new one for you. Where do you think it is better to build it?" Ren Fa hurriedly explained the matter in detail Say it clearly, for fear of offending Huang Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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