Chapter 20 Reluctantly Accepting This Dutiful Son

Late at night, Renfu.

"Bang, bang!"

"Who is it?" Ren Fa, who was about to go to bed, came over impatiently to open the door after hearing a knock on the door. It was so late that Tingting had already gone to bed, who would look for him now.

When he opened the door, he saw none other than Huang Tian!Although the zombie's face was plump and one could vaguely see what it looked like in life, it was still difficult to conceal its spookiness.

"Ah!!! Dad, why are you here again! Didn't you agree not to come? You just want to see my filial piety to you, so don't come to me again!" Ren Ren who was about to sleep Fa, opened the door and saw that it was his own zombie father, so frightened that he collapsed back on the ground, clutching his chest, and kept stroking.

If this continues, even if he is not killed by Huang Tian, ​​sooner or later he will be scared to death by Huang Tian.

"Don't worry, I didn't come here to trouble you, and I don't want you to do bloodletting. I came this time to ask you." Huang Tian felt a little embarrassed when he saw Ren Fa like this, and immediately comforted him.

"Wu! That's good, Dad, come in first, it's not good to be seen outside." Ren Fa heard that he was not here to hurt him, he sat on the ground and took a long breath, relieved and quickly got up.

He believed in what Huang Tian said, if he really wanted to hurt him, there was no need to say so much, and last night Huang Tian also said that if he had something to do, he could help him.

After the two entered the room, Master Ren quickly closed the door and asked, "What do you need, father?"

Even though Huang Tian said he wasn't his father, Ren Fa still yelled like that at this moment, after all, after looking at this face and yelling all his life, it's hard to change his mouth.

"Build me a century-old pagoda wood coffin, preferably a gloomy pagoda wood coffin. Of course, this one is really hard to find. If you can't find it for a while, just get me a century-old pagoda tree coffin to make do with it."

The reason why Huang Tian chose pagoda tree is because pagoda tree is the first of the five yin trees, and the gloomy wood is the most yin tree, all shady trees may become gloomy trees, and the gloomy wood transformed from pagoda tree is the most yin tree. To Yin, it is the best to raise corpses!
And the nanmu coffin is used to suppress evil, if a living person chooses a nanmu coffin for himself, he really thinks that he is tired of living.

The most ruthless one is the peach wood coffin, if it is a coffin, Huang Tian will be unable to get out after taking care of it, if it is a century old peach wood coffin, it will be even more exciting, I am afraid that he will not live for three to five days.

Although peach wood is the strongest in suppressing evil, nobles and rich people still like to use nanmu, because it is also rare and expensive, unlike ordinary people, and peach wood is a rotten street thing, and they don't like it at all.

"Okay! Dad, what other orders do you have?"

"It's not a solution for me to stay in the cave all day. You can pay me to build a house in a remote place, or simply buy a house. Anyway, it must be a shady place, so as not to be exposed to the sun. It is best to be in the house. Build a shed on the top of the house and cover it all up so that it will not be exposed to direct sunlight, and then put the pagoda wood coffin in the house. If you can’t find a yard for the time being, first put a coffin in any room of your house. Let's go!" Seeing that Ren Fa was so righteous, Huang Tian felt extremely relieved, and didn't say anything to tell him not to call him father, after all, he had something to ask, so he didn't mention this matter again.

"Okay, Dad, I will do it for you tomorrow, and you will come to see me tomorrow night, but you can't scare me like this anymore, I can't stand it when I am old. I will prepare a piece of pagoda tree for you first, a century old As for pagoda tree, it also depends on whether there is any pagoda tree in Renjia Town. If there is no pagoda tree, I will make do with it first, and then I will go outside to find you a hundred-year-old pagoda tree. After all, the gloomy pagoda tree is too rare. It takes a lot of time to look for it, so you can bow down for a while." Ren Fa agreed, for such a great god, he would naturally respond to every request, besides, some things outside the body, as long as they don't hurt their father and daughter.

And these were saved by his father for him, so it's nothing to use them on his father now.

"Okay, I won't scare you anymore like tonight, and if you need anything, you can always find me!"

"Father, it's fine if you don't come to me, how dare I go to you?!" Ren Fa could also see that the zombie in front of him was reasonable. With a gloomy face, he would always think of his own father, so he was a little kind, so he said it out.

"I said I won't scare you in the future, so I won't scare you. If you have anything to do, you can come to me. I will do what I say!"

In this way, Huang Tian reluctantly accepted this son. At the same time, he also promised that no matter how many things the Ren family had, as long as there was something to ask him, he would do his best to help.

He has owed so many favors to so many people, and since the relationship is recognized, he will naturally repay them. He is not the kind of person who knows a favor but refuses to repay it.

Then, Huang Tian left the Ren Mansion contentedly, and went to the wild to catch wild animals to suck blood and improve his cultivation.

Asking Ren Fa for the house and the coffin is just a temporary solution, the most important thing is to cultivate yourself quickly so that you don't have to be afraid of the sun, so that you can run around.


[Ding, absorbing two wolves that contain the blood of a thousand-year-old divine beast will increase your physique by one and increase your Taoism by ten days. 】

Although the increased cultivation of these animals has also become much lower than before the promotion and jumping to death, for him, it is still much faster than honest cultivation.

And he also learned from the last time he practiced honestly that the increase in Tao Xing is closely related to time. Absorbing 24 hours of Taiyin Qi means that the Tao Xing increases by one day, but in reality, he practiced honestly for one night. It is also impossible to have the cultivation level of Daoxing in one day, you must practice for 24 hours.

And this is a zombie with ordinary talent. For him, it seems to be slower, because his birth attribute points are full of luck, and understanding is talent, but he has no points.

For those with high talent in cultivation, they may be able to practice Taoism for several days in one night, or even higher, and those people are the so-called geniuses.

In the human race, this kind of cultivation genius emerges in endlessly, and it is precisely because their talents far exceed other races that the heavens also have a great limit on the lifespan of the human race.

The monster race is different, and the ghost race is also different. Monsters, ghosts and the like all have a long lifespan, but their cultivation talents are not good, which is also their own shortcoming.

In the same mage realm, human beings can only live for 120 years, while ghosts and ghosts can live as long as thousands of years, and as few as hundreds of years. This is the difference between the two.

If human beings had no lifespan limit, their terrifying talent would cause the entire world to be occupied by human races, leaving no room for ghosts and ghosts.

The Dao of Heaven gave the human race a terrifying cultivation talent, but also gave them the short lifespan.

(End of this chapter)

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