Chapter 179 Instant Kill
As soon as Jiang Ziya's words came out, the previous general's face darkened when he heard the words, and Wen Zhong couldn't beat him, what could he do, besides, what he said was the truth, so there was nothing he could do.

"No matter who the enemy army is, even if it is the second-generation disciple of Jiejiao who comes, I have to break it!"

Jiang Ziya said angrily again.

"By the way, since we can't beat it, and the national teacher is still in retreat, why don't you ask my second-generation teachers and uncles to teach me?"

Yang Jian rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and said immediately.

As soon as Yang Jian said this, everyone in the tent immediately looked happy. That's right, the third generation of them can't beat the opponent, so they can call the second generation of disciples to come!

"No! If we act like this, what face do we have to face the common people? He needs a second generation of disciples who cut off the first and third generations of disciples. If the second generation of disciples comes, isn't it to alarm me? saint?!"

Jiang Ziya's expression changed when he heard the words, and he immediately refused.

"Uncle! But we..."

Nezha immediately persuaded him when he heard the words, but he was interrupted by Jiang Ziya before he had finished speaking.

"No need to say more! I have made up my mind! If there is really no other way, I will personally meet the enemy tomorrow!"

Jiang Ziya got up and refused, and waved his hand angrily.

"Uncle, no!"

"The Prime Minister is impossible!"

"The prime minister is a man of gold, how can he face Wen Zhong in person?!"

Hearing that Jiang Ziya was going out of the city to fight in person, the generals in the big tent of the Chinese army were so frightened that they hurriedly stopped him. The three armies can move lightly, but the commander must not move lightly.

The three armies can still run lightly, and they can gather together to fight again after running, but if the coach dies, the three armies will undoubtedly lose without a leader, and it is even more likely that they will be swallowed by others in one fell swoop.

And at that time, there will inevitably be a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. That kind of situation is not what they are after.

In fact, these are only considered by the secular people. What they consider more is that Jiang Ziya is a person appointed by the sage to confer the gods. If something happens to Jiang Ziya, can these people still have a good life!

Jiang Ziya snorted coldly, and slowly let out the aura on his body, and shouted: "These rebels are stubborn, even if Wen Zhong has the ability of a great Luo Jinxian, I will not be afraid! No matter what the result is, Wen Zhong will die tomorrow!"

"Regardless of whether I die or not, I must complete the extermination of the Shang Dynasty and kill Emperor Xin!"

"The prime minister's words are justified. I don't know if the prime minister is sure that he can kill that Wen Zhong!"

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the tent.

"Who?! How dare you trespass on Da Zhou's account!!!"

After Nezha heard the voice, he immediately yelled loudly, and appeared with a pointed spear in his hand, with the Huntian silk wrapped around him, as if he would do whatever he dared to show up.

When Jiang Ziya heard the words, he didn't look like Nezha's face, but turned into a look of great joy, and immediately said: "Nezha, no! This is the national teacher!"

Following Jiang Ziya's words, Huang Tian also showed his figure.

He was the one who made that voice. When he came here, he heard Jiang Ziya's words, and immediately hid himself and made fun of it.

He knew Jiang Ziya's strength, not even a fairy, and although Wen Zhong had never seen it himself, as a senior brother of the third generation of Jiejiao, the other party was at least as strong as a golden fairy, maybe even higher.

Even if it is said that Wen Zhong has the cultivation base of a Da Luo Jinxian, he is not curious.

This kind of senior brother from generation to generation is all people with amazing combat power, whether it is Daoist Duobao or Wen Zhong.

Therefore, if Jiang Ziya only relied on his own cultivation, it would be impossible to defeat Wen Zhong, so he teased.

"It turned out to be the national teacher. I just offended the child so much. I hope the national teacher will not forgive me!"

After Li Jing saw Huang Tian, ​​he quickly bent down and laughed along with him.

Nezha, on the other hand, put away the treasure, but also looked at Huang Tian with dissatisfaction, and even more disdainfully at Li Jing in his heart, but he didn't say anything more, just remained silent.

After Huang Tian saw this scene, he waved his hands, indicating that he didn't take it to heart, but in fact, he still couldn't understand Nezha very much.

When watching movies or TV shows in the past, I liked seeing Nezha, but if I really replaced it, Nezha looked at me like this, and it would be good if I could resist hitting him, let alone like it. up.

Therefore, Huang Tian didn't plan to pay attention to that brat, but if the other party really annoyed him, then he might as well educate him.

As for beheading him, Huang Tian doesn't dare to kill him. It's a trivial matter to kill Nezha, and it's also a trivial matter to attract Nezha's master Taiyi, but if he attracts the Nuwa saint behind him, it will be a big deal up.

This Nezha is the reincarnation of Nezha's favorite spirit bead under the sage's seat. If Huang Tian really dared to kill Nezha, then Nezha might not just sit idly by.

Therefore, this brat, if he can hide, he has to hide.

"I have seen the national teacher!"

After the crowd saw Huang Tian, ​​they also saluted. After Huang Tian returned the salute, he smiled and looked at Jiang Ziya who was sitting on the main seat.

"It's just in time for the national teacher to come, come here, take the table and stool and come in!"

Jiang Ziya looked at Huang Tian who had come to the big tent, and was ecstatic. When he was worrying that Wen Zhong was invincible, he saw Huang Tian coming, just in time for Huang Tian to deal with Wen Zhong.

No matter how strong Wen Zhong is, it's impossible for him to be stronger than Huang Tian. Huang Tian was the Emperor of Heaven in the past. Although his cultivation level is no longer, his methods are still the same. He doesn't believe that the other party can pose any threat to Huang Tian just by teaching three generations of senior brothers. up.

So, with Huang Tian around, everything is worry-free!
"It's said that if the poor don't come, the prime minister really wants to fight the enemy himself?!"

Huang Tian stared at Jiang Ziya with a smile on his face, jokingly said.

"That's natural!"

Jiang Ziya nodded and said seriously.

What he said is just child's play, and the words of the commander-in-chief of the three armies are orders of the commander, so how can they be easily disobeyed.

"Even if you die?!"

"Even if you die!"

"Prime Minister's ambition, I admire the poor!"

"The national teacher is polite, but it's just the anger of the people. This time, it really has to be done by the national teacher!"

Jiang Ziya quickly replied after hearing the words, after all, since Huang Tian came out, he naturally wanted Huang Tian to take action. Although he was not afraid of death in a fit of anger, it was impossible for him to seek death when he had a solution.

"That's natural, the poor will come back as soon as they go!"

Huang Tian said with a smile, and then transformed into a golden light, and stepped out of the handsome tent.

"Prime Minister, is the national teacher really as powerful as the rumors?!"

After Huang Tian left, Nezha asked curiously.

After all, Huang Tian only managed to capture Zhang Guifang once, and that time Zhang Guifang also made Xiqi's side helpless, but in Huang Tian's hands, he captured her easily, which shows his strength.

But all of this, Nezha only heard about it, and never actually saw this scene, so it is normal to have doubts.

"That's natural!"

Jiang Ziya nodded, affirming without hesitation.

No one knew Huang Tian's power better than him. Even if it was said that Huang Tian killed Da Luo Jinxian one day, he thought it was normal and would not feel suspicious.

At present, only he knows Huang Tian's identity. Of course, Yuanshi Tianzun also knows about it. Ji Chang told him these things before, and then he told Yuanshi Tianzun about it.

Of course, now that Yuanshi Tianzun is sanctified, he naturally doesn't care about Huang Tian, ​​so he has never looked for Huang Tian. In his vision, there are many people who were stronger than him in the past, but time has passed, and those who stand at the peak are also... Just a few of them.

Not to mention the former Emperor of Heaven, even if the former Pangu really came, he would not be afraid.

After being sanctified, Yuanshi Tianzun not only did not put everyone in his eyes, but even Hongjun was not convinced, thinking that Hongjun was only sanctified one step earlier than them, so that he could spy on the divine weapon of heaven , otherwise it would be his turn!


Nezha was still a little unconvinced, but before he finished speaking, Yang Jian at the side immediately grabbed him and told him to stop talking.

Nezha is a little dissatisfied with other people, but he is still very convinced of Yang Jian. This person is about his age, but he can suppress him everywhere, which makes him a little convinced of Yang Jian.

For the elders, it is normal for them to be stronger than him, so he is not convinced, thinking that the other party is just older and more cultivated than him.

As for the younger generation, there are not many who are better than him, so Nezha refuses to accept the sky and the earth. In this Xiqi army tent, he only obeys Yang Jian, whether it is his father's Li Jing or Jiang Ziya. Is unconvinced.


In the account of the big business army.

"There is no one in the Xiqi Army! Hahahaha!!"

"That's that! Thanks to the grand master's help, this can be achieved immediately!"

"Is the Grand Master Wen an ordinary person? That's the third generation of Jiejiao senior brother! Mere Xiqi, what a shame!"

It was a rare big victory for Dashang, so many people were drinking and having fun to celebrate the victory at this time, and Wen Zhong just drank a little wine by himself in the main seat, and did not participate in the discussion among them.

In fact, he still dislikes the generals in front of him very much. All of them have no real talents and can only boast about walking horses. Only willing to look at them like this.

If it was normal, Wen Zhong would have chopped them down in a rage, a bunch of drunks and rice bags!
"These rebels dare to lead troops into the territory of our great merchants repeatedly. It is an unforgivable crime! Starting tomorrow, I will lead the army and wipe them out in one fell swoop!"

Wen Zhong snorted coldly, and instantly quieted down the noisy military tent.

He was originally in the northern part of the Great Shang to fight against non-officials. After receiving the order from Emperor Xin, he hurried to this place, and after taking over the post of guard general here, he took over here.

The original Xiqi was fairly well-behaved, at least he didn't violate this pass immediately, but since he came, the opponent's army has grown more and more, and even Jiang Ziya's commander-in-chief flag has been hung up, which shows that he has nothing to do with it. I know it in my heart.

The other party must have discovered that he was here, so the Xiqi side also adopted the policy of king against king, commander against commander, and rushed here.

Wen Zhong, who was dissatisfied in his heart, immediately led his army to give up defending the city and took the initiative to attack. Instead, he defeated Xiqi's side and won a long-lost victory.

After that, he beheaded the head of the enemy general in several battles, and because Yang Jian and Nezha were fighting against the enemy together, they finally let him escape, which also made Wen Zhong feel a little depressed .

"Report! Please report to Grand Master that one of the enemy troops has killed a general and is calling for battle in front of the army. Will our army go to meet him?"

Just when everyone was drinking happily, a school captain suddenly came in from outside to report.

"This is unreasonable! How dare Xiqi do this? Grand Master, please allow me to go there. I will definitely take this person's head and come back to serve him a meal!"

A reckless general immediately became furious, knelt down on the ground, and begged to fight.


Although Wen Zhong was a little disgusted about the food and drinks, he didn't say much, and approved his challenge.

"No! Thank you Grand Master!"

The general turned around and followed the lieutenant out of the military tent, first went to get his powerful weapon, and then rode away towards the outside of the army.

"Who dares to shout here!"


The person who came was Huang Tian. Seeing that the person who came was an ordinary person, he immediately snorted, and the general instantly turned into ashes and disappeared.

After doing all this, Huang Tian continued to stand in front of the merchant army's tent, and did not speak, but quietly looked at the opponent's army tent, waiting for Wen Zhong to go out in person.


"Report! I report to the Grand Master that the person who came was actually an immortal. With a cold snort, General Kan was reduced to ashes!"

The former school lieutenant came to report again.

But this time the previous scene did not appear, these generals present did not say anything again, but calmed down one by one, not daring to speak to each other, looking at Grand Master Wen in the chief seat.

"It's unreasonable! How can a fairy treat a mortal like this!"

Wen Zhong was furious when he heard the words, and immediately shouted: "But the person who fought against me before?! Is it the person with the spear?!"

He asked if it was Nezha. Yang Jian had seen him before. Although he was the nephew of the Jade Emperor and was bullied, he had his own persistence in his heart, and he was not the kind of murderer.

And Nezha is different, he is stubborn and bloodthirsty by nature, he is simply a little devil, if he hadn't worshiped under the disciple of Daoist Taiyi, he would have been killed by countless people.

"No! It's a Taoist, I've never seen it before!"

The school lieutenant reported the truth, not daring to lie.

At that moment Wen Zhong narrowed his eyes, the enemy army clearly knew his strength, so the person who came this time must not be an ordinary person, so he said: "All gentlemen, come with me!"

He didn't intend to rely on these people to help, in fact, those people can't help much, he just let them hold the line, and his coach has been dispatched, there is no reason for them to continue to eat, drink and have fun inside!


After hearing the order, all the generals followed Wen Zhong out of the barracks, and the army was ready to go at any time.


"Is the person here the Imperial Teacher of Xiqi?"

Wen Zhong rode on Mo Qilin and asked.

This black unicorn is an auspicious beast of the Qilin family, and Wen Zhong, as a senior brother of the third generation of Jiejiao, is naturally a person of good luck, so it is normal to ride a black unicorn.

(End of this chapter)

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