Chapter 168
"Marshal Qi, there is a rebellion among the Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Clan has withdrawn its troops. Shall we take the opportunity to fight out and annihilate the Xiqi rebels?!"

At this time, a great merchant general from the East China Sea was speaking in the tent.

Ever since the rebellion of the Dragon Clan was eliminated, Ao Yun had already notified the troops far away on the coast of the East China Sea to return to their divisions for rescue. Ao Guang expressed his determination.

It is absolutely impossible for him to rebel like Ao Feng, so he would rather abandon the war in the East China Sea and return to the court.

"Oh?! Then Ao Feiyou has already withdrawn?!"

The person sitting at the head of the handsome account was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly confirmed.

This group of people refer to strategic arrangements and tactical actions in the commander's tent on a daily basis, and the leader of the commander's tent is Cui Bo, who guards the East China Sea. Cui Bo is a little-known figure among the Jiejiao.

But among the big merchants, he was the number one figure. The big merchants were able to send him over to wipe out the rebels because of his strength.

Gongwan, that is, the previous general nodded upon hearing the words: "Yes, I heard the news that Ao Feiyou had already withdrawn his troops three days ago, and he also arranged many secret sentries in the Dragon Clan. I'm afraid he came prepared this time, and he's probably trying to use the name of rebellion to seize my Dashang's territory."

The reason why Gong Wan was able to know about this was that apart from the fact that the Dragon Clan retreated and caused troubles that could not be concealed, the more important thing was that he secretly bribed the generals of the enemy. The gods descended to earth, and they would not think of the reason for the other party.

"If that's the case, that means we can attack Xiqi or the Dragon Clan!" Cui Bo narrowed his eyes and muttered.

Then the generals below were frightened for a moment, and a person appeared to dissuade him: "Marshal, the land of the dragon clan has nothing to do with us! Even if we are defeated, it is impossible for us to rule, not to mention the strength of the dragon clan. It's far from something we can solve, but Xiqi is different."

"First of all, Xiqi intends to overthrow our rule of Great Shang. This is a life and death enemy. The Dragon Clan is just responding to the disaster. They cannot and dare not really dominate the ancient times. The most they can do is cooperate with Xiqi. It’s just Qi.”

"Secondly, although the dragon clan is weak, they are the overlords of heaven and earth in the past after all. There must be a person who is like a big Luo Jinxian behind the scenes. This is how many years they have been able to rule the world in peace, but in Naxiqi, there is no such master. .”

"To sum up, I don't know why the marshal insists on giving up the near for the far, giving up the easy for the difficult?!"

The above words were neither humble nor overbearing, and they were well-founded, so Cui Bo couldn't help but stop and think carefully about his statement.

"Well, what General Wei said is right, it makes sense!"

Cui Bo nodded and said, "In that case, General Wei Fei will lead the army to attack Xiqi!"

"Marshal, no! You absolutely must not!"

Gong Wan, who reported the matter earlier, stopped him, and his shout made everyone in the tent look at him.

"Oh? Why not?!"

Cui Bo stroked the beard on his chin and asked again.

In fact, he doesn't know how to lead troops to fight, and the strategy he made before was not him. He just went to battle to kill the enemy, deal with all difficult objects, and then use Mo Dawei's power to win the victory.

Cui Bo has always done this, and with his Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation, not many people can stop him, so he was allowed to succeed repeatedly, and finally climbed to the position of Zhenhai General.

"Marshal Qi, although Wei Fei's words sound reasonable at first glance, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that many things are not right, just like there is a big Luo Jinxian among the dragon clan. Is there no sage behind my big businessman?" Teach?! In this way, the Dragon Clan is nothing!"

"As for whether we can swallow the dragon clan alone? If it is the entire dragon clan, it is naturally impossible, but it is easy to swallow only those dragon clan who fought bloody battles with us before!"

When Gong Wan said this, he held his chest high and held his head high, talking broadly.

"Then Gongwan, you are fully responsible for this matter! If you can kill all the dragons before, I will ask you to do the best! I will also invite the king to reward you!"

After hearing Gong Wan's answer, Cui Bo, the general guarding the East China Sea, shouted loudly, his eyes full of enthusiasm and expectation.

Swallowing this force of the dragon clan would make the East China Sea battlefield completely different. If this huge dragon clan could really swallow it, even the dragon clan of the East China Sea would find it extremely difficult to gather so many elites in a short period of time.

And Ao Guang's heart hurts, it's the same thing whether he dares to send troops to fight him again.

Gong Wan on the other side was immediately relieved when he heard the words. He knew that Cui Bo was a straightforward person. He had to open a gap in Cui Bo. As long as he opened the gap, he would win the strategic deployment this time. Listen again Seeing what Cui Bo said, Gong Wan immediately slammed his head on the ground excitedly.

"Yes! My subordinates obey!"

After finishing speaking, Gong Wan turned around and left, taking Cui Bo's orders to the barracks to order troops.

At the moment, there are still 30 armored soldiers in the military camp, so Gong Wan wants to take these 30 elites to the East China Sea to wipe out the dragons who came back to aid.

But there are more than ten million members of the Dragon Clan, so if you want to swallow the Dragon Clan soldiers in front of you, you really don't know how to eat it!

But fortunately, Gongwan also understands that the army does not rely on some miscellaneous fish, and that soldiers are more expensive than elites, so Gongwan only brought these 30 elites.

"Okay! Wei Fei, you go and take back Lin Han and Fang Hui's team. You will lead them and make sure to enter the base! Remember, whether it's dead or alive, the king must cut off Jiang Ziya's head." Under Cui Bo's orders, people came in and out of the commander's tent one after another.

"The last general takes orders!"

Wei Fei clapped his hands in agreement, then got up and left the camp.

Originally, he thought that he would not be able to get the chance to play, who made that person keep one step ahead of him, so although he looked down on that Gong Wan extremely in his heart, he did not argue with him.

Fortunately, Cui Bo left some troops for him, so that he could have some fun and not have to stay in the commander's tent to make plans.

Most of these people are resourceful people. On one side, they act as their own secretaries, and on the other side, they can be sent out to receive dispatches at any time. Therefore, in addition to being resourceful, these people are also more likely to lead troops in battles.

The people in this commanding camp are all good at leading troops in battles, and those who go out to lead troops now are mostly their deputies. Only Cui Bo can do this kind of operation.

After laying out these arrangements, Cui Bo also began to walk out of the commander's tent. His mission has been completed, and the next step is to be ready to rush to Wei Fei's side at any time. Although he asked Gong Wan to take the rest of the army to swallow Dragon clan, but he didn't know in his heart that this was just a possibility that was extremely difficult to realize. If he really wanted to rely on Gong Wan to fight the war, he would have lost it long ago.

But even so, he will not be stingy with an opportunity. If Gong Wan wants it, give it to him. If he loses, he will lose. The most powerful person in this world is always his personal might, and he knows this very well.

As long as he doesn't fall, Donghai will not lose anything. As for those soldiers, although the truth is cruel, it is true. They have never been a factor that can determine the direction of victory.

As for why they still have to catch up with them, maybe this is because they are in a catastrophe and cannot help themselves!
As soon as Cui Bo walked out, the soldiers outside the big tent began to discuss excitedly.

"Hey, General Cui has guarded Dongjun for many years, and he has a high prestige in Dongjun. The [-] troops he personally led are invincible in Dongjun. Now General Cui has been promoted to Donghai as the general of Zhenhai. That's even more incredible!"

"Yeah, that's for sure. I can guarantee that we will win this battle! A mere Xiqi can be destroyed with a flick of a finger!"

"Does that need to be said? Didn't General Cui personally lead an army of [-] to besiege the Dragon Clan in the shallows? Not only did he annihilate a million enemy troops, but he only lost [-] troops! Even the Dragon Clan actually They all changed their generals before the battle, and I don’t know what kind of old guy was replaced. Anyway, I heard that he is quite powerful. His name is Ao Feiyou, it seems to be this name!"

"Cut! It's just Ao Feiyou! Now I'm still running away! Hahahaha!"

"Yes, yes, I think there is no one left in the Dragon Clan, so we can sit back and relax!"

"Hahahaha. That's for sure, let's wait and see!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

All the soldiers laughed one after another, their faces full of anticipation.

"Ao Feiyou, Ao Feiyou, you must have never dreamed that you would fall into my trap!"

Gong Wan, who led an army of 30 and hurriedly chased after him, smiled coldly.

At this time, Gong Wan's face was full of complacency, as if he had seen the scene of the destruction of the army led by Ao Feiyou, and he had seen that he had become the greatest contributor to the suppression of the East China Sea rebellion, and the feudal marquis was just around the corner!

Thinking of this, Gong Wan couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

However, Gong Wan ignored one problem.

That is, he has no idea what kind of situation he is in now, and Ao Feiyou, who is marching towards the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, has not been defeated by him at all. Not only that, he has not only become the commander of a thousand troops , even took over the command of Ao Yun, and became the supreme commander of the Dragon Clan.

"Come on, go and inform Marshal Cui!"

After a long time, a soldier hurried into the big tent, knelt down outside, and reported loudly inside.

"Big guy!"

"The commander-in-chief is not here, if you have any news, just tell me!"

In the handsome tent, there was a majestic voice immediately.

When Xiaobing heard this, he told the commander all the news he had learned.

"What! There is such a thing?! Your news is sure?"

The general staying inside was surprised when he heard the words, and then he looked at the kneeling soldier outside the tent, with a strange look in his eyes.

"Yes, General! These are the letters that General Gong asked me to deliver!"

The soldier replied respectfully.

"If that's the case, then go back immediately and inform the general, saying that the commander already knows about it! We are all waiting to drink his celebration wine!"

The general who stayed behind pondered for a while when he heard the words, and then spoke.


The soldier clasped his fists and saluted after hearing the words, then got up and flew towards the distance.


"What? He actually planted spies among the Dragon Clan?!"

When Cui Bo heard the voice from the left-behind general, he sounded surprised, but fortunately there was no one here, but he was here alone, so he immediately sent it back again, wanting to make sure.

"Yes, Marshal, since Ao Feiyou has already retreated, and the general has planted spies in it, the soldiers and horses he left behind are the wealth of my great merchants. If we can subdue the soldiers and horses in the East China Sea , my Dashang will definitely be able to return to its former prosperity, and at that time, my Dashang will once again dominate the prehistoric world, and even rule the world!"

The sound transmission of the left behind general was full of excited voices. In fact, his face was also full of excitement at this time. He didn't expect that Gong Wan would actually buy a lot of spies in it, and even wanted to To subdue!
Subduing is not simply swallowing, it is actually weakening the enemy and strengthening oneself. After one round and one round, the profit is at least doubled!
This even makes Cui Bo very happy. Although he doesn't care about the credit he has made, it is still very convenient to rely on the human race to do things, and if his status is higher, he must be able to cultivate more diligently !

And this trip to subdue the Dragon Clan can be said to have been facilitated by him alone. If he hadn't nodded, it would be impossible for Gong Wan to dare and be able to subdue the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan subdues, and even Hai wants to subdue the entire Dragon Clan, and even subdue the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas.

However, this is undoubtedly a great thing for him. Although Ao Feiyou has not fought against him, according to the character of the Dragon Clan, the one he sent this time must be at least a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and there may even be a It is Da Luo Jinxian.

So since Ao Feiyou has withdrawn his troops, that is the best way, and if General Gongwan's plan succeeds, he may not be able to kill Ao Feiyou on the spot, and then completely control the East China Sea Dragon Clan!
"Okay, since Gong Wan has this idea, let's wait for his good news!"

At that moment, Cui Bo immediately replied.

"Hahaha, well, I hope their speed can be faster, I don't want to wait too long."

The two began to laugh from a distance, and after hearing the voice inside, the soldiers outside the commander's tent began to feel a little confused. The general inside would not be alone in his mind. Is there a problem? !

Although Cui Bo is a disciple of the Jiejiao, his cultivation base is also very good, and it is extremely rare in the Jiejiao to be able to reach the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, but in fact he does not understand many things, and has always been a corner figure.

(End of this chapter)

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