Chapter 164 Rebellion
This time Ao Feng sat with these people just to ensure their safety, but he believed it.These few people will certainly not let themselves down.

"Do you think we will go well this time?" Ao Feng asked.

These people were silent for a moment, and one of them stood up in armor, walked up to Ao Feng, and knelt down on the ground: "My lord, Da Shang is indeed at a disadvantage now, and although the Dragon Clan and Xiqi are at an advantage, But we have already deployed enough troops in the East China Sea. As soon as you give an order, we can take advantage of the East China Sea army to dispatch and attack the East China Sea Dragon Palace. As long as your majesty gives an order, I will lead all the soldiers to take down the Dragon Palace to the death. , swear allegiance to the king!"

Ao Guang smiled slightly when he heard the words, this person is called Ao Min, he is a child of the Dragon Clan branch, dissatisfied with the status quo, so he wanted to follow Ao Feng to rebel, and he is also one of Ao Feng's most capable assistants, but this time he will also participate In this battle, his main task this time is to deploy a defense line inside the East China Sea, and the rest of the people will also participate in the battle.

Ao Guang looked at the man in black armor in front of him, smiled and said: "General Min, I know your bravery, but I know your strategy very well, this time I gave you a Task."

After hearing Ao Guang's words, Ao Min also showed a smile on his face: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will definitely complete the tasks ordered by your Majesty, and will not disappoint your Majesty's expectations!"

Ao Guang also laughed when he heard this: "Okay, General Min, if that's the case, then you can go now. I'll leave this time to you!"

"I obey!" After finishing speaking, Ao Min stood up, bowed his hands to Ao Guang, then turned his head and walked outside, disappearing from everyone's sight in a blink of an eye.

This Ao Min's speed was very fast, even a bit faster than some transformed monsters. After a while, a war started in a place in the East China Sea.

Ao Feng didn't stop him, just nodded slightly, then drank tea again and looked out the window, as if he was looking in the direction of the East China Sea.


East China Sea Dragon Palace.

At this time, Ao Yun also came to Ao Guang's side, bowed slightly and said: "Father, my son has sent people to investigate clearly. This war was started by the Tianxing Shrimp Clan. It is said that he was dissatisfied with the people next door. The Sea Breeze Crab clan has been around for a long time, so they took advantage of the chaos to start a war. But I don’t know if it’s true, and my son is also sending people to investigate.”

Hearing what his son Ao Yun said, Ao Guang frowned.

Although this war is not a big deal, the problem is that the battle between the dragon clan and the big merchants can be described as a big battle. If it is true, then I can't underestimate the enemy this time, and the most important thing is whether the rest of the sea clan will There will be imitation.

"Yun'er, you continue to send people to inquire. If their clan really started the war, and if there is no one behind it, then their clan will be wiped out from the East China Sea. At the juncture of the war, no accidents are allowed!" Ao Guang After pondering for a while, he said decisively.

Hearing what his father said, Ao Yun also nodded, and then said: "Father, I have sent some people to investigate, no matter what, I will bring back the news, father, don't worry, this time War, I will definitely satisfy you."

After hearing this sentence, Ao Guang nodded: "Well, that's good."

Ao Yun is the person he hand-picked to manage this war, so naturally he has great confidence in his strength.


On the bank of the East China Sea, there are countless underwater monsters, but at this moment, these monsters are all prostrate on the ground, with their heads down, like worms.

In the sea water, there is still a huge piece of land floating, and a corpse is lying on the land. This corpse is the corpse of the head of the Sky Star Shrimp clan.

Over the years, King Tianxing Shrimp has been staying on this island, except for occasionally wandering in the East China Sea, the rest of the time has been staying on this island, but today, he is leaving this island.

He has stayed here for too long. Although his cultivation base is still growing, his vitality is getting weaker and weaker. All this is thanks to his enemy, the head of the Sea Breeze Crab!
He can't stay on this island anymore, otherwise, sooner or later, he will die at their hands, and by then, it will be too late!

Thinking of this, the head of the Tianxing Shrimp immediately stood up and walked to the side of this piece of land. This is a small island with a lot of medicinal herbs planted on it, but he didn't pick it. After all, he also needs to rest and not waste medicinal herbs. Such medicinal materials are only suitable for refining elixirs. It would be such a waste to use them to treat illnesses and save lives!

"Father, let me see you off!" Ao Min came to the side of the head of the Tianxing Shrimp at this time.

Looking at this man with a serious face but murderous eyes, the head of the Tianxing Shrimp clan also drew a smile. This person is the most satisfied son in his heart, with extremely high strength, he is a genius of the Tianxing Shrimp clan.

But what he didn't know was that his original son had already died, and now it was Ao Min.

"No, my son still needs to be in charge of the Tianxing Shrimp Clan. I'm afraid there will be many dangers in this calamity, so let's forget it." The head of the Tianxing Shrimp clan refused.

Hearing what the head of the Tianxing Shrimp clan said, Ao Min shook his head: "It's okay, as long as he can help his father, his son will not hesitate to be in danger, but father, you must be careful, otherwise the son will inevitably worry in his heart. "

Hearing Ao Min's words of concern, Ao Guang nodded: "Well, I will be careful, nothing will happen, and this time the Dragon Clan has sent two strong men from the Da Luo Jin Immortal Realm. I will not give up this war easily, I will definitely try my best to win this war, and I hope my son can save our clan as much as possible!"

"Father, don't worry too much, my son will definitely not let them die in vain." Ao Min said swearingly, patting his chest.

The head of the Tianxing Shrimp also laughed when he heard the words, but he didn't notice that Ao Min showed a smile behind him, and then screamed all over his body.

Then Ao Min announced that the newly mobilized army did not need to go out with the Dragon Clan, but turned to attack the Sea Breeze Crab Clan on the side.

East China Sea Dragon Palace.

At this time, a burst of hurried footsteps came in suddenly.

Ao Yun quickly ran into the room: "Father, I just received a message from Xiqi, saying that there is a large merchant army preparing to attack us, and I have already sent someone to stop it."

Ao Guang frowned when he heard the words: "Ambush us?"

"Yes, it's a sneak attack. Their target is us." Ao Yun replied, "They also said they would take advantage of this opportunity to kill us all!"

Ao Guang's brows also frowned even tighter. He didn't expect that Da Shang's main target was really them. In this way, the Dragon Clan would suffer heavy losses, and I don't know how many clansmen would be lost.

(End of this chapter)

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