Chapter 149 Going to Reincarnation
The prehistoric world is like a huge egg. There are three thousand worlds in the endless starry sky of this world, but outside this prehistoric egg is a place without the concept of space and time. This place is chaos.

In the past, only chaotic creatures could survive in chaos. Since the creation of Pangu, the prehistoric world has continued to expand, and chaos has continued to shrink. The area between the two has slowly become smaller and smaller, and even those with lower cultivation levels can enter it. .

From the beginning, the Da Luo Jinxian would die in chaos without the treasure to protect him, to now, as long as he is a Da Luo Jinxian, he can go in and out of the prehistoric, but he can't stay too far away from the prehistoric.

Although the quasi-sage can survive in the chaos, he does not dare to go too deep into the chaos. Only the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian has the ability to traverse the chaos.

"The second method is very simple, that is to deceive the Heavenly Dao first, and then return to the Heavenly Dao's sight during the time of the Calamity Calamity. Although this method is the most perfect, it also has great disadvantages. It’s just that Heavenly Dao will think that you are deceiving him, and in the next calamity, it will definitely target you even more for the fish that slipped through the net, and I am afraid that even after the calamity is over, it may be directly punished by the heavens after it is discovered immediately!”

Huang Tian is not alarmist, this method is like taking the way of heaven as a fool, repeating horizontal lines, which is also a variation of the first method, the first method is to cut off and not enter the prehistoric world immediately, completely breaking off the relationship.

And this method is similar to how I pretended to be disconnected first, but I didn't actually disconnect, and then the calamity passed, and I came out again, and when the calamity was coming, I hid again. This behavior can be tolerated on behalf of the Dao of Heaven.

What's more, although Tiandao has no feelings, Hongjun, the spokesperson of Tiandao, has a temper. If he really dares to do this, I am afraid that Minghe will fall completely even if he can save his life.


Patriarch Minghe acquiesced when he heard the words, stood for a long time, and then walked back and forth.

These two methods sound good, and they can indeed be avoided, but the problem is that the second method, let alone jumping repeatedly, is even very likely to be punished by the gods. This probability makes him dare not gamble, who has always cherished his life.

And the first one is too extreme for him, leaving no room for it, and there is no way out. If it is really wandering outside and encounters any situation, it will not be very good.

Soon, Patriarch Minghe made up his mind, he stopped, looked at Huang Tian who was waiting aside and said: "Poverty Dao naturally chooses the first one, but not now, I will find you when I need it! "

"it is good!"

Huang Tian nodded when he heard this, turned around and started to leave. He knew what the first type mentioned by the ancestor of Styx was. It was not the original first type, but the cause and effect between cutting off and the prehistoric era.

And he also knew why Patriarch Styx couldn't give up for a while. This path must have been chosen when he was desperate.

For Patriarch Styx, if he can't become enlightened, what's the use of living?

But now there is still a holy throne after all, and Styx still has the incarnation of the endless blood sea, so it is impossible to just let go. The opportunity to achieve Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal in the first line.

Ancestor Minghe looked at the direction Huang Tian was leaving, and felt relieved. In his opinion, Huang Tian was honest. Integrity was something that was only talked about when there was an equal amount of strength.

If the strength is not equal, it is completely up to the powerful side to say whether to be honest or not.

As for whether Huang Tian could cut off the cause and effect between him and Honghuang, he didn't doubt too much, after all, the other party can create things in the void, and the way of cause and effect must go quite far.

In fact, it is not that the connection with Honghuang can be cut off by understanding the avenue of cause and effect. The main reason is that the law of fate really plays a key role. After all, cause and effect are just cause and effect, and fate will be in the future. The law of cause and effect is only supplementary. The main thing is the law of fate.

Moreover, the higher the other party's cultivation level, the deeper the cause and effect between him and Honghuang. In fact, Huang Tian was not sure of completely cutting off the cause and effect between Patriarch Styx and Honghuang.

Because part of the karma needs to be repaid, Huang Tian is not confident that he can cut off this part of the karma. His current cultivation level is only a Golden Immortal. Cutting off the karma for a top quasi-sage would cost even [-]%. Not sure.

But Huang Tian naturally figured out that Patriarch Minghe was reluctant to leave the prehistoric and go to the endless and lonely chaos, so he dared to come here to deceive, and the first method at the beginning can indeed be regarded as a way to avoid calamity. But apart from him, few people know who will win.

And I can't be sure whether I will survive even if I stand on the winning side. After all, it is impossible for the winning side to be safe.

"Now it's a difficult thing to do, and the rest are easy to handle. Only the hell way among the [-] hells is the most difficult!"

After Huang Tian left the palace, he did not walk towards the sea of ​​blood, but instead walked towards the depths of the endless sea of ​​blood, where is the place of reincarnation, this time he came here and planned to finish everything by the way.

Let's get the two most difficult things done first. As for the rest of the world, the evil ghosts, the beasts, and the heavens and humans, Huang Tian can easily do it.

Only the Dao of Hell, the Dao of Shura, and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire are the most difficult to deal with, but fortunately this time one of the goals has been achieved, so Huang Tian is going to go to the land of reincarnation in the hell where there is no longer an endless sea of ​​blood.

"He went to reincarnation? Is it for the six wheels? But how could the people of the underworld give it to him!"

Patriarch Minghe looked at the figure in the picture in front of him, and muttered to himself in a low voice.

There is nothing in the endless sea of ​​blood that Patriarch Minghe can hide from him, so when Huang Tian stepped out of the palace, even though he was far away from his sight, he could still perceive Huang Tian's behavior.

He knew that Huang Tian was going to the land of reincarnation, and he also knew Huang Tian's purpose, but the hell is different from ordinary places, where because of the existence of Houtu Zhishan, no matter who it is, they have to treat things fairly.

It is impossible for some dirty deals to occur in the underworld, because most of the people stationed there are soldiers of the Wu tribe who followed Houtu to work in the underworld in the past, and they listen to Houtu's words the most.

In addition, Houtu Zhishan, especially after reincarnation, treats other races equally, only treats people from the witch clan better, and the rest, even people from the monster clan, have not stumbled against them son.

No matter who you are, you have to act according to the rules when you come to the underworld, otherwise you will encounter all kinds of threats of force. Hongjun will also appear at that time, because reincarnation is an important place, and even a saint cannot go presumptuously.

(End of this chapter)

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