Chapter 139
Big week.

He supported Ji Fa as King Wu of Zhou, pursued Jichang as King Wen of Zhou, established Huang Tian as the Grand Master of the Zhou Dynasty, and established Jiang Ziya as the Grand Master of the Zhou Dynasty, which was announced to the world.

For a time, the princes all over the world sent envoys to congratulate him. During the banquet, many princes expressed their willingness to join the Great Zhou and jointly overthrow the Great Shang.

The Great Zhou is the most powerful country in the west, so the leader of the state of Zhou is called Xibo, the uncle of the western countries, and the Great Merchant Emperor is also called Shang Wangdi Xin. Now Zhou is independent of Shang, so it is called For Zhou Wang.

When Emperor Xin heard about this in the song of Chao, he was furious, and he raised an army to attack Zhou, and he conferred gods and robbed him.

Because of the new beginning of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the army was very prosperous, and Jiang Ziya assisted him like a tiger with wings. For a while, the Great Merchant army retreated steadily.


"My concubine, wars are raging all over the place, and Ji Fa is actually trying to overthrow the Gu Zhi Dynasty, established Zhou, and wants to overthrow the widow!"

Di Xin touched his forehead, his brows were full of worry. Although he said he didn't take the opponent seriously, the battle reports these days were frequent defeats, which made him full of worry.

"Ji Fa? Is that Bo Yi Kao's younger brother?" Daji thought for a while, and then remembered that there was such a person.

Daji, who was deep in the palace, was tasked with causing trouble for Emperor Xin and destroying the last trace of luck of the Great Shang Dynasty. Therefore, she kept her ears to nothing outside the palace and only cared about harming Emperor Xin.

Although Daji didn't know Ji Fa very well, when she saw Di Xin's appearance, she immediately understood in her heart, so she asked, "Are you worried about Ji Fa's child?"

"Exactly! What's the best plan for my concubine?"

Seeing that Daji guessed what was in his mind, Di Xin did not deny it, but admitted it.

"My lord, since ordinary people can't beat the opponent, how about asking the gods to come down?"

Daji rolled her eyes and thought of Grand Master Wen. This is a good opportunity to pull the teacher into the water. Although she obeyed the orders of Empress Nuwa for the Three Demons of Xuanyuan Tomb, in fact it was only because Empress Nuwa was in charge of the demon banner. reason.

And she also met Jiang Ziya in private that day.

Jiang Ziya hinted to her that she would be dragged into the water, so that when she became a god, she could be transformed from a monster into a god above the heaven.

This is a great attraction for an ordinary monster, and La Jiejiao's launching into the water is not contrary to the order of Nuwa Empress, so she agreed to this matter.

"Oh?!" Di Xin was surprised when he heard the words, turned his head to look at Daji who was lying behind him, and asked, "Aifei still knows gods?"

There has been a long history of immortals, but he has never seen them a few times. Because of the Emperor's position, ordinary immortals are not allowed to touch him, so except for Yun Zhongzi who wanted to kill Daji with a mahogany sword the last time he met , he has never seen it.

"It is impossible for me to have seen an immortal god, but I know that someone among my great merchants has such ability!"

Daji shook his head, then said.

Naturally, she has seen a fairy god, because she is a monster, but she can't admit it, because her current identity is Su Daji, the daughter of Su Hu.

"Oh?! Who is it?"

Di Xin was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly said.

"It's Grand Master Wen! Why did your majesty forget?"

Daji reminded aloud that it seems that Di Xin is the most beautiful among the entire big business, but in fact it is Wen Zhongwen who holds the power behind his back.

As an important minister of the three dynasties, Wen Zhong was also the only person that Di Xin feared in Dashang. If it was not necessary, he really wanted to forget this person forever.

Apart from these, Wen Zhong's main reason is that he has superb morality and great ability, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and he is one of the most powerful group of disciples among the three generations of Jiejiao.

"This... I forgot for a while..."

Di Xin felt a headache when he thought of this person. It's not that Dashang didn't have important ministers of the three dynasties, and he never took these veteran ministers to heart, but the most important thing was Wen Zhong's strength, and he was also the third generation of Jiejiao. Disciple, this was what caused him the most headache.

Although he is noble as a human emperor, the current position of human emperor is far from that of the human emperor at the time of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors!

On the surface, he is the co-lord of the emperor, but in fact he is only the emperor of the emperor. Although the name has been changed, his status has indeed dropped a lot.

In addition, those disciples of the Holy Cult relied on the prestige of saints to run rampant, even Emperor Haotian had a headache, and had to swallow his anger, let alone him!
But at this critical juncture, he could only turn to Wen Zhong for help.



Originally, this was a place for Di Xin to enjoy himself, but now he had to use it as a place to entertain the Jiejiao Immortal God.

For a time, the Lutai was full of extravagance, surrounded by all kinds of pearls, and the dancers were dancing. Di Xin followed the advice of the Grand Master Wen and set up a banquet for [-] people. Then get up again.

Not to mention all kinds of delicacies and delicacies on the banquet, but each seat is accompanied by two court ladies.

Wen Zhongben was one of the most famous among the three generations of Jiejiao's disciples, and many of the three generations of disciples had good friends with him, so this time he invited God, the seats were wide open.


As time went by, Emperor Xin and Ji Fa were fighting against each other constantly, and the big merchants were even more violent, and all places responded to Ji Fa's rebellion. Di Xin in the song can't be controlled either.

And Daji also took this opportunity to confuse King Zhou, causing Wucheng King Huang Feihu to defect to Xiqi Jifa with his family and betray Emperor Xin.


Since Huang Tian joined the WTO and came to Xiqi as the national teacher, he actually didn't make much contribution. Instead, he took the opportunity to find a position for himself as the national teacher, and in his position he had to seek his own government.

Now the army of the Great Zhou is deeply trapped in Qinglong Pass and cannot advance an inch, because Zhang Guifang, the guard of Qinglong Pass, led [-] troops, not only repelling Xiqi's army, but also attacking Xiqi.

This tone made Jiang Ziya unbearable, but he was also afraid of Zhang Guifang's ability, so he hesitated for a while whether to ask the senior brothers to come down.

"Reporting to Grand Master, Zhang Guifang is leading [-] soldiers and horses to invite battle outside the city!"

When a spy came to report, everyone in the army tent was furious, but they were afraid of Zhang Guifang's power and dared not go out of the city to fight.

Jiang Ziya looked around and saw that although the crowd was furious, none of them dared to fight, he couldn't help but sighed in his heart, and said: "Although Zhang Guifang is powerful, he is not invincible. Let me invite the national teacher to come and kill him." Kill this thief!"

After saying that, Jiang Ziya left the military tent, mounted Sibui and headed towards Qishan.

Among the people left behind, even Huang Feihu didn't feel a little ashamed. Although he was Wu Chengwang who was a big businessman before, and Wen Zhong claimed to be a big businessman with one article and one military, in fact he knew that compared with personal force Speaking of him, he is far inferior to Wen Zhong.

In fact, Wen Zhong is the cornerstone of the great business, not him. He is just better than commanding the army to fight, but he is helpless in the battle of immortals and gods.

And the reason why he came to Xiqi is that no one in Xiqi can lead the three armies except Jiang Ziya, and he just showed his talents.

(End of this chapter)

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