Chapter 125 The Battle of Pluto
The Fuxi arrow is theoretically an arrow that can be shot without limit, but it also depends on the energy in Fuxi's body. If his power is exhausted, he will no longer be able to shoot the Fuxi arrow.

"Nino, come back, you can't stop the two of them!"

Looking at this scene, Huang Tian said lightly, no matter how strong Nino is, he can't be the opponent of the angry king, let alone there is a plague goddess Yaochi Holy Mother who can release the red snow virus.

If he is really infected by the Red Snow Virus of Our Lady of Yaochi, then Nino will really die. Although the Pangu tribesmen all pretended to be accidental and died of poisoning, but if Our Lady of Yaochi exerts her full strength, Nino will There are really two sayings that you won't be infected with the virus.

The reason why the Holy Mother of Yaochi didn't use it on the King of People was because she still had old feelings and was reluctant to use the Red Snow Virus on the King of People, but it didn't mean she wouldn't use it on other people.

The people of the Pangu clan are like a robot with perfect functions, and the Hongxue virus is a bug made for this perfect system, which is why the people of the Pangu clan can't resist the Hongxue virus.

As for fate, the reason why he also wants to live in the body of the Holy Mother of Yaochi is that apart from the powerful power and peerless beauty of the Holy Mother of Yaochi, he also wants her red snow virus that is powerful enough to wipe out the Pangu clan.

If he really moved in and controlled the Holy Mother of Yaochi, with his ability to know the existence of all life in the entire universe, coupled with the powerful ability of the Holy Mother of Yaochi, he could quickly destroy this world, and it would be easy to destroy it.

"Master! They want to destroy this world!" Nino turned around and said urgently. Although he couldn't beat the opponent himself, he could choose to try.

In the previous catastrophe, it was because Huang Tian told him that he would not let Nuwa destroy the world. That's why Nino sat idly by with peace of mind, because he knew that as long as his master determined things, he would Will definitely do it.

Huang Tian did not reply to Nino's words, but turned his head to look at Wang Fuxi and the Holy Mother of Yaochi and said, "I don't care if you want to resolve the conflict between you, but you can't bring disaster to this world, how about it, you go Fighting on other planets, I promise not to get involved, how about it?"

The reason why he chose this method was not to prevent the two people from acting, but also to protect the world. Although he didn't have much affection for the people in this world, for the human race in this world, he still wouldn't let them They are extinct.

As for whether it becomes a zombie or not, it doesn't matter, because zombies look the same as humans, and on the contrary, their combat power has become much stronger.

It's just a pity that he didn't take people out of this world, otherwise it would be a piece of cake to take all the Pangu clansmen like General Chen out of this place and conquer the heavens.

If such a powerful army of Pangu clansmen who can be mass-produced can be realized, then his power can expand in an instant without knowing how many times!
If you go to a world, you can directly lay down a base area. If the world limit is not enough, then you can directly enslave and transform it. If the world limit is much stronger than yourself, then you will develop indecently.

"it is good!"

Human Wang Fuxi nodded silently, then turned to the Holy Mother of Yaochi and said, "Come to Pluto, I'll wait for you here!"

After finishing speaking, the body turned into a stream of light and left this world, and those human races also stood up. They didn't know why they knelt down, but at that time, there suddenly appeared in their hearts that they should worship and that they must worship Their emotions controlled them and they knelt down.

This feeling was something that neither the Immortal Ancestor nor Qin Shihuang had in the past when they were born. No matter how powerful the Immortal Ancestor was, he could only use his strength to force them to kneel down. However, the power just now made them unconsciously feel that they should. The emotion of worship comes out.

And the original black dress of the Holy Mother of Yaochi has also transformed into a fiery red war robe, and it has become the appearance of returning to the world before. The hatred in her eyes has not diminished, but the resentment has disappeared a lot, replaced by Anger, even a human being has three points of anger, not to mention the goddess of plague who is in charge of life, aging, sickness and death in the world!

The Holy Mother of Yaochi soared into the sky at this moment, a fiery red light streaked across and turned into a bright color on the horizon.


Seeing this scene, everyone also breathed a sigh of relief. What they were afraid of was that the world would be destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between the two, not that they would fight together.

In fact, even if both people died together, there would be no loss for them. Apart from the fact that they would become human again without breaking their appearance, there didn't seem to be any big losses.

"Nino, let's go and have a look together! You don't have much combat experience either, you have to focus on learning how King Fuxi fights in this battle!" After Huang Tian finished speaking, he dragged Nino with both hands, and came to Pluto in an instant s surface.

When the two of them arrived at Pluto, a few seconds later, the human king Fuxi and the Holy Mother of Yaochi also arrived here. Huang Tian didn't hide his aura, so after the two of them glanced at it, they all let go. Open hands and feet.

Since Huang Tian appeared here, he probably wouldn't watch them die. When the time comes, the two will decide a winner. In that case, fate will probably sneak in and hook up with the Holy Mother of Yaochi. It's time to close the net.


Following the roar of King Fuxi, the two did not use their strongest magic weapons, but used hand-to-hand combat techniques to start a life-and-death struggle.

Compared with using magic weapons and supernatural powers to fight the enemy, hand-to-hand combat is the best way to vent one's anger. It just so happened that the two of them thought so, so they fought together in an instant!
The two figures collided constantly on the surface of Pluto. Both of them were the top combat powers in the universe. One was the king of the human race, and the other was the goddess. Both of them possessed the power to destroy the world.

If the battle between the two is allowed to go on on the earth, I am afraid that the earth will be destroyed by the aftermath of the two's battle if they can't hold on for a day. This is the case where the two intend to restrain themselves!

If it was real, King Fuxi could explode the earth with one arrow!

Fortunately, both of them used hand-to-hand combat at this time, and Pluto's bearing capacity was much stronger than that of the earth, so apart from a lot of potholes for a while, nothing was lost!
"Master, aren't we born with this close combat technique?"

Nino frowned, looked at the two figures constantly fighting in the distance, and said.

"Just look at it. The two of them will get serious sooner or later. Now it's just to vent the anger in each other's hearts!"

Huang Tian calmly looked into the distance, although the two of them were extremely fast, they still couldn't escape his eyes, not only him, even Nino could see clearly.

Great Qin.

"This matter has finally been resolved, but even if the two of them really had a big fight, there's no telling what will happen afterwards!" Ma Xiaoling sighed and said worriedly.

In the past, although she cared about the end of the world, she didn't care too much, but now it's different, she just found her father and brother, and she hasn't enjoyed the family happiness yet, and the world is about to be destroyed.

This was hard for her to accept, so she naturally became concerned.

"Xiaoling, don't worry, the two of them are so strong, and Wang Fuxi seems to want to kill the Holy Mother of Yaochi immediately, so one of them will definitely die!"

"Yes, yes, or according to the future mentioned by Tianya, the two of them may die together!"

Everyone on the side is working towards the good side, but things are so simple. They really think that the relationship between the Holy Mother and the Human King is just some entanglement of love and hatred, but in fact, there is a game surrounding hunting. A big move to kill fate!
Suddenly, a gate of hell appeared, Ma Xiaohu walked out in a suit, and behind him were He Yingqiu and a group of death gods.

"elder brother?!"

Seeing her brother come back from the underworld so quickly, Ma Xiaoling exclaimed in surprise.

Ma Xiaohu, who had always had a serious expression since he appeared, also showed some smiles on his face when he heard this, which made the expressions of the rest of the people relax a lot.

"Xiaoling, don't worry, I'm still me, but I'm also Ksitigarbha!"

He is both Ma Xiaohu and Ksitigarbha at the moment, and the two are still one person in essence, and he has also regained his cultivation base and human letter.

"Don't worry, with me here, I won't watch them destroy the world!"

Ksitigarbha is a super ancient existence that has existed since the last calamity, and he is also a super monarch who controls the reincarnation of the universe. In fact, except for his combat power, he is inferior to King Fuxi, and he is better than King Fuxi in other aspects. Much stronger!

Ksitigarbha is also the only god who can ignore three disasters and nine disasters without entering reincarnation. This is not because of its ancient existence, but because of the human book!

Because of his great compassion and the boundless and true Buddha Dharma, he has attracted the followers of Ren Shu. Unlike the Earth Book and the Heaven Book, the Ren Shu has the strangest trajectory among the three books!
Only those who are truly compassionate and powerful at the same time can attract the followers of Renshu!

The reason why Ksitigarbha wanted to be reincarnated as Ma Xiaohu was because fate caught his fault and forced him to reincarnate, and secondly, he also wanted to get rid of the control of fate.

The bad luck ghost is actually something imposed on him by fate, which is why he was haunted by the bad luck ghost since he was born. It is because fate wants to give him a hope and at the same time ensure that he will die in the end Falling, thus falling into samsara, unable to extricate themselves.

It's just that fate didn't expect Ma Dalong to create miracles again and again to get rid of the control of fate, pinning down the unlucky ghost again and again, thus saving Ma Xiaohu's life, which really surprised him.

(End of this chapter)

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