Chapter 113

Logically speaking, the current Kuang Tianya shouldn't exist, but it did exist, and even appeared in front of Huang Tian.

"Forget it, never mind, do you know where the waiting bar is?"

Kuang Tianya looked at Huang Tian suspiciously, but Huang Tian didn't tell her why he knew of her existence, so she didn't want to care about it anymore, she only knew that she came here to change her destiny and prevent the end from coming.

What's interesting is that the waiting bar really existed. After Jiang Chen and Nu Wa left, Ma Dingdang also gave the forget bar to Ma Xiaoling and then disappeared, and Ma Xiaoling changed the name of the bar to waiting bar.

The reason why she changed this name was to wait for her aunt Ma Dingdang to appear again, so she changed it.

"I know, come with me!"

After hearing the words, Huang Tian nodded and said calmly.

"Thank you bro!"

Seeing that the person in front of her was not very old, Kuang Tianya hesitated for a moment, and called Big Brother. She originally wanted to call him Uncle, but since she had traveled through time, she didn't know this person, so she called Big Brother.

And Huang Tian naturally knew the reason why Kuang Tianya went to Waiting Bar, it was nothing more than to tell Ma Xiaoling about the end times, and hope to change the future so that his father would not die alone again.

Yes, stronger than red eyes, Kuang Tianyou was also infected with the virus in the Holy Land of Pangu, and because of the help of the generals, he was able to linger on, but in the end he died one day 20 years after the end of the world.

"It's useless for you to find Ma Xiaoling. The history of this world has undergone serious changes, at least it has undergone earth-shaking changes from the history you know."

Huang Tian grabbed Kuang Tianya and came to the waiting bar, and said calmly as he walked inside with him.

As soon as his words fell, Kuang Tianya's expression changed drastically again, he was terrified, who is this person in front of him, and why did he know his purpose and history? !
"Who the hell are you, how did you know that I was looking for Ma Xiaoling, and how did you know that I know history?!"

Although Kuang Tianya was terrified, he still forcibly held back his fear and asked.

She is from the future, and it stands to reason that no one knows her purpose, let alone how things will develop in the future, but this person in front of him keeps saying it again and again, as if he knows her very well!
Just when Kuang Tianya's thoughts were in chaos, Huang Tian had already brought her to the front of the bar.

"Ma Xiaoling!"

Huang Tian didn't bother with Kuang Tianya's question behind him, he directly opened his mouth to shout, and Ma Xiaoling who was upstairs quickly ran down.

"Huang Tian! Why are you here!"

After Ma Xiaoling came down, she saw Huang Tian who was sitting at the bar followed by a little girl, her face paled instantly.

"This is your daughter?!"

"What are you thinking, she is actually your daughter!"

Huang Tian shook his head, pointed to Kuang Tianya behind him and said sincerely.

But Ma Xiaoling looked at Huang Tian with disbelief, and the moment Kuang Tianya saw Ma Xiaoling, he also wanted to run away instantly.

But unfortunately, with Huang Tian here, she couldn't escape, so Kuang Tianya was forcibly pressed by Huang Tian on the stool beside him.

"She came here from [-]. She is the daughter of you and Kuang Tianyou. Her name is Kuang Tianya. Because in [-], the Human King and the Holy Mother will launch a doomsday war. dead, including Kuang Tianyou, so she traveled over time thinking about changing history."

Huang Tian calmly told what he knew, but it sounded like thunder in the ears of Kuang Tianya and Ma Xiaoling who listened to it.

"Brother, who the hell are you!"

Kuang Tianya had a bitter face. Originally, she wanted to hide her identity and get close to Ma Xiaoling to see what kind of person Ma Xiaoling was, but now Huang Tian was shaking her out.

By the way, I just heard from my mother that his name is Huang Tian!
Thinking of this, Kuang Tianya quickly recalled it carefully in her mind, she wanted to find out about Huang Tian's deeds.

It's just a pity that she didn't find this point, there is no record about Huang Tian in history.

"Are you serious?"

Ma Xiaoling looked at Huang Tian with an expression that didn't look like she was joking, and in her impression, Huang Tian wasn't joking too much.

"Of course, do you think I have that spare time to amuse you?"



Huang Tian was silent, he really didn't have anything to do, he had some leisure time.

"You really came from the future?!" Ma Xiaoling looked at the girl beside her. Although she looked a little like herself in the corner of her eyes, it didn't mean she was her daughter, and she was actually the daughter of Kuang Tianyou and herself.

"Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is that I am your daughter!"

Kuang Tianya looked at her mother staring at her, and nodded. She didn't like her mother very much, because she thought it was her mother who prevented her father from preventing the fight between Wang Fuxi and the Holy Mother of Yaochi, which led to this incident. occur.

"Let's not talk about how this happened between me and Kuang Tianyou, but it is like this. I am a human and he is a zombie. How could there be a daughter?!" Ma Xiaoling still couldn't accept this matter, which was too annoying It’s unbelievable. If a daughter appears, a daughter will appear.

The most important thing is that it is impossible for humans and zombies to have children, even between zombies and zombies, there will be no children, unless the apocalypse comes.

Although 2004 was considered the end of the world, it was also the birth of a magic star to save the world. What does it matter to her as a woman? !

"It's very simple. As long as there is a catastrophe, there will be a magic star descending into the world. Although humans and zombies can't conceive, it doesn't mean you can't become a zombie!" Huang Tian explained on the side.

"Me? Turned into a zombie?!"

Ma Xiaoling frowned instantly, and she began to believe this in her heart. Yes, although humans and zombies can't reproduce, zombies and zombies can have children!

And although she thought that it was impossible to become a zombie, but now that her magic power has disappeared, if she really encounters a zombie, she might not be bitten...

"It's still hard for me to accept, I'm only in my 20s!! Suddenly a woman a few years younger than me pops up and says she's my daughter!"

Ma Xiaoling inserted her hands into her hair and scratched vigorously a few times.

And the most important thing is actually Kuang Tianyou's seed, which made her skin crawl instantly.

"Tianya, can you tell me what you know!"

After a while, Ma Xiaoling calmed down and asked Kuang Tianya.

And Kuang Tianya looked at Huang Tian who was on the side. She didn't know whether she should say it or not. After seeing Huang Tian nodding, she slowly opened her mouth and said:

"In 2004, the Holy Mother of Yaochi, who returned to the earth, started a war to destroy the world because she couldn't get the love of Wang Fuxi. The resurrected uncle who has changed from a zombie to a human being, and the father is Kuang Tianyou, because the mother is also you, because you refused to stop the battle between the King of Man and the Virgin."

"The final result is that Uncle Resurrection and others all died, and you refused to let your father go to the war because you were pregnant. The King of Humans and the Holy Mother perished together, the entire earth was destroyed, and the sun was also destroyed. In the end, you lived After killing me, I also died."

"And my dad raised me alone and died in 2025. Many people said that if you were not so selfish and didn't let dad go to war at that time, the earth would not perish."

"As for me, I also got a baby by accident. My father said it can travel through time and space. After my father died, I used it. Now that thing is gone."

Kuang Tianya told all the history he knew, from the beginning of the World Annihilation War to the final ending.


After Kuang Tianya finished speaking, Ma Xiaoling stood up and loudly denied.

"How is it impossible?! This is the history I know!" After Kuang Tianya heard it, she thought it was Ma Xiaoling who suspected that she was lying, and she stared angrily and said.

"First, I don't know the old ghost at all. Second, the resurrection you are talking about should be Kuang Fusheng. He is still a zombie now. Third, who are the Human King Fuxi and the Holy Mother of Yaochi?! And how can Kuang Tianyou be alone? Maybe it can stop the World Annihilation War?!"

Ma Xiaoling refuted one by one, while Huang Tian sat on the stool and watched the two of them angrily fight each other.

"First, the old ghost uncle hasn't appeared yet, which doesn't mean he won't appear. Second, how can the resurrected uncle not become a human? Didn't he be blessed by the Pangu clan to eliminate the zombie body!"

"As for King Fuxi and the Holy Mother of Yaochi, you just need to know that they are from the Pangu clan!"

"And Dad, he is a Zombie God! The Zombie God who defeated General Chen and Nu Wa successfully prevented the coming of the world! You can't know this!"

After hearing the last point, Kuang Tianya exploded in an instant. She gritted her teeth and looked at Ma Xiaoling. She did not allow anyone to say that her father was not good. In her mind, her father was the most powerful.

"Hahahaha!" Ma Xiaoling seemed to have heard some joke. After laughing, she folded her arms and mocked, "The general and Nuwa have not been defeated, and it was not Kuang Tianyou who stopped the world from being destroyed. What kind of dead god? A joke!"

"You!! I don't allow you to say that about my father!"

Kuang Tianya was so angry that purple eyes instantly appeared on her whole body. Unlike the red eyes of the demon star Nino, Kuang Tianya's eyes were purple. This is because she has the blood of destiny, so she looks like this.

"You! You are really a zombie! You still have purple eyes!"

Ma Xiaoling was surprised when she saw Kuang Tianya's appearance.

"Okay, let me explain to you!" Seeing that Kuang Tianya was about to lose his temper, Huang Tian said slowly after he shot to suppress Kuang Tianya back to his original form.

Ma Xiaoling looked at Huang Tian curiously, she also wanted to know the truth of the matter, while Kuang Tianya looked at Huang Tian in horror, he was able to forcibly suppress her from the zombie state with one hand.

(End of this chapter)

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