Chapter 108 Underworld
"How is it, Dingdang?" Jiang Chen spread his hands and looked at Ma Dingdang proudly, he was proving his strength.

"Huh... I didn't expect you to be so perverted, you are so strong, are you going to watch Nuwa destroy the world?!" Ma Dingdang looked desperately at the generals in front of him, who could control the existence of time and space. might win? !
"Is this the power of the general?!! Can I still get rid of him?!"

Kuang Tianyou hugged his head and knelt on the ground, his white hair fell down like a joke, but no one cared about him, everyone was waiting for the general's answer.

"I will not watch Nuwa destroy the world, but I will not go against her words either!"

"I don't understand, since you won't watch her destroy the world, why don't you go against her words!"

Ma Dingdang asked in a daze, until he faced the general, did he know how strong the real general is!

"Because Nu Wa won't destroy the world!"

Huang Tian looked at the pedestrian in front of him, no matter how he looked at it, he found it pathetic, a group of gnats, also wanting to change God's intention!
Yes, he is now a god in front of these people, a real god, a god who can kill all these people with a single blow!
Today, he can crush everyone with his physical body alone, except for the bug of the general!


Ma Xiaoling asked anxiously as if she had been hit hard.

"I've made it very clear. Also, who of you wants to avenge Situ Fenren? You can attack me, but I don't guarantee that you can survive!" After Huang Tian said provocatively, he asked He felt it was a pity that no one dared to jump out.

When he killed Situ Fenren just now, his speed was extremely fast, none of those people saw Huang Tian's actions, not even the green-eyed Kuang Tianyou.

This is no longer an afterimage capture, or it is so close that no afterimage can be seen, it is completely invisible. His speed surpassed the reaction time of those people, so he didn't capture a single image.

"So, all this we did was for nothing?!"

Ma Xiaoling muttered to herself, and dropped the magic wand that she had been holding all along. The thing she was always proud of turned out to be a joke, a complete joke. The end of the world is just a game of God!

The group of them were just pawns played by him, which made Ma Xiaoling lose her faith all of a sudden, and she was even more broken than when she knew about the general. She couldn't bear such a big blow hit.

Looking at the appearance of these people in front of him, Huang Tian felt an inexplicable pleasure in his heart, he nodded and said: "Yes, so, do you still want to fight?"

"Haha, what's the point?" Ma Xiaoling laughed to herself and slumped on the ground. She originally thought that she and others were the saviors who would save all sentient beings, but she didn't expect that it was just a joke in the end.

Everything is just their self-righteousness, and whether they can survive now depends on the faces of the generals and Huang Tian.

"General, my third request is to let us all go back!" Ma Dingdang put forward her last condition. She knew that if she and others wanted to kill Nuwa, she had already violated the general's rebellion. I don't know if they died, but the rest of them must be dead.

"No problem at all!"

The general who had mastered everything nodded and said it as a matter of course.

With a sound of "Boom!", the general flicked his fingers, and Ma Dingdang and his party returned to their bar.

"It's so boring! I thought I could exercise my muscles and bones!" Seeing the people in front of him being passed away, Huang Tian slapped his hands.

As for the Ma family's Shenlong, he can't look down on it now. That Shenlong is just something created by fate to recover the generals. It's okay to fight low-level zombies, but it's not enough to fight the second-generation zombies. It's not that it can't be killed. , but can't hit it, if it is caught by surprise, there is still a chance to kill it.

As for Shenlong Shuangshuang, it is just a lizard that has absorbed the energy of dragon veins for many years, but its strength is not bad, similar to the second-generation zombies.

"Didn't you kill Situ Fenren already?"

"That trash, forget it, I'm going to play in the underworld!"

Speaking of Situ Fenren, Huang Tian shook his head, and then stepped on the ground, the ground did not respond, but a portal appeared instead, it was the gate of the underworld, the passage from the underworld to the underworld.

"Who dares to open the gate of hell!"

A voice came from inside, and then several death gods in black suits appeared.

In the past, they called them bull-headed horse noodles and the like, in order to scare them, and then they kept pace with the times, absorbed a lot of things from the world, and unified the management of the underworld. grim Reaper.

Seeing this scene, the general shook his head and went back to Tongtian Pavilion.

"Your Majesty!"

Huang Tian shouted loudly, the king's soul was activated, and the death gods who came out of the gate of the underworld instantly fell to their knees, sweating profusely, not daring to look up at Huang Tian.

"Does Shangxian know that trespassing in the underworld is a capital offense?"

The Death God who took the lead in questioning Huang Tian before spoke out under great pressure in his heart.


The god of death who questioned Huang Tian was shot to death with one finger, and his soul was blown away on the spot. The rest of the gods of death were all trembling, they didn't dare to move, they didn't dare to question Huang Tian, ​​and allowed Huang Tian to walk towards the gate of the underworld step by step.


"Who is coming!"

Long after the gate of the underworld was opened, many heavy soldiers had gathered at the other end of the underworld, waiting for the intruders to arrive.


Huang Tian, ​​who stepped over from the gate of the underworld to the center of the underworld, looked at the black armored soldiers in front of him, couldn't help laughing and said: "Just wait for the speed to retreat! You can save your life!"

As he spoke, the King's Soul was activated again, and the thousands of Yin soldiers who were blocking him all pushed aside, each with their heads lowered, not daring to look at Huang Tian who was walking straight through them.

"I don't know why the god broke into my underworld?!"

Suddenly, an extremely heavy and deep voice came from below, and an extremely ugly man appeared from it.

Um?What's going on? Why can't you raise your head?
Shen Tu, who had just appeared, automatically lowered his head, and instantly thought that it was the person in front of him who did it. A surge of anger rose in his heart, and at the same time, he couldn't help feeling a wave of fear. What kind of cultivation is this? Only then can he directly coerce him so much that he dare not look up at the other party.

The pattern of the underworld is different from the flatness of the human world. Here it is an inverted triangle that gradually enters from top to bottom.

Huang Tian is currently located at the top of the entire underworld, and it is also the place where the gates of the underworld lead. This place is called the underworld, and it is also the largest place. There are many ghosts here, each of which is divided.

Now, the one who appeared in front of him was the Eastern ghost emperor Shen Tu. He was in charge of the entire Eastern underworld, and by the way, he was in charge of the entrance to the ghost gate.

"Why? Hehe...I don't know either. When I'm bored, come and play!"

Huang Tian looked at the person in front of him, his combat strength was not bad, he could have a second-generation zombie that was at the level of green eyes, but this kind of strength was not enough in front of him, his king's soul had never been turned off, so Shen Tu, who had just appeared, could only lower his head and ask.

"Shangxian, please feel free! If there is nothing wrong, the little ghost will leave first!"

Hearing Huang Tian's words, Shen Tu was startled, good guy, this is probably here to make trouble in the underworld, so let's sneak away first to show respect!
Can't afford to provoke, can't you hide? !


Huang Tian hummed, and ignored him. Anyway, he didn't have any idea when he came to the underworld, he just thought there was nothing wrong, so he ran over for a stroll, and by the way, it should be to find out the strength of the underworld for Zhao Zheng!
Just as Huang Tian was wandering in the underworld, when no one dared to stop him, suddenly a smooth stream passed by and appeared in front of Huang Tian.

"Mr. Huang, please follow me!"

This is a sub-soul left before Ksitigarbha was reincarnated. Although it has no strength, it is also the incarnation of Ksitigarbha.


Huang Tian saw that this man looked exactly like Ma Xiaohu on the ground. The only difference was his temperament, so he followed him. The moment he saw Ksitigarbha, he turned off the soul of the king. This was also to deal with The respect of such a compassionate person.

The two of them passed through layers of hell, and after passing through the three layers of hell, they came to the lower end of the eighteenth layer of hell. Everyone imprisoned here was an existence who committed many evils during their lifetime, and they will gain eternal life here. Don't be reborn, resentment is endless, and will never dissipate.

"This is my residence, and it's also where I usually handle my underworld affairs."

It's hard for ordinary people to imagine that the supreme god Ksitigarbha in the underworld just lives in such a place full of evil spirits and resentment.

"What did you bring me here for?" Huang Tian asked suspiciously.

These [-] levels of hell are none of his business, he will never be suppressed here in his life.

Ksitigarbha bowed first, and then begged slowly: "I want to tell you one thing. I already know everything that happened in Daqin, so I want to ask you to do everything for all the lives since ten thousand calamities. We even do a favor now!"

"You mean fate?!"

Huang Tian said bluntly, he is not afraid of fate knowing, although fate has insight into the trajectory of all things, at most it is aware of events, such as who Ksitigarbha met at noon today, but it is impossible for him to know what the specific content said.

Furthermore, what is being talked about now is Huang Tian, ​​and fate cannot detect it.

"That's right!"

Ksitigarbha nodded, and asked in surprise: "Are you also short of the existence of destiny?"

"Of course! Not only that, I know everything about fate!"

"For example, the birth of the Pangu clan, the demise of each calamity, and the fate that will be born in 2004, I know everything!"

Huang Tian looked at the stunned Ksitigarbha with a smile on his face. Every time he said something, Ksitigarbha's eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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