Simulated Cultivation of Immortals: Pushing the heavens from the world of Uncle Nine

Chapter 101 The birth of the magic star, Kuang Tianyou's war pattern form!

Chapter 101 The birth of the magic star, Kuang Tianyou's war pattern form!
"The magic star is about to be born, don't you go and see it?"

Looking at the general who was watching TV by Nuwa's side all the time, Huang Tian said.

Jin Future has already set up an unknown number of secret sentries to keep an eye on them. Although Tang Benjing knew this, he considered that it was to help him, and in case he went out to arrest people, he would do whatever he could to help him. A woman who relies on those people to protect her in secret.

Of course, Tang Benjing knew that these people were from Qin Shihuang's side. I heard that they were also looking after them to obey the order of the immortal ancestors. However, there was no one who could resist green eyes. At most, they could compete with yellow-eyed zombies. Fighting zombies.

"Magic star, let's go and have a look together. By the way, Nuwa, do you want to go together?" After thinking for a while, the general asked Nuwa if he wanted to go together.

"You guys go, I'll stay and watch TV."

Nuwa smiled and refused. She was not interested in the magic star, because she knew that the generals would take care of everything.

"Okay, then remember to fill in the missing plot with me then!"

"it is good!"


"God bless, Xiaoling, Tang Benjing is already arresting people outside, hurry up and stop the birth of the magic star, this is your only chance!" Kuang Fusheng hacked all the nearby surveillance systems, and finally found Tang Ben He Yingqiu quickly called them to act.

"Yes, uncle!"

After the two agreed, Kuang Tianyou used his super power and instantly returned to where Jin Weiwei was. After kidnapping Jin Weiwei, he came to the place where he and Ma Xiaoling were before.

"!" Jin Weilai looked at the two of them, and she regretted why she had to soften her heart just now.

"Don't worry, in the future, if you let us go, we won't hurt you, but the child in your stomach cannot be born!"

After Ma Xiaoling quickly explained, several people drove out in a sports car at high speed.

"No, don't hurt my baby!"

"In the future, this child is a magic star!"

the other side.

"Who? Kuang Tianyou?!!! I'm going to kill you!!!"

Tang Benjing, who returned to the spot with a group of people, was furious, and shouted murderously into the sky.

After throwing down those humans, Tang Benjing flew towards her quickly relying on the feeling with Jin Future.

His white hair reappeared, and a battle pattern appeared on his face.

"Do you think that He Yingqiu can prevent the birth of the magic star?"

Above the sky, in a place that is hard to see with the naked eye, the general stood in the air, and asked curiously, not in the slightest worry whether this magic star would be born or not.

"If it is so easy to be stopped, then he is not a magic star!"

Huang Tian looked indifferent, watching what happened in the hospital below, the whole hospital was transformed into a large formation dedicated to suppressing demons by He Yingqiu.

Sure enough, although Uncle Qiu was doing crazy tricks, Nai He Mo Xing had already given birth to consciousness and was powerful. All of He Yingqiu's Taoist methods had no effect on him. Instead, He Ying Qiu was made to vomit blood and fainted.


Jin Weilai screamed, and the magic star was finally born. After a round meat ball rolled down, with a pop, the meat ball exploded, and the scattered meat balls exploded onto the surrounding walls.

Suddenly, a brilliant golden light descended from the sky, irradiated on the body of the magic star, and then spread out, covering the whole hospital. After the golden light broke through the formation, it shot towards all directions.

Seeing this scene, Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou outside knew that the magic star was born, but this brilliant golden light was accompanied by the magic star?The two couldn't help but doubt this in their hearts.


After the magic star was born, he didn't cry like an ordinary child, but opened his eyes and looked at Jin Milai on the hospital bed, and yelled crisply.

Immediately afterwards, the magic star baby walked towards Jin Future, and just took a step or two, disliked the slow speed, and flew directly into Jin Future's arms.

You can walk when you are born, and you can speak before you are born.

"Baby, you're finally out, hurry up and take mom out of here!" Jin Weilai finally heaved a sigh of relief. Although Uncle Qiu was beaten to the ground, there were still Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou outside, so it wasn't safe at all.

But because she had just given birth to a baby and was still very weak, she could only ask her baby to run with her.

"Aren't you going to help?"

The general turned his head and looked at Huang Tian beside him with interest and asked.

"Why should I take action?"

Huang Tian asked back, he continued to look down without raising his head, Jin Future was held up by the newborn baby and ran wildly, while Kuang Tianyou was constantly chasing after him, but it was a pity that Kuang Tianyou couldn't catch up The magic star could only reluctantly follow behind without being thrown off.

The reason why zombies and zombies cannot have children is because the genes of the two have undergone great changes, and once they become pregnant, only the zombie genes of both parties will merge into one and become a zombie baby.

The probability of this kind of possibility happening is extremely low. Once it happens, the baby born will be an extremely pure zombie, no matter how many generations of zombies the parents are.

The magic star is a kind of independent corpse clan, not completely independent, but related. The blood in the magic star body is purely assembled from the zombie factors in the body of both parents. Whether it is strong or not depends on the zombie factor bred by the combination Is the bloodline thick enough?

Therefore, demon stars are red-eyed zombies, because they are formed by combining the purest zombie blood, and whether they are strong or not depends on the thickness of their blood. The demon star in front of him was born with the strength of green eyes, and he can Unleash his own powerful power.

"Aren't you always helping them?"

The general frowned and asked in doubt.

"That's just to let the magic star be born, the road after that is his own! If even Kuang Tianyou can't solve it, then this magic star is too weak!"

Huang Tian shook his head and explained slowly.

"Then what did you ask me for?" Huang Tian's words made the general even more confused.

"I just asked if you want to watch the birth of the magic star. Besides, if I don't make a move, it doesn't mean you won't make a move!"

General: "..."

As time passed, Tang Benjing finally arrived at Jin Future's side. Not only did he arrive here, he also carried Ma Xiaoling in his hand.


Tang Benjing yelled loudly, with the aura on his body like a god of thunder descending into the world, he rolled forward and swept out, forcing Kuang Tianyou to stop in one fell swoop.

"Don't you like this slut? Today I will strangle her to death in front of you!"

Tang Benjing laughed wildly, pinched Ma Xiaoling's right hand and slowly exerted force. Ma Xiaoling was pinched by his neck out of thin air and kept dancing her long legs. She kicked Tang Benjing's body, but there was no reaction at all. exposed.

"Stop kicking, slut, you've leaked everything!"

Tang Benjing looked at Ma Xiaoling, who was constantly moving and disappeared, subconsciously frowned, and said contemptuously.

"You!! Cough..." Ma Xiaoling was out of breath when she heard the words, and coughed as soon as she uttered a word. She could feel the strength in Tang Benjing's hands getting stronger, which also made her breathing more and more rapid , Seeing that he was about to be out of breath.

"Stop!!!" Kuang Tianyou wanted to tear Tang Benjing into pieces in front of him at this time, after a loud roar, his hair was covered with white hair, and a war pattern appeared on his face.


Tang Benjing never thought that his act of venting his anger would actually cause Kuang Tianyou to change into the same battle pattern form as himself, but fortunately, the opponent did not become stronger.

"Tang Benjing, go to hell!!!" Kuang Tianyou yelled frantically, and while Tang Benjing was in a daze, he punched Tang Benjing in the chest and saved Ma Xiaoling.

"Hehe, Kuang Tianyou, you are still too weak! Who told you not to know how to suck human blood?!"

Although Tang Benjing was sent flying, he quickly stood up from the ruins, as if nothing happened, and said with a sneer.


"Bang bang!"

The two continued to fight fiercely, and Jin Weilai and Moxing had already run to the end. They both ran from Fusang to Hong Kong, and the two of them hid when they came to a bar.

Because the magic star felt a strong and familiar feeling here, and remembered that it was the good man who drank his blood and led him away, so he hid in.


The people in the bar saw a child holding an adult flying in the air, and they all ran out in fright.

"Hey... these days, there are some strange people running over to chase away my customers!"

"No matter how you go on, how can you do business!"

Looking at this scene, Ma Dingdang did not stop it from happening, but sighed and muttered to himself.

"Boss lady, it's a zombie baby!"

After feeling the corpse's aura, Big Mi looked at the zombie baby in surprise.

"I know, it's up to you to say it!"

Ma Dingdang slapped Da Mi, Da Mi let out an oh, lowered her voice, and then looked at the zombie baby excitedly.

"Little boy, is this your mother?"

Ma Dingdang squatted down. She already knew who the visitor was. It must be the magic star and Jin Future. Although she didn't know Jin Future, she knew it because there would be records on the zombie website.

"Yeah, who are you, do you want to kill me too?" Although Demon Xing knew a lot at a young age, he was still like a blank sheet of paper, and his views of good and evil had not yet solidified, so he needed better guidance.

"No, my name is Ma Dingdang, you can also call me Aunt Dingdang, you can rest assured to stay here, I am safe here!" Ma Dingdang looked at the magic star with a sincere smile, and said slowly.


"Thank you!" Jin Weilai said weakly, then his head tilted and he passed out.

She couldn't bear it anymore, if she wasn't worried about the child, she would have fallen asleep a long time ago, and now she finally came to a safe place to take refuge, so she fell asleep in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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