Signed to the heavens from Meiman

Chapter 9 Learning Magic

Chapter 9 Learning Magic
San Francisco, Mafia Building, in the elevator.

After another bumpy ride in the helicopter, Tang Tian and the others finally returned to San Francisco, and along the way, Tru and the others admired him even more. Obviously, it was the first time they defeated Jackie Chan, which made them feel interested.

"Hahaha, that's really great. We finally beat Jackie Chan."

"Report to the boss, I guess the boss will be happy too."

"Moreover, the Holy Lord will also be happy, because we have achieved the impossible."

Ah Fen, Lasu and Zhou said a little excitedly, when they thought of the scene where Tang Tian knocked Jackie Chan into the air, it was as if they did it by themselves.

"Yes! This is also the only victory we have won in the process of fighting Jackie Chan."

Excitement appeared on Tehru's face, looking at the horse talisman in Tang Tian's hand, he felt extremely excited.

Faced with the chattering words of this group of live treasures, Tang Tian also waved his hands, and after the elevator arrived, he said seriously:
"Okay, stop arguing! Let's go in! I think Valon and the Lord can't wait."


After a while, after arriving at the meeting room at the top, Tang Tian pushed open the door. As soon as he entered, he found Wa Long who was sitting on the side, and immediately stood up and walked towards them.

"Danas, did the operation go well this time? Jackie Chan didn't get the spell, right?"

As soon as Wa Long came over, he grabbed Tang Tian's shoulder and asked with concern.

Because Wa Long was too afraid of failure, and also afraid that the treasure of the Golden Rooster King would be far away from him, so he couldn't wait to ask Tang Tian when he came back.

"Of course, it went smoothly. We snatched this from Jackie Chan and beat Jackie Chan up."

While talking, Tang Tian opened his palms, only to see the horse talisman lying quietly in his hand, and he didn't take it for himself.

In fact, for Tang Tian, ​​it was not the present time to seize the talismans. It would be better to wait for all the twelve talismans to be collected before making a decision.

"Great, I finally got the talisman, let's tell the Holy Master the news as soon as possible!"

Valon picked up the spell and said excitedly.

"it is good!"

Hearing what Wa Long said, Tang Tian didn't object at all, maybe it was the same in his opinion.

Soon, they arrived at the room where the Holy Master was, but when they got here, Wa Long looked at the Holy Master proudly and spoke softly.

"Look! Holy Master, my vision is not bad! We got the spell, well, this time we put a lot of effort into finding the spell, you must give our black hand organization a benefit, so that we can do our best to help You do things."

Valon stared at the Holy Master, and bargained with him, with the face of a businessman.

Regarding this, Tang Tian did not stop it either, perhaps in his opinion, only those who have requirements are what the Holy Master needs.If there is no request at all, then it proves that the other party's plan is not small.

"Okay, what Walloon do you want?"

Faced with Valon's request, the Holy Master was not surprised, but asked calmly.

"Gold, or gems are enough, I have to exchange money to improve the combat effectiveness of our organization."

Seeing that his request was granted by the Holy Master, Valon was also very excited to say what he wanted.

In an instant, after Valon finished speaking, a ninja appeared on the ground, holding a box and half-kneeling in front of them, and gently opened the box.

In an instant, there were only gold bars and colorful gemstones placed in the box, which seemed to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Valon, send someone to take the box out! I want to have a private chat with the Lord."

Looking at Wa Long who was attracted by the treasure, Tang Tian also urged him.

"no problem."

Needless to say, Tang Tian, ​​Wa Long also quickly inlaid the horse charm on Shengzhu's body, and called Tru and Afen, they moved the box out, and happily exchanged money, leaving only Shengzhu and Tang. There are two people here.

"Okay, strong human being, what do you want? As your reward this time."

The Holy Master's ruby-like eyes stared at Tang Tian, ​​obviously interested in his request.

After hearing the Holy Master's inquiry, Tang Tian also thought about it carefully, and finally said seriously to the Holy Master: "I want to learn magic and become a magician."

"A magician? Well, I promise you."

Unexpectedly, the Holy Master did not refuse Tang Tian's request, and directly used his powerful spiritual power to inject knowledge belonging to demons into his mind.

It didn't take long for the magic knowledge that he could learn to emerge in his mind, namely the meditation and perception method (enhancing magic power), basic spells (using magic power), and the magic book of the Moon Demon.

What I have to say is that the Holy Master is still a sensible person, and he has long known that he has the power of the demon of the moon. Not only did he not break it, but he said that he has such a precious wealth of knowledge.

"Thank you, Holy Master, these things are really too precious. Don't worry! I will help you find the spell."

After receiving a lot of benefits, Tang Tian also happily assured the Holy Master.

"Of course, I look forward to your success." The Holy Master also said with satisfaction.

On the other hand, after Tang Tian received the gift from the Holy Master, Jackie Chan returned to the old man's antique shop in a state of embarrassment, with an indescribable loneliness on his face.

"Hey! Uncle Long, what's wrong with you, does it mean that you didn't get the charm this time?"

In the antique shop, Xiaoyu looked at her uncle strangely and asked in bewilderment.

Basically, in Xiaoyu's eyes, Jackie Chan is an omnipotent existence, and it is impossible to fail at all, but this time depending on the situation, his uncle may really fail.

"Yes! I met an enemy, a very strong enemy, and was given a spell by the other party."

In the face of Xiaoyu's inquiry, Jackie Chan also said this matter helplessly, obviously feeling helpless.

However, what he didn't notice was that when he was talking about his experience, his father also listened to him, and his eyes showed an incredible light.

"Ah! Did you meet Superman this time, Uncle Long? It's like a superhero in comics."

In Xiaoyu's eyes, his Uncle Long was already very strong, but all of these failed, which proved that the enemy must be very powerful.

"Maybe! Then I'm going to take a rest first. This incident has really tormented me, and I have to think about how to deal with him later."

Jackie Chan replied casually, then turned around and left, maybe in his eyes, the most important thing now is not to discuss this issue, maybe a good rest is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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