Signed to the heavens from Meiman

Chapter 62 Fierce battle at the city hall

Chapter 62 Fierce battle at the city hall

Near the city hall, Kyle stayed in the building inside and waited quietly, as if he was not in a hurry.

And his secretary was not in a hurry, and carefully called out the surrounding surveillance, checked the movements of these survivors, and reported to Kyle from time to time.

"Mr. Kyle, the group of people has arrived nearby, and our personnel are already in place. We can arrest those people at any time, and they have almost nowhere to escape."

The secretary smiled as she looked at the surveillance screen. She felt that relying on the strength of the Umbrella Company, there should be no problem in catching a group of survivors.

"Very well, if there are any resisters and kill them on the spot after surrounding them, are the trackers in place? There are other troops."

Kyle's expression was calm and steady, as if he was used to watching the big wind and waves, calmly commanding everything.

"Yes, everything is ready, just waiting for them to be arrested."

The secretary looked at the monitoring screen confidently and said seriously.

Because the opponent he faced this time was not simple. One was Tang Tian, ​​who showed strength in the hive base, and could easily kill the powerful existence of the tracker.

The other one is Alice strengthened by the T virus. Due to the fusion of the power of the virus, her strength is second only to Tang Tian, ​​and she can be regarded as a powerful female warrior.

At this time, when Kyle launched an ambush, Tang Tian quietly used invisibility magic to come to the front hall of the city hall, and eliminated all the hidden teams of Umbrella Company.

After cleaning up these troubles, Alice and the others headed towards the helicopter. As long as they left this place by helicopter in time, they would not have to worry about being surrounded by Umbrella Corporation.

The operation went smoothly. It didn't take long for Alice and the others to board the helicopter, and they were about to let the helicopter take off. When they left this place, Tang Tian, ​​who was guarding outside, suddenly felt a sense of crisis.


The helicopter that was docked at the top of the building slowly flew up, and suddenly released two missiles in their direction, targeting the helicopter and him.

Sensing the insidiousness of Umbrella Corporation, Tang Tian used gravitational magic to create a repulsive shield to help Alice and the others resist the missile in front of them.

Otherwise, if he didn't make any resistance, Alice and the others might explode together with the helicopter. This would not be a good thing for Tang Tian, ​​who had protected them for a long time.

The sound of "Boom!", the strong fire and vibration also made Alice and the others feel a little scared, because they were almost directly hit by the missile just now, and the whole army was wiped out.

"Damn it, there is still an ambush? Let's get off the helicopter quickly."

Before he was about to succeed, he was stopped by the people of Umbrella Company, which also made Alice very angry.


Jill and the others were reminded by Alice, and immediately got off the helicopter, but when they got off the helicopter, they suddenly found three helicopters patrolling in the sky, and dozens of mercenary squads quickly appeared nearby. surrounded them.

Obviously, the Umbrella Company had sufficient preparation boxes this time, and knowing that Tang Tian would protect these survivors, they directly used the helicopter to release the missiles, trying to prevent the helicopter from taking off.

"What about Mr. Downers? Now that they have surrounded us, it seems that they don't want to let us go."

Alice looked around and hid near the bunker with other survivors, asking with an extremely serious expression.

"At this point, we have no choice. Now I will attract the attention of these helicopters and buy you time. You can deal with these Umbrella mercenaries."

After hearing Alice's words, Tang Tian calmly analyzed and made a reasonable arrangement for them.

Then, without waiting for Alice to say anything, Tang Tian rushed out with a stride, using the speed of the rabbit, he was hundreds of meters away from Alice in the blink of an eye.

Who knows, as if he had expected his departure, when he had just opened a considerable distance, the three helicopters released more than a dozen missiles without hesitation.

Not only that, but he didn't know the direction, but several rockets flew directly over and fell towards the place where he just stopped.

They only heard a violent explosion, and the place where Tang Tian was was blown into a piece of scorched earth. They didn't see Tang Tian's figure, but he appeared again. Obviously, this was a predictive attack by Umbrella Company. judgment.

After completely figuring out the direction Tang Tian was escaping from, he used missiles to kill him directly. This is also Kyle's battle plan. Anyway, all he needs is the other party's genes. For Kyle, as long as his DNA can be collected, he can Well, as for what he has become, it doesn't matter.

Next, when Kyle thought he had solved Tang Tian, ​​he led a group of men towards Alice. They gradually surrounded them, and smiled triumphantly at Alice and the others.

"Alice, long time no see, how is it? The person who protects you is smashed to pieces like this, doesn't it feel very uncomfortable?"

Kyle pointed to the direction of the explosion and the four pursuers surrounded there, with a smug smile on his face.

"Bastard, how dare you do this."

Facing Kyle's provocation, Jill also quickly took out the rifle in his hand and aimed at him, as if he wanted to shoot if he didn't agree with each other.

However, before she could shoot, a bullet landed at her feet, stopping Jill who was about to act.

"I wouldn't do this if I were you, you made a wrong choice."

Kyle saw that Jill was intimidated, and said with a smile, as if the eyes of a winner.

"Hmph, will Umbrella use these methods? It doesn't look very good! And do you think it's really possible to kill Mr. Downers?"

Seeing Kyle with an extremely proud expression, Alice also began to mock, with an indifference on her face.

"Of course, you are also facing so many missiles. Can ordinary people still survive? Even you will probably be buried under such a large-scale firepower! Since the invention of technology, human beings have almost no personal power. able to withstand the power of technology."

Kyle explained unhurriedly, not worried about whether he could succeed at all, and then continued to add: "So that kid is dead, there is no way to save him, and you have fallen into our trap, What awaits you is the laboratory being researched."

"Oh, is that right? You're right, but you're thinking about something wrong. That's Mr. Downers, but he has supernatural powers."

Alice showed a meaningful smile, turned her head and saw a sudden change in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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