Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 98 Oh Girl, My Girl

Chapter 98 Oh Girl, My Girl

Sitting opposite Lu Wangshu is Shen Lanqing, a literary figure in Shanghai's literary world, who is considered to be at the pinnacle of cultural figures.

Gold-rimmed glasses, a long robe, handsome and unrestrained, a literati.

The above are the impressions of a person meeting Shen Lanqing for the first time.

If Zhao Zhongyi didn't know what kind of a bird this literary figure is, maybe he should learn from him how to turn himself into a cultural person.

It's a pity that it's impossible to learn from him now, let alone Teddy in the literary world, it's not worth Zhao Zhongyi to learn from.

Lu Wangshu mysteriously handed a letter to Shen Lanqing, repeatedly asked him to deliver it, then got up and left.

Well, I don't mind Shen Lanqing's behavior of eating tofu when receiving letters.

Ah this!

Lu Wangshu's ability to get acquainted with Shen Lanqing is actually Lu Wangshu's request to Shen Lanqing, asking Shen Lanqing to send his letter to his lover in the distance.

Recalling the past, on a starry night, Lu Wangshu and his lover were sitting on a small bench outside the cave.

The woman on the left has picturesque eyebrows and eyes, fresh and refined, while the man on the right looks ordinary, but he is full of literati.

Lu Wangshu and her lover.

Looking up at the night sky, Lu Wangshu's expression was slightly melancholy,
"The organization has decided that I should go to the front line to carry out underground work..." Lu Wangshu revealed the organization's arrangement for him.

"You don't seem very happy?" the man asked.

"This time, we won't see each other for half a year." Lu Wangshu actually didn't want to go, he was old enough to talk about marriage, and this person in front of him was the future husband-in-law he was looking for, and he fell in love with him, It is a good match.

"Wang Shu, look into my eyes. Do you know what I like most about you?"

"Which point?"

Is it beautiful like a flower, gentle in character, or charming in smile?Or is it charming?Lu Wangshu looked forward to his lover's answer.

"Romance, whether it is your poetry and prose or your life style, reveals a pure and deep romance. This is what I like about you."

"Wen Jie..."

Well, you Liao Wenjie, why don't you mention my beauty and temperament?Lu Wangshu was disappointed, he was looking forward to it in vain.

"Do you think that being separated for half a year will make our love wither or even die?" The man clasped Lu Wangshu's hand and said affectionately.

"of course not."

It's not that she, Lu Wangshu, is from all over the world. Who doesn't know that she, Lu Wangshu, is a well-known lady, a big beauty?I can fall in love with you, Liao Wenjie, because of your impressive literary talents, go secretly and be happy.

"That's right, a brief separation will only make our love stronger and more romantic! Think about it, how will future generations praise our love with poetry?"

"One is in Yan'an, with its face facing the loess and its back facing the sky."

"One is on the front line, standing alone and guarding the spring."

"Looking at each other for thousands of miles, two hearts are tied together."

"Across hundreds of rivers, thousands of words converge into a thousand words."

At this moment, the men and women on the bench hold each other's hands, as if they are everything to each other, and time seems to have stopped at this moment...

Isn't this a scumbag quotes?
Generally speaking, only the substitute messenger can attract the substitute messenger, so in the same way, scumbags can also attract scumbags.

As smart as Zhao Zhongyi, when he read the game plot data, he could tell at a glance that the man named Wenjie was a Neptune.

"Wen Jie!"

"Wang Shu!"

"It's been a long time since I danced..."

"Since the ballroom dance was canceled..."


"bring it on."

Lu Wangshu and Liao Wenjie stood up and started a ballroom dance.

"Promise me, Wang Shu."


"No matter where you are, no matter what difficulties you encounter, no matter how much you are wronged, you must be romantic!"


Those who ride horses like romance, isn't this just an old critic's remarks, the opposite is a mouse tank, I think you are still romantic if you ride horses.

Reliable men are mostly not romantic, and romantic men are mostly playful.

If it is said that a man's personality is particularly honest, they do everything honestly, and do everything well in a down-to-earth manner, then they are also very loyal to their feelings.They will not prepare some special surprises to make their wives happy, and they will not say some sweet words to make their wives feel the sweetness of love.

But they will express their love from practical actions. When they see something fun or delicious, they will think of their wives, and they will immediately let go of their wives when they need help. All the jobs in the world, appearing by his wife's side, so as to solve some problems in life or work for her, such a man is worth relying on and is particularly courageous.

But there are some men, most of them are very caring, because they know exactly what every woman wants, and they also know when it is most appropriate to appear next to a woman, and they will also say some sweet words, Or prepare some small surprises to make the girls around them happy. The more men are like this, the easier it is for them to find women. That's why they don't pay much attention to love. It depends on what kind of girls they like. Their own mood, which has caused many girls to suffer heavy injuries at their hands.

Since the man named Liao Wenjie likes romance, he knew that he must be a big carrot. Sure enough, as I said later in the plot, after Lu Wangshu went to the front line, the scumbag married someone else, making Gao Yuan and No. [-] all day long I was thinking about how to write a letter to my downline.

Because No. [-]'s status is important, Lu Wangshu's reply letters are usually given to Gao Yuan, but the trouble is that sometimes Gao Yuan is on a mission and is no longer in Shanghai, so No. [-] can only write it in person. The key The point is that No. [-] is not a cultural person who has read poetry and books, so he may not be able to return.

"Nightingale" is a good girl. She works hard and hides hard. It's just a problem. Writing letters is nothing more than poems about missing her lover. How can she reply?

This is the thought No. [-] has every time he reads Lu Wangshu's letter. Gao Yuan also has the same thought. All his skills are focused on lurking, and he has no literary talent at all. How can this be?

That's why Shen Lanqing appeared later on. Gao Yuanneng and Shen Lanqing knew each other because of Shen Lanqing's status as a Teddy in the literary world, er, a dean.

It happened that Shen Lanqing was also a romantic person and liked romantic girls, so Gao Yuan told Lu Wangshu that if he wanted to send a letter, he should go to Shen Lanqing, he had connections.

As a result, Lu Wangshu often met with Shen Lanqing, and handed over the letters he missed his lover to Shen Lanqing.

But they didn't know that the other party didn't receive any letters at all, and they were all replies written by the masters of the literary world.

"I've always thought that Lu Wangshu is the most talented female student I've ever taught." As she got acquainted with Lu Wangshu, Shen Lanqing also had some thoughts about this girl who often learns literature from her.

"It's better for someone Shen to be a teacher."

After reading the letters of this romantic girl countless times, Shen Lanqing knew that this girl's romance was engraved in his bones, and his favorite was romantic girls.

From the information heard from Gao Yuan, Shen Lanqing had already seen that Lu Wangshu's lover was a prodigal son, a prodigal son who liked romantic girls the most.

And it happened that only prodigal sons can attract prodigal sons, and only prodigal sons can recognize prodigal sons. Shen Lanqing concluded at a glance that Liao Wenjie was a prodigal son.

If you guessed right, this Lu Wangshu must have had an appointment with that person before he left, and maybe that person wanted to have a farewell show, but he never thought that Lu Wangshu was still a reserved girl in his bones, and he did not agree to his request.

Believe it or not, when it comes to judging people, Shen is a professional. As for the girl Lu Wangshu, he doesn't even need to look at it. He can tell that she is a girl by smelling it with his nose. After all, her body is full of the fragrance of a virgin.

"It seems to share my great love with Wangshu, and have a good night with her." Looking at the back of Lu Wangshu who left, Shen Lanqing sniffed at the hand that she just touched Yuzhi.

Abnormal, disgusting, I vomit!

Zhao Zhongyi felt a little sick when he saw that pervert who was sitting at the table and couldn't stop smelling his hands. The man on the horse looked like a dog. It was too cheap for you to be backstabbed by Gao Yuan like in the original plot. Uncle, let me take you to play.

Thinking of this, Lin Zuer changed back into Zhao Zhongyi's clothes, and went towards the table where Shen Lanqing was.

"Hey, isn't this a great writer, a great writer, a Teddy in the literary world... Is Mr. Shen Lanqing the leader of the literary world? I've looked at him for a long time, and I didn't expect to see Mr. Shen drinking coffee here?"

When it comes to flattering others, and being close to others, Zhao Zhongyi has some experience.

"You are? Have we met?"

Looking at the strange man who suddenly rushed to the front, with a face that looked very familiar to him, Shen Lanqing was a little confused, who is this person?

Forgive him, Shen, I really don't have the time to remember a man's appearance and name, it's not interesting, and if he remembers these miscellaneous things, he can share Lan Qing's love with a girl.

"Mr. Shen, that nobleman is so forgetful. Just the year before last, we met my father, Zhang Erhe."

Regardless of Shen Lanqing's willingness or not, anyway, Zhao Zhongyi grabbed Shen Lanqing's hand with a look of familiarity with him.

"Oh, yes, it's Mr. Xiao Zhang. How is the old man?" Shen Lanqing also had a feeling of sudden realization, and then began to shake hands with Zhao Zhongyi eagerly.

Hearing Shen Lanqing's greetings, Zhao Zhongyi frowned slightly and said: "Oh, Mr. Shen is so forgetful, my father is Zhang, but my surname is Zhao, my name is Zhao Zhongyi, my father is in good health, and married me again Mom."

"Oh, I just remembered, Mr. Zhao." Although Shen Lanqing was momentarily choked by Zhao Zhongyi's words, he immediately picked it up again.

I suspect that you are teasing me, your father's surname is Zhang, your surname is Zhao?
Shen Lanqing felt that she was played by the smiling man in front of her.

"Oh, I didn't expect to see Mr. Shen here. My father said that I hope I can learn from Mr. Shen." Zhao Zhongyi looked excited, "By the way, who was the woman who was with Mr. Shen just now? Mr. Shen's wife?"

When Shen Lanqing heard this, she quickly broke free from Zhao Zhongyi's hands, and kept waving her hands: "Oh, oh, I dare not say it, I dare not talk nonsense. Ms. Lu and I are just friends, friends."

Just kidding, a real prodigal son shares his great love with all the girls in the world. In his free life, Shen Lanqing only hopes to share his love with girls, and does not want to be possessed by girls.

"By the way, this is Mr. Zhao?"

Shen Lanqing feels that this topic needs to be changed. People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. A celebrity like myself should not spread gossip. If Xiaodie, Xiaowei, Little Bee hears about it, how can I share love with them? ?
"Well, I'm just here for coffee, and I found Mr. Shen by accident, so I came to say hello." Zhao Zhongyi shook his head, saying that it was a complete accident that he happened to meet Mr. Shen when he came to this cafe.

It seems that this cafe can't come.

Shen Lanqing thought so, but Shen Lanqing thought of one thing and said another: "Since Mr. Zhao has nothing to do, Lan Qing will leave first."

It's bad luck that Lu Wangshu didn't make it and was accosted by a man!

Shen Lanqing didn't want to stay longer, so she got up and walked out the door.

"Oh? Don't worry, Mr. Shen?" Zhao Zhongyi grabbed Shen Lanqing's hand, "Although I was fine just now, I found something after seeing Mr. Shen."

"Hey, bad luck!"

Shen Lanqing cursed secretly, she couldn't leave now.

"No, Mr. Zhao doesn't learn business like his father. He can go up and down in the business world. He is studying Chinese medicine." Zhao Zhongyi stared at Shen Lanqing, "I can see that Mr. Shen has hidden signs at a glance..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Zhongyi was gagged by Shen Lanqing.

"Mr. Zhao, don't talk nonsense. Lan Qing is in good health. Where did the hidden disease come from?" Shen Lanqing asked Zhao Zhongyi's body.

Ha ha!
There is no hidden disease, why are you posting so close, the voice of the last sentence is almost gone.

There is no separation between medicine and martial arts, and the biggest advantage of making friends with Master Huang is that Yan Zhendong has learned the medical skills.

That's why his eyes were like Zhao Zhongyi's, and he could see that Shen Lanqing was sick at a glance.

At the age of forty-eight, xie at an early age, which has the meaning of xie.

"Does Mr. Shen feel that in the past two years, he has been a little powerless, a little sluggish, and a little... I think back then, I didn't rest eight times a night, but now, I squeeze it with my hands once every three months?"

"No, you don't need to talk nonsense, Mr. Zhao." Upon hearing this, Shen Lanqing stood up anxiously and covered Zhao Zhongyi's mouth, "Is there a way to heal Mr. Zhao?"

The last sentence was said in a very low voice, and it seemed that he was really sick.

One word arouses thousands of waves, and thousands of thoughts play away from the wound.

Back then, he, Shen Lanqing, really did eight times a night... eight times wasn't enough, but four or five times were still there, but now that people are middle-aged, they can't do what they want, and they often rub their hands to wake up Aladdin, and then bring it up again. Pants.

The news is like the hem of a girl's skirt, it is by no means groundless.

As a generation of literati, a generation of literary masters, naturally, this Xingrong gang's nightclubs are frequent, so a chat among dancers fell into Zhao Zhongyi's ears, letting him know Shen Lanqing's secret.

In addition, seeing it with my own eyes now, the news that Shen Lanqing can't do it is true.

Recalling the past, Shen Lanqing just sighed softly: "I think back then, I did four things a day and three meals a day. Now, hehe."

Indeed, in places like the Three Religions and Nine Streams, the news is the most circulated, so Zhao Zhongyi, who accidentally heard being gossiped, couldn't hold back for a while, and continued to dig deeper. As expected of a scholar, it's too good.

Shen Lanqing said that his skills were all about the bed, paper and pen, and he never thought that he would be able to connect the two things together when he was middle-aged.

"I didn't even think of it." Zhao Zhongyi thought at that time.

Shen Lan is a real bull, she can't do it anymore, in order to continue to let the girls share her great love, this guy even developed a new move.

Among other things, the feedback from the dancers can be summed up in one sentence.

His mouth is like a dog drinking water, and his fingering is as flexible as a devil.

How is this a bull character?
"To be honest, I just wanted to tell Mr. Shen a secret recipe at home after I found out that Mr. Shen had a hidden illness." Zhao Zhongyi said a little shyly.

Upon hearing the secret recipe, Shen Lanqing got excited: "Lan Qing would like to hear the details."

So Zhao Zhongyi told Shen Lanqing word by word a secret recipe for strengthening the kidneys in his memory...

"Ahaha, let me just say, Brother Zhao is quite talented in literature. He is the most talented person in literature that Lan Qing has ever met. Mr. Zhang really gave birth to a good son. Ah." Shen Lanqing laughed loudly, and sincerely praised Zhao Zhongyi.

"Mr. Shen, thank you, thank you." Zhao Zhongyi scratched his head embarrassingly.

"Then Lan Qing won't stay any longer. Farewell, farewell." After finishing speaking, Shen Lanqing got up to leave.

"Mr. Shen, go slowly, I won't see you off." Zhao Zhongyi also got up and bid farewell to Shen Lanqing.

"a ha ha ha."

At this moment, Shen Lanqing just wanted to yell, "Laugh up to the sky and go out, don't we dare to raise people?"

Hey, after using this recipe, you will be happy.

Looking at Shen Lanqing who left gracefully, Zhao Zhongyi showed an evil smile: "Shoot backwards, and Jill will explode for you, hahaha."

Now, it's time to look at the letter I got.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zhongyi took out the letter he stole from Shen Lanqing just now from his bosom, the owner of this letter was none other than Lu Wangshu.

"Let me come to Kangkang." Zhao Zhongyi opened Lu Wangshu's letter...

Half an hour!

Good guy, I call it good guy on horseback, worthy of being a literary girl, this letter is directly replaced by poems, summarizing my anguish in Shanghai alone, the difficulty of lurking tasks, and the longing for my lover far away.

It's just how should I pretend to be her lover and write back to her?
The handwriting is not important, let's say it was written by the left hand, but what about the content?
If it was an uneducated woman, Zhao Zhongyi thought it would be enough to fool her with the bright moonlight in front of the bed, but this is a literary heroine, whether she can get online with her through letters depends on her writing style.

So what poems will you write?

Zhao Zhongyi fell into memories for a moment.

Except for "Quiet Night Thoughts", the only poems I know are "My Captain".

Or, "My Captain"?
Just do it when you think about it, Zhao Zhongyi is not a procrastination person, so he decided to write "My Captain", just for a woman, he definitely can't write about the captain, he has to change it, then "My Girl".


Oh girl, my girl!In our tortuous love, Jiang blossomed and bore fruit,
The boat of love has sailed through the stormy sea, the love we seek is in our hands.

The wedding is not far away, I have heard the bells in the auditorium, thousands of people are cheering,
Looking at the return of the ship full of happiness, our love is firm and sweet.

But think about it!Yes I do!Yes I do!

In that Shanghai, there is my girl,

She is waiting, waiting for lovers, waiting for the wedding date.

"Hehe, that's really good, I'm such a genius." Looking at the poem he wrote, Zhao Zhongyi nodded in satisfaction, "Tomorrow, find time to go to Shen Lanqing to gather information, and then imitate the handwriting of Liao Wenjie, Lu Wangshu , is my girl."

"Oh girl, my girl..."

Humming the poems she wrote, Lin Zuer went back to Zhuang Xiaoman's house...

(End of this chapter)

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