Chapter 95
In 1942, at this time, there were still three years before the surrender in Zhao Zhongyi's memory.

Three years, whether it is long or short, anyway, like Chen Yongren, Inspector Chen, who is now proud of Hong Kong Island, has experienced many three years before, three years after three years, three years after three years.

It has been a year since the death of Sun's father and son. In the year without going online, Xiao Tu's life is not bad.

Different from the original plot, Xiao Tu at this time is not the frustrated and decadent in the original plot, on the contrary, he is in high spirits at this time.

In the original plot, due to the leak of Japanese intelligence, Xiao Tu set up a trap to frame Hu Yibiao. When Hu Yibiao was finally arrested, he insisted that Xiao Tu was an underground party. Seeing the failure of the mission, Shio Muto dismissed everyone in frustration, including Xiao way.

The house leak happened to be raining all night. Originally, the future of Xiao Tu's lurking mission was uncertain. He wanted to tell his upline that there was a traitor in the "Gucheng" underground party. Unexpectedly, Xiao Tu sent the sheep to the tiger's mouth, and the Sun father and son were traitors.

Under Xiao Tu's fierce resistance, both Sun's father and son rushed to the street, and Xiao Tu became a free man. From then on, Xiao Tu was in a decadent state for a year.

And Xiao Tu's state caused everyone who saw him to say that he was a waste, that he couldn't curry favor with Nihong people, and that he had nothing to do with it.

But now the plot has changed, Xiao Tu is no longer in a decadent state, now it should be said that Xiao Tu is in hibernation, and when the time is right, he will instantly transform into a dragon and ascend to heaven.

There are many differences. For example, Hu Yibiao was not deceived, so naturally he would not insist that Xiao Tu is an underground party. After all, the person who personally sent information to Hu Yibiao has already rushed to the street, so there is no way to verify that Xiao Tu is an underground party.

Who was Xiao Tu before?The celebrity under Muto Zhixiong, who can't call Mr. Xiao when they meet each other?Some people are jealous that Xiao Tu can curry favor with Muto Shio, so it is not impossible to slander him.

It's not who Hu Yibiao said, but it's the dream of every traitor to become Consul Muto's subordinate.

So it is normal for Mr. Xiao to be framed.

Of course, from time to time, Shio Muto will no longer appoint Xiao Tu, and because of the many information leaks in Japan in the past few years, Shio Muto lost power and was investigated by Neon.

The reality is that there is no such thing as Mr. Xiao in this world, he is just a reporter from a small newspaper who relies on currying favor with Neon people—Xiao Tu.

Being looked down upon by others, Xiao Tu is not upset, at least there is another person like him who has temporarily lost his online status, and that person also said that the organization will not give up on him, so he still has a chance for his latent mission.

So from 1941 to 1942, during this year, what Xiao Tu did most often was to smoke, drink and sleep.

This is something that can't be helped, after all, Xiao Tu may have been exposed, so in order to avoid complete exposure, Xiao Tu must paralyze the enemy.

As for the object of this paralysis, it is naturally the Neon and the Secret Service.

The result of the paralyzed battle is gratifying. Since half a year ago, Xiao Tu has found that no one is following him, and the intelligence from Zhao Zhongyi also said that the Secret Service Division has initially ruled out the possibility that Xiao Tu is an underground party. .

Death never proves, isn't it?

Sun Zuming, who sent information to Hu Yibiao, rushed to the street, and now Hu Yibiao can't find Sun Zuming's trace, so Sun Zuming's slander of Xiao Tu as an underground party must be jealous.

That being the case, the Secret Service felt that there was no need to waste time on Xiao Tu.

Those who don't know the inside story may really think that the secret service department let Xiao Tu go, but they know everything, and there are noble people to help.

And there are many noble people, such as Zhao Zhongyi, Hu Yibiao, and Zhuang Xiaoman.

Leaving other things aside, Ding Lixi spent a lot of money on Xiao Tu in the past year in order to clear him of the suspicion of being an underground party.

In order to prove that he is not an underground party, Xiao Tu has done most of the things this year, including eating, drinking, having fun, and running a small business.

Needless to say, Zhao Zhongyi, who is a serious person, is a classmate after all, and it is right for a classmate to help a classmate hide his identity, although Xiao Tu always felt that Zhao Zhongyi had other plans.

The focus is on Hu Yibiao and Zhuang Xiaoman.

Most of Xiao Tu's food, drink and entertainment this year was invited by Hu Yibiao, who invited Captain Hu to eat, drink and have fun, and brought Captain Hu to do business together.

Naturally, eating, drinking, and having fun is not simply eating, drinking, and having fun. Every time Xiao Tu invites Hu Yibiao to the Shanghai Nightclub for a drink, he will give some small yellow croakers, and ask if he can contact Consul Muto again, or ask if he can join the secret service Section, do a small officer.

Acting, yes, Xiao Tu did this for acting.

Xiao Tu did this to give people the illusion that Xiao Tu really can't do anything after leaving the Neon people. Now that he doesn't work with the Neon people, the whole person's living standard has plummeted, so " "Traitor" Xiao Tu wants to continue to betray the country for the neon, and has since reached the pinnacle of his life.

In order to be able to become a master again, Xiao Tu tried his best to curry favor with Hu Yibiao, drinking with wine and making money with him, how did Hu Yibiao curry favor with Xiao Tu in the past two years? .

It was this time that Xiao Tu discovered that he still had the ability to do business.

Xiao Tu is in the business of selling wine and food. After all, food is the most scarce in this period.

In a sense, Xiao Tu can be regarded as having a hand and eye. In the latent missions in the past few years, if there is anything that is the most valuable thing that Xiao Tu has obtained, it is probably Xiao Tu's contacts.

In terms of identity, Xiao Tu used to be a celebrity around Muto Shixiong, and anyone who met him had to call Mr. Xiao.

The advantage of being in this position is that Xiao Tu knows more people.

In these years, no one should call Mr. Xiao when they meet each other. Whether it is a wealthy businessman or a puppet official, they have to show him Mr. Xiao face.

Don't talk about anything else, let's talk about the previous business group. After Zhao Zhongyi's contact, the business group also knew that there were patriotic people on the side of Nihong.

However, out of confidentiality, Zhao Zhongyi did not let the business group contact Xiao Tu directly. After all, it was for the smooth progress of Xiao Tu's lurking. Xiao Tu really disappeared.

After quitting the Muteng Mansion, Xiao Tu thought about starting some small business and keeping some money, thinking that after he retired from the secret service career, he would have some retirement money to spend.

So I contacted the businessmen in Macau, euphemistically expressed my willingness to do business, and at the same time asked what kind of business is the most profitable in this period.

The business group naturally knew everything about the problems of these righteous men, and told Xiao Tu what business to do.

Therefore, Boss Xiao started the business of daily necessities and food.

Antiques in prosperous times, gold in troubled times, this is the principle of doing business.

Gold does not necessarily refer to gold, but refers to hard currency, something that can be circulated anywhere.

Coincidentally, food is very hard and liquid, and daily necessities, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, perfume, etc., are all in the market.

This is also because of the strict drug control in various places now, and Neon does not allow merchants to sell drugs at will, otherwise, with Xiao Tu's network, it is estimated that they can get drugs and start a drug business.

The war is tight, there are wounded everywhere, and all kinds of medicines, antibiotics, penicillin, etc., there is no harder commodity than these.

Although he couldn't sell drugs, Xiao Tu followed Zhao Zhongyi's advice and started selling first aid kits.

Because it is not a drug, the control of Nihong is not so strict. Besides, although Xiao Tu temporarily lost the backing of Muto Shio, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Muto Shio's departure is only temporary, and he will come back sooner or later, so Xiao Tu Tu's face can also be enjoyed in terms of neon, because it is profitable, Xiao Tu also attracted Hu Yibiao to do business together, now, neither Wang Puppet nor neon will trip up Xiao Tu, a small business child.

Some people may ask why Xiao Tu can make money selling first-aid kits, and those things that are only auxiliary treatments can be profitable.

Then Zhao Zhongyi has to give you a brief talk.

As an auxiliary tool for treatment, first aid kits are not as strict as medicines in terms of cost and control, and will not be subject to many restrictions. Convenience is a feature of this first aid kit business.

In terms of supply and demand, now is the time of war, and there will be casualties in wars, and wounded people need to stop bleeding and need treatment, so there is nothing more prosperous than the business of this first aid kit.

The last is the cost and price. No matter when, Xiao Tu has never forgotten his identity as an underground party, so since he wants to be a businessman, he must serve the country loyally.

So Xiao Tu followed Zhao Zhongyi's instructions and started producing first aid kits.

If you want the first-aid kits you produce to be able to break through the siege of many merchants, you must be able to attract people and neon people in terms of price and cost.

Neon people are Xiaotu's business customers.

If he wanted to attract Neon people, he had to use his own low price to attract them, so Xiao Tu set the price of his first aid kit to be [-]% lower than the market price, which was enough to attract the attention of Neon people.

This is not a big deal, the most important thing is the cost, since the main customers are Nihong people, then some martial arts can be ignored.

For example, what should be sterilized is not sterilized.

Thinking about masks and gloves, according to Zhao Zhongyi, Xiao Tu didn't attack them, but did alcohol cotton and sterile gauze.

These must be disinfected according to the normal production process, otherwise it will cause infection of the injured, and a small wound may directly evolve into amputation.

The disinfection step is omitted, which saves a lot of money. As long as you don’t spend it, you can earn money, not to mention that Xiao Tu’s first aid kit was originally sold. People, you can harm Nihong people, but you can't harm your own people. If Xiao Tu really sells to his own people, then he is a real traitor.

Naturally, this kind of immoral thing cannot be covered with paper, and it will be exposed sooner or later.If the Neon people caught Xiao Tu, the culprit, he would definitely be rewarded with a bullet, or directly skinned and killed.

But since Zhao Zhongyi was the one who came up with the idea, he naturally wanted to protect his subordinates, so he had to find a way out in advance.

Destroy Memories Exchange Fist, activate!

This is the first time Zhao Zhongyi has used this skill on a large scale since he came to this world.

The effect of Destroying Memory and Changing Love Fist is simply to reshape memory, so Zhao Zhongyi used this skill to reshape a large number of unforgivable traitors. After all, traitors like this will not escape the justice of the people sooner or later, but in Before being judged, there is still a wave of waste utilization.

As a result, Nihong bought a large number of first-aid kits at low prices several times. Naturally, there will be no problems in a short period of time, but as long as a period of time passes, the Nihong people will know the end of being greedy for petty gains.

In fact, it didn't take long for the Neon people to realize that something was wrong. After all, the battlefield is a meat grinder, and there are always wounded who need to be treated.

That is to say, when the doctor opened Xiao's first aid kit, the nightmare belonging to the Neon people was about to fall.

According to the information Zhao Zhongyi got from the Xingrong Gang.After a few short battles in various places, many amputated veterans appeared on the Neon side.

With this kind of battle loss rate, it was a big loss for Nihong. I didn’t expect that the samurai did not serve the emperor, but were amputated by their own people. Seppuku is rare. After all, who would commit seppuku if he didn't really have the will to die?

When such a situation occurred on the battlefield, it must be that the high-ranking officials of the Neon side were furious and directly ordered a strict investigation.

Can't find anything.

This is the news from Neon Intelligence Department.

Zhao Zhongyi takes one step and thinks three steps. He has long thought about what will happen if things come to light one day, so Zhao Zhongyi has dealt with countless traitors and reshaped their memories in a short time. This memory will last until the end of the deal with Nihong. , When the transaction is over, these traitors will restore their original memories, leaving no memory of their business with the Neon people.

The purpose of doing this is to protect Xiao Tu from being discovered, and this deceitful business cannot be caught by the bitter master.

"Then, if our soldiers repel the Neon Man and collect the loot, what if we take all the first-aid kits we produced?" Xiao Tu asked Zhao Zhongyi a key question.

"Let's make a sign, and don't let our own people use those first aid kits." Zhao Zhongyi said vaguely, biting the pig's trotter in his hand.

What Xiao Tu can think of, Zhao Zhongyi can naturally think of, so he has already told me through Lu Wangshu's mouth that there is a squatting bunny pattern on the red cross on the first aid kit. Don't use it, it's a problem.

As the saying goes, the same trick will not work twice on a saint, so if Neon Man is fooled once, he will definitely pay attention to whether there is a rabbit pattern on the first aid kit.

But four, there is no Kansai, people will evolve, the first aid kit is sold as it is, and the pattern is changed to another place. Anyway, Zhao Zhongyi has already contacted those businessmen in Macau, and the first aid kit must have its own design. Neon people are sure There is a lack of necessities such as a first aid kit. If you don’t believe the rabbit pattern, we also have brain axe, small welfare, fat butterfly and other patterns. These patterns don’t work, and there are monster patterns.

A certain country claims to have 800 million gods. Although the number is not necessarily true, it is true that there are many. Onmyoji Zhao Zhongyi is not playing for nothing.

If this is not enough, then print the neon sun flag, I don't believe they won't buy it.

This kind of immoral thing can be said simply.I will not write the specific operation content, after all, it is not a good thing.

And these things are also in the past tense, so there is no need to describe them too much. What Zhao Zhongyi should care most about now is the woman in front of him, a strong enemy.

Nan Zao Yunzi, a legendary female agent, a charming, charming, seductive, and charming woman.

Today, this woman came to Shanghai and came to the office of the Wang Puppet Secret Service. Lin Zuer was responsible for receiving her.

This woman is a formidable enemy! x2
The moment their eyes crossed, the same thought rose in the hearts of both of them...

(End of this chapter)

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