Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 9 You Are My Wings

Chapter 9 You Are My Wings

After walking to the military camp outside the city, to be honest, Dong Tianbao was disappointed. He thought he saw elite soldiers, but he didn't expect it to be a large group of soldiers.

The entire barracks has been rotten from top to bottom.

The upper officials are greedy for money, and the soldiers below follow suit, asking for money unreasonably.

The barracks outside the city is the Xiang Army, that is, the local army, the standing army. Dong Tianbao spent a few pennies to let the little official take him around the entire barracks. Dong Tianbao was very disappointed.

Soldiers in the barracks, one by one, yawned continuously, leaning on their spears and chatting with others. Even if they saw outsiders entering the camp, the outsiders were still brought in by the army, so there was no questioning thought up.

Regarding this kind of soldiers with loose discipline, Dong Tianbao felt that their combat effectiveness was worrying. No wonder they were killed by Jun Bao in the original plot. It was picked up by Jun Bao and others.

After leaving the barracks, the petty official asked Dong Tianbao to take office three days later.

That's right, when he took office, Tianbao spent money to buy an officer who was the commander of all the compartments. He had no chance to buy an officer. When he arrived at the barracks, he had to start as a soldier. Even if he was stuffed with money, he could only be a soldier.

But I didn't expect that after visiting the military camp, Dong Tianbao met a nobleman, that is, the eunuch He Kun who brought Tianbao into the military camp in the original plot.

It happened that the money was in place, and there were people in Tianbaojing, so he got an official position.

Commander of the Xiangdu, the first-level commander of the imperial army from the Five Dynasties to the Northern Song Dynasty.The imperial guards of the Song Dynasty, such as Pengri, Tianwu, Longwei, Shenwei, Huyi, and Xiaojie, set up the left and right compartments, and the Pengri and Longwei troops were in charge of the three armies in each compartment, with only 500 or 750 soldiers. In the Southern Song Dynasty In name only.

The entire battalion only has a staff of 500, so it is impossible for Dong Tianbao to occupy all the sources of troops, so He Kun made the decision by himself and gave Tianbao such an official who existed in name only. Go to Latin America to enlist in the army, and the establishment should not be too large, only [-] people.

Although He Kun raised one condition after another, it didn't matter to Tianbao at all.

Isn't it just people? I have so many people under my command, only 500 people, and some of them are definitely elite soldiers. They have been raised for so many years, and their combat effectiveness is first-class. They beat the current imperial army.

As long as you don't let yourself start from scratch, you can just dig out 5 taels of silver. Tianbao is not afraid that He Kun swallowed his money. Heaven on Earth?As long as he dared to swallow it, he would soak He Kun's head in lime and send it to him tomorrow. No one dared to investigate the case yet.

He will take office in three days, and these three days are very important to Tianbao.

Back at the Buddha's Laughter Building, he asked Shopkeeper Wang to summon five hundred brothers to join him in the army. The requirement was that he should be tall and strong, and it would be best if he could run a horse with his arms, and one would beat ten of them.

In addition to personnel, there are also materials that need to be mobilized by Tianbao. I have been making steel and gunpowder for so many years, but I have to prepare for rebellion, so my soldiers are well-fed and well-used, so after enlisting in the army, the weapons must be new.

Tianbao has already thought about the weapons of his soldiers, one is a manganese steel knife, the other is a musket and a grenade.Both ranged and melee.

"Tianbao, you're back." Junbao who was cleaning the table stopped his work and looked at Tianbao who came back from the door.

"Well, I will take office in three days." Tianbao said.

"Great, Tianbao, your wish is about to come true." Junbao is happy for Tianbao from the bottom of his heart, but he knows that Tianbao wants to be that master. When he was in the temple, he said he wanted to be the abbot, but he was kicked out later. After leaving Shaolin, he said that he wanted to be a high-ranking official.

This time Tianbao's wish is about to come true, how can Junbao as a brother not be happy for him?

After meeting Junbao, Tianbao also told Xiaodonggua and Qiuxue the news that he became an official. Unexpectedly, neither of the two girls had any big mood swings.

After hearing that Tianbao became an official, Xiao Donggua put aside her calculations, looked at Tianbao and asked, "Isn't it easy for you to become an official? After all, money is a magic trick."

After speaking, Little Winter Melon lowered his head and began to fiddle with the abacus.

Watching the little girl keep calculating something with the abacus, Tianbao looked at Xiaodonggua's calculation out of curiosity, and saw that every time Xiaodonggua calculated a number, he wrote that number on the paper, and then started to calculate a number.

"What are you doing?" Tianbao asked quietly.

Because she was too engrossed, Xiao Donggua answered casually: "What are the assets of the Buddha's Laughing Tower and the various industries below the Buddha's Laughing Tower?"

After speaking, Xiaodonggua suddenly realized something was wrong, and hurriedly raised his head to look at the source of the sound, meeting Tianbao's eyes.

Tianbao smiled: "Do you want to be the proprietress of Buddha's Smile Building?"

"Yeah!!!" Xiaodonggua's face turned red suddenly, and then kicked Tianbao's leg, "Bastard, I don't care about you."

Looking at the little wax gourd who ran away with the abacus and data, Tianbao suddenly felt that the little girl was very interesting, and there was nothing wrong with letting him be the proprietress. .

Zhou Xun, uh, Lu Shuren, no, Zhou Shuren once said: For example, warriors also fight, rest, eat and drink, and naturally have sex.

As a warrior myself, is there any problem with standing up at the sight of color?

Contrary to Xiaodonggua's expectations, Qiuxue really didn't care, but ordered a plate of dishes and a few jars of wine by herself, drinking alone, which means that the alcohol content in ancient times was not too high. In modern times, if a person drank like this, he would have been sent to the hospital.

But even though her studies are not very high, Qiu Xue is a little drunk at the moment.

In her opinion, what's so strange about the monk who saved her becoming an official? What's so strange about her good-for-nothing fiancé being someone else's son-in-law?

After drinking another glass of wine, Qiuxue fell asleep on the table, the Yueqin in her hand fell to the ground, and tears ran across her face.

"The way of love hurts people the most!" A middle-aged Taoist priest with an obscene appearance shook his head and sighed, walked to Qiu Xue's table, picked up the rest of the wine, and drank it alone.

"Hey? Taoist Ling, how can you take other people's wine?" Shopkeeper Wang stepped forward to stop the Taoist priest who was about to pour the wine into his mouth.

"Ton, ton, ha~~~" Daoist Ling wiped his mouth and smiled, "How can you talk about things about monks? This is called begging."

Shopkeeper Wang reached out to grab the wine jar in Taoist Ling's hand: "What kind of begging, monks are called begging. You, a Taoist priest, are still robbing wine from other girls' houses. Are you ashamed?"

Daoshi Ling looked at Shopkeeper Wang who was rushing forward, and ran out like a loach with a fan, shouting as he ran: "Shopkeeper Wang, I will draw a talisman for this girl when I go back, and I will treat it as if I bought it."

"The talisman you drew is useless at all?" Shopkeeper Wang still wanted to chase Taoist Ling, but unfortunately he ran too fast to catch up.

Tianbao suddenly became interested in this Taoist Ling, and there were only some funny parts of this Taoist in the original plot.

Shopkeeper Wang knew a little about Taoist Ling, and later talked to Tianbao about him.

This Daoist Ling was originally a Taoist priest of Qingfeng Temple outside the city 20 years ago. There was a master above him, and the master and apprentice depended on each other. Some chickens and ducks, so life is not bad.

Later, Daoist Ling's master was too old. He fell down while going out for a doctor's visit, hurt his vitality, and passed away within a few days. own way.

Then Taoist Ling entered Lin'an City, and used his master's inheritance to buy a small yard in the west of the city. He practiced medicine and distributed medicine on weekdays. Although he didn't earn much, it was enough to live on.

Daoist Ling, he has no major problems, one is to draw some spells and sell them on the street, and the other is to take care of what is in the glass, because the wine in the Buddha Laughing Building is good, so he often hangs around in the Buddha Laughing Building , Mix some wine and drink by looking at palms and faces.

After listening to Shopkeeper Wang's introduction, Tianbao felt that Taoist Ling was a bit interesting.

At that time, Daoist Ling dodged the grasp of shopkeeper Wang with a low shoulder, then made a few dodges, and then strode out the door. It's a little bit like Yubu's Taoist ritual of praying to the gods.

This old Taoist is hiding something! ! !

"In the future, if I have time, I should try the depth of Taoist Ling." Tianbao leaned on the door and looked at the direction in which Taoist Ling left.

In the evening, Tianbao ordered shopkeeper Wang to arrange a large table of dishes, thinking that he wanted to commemorate his enlistment in the army.

This big table has fish and meat, chicken and duck, pigs and cattle.

Although it was against the law to kill cattle in ancient times, money can make ghosts turn millstones, and money can enlighten gods. So why can't cattle be thrown to death for money?

There are five people at a table, Tianbao, Junbao, Xiaodonggua and Qiuxue, and a Taoist Ling.

Five people can get together at a table, each has its own needs.

Tianbao is celebrating the first time he became an official in his life for so many years, and Junbao also wants to help Tianbao celebrate and eat something good for a hundred years.

Little Winter Melon is a treat for a rich man with a dog, so her righteousness Bo Yuntian Little Winter Melon naturally wants to eliminate the big man, eat his and use his.

Then there was Qiu Xue, a drink during the day made her sleep until night, now she didn't want to do anything else, she just wanted to get drunk, only when she was drunk could she forget about the heartbreaker.

As for Taoist Ling, it was purely a treat for someone, and he couldn't save face, so he had to come. It was definitely not the price of 100 taels for this table of dishes.

Inviting Taoist Ling to come, the main reason is that Tianbao wants to know the depth of this Taoist Ling, and if he utters the truth after drinking, he will not believe that his high-concentration wine can't intoxicate this Taoist Ling, and can't measure the strength of this Taoist Ling?
A table of people eating and drinking is the delicacy of mountains and seas. The wine is cellared for many years with green bamboo leaves.

Naturally, this wine was not an ancient low-alcohol wine, but a distilled wine made by Tian Bao's subordinates, with a much higher alcohol content.

As soon as it entered the throat, Taoist Ling and Qiu Xue's eyes lit up.

Daoist Ling lamented why he hadn't tasted this good wine long ago, while Qiu Xue was astonished by the strength of the wine. The strong wine is good, so that he can forget about that heartbroken person.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food, a table of people, except Tianbao who is still sober, the other four people on the table all collapsed.

Tianbao was very satisfied with the dishes on this table, and he exchanged fifty altars of green bamboo leaves for the old Taoist priest's physical skills.

Daoist Ling felt that he was alone all his life, so he knew a little bit of medical skills and agility, and it would be nice to be able to exchange wine, not a loss.

Jun Bao had never drunk alcohol before, the wine was high reading, and after a few cups, Jun Bao collapsed.

With the mentality of eating a big family, Little Winter Melon ate no less food and drank less wine, so he got drunk as a matter of course.

As for Qiu Xue, she has a good capacity for alcohol. In the end, she drank a lot by herself. It can be seen that she was using alcohol to relieve her worries, but after drinking two large jars of wine, Qiu Xue collapsed.

Looking at the four people who fell down, Jun Bao and Taoist Ling didn't care, and there was nothing wrong with sleeping below.

On the contrary, there are two ladies, one is injured and is still drinking heavily, the other is not able to drink alcohol and is not good at martial arts. If they sleep below and the cold wind blows, they will definitely get sick.

Ever since, Tianbao supported one with one hand, and dragged the two women up the stairs.

After Tianbao went upstairs, Taoist Ling who was still lying on the table got up.

"Hi'er~" Daoist Ling hiccupped, "Good guy, the wine this kid researched is really powerful, but it's like getting me drunk, Daoist Ling, hehe, Hiccup, this kid is almost too good at it."

Daoist Ling stood up unsteadily, looked at Jun Bao who was sleeping on his stomach next to him, and shook his head helplessly: "It's a pretty good seedling, why hasn't he escaped from the world of mortals?"

Picking up the two altars of green bamboo leaves next to him, Daoist Ling slowly walked out of the Buddha's Laughter Building, and said as he walked, "How did this kid's fate change? Sure enough, there is something wrong with the "Xiang Jing" that Master passed on to me. "

"However, this boy Tianbao has made a lot of money. His fate has changed. From the original short-lived phase to Ziwei's star life, Hongluan is still in his fate now. The other two little girls, Hongluan, are star-moving. I won't bother the old Taoist. It's a good thing." Taoist Ling hummed a ditty all the way back to his small courtyard.

Let's say that after Tianbao sent the two girls back to the guest room, he put the two drunken girls on the bed and was about to leave, but he didn't expect his sleeves to be pulled.

It's Qiu Xue!
Tianbao flicked subconsciously, huh?Didn't drop it?

"Murong Bai, don't go." Qiu Xue grabbed Tian Bao's sleeve, she was already drunk and hadn't forgotten about that scumbag.

The grip was too tight, Tianbao had no choice but to break Qiuxue's hand.

"Uh, uh, uh."

A sound came.

Tianbao: (ノへ ̄,)
After being spat all over, Tianbao was disgusted, so he hurried to his room, took a shower with the water prepared by Xiaoer in advance, changed into clean clothes, and then went back to Qiuxue's room, afraid that the two of them Choked to death by vomit.

As soon as the door is opened, this smell.

Tianbao: (# ̄~ ̄#)
As soon as they entered the door, the two girls were leaning on the bed to vomit and vomited all over the floor.

Seeing that the two girls vomited and lay back on the bed, Tianbao held one in each hand and moved to another room.

Changed to another room, just put the two girls on the bed, when his feet went limp for a moment, Tianbao fell on the bed.

It happened that the two girls turned around at the same time, one on the left and the other on Tianbao's body.

Good guy, one left and one right, two girls, who can bear this.

Let me briefly talk about the following things, and it may not be possible to publish them.

If a night of Spring Festival is worth a thousand dollars, then two women and one man will earn a lot of money.

Among other things, looking at the two jade bodies in front of him, Tianbao just wanted to chant a poem.

Quiet night thinking

The bright moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground

Looking up at the famous moon, bowing your head and thinking about your hometown.

This poem embodies Lin Yaozu's happy mood in seeking pleasure in a different place.

This scene, this scene, can be regarded as a cuckold for Meng Yan.

Later, Tianbao said the words of a scumbag: You are all my wings

The one-thousand-character Qiu Mingshan driveway is gone, crying (;︵;`)
(End of this chapter)

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