Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 53 Ghost Foot 7: Master Huang's Apprentice

Chapter 53 Ghost Foot Seven: Master Huang's Apprentice

In the past few days, Aunt Thirteen took out the projector Du Wenqi gave her to take pictures for everyone. This was the most advanced technology at that time. The Huang family, father, son and disciples also participated in the performance with great interest.

Taking advantage of his father's happiness, Huang Feihong secretly told about his plan to marry Thirteenth Aunt.

Hearing that Feihong was going to marry her god-sister, Huang Qiying opened her mouth wide and asked in confusion, "You brat, won't you become my brother-in-law?"

Just as Mr. Huang was about to teach Master Huang a lesson, Huang Feihong had already fled outside the door.

Mr. Huang does not resist Thirteenth Aunt becoming his daughter-in-law. After all, although the relationship between the Zhang family and the Huang family is said to be relatives, the relationship is close, but the blood relationship is far away. The most important thing is that Mr. Huang knows that he His son likes Aunt Thirteen, and that's all right, not to mention that the two are not related by blood at all, and they are not considered close relatives, so Huang Qiying recognizes this daughter-in-law.

Before the Lion King Conference officially started, there was a rehearsal match. Although it was a rehearsal, the various sects were still unbearable, and there were various battles on the street.

Since it is a rehearsal, they have to show their strongest combat power to fight for the top card in the preliminaries.

For the sake of a noun, the martial artists of each family also use various methods, slashing others with knives and kicking their lions to death. The purpose is to prevent others from participating in the Lion King Competition. be yourself.

The streets and squares are crowded with people. Liang Kuan thinks this is an opportunity. The Lion King Competition is the day to get ahead and become famous.

The beggar: "Master Kuan, when were you the Lion King of Guangdong?"

Liang Kuan: "What do you think?"

Beggar: "Just today, just today."

Liang Kuan found a slightly more complete lion from a corner of Bao Zhilin, and then mixed into the lion dance venue, preparing to speculate to win.

Not to mention that Baozhilin is such a big restaurant, there are indeed every usable lion head, but it was only before Zhao Tianba came. Zhao Tianba smashed up the lion head and destroyed it. It would be nice to have one that you can use now.

It happened that the red-headed lion of Guijiaoqi was right in front of him, A Kuan rolled his eyes and had an idea.

As a member of Daping, one of the four major gangs in Sijiu City, Guijiaoqi's task is to kill the lions of other gangs except Daping.

That's why Guijiaoqi put big knives on his lion's head. The purpose of these knives is to hurt people and destroy lions.

"Hey, Ghost Foot Seven, it's full of power."

The red-headed lion with the ghost foot seven was right in front of him, Liang Kuan was overjoyed, taking advantage of the crowds, and it was too late to retaliate, he flew up and kicked the red lion's ass, and then hid.

At this time, people are crowded by everyone, and it is normal to be attacked for a while, but Guijiaoqi is not happy. For so many years in the rivers and lakes, no one has ever dared to kick his ass.

So the ghost-footed seven lions turned their heads and attacked the lions of other gangs behind them.

After a collision, a short vacuum appeared around Guijiaoqi.

After finding that no one was attacking him again, Guijiaoqi danced the lion and attacked the surrounding lions.

Liang Kuan kicked the Ghost Foot Seven Lions' ass again, and then hid again.

Gui Jiaoqi couldn't find anyone who kicked him, so he was very irritable, yelling at someone who didn't respect martial arts and attacked him secretly.

Seeing that the opponent didn't notice him, Liang Kuan kicked left and right, the more he kicked, the happier he was, and the more he kicked, the more excited he became.

But there is an old saying called "Extreme joy begets sorrow", and there is another old saying called "If you want others to know, unless you do nothing", what Liang Kuan did was finally discovered by Gui Jiaoqi.

Seeing the person who attacked him, Guijiaoqi shouted loudly, turned his head and rushed towards Liang Kuan.

When Liang Kuan saw the beast-like eyes of the other party, he was so frightened that he was so frightened that he turned around and fled to the house.

Ah Kuan is not a down-to-earth person, and he didn't learn kung fu very well. Don't look at the fact that he and Awei joined forces to kill Kongkong Zhenren before, but there are so many people, two beat one .

When it comes to Ah Kuan's martial arts, it can only be said that he ranks second or third in the arena. When he meets a master, he is really not on the stage.

When he met Lei Yixiao, Ah Kuan was hanged and beaten, but when he met Gui Jiaoqi at this time, in a real fight, Ah Kuan had to lose.

Liang Kuan can't fight with masters, but his escaping skills are absolutely top-notch. After learning from Master Yan Yu Bu's fur, although he can't fly over eaves and walls, he can definitely dodge in the alley, so Gui Jiaoqi found that he couldn't catch up for a while. Go up that beam width.

Turning left and right, Ah Kuan came to the stables dodging all the way.

Guijiaoqi was chasing after him desperately, and Liang Kuan broke several pillars in horror. No wonder Liang Kuan was too timid.

Hundreds of fine horses were frightened and ran out in all directions. How could they stand still among the chaotic horses?Suddenly there was a piercing pain, and his left leg had been stepped on, and it became a bit bloody.

The horses were frightened, galloped on the street, and rushed directly into the crowd who were fighting.

Seeing this situation, Master Huang knew that he couldn't watch it anymore, and if he watched the show again, there would be a lot of casualties.

Master Huang knew if there was one as soon as he made a move. It was just a horse, so why would it be difficult to stop it?
However, to Huang Feihong's disappointment, there were too many casualties in this preliminaries. After the people from Hutoufang won the gold medal, Zhao Tianba directly ordered the martial artists in Daping to use their knives, directly grab the tokens, and forcibly Won the first place in the preliminaries.

"It seems that my Baozhilin is not going to touch Zhao Tianba's Daping District." Master Huang shook his head helplessly, and after steadying the horse beside him, he got up to look for Aunt Thirteen.

I forgot about Thirteenth Aunt when I made the move just now, and every time I think about Thirteenth Aunt's comfort, I should find Thirteenth Aunt as soon as possible, otherwise, the Huang family's daughter-in-law will be gone.

Thinking this way, Master Huang got up and went to find Aunt Thirteen.

Master Huang's worry is not unreasonable, because Aunt Shisan has always liked photography and recorded interesting things with a projector, so she followed him to film the preliminaries of the lion dance competition.

In the end, I never expected to meet that dead foreign devil Du Wenqi here, and this Du Wenqi has the audacity to want to get close to Thirteenth Aunt, okay?Master Huang felt bad.

Especially when he left Thirteenth Aunt behind him alone. If Thirteenth Aunt really got angry and wanted to marry that foreign devil, he would have nowhere to cry.

Although.Master Huang knew that Thirteenth Aunt liked him and was willing to marry him, but didn't like that dead foreign devil.

Inside the Three Smile Building, Zhao Tianba was playing cards with several rudder masters with a big grin.

Ba Ye is happy today, when he is happy, he is like playing mahjong.

Today's rehearsal, in the end, his overlord's Dapinghao won the first prize. Although it was won by killing and robbing in the end, but for doing such a thing by himself, all sects and sects in the world dare not speak out, that's enough It can explain the power of Zhao Tianba.

Zhao Tianba held a celebration banquet in the Sanxiao Tower, and everyone in the gang who participated in the lion dance could go upstairs to receive the reward.

But at this moment, a figure came staggeringly, it was Guijiaoqi.

Leaning on crutches, the ghost staggered up the stairs.

But the gang members around here have already received Zhao Tianba's instructions, and now Guijiaoqi is a useless person, not even an ordinary coachman, so he is not qualified to receive the reward.

This Zhao Tianba is arrogant and domineering and has no humanity at all. If Gui Jiaoqi's legs are still good, then he is a dog of his overlord, a good thug, but after knowing that Gui Jiaoqi's legs can no longer be cured Zhao Tianba felt that it was time to abandon this dog. After all, his Daping was not a philanthropist, and he liked to take in all kinds of waste.

So, Zhao Tianba ordered his subordinates to kick Guijiaoqi down the stairs, and he was not allowed to enter the Sanxiao Tower.

In the heavy rain, Gui Jiaoqi used his hands instead of legs, and crawled to the distance bit by bit...

"Hey hey, wake up."

In a trance, Guijiaoqi realized that someone was patting her face.

"You, who are you?" Gui Jiaoqi asked weakly.

Yan Zhendong smiled slightly: "Passerby A, a passer-by fake...uh, rough martial artist."

"You, what's the matter?" In the drizzle, Gui Jiaoqi realized that he couldn't see this person's face clearly.

Yan Zhendong looked at Guijiaoqi, and said slowly: "I will show you a clear way."

"Ming Lu?" Gui Jiaoqi didn't know why.

"Want to heal your leg? Walk along this street until you reach the end, there is someone who can heal your leg." After speaking, Yan Zhendong threw down a pair of crutches and went straight left.

"Cure legs, yes, I want to cure my legs."

Gui Jiaoqi ignited his fighting spirit, picked up the crutch that was stained with sewage, and staggered towards the end of the street.

Because of the rain and his weak body, Guijiaoqi did not see clearly the three characters "Baozhilin" written on the plaque on the building at the end.

"Hehehe, Master Huang, I sent your apprentice there for you. Lao Yan, let me count, you two have a relationship between master and apprentice."

Yan Zhendong, who quietly emerged from the shadows, looked at Gui Jiaoqi who was going away, and said secretly.


Inside Baozhi Forest, Aunt Thirteen released the filmed materials for everyone to watch.Previously, it was the video of everyone practicing martial arts, and then there was the scene of the lion dance meeting during the day.

Everyone watched with gusto, when suddenly blue smoke came out of the machine, which spontaneously ignited due to overheating.

After the fire was extinguished, everyone left the hall regretfully. Is this a rare western scene?
Aunt Thirteen looked at the problematic projector and couldn't help sighing: "There is still a lot of content in the future, let Du Wenqi repair the machine for me tomorrow."

After hearing this, Huang Feihong became jealous and said, "It's Du Wenqi again, can't I fix it?"

Ah Kuan said quietly: "Master, you may really not know how to cultivate."

"Ah Kuan, you have disobeyed my order and released the lion without permission. I haven't punished you yet. How dare you take Master's words? Continue to copy "Xing Shi Heng Yan" for me." The master immediately opened fire on his apprentice, his girlfriend was worried about foreigners, and his apprentice was still worried, so Master Huang felt tired.

After finishing speaking, he flicked his robe sleeves, Master Huang walked out of the house, feeling bored, he went out for a walk.

Aunt Thirteen hurriedly took her umbrella and followed.

Huang Feihong walked a long way, and saw a person curled up in a ball in the middle of the street, like a dead person.

With a kind heart like Master Huang, he would definitely not leave him dead. When he turned the man over to look at him, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "How could it be a ghost foot seven?"

During the day, Master Huang only knew that Ah Kuan had disobeyed the order to release the lion, but he didn't know what happened to Ah Kuan afterwards.

Under the meticulous care of Huang's father and son, Guijiaoqi recovered.

But at the beginning, he didn't appreciate it, because during the past 30 years, he had suffered all kinds of oppression, even though he was skilled in martial arts, Zhao Tianba never regarded him as a human being.

Long-term accumulation has made him perverse and violent. He never believes in true love in the world. Like a tiger in the jungle, he lives to hurt others.

It is easy to make a person evil, but it is difficult to reform a wicked person to do good.

The harmonious atmosphere in Baozhi Forest and the broad mind of Feihong and his son subtly infected Guijiaoqi. After [-] days, his legs were much better. Liang Kuan and him got along best. Kuan shouted and drank, but he was very happy, and the hostility on his face basically disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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