Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 40 Zhankongkong real person and post-war treatment

Chapter 40 Zhankongkong real person and post-war treatment
Real Kongkong felt that he was very unlucky, but after coming to Guangzhou, he wanted to make some money and prepare for the cause of the rebellion. What happened?Not long after I came here, the Nengren Temple where I was staying had people call me. I won’t go into details about the lower bodies of the younger brothers, but I just said that I was beaten violently and suffered internal injuries.

It's not a big deal, what's worse is that I was hanged and beaten last night, and today someone came to kick me. The younger brothers said that it was Huang Feihong who hit the door, and it was really hard for me!

"It's difficult, it's really not easy to rebel." Sighing, Kongkong Daoist tied the woman who had just been captured by his subordinates to a shelf, hoping that there would be a hostage in hand, which would distract Huang Feihong for a while , I can kill him myself.

Shaking his head, Master Kongkong put all the messy thoughts in his head to the back of his mind, and the speed of tying the rope on his hands suddenly accelerated, if he didn't tie it well, Huang Feihong would kill him.

In fact, as the boss, Master Kongkong didn’t need to do these small things himself. After all, there are younger brothers around, so it’s fine to direct them. As a result, those useless younger brothers are now hiding in the dark and sneak attacking, so there is no one available for him now, so he has no choice but to The boss himself did the rough work.

Capturing Monk Hua, Huang Feihong forced him to take him to find the girl who was kidnapped and put under house arrest.

Walking into the secret room, Master Huang saw a large space in Nuoda, with hundreds of girls hanging densely on the roof beams.

These girls are disheveled, and most of them only have a bellyband hanging on their bodies, revealing a large area of ​​skin. Looking at their messy hair, they are usually abused by those obscene monks.

This situation made Feihong furious, but he stabilized his emotions and walked slowly onto the suspension bridge.

On the suspension bridge, Huang Feihong walked slowly.Under the suspension bridge, a large number of obscene monks were hanging upside down with weapons in their hands, ready to find a chance to kill Huang Feihong with one blow.

There was a sound of piercing through the air, but I saw an iron claw flying from the dark place. This was the weapon of the real man Kongkong—the death-death claw.

After Huang Feihong entered here, he had been vigilant all the time, and he was full of energy. Therefore, when the sound of breaking through the air came, his body had already reacted, and Wu Ying kicked it out like a gust of wind. Ironpaw kicked back.

A blood-red lotus platform flew out of the darkness, floated out of thin air, and hung in front of Huang Feihong.

The lotus platform was slowly opened, and there was a gray-faced monk with a bald head and a red cassock sitting inside.

This person is none other than Kongkong Daoist.

Or how to say that it is not easy to be a villain, the real Kong Kong has a deep understanding of this, the villain who is riding a horse, is thankless all day long, and does some bad things, there will always be decent people calling at the door, and he will pay him back Mom has to strategize, just tied up the girl here, and immediately she will play aggressively to distract Huang Feihong, and then let the younger brothers look for opportunities to kill him.

The scene has been set up, and he is going to pretend to be a real person.

I saw that real person Kongkong said gloomyly: "Huang Feihong, you evildoer, if you offend the gods, the old mother will definitely punish you."

Good guy, Yan Zhendong didn't expect that this boxing of righteousness still bears the name of the White Lotus Sect. Those of you who are riding horses don't do such demagogic things, do you?

Feihong smiled instead of anger: "Hehe, you monster, you are not a monk or a Taoist, you pretend to be a ghost, kidnap women from a good family, do anything wrong, and do all kinds of things that hurt the nature and reason."

Master Kong Kong stared, and said loudly: "Boldly, you trespassed on my Buddhist sanctuary and slandered us, Huang Feihong, you deserve to die."

"Pure Land? If this is a pure land, there will be no dirty place in the world." Huang Feihong's eyes flashed with surprise, is he so shameless?

"Master Huang, save me." A woman's voice came from behind Master Kongkong.

Huang Feihong heard the woman's voice, looked behind the demon monk, but saw that it was the girl from the Xiangzhi Pavilion next door.

"Do it!" Seeing Huang Feihong's distraction, Kong Kong real person gave orders instantly.

In an instant, several long spears and daggers stabbed out from the suspension bridge under Master Huang's feet.

Although Huang Feihong was distracted by the nine girls, he did not relax his vigilance in his heart. After the demon monk made a sound, he reacted instantly, kicked with his feet, broke those weapons, then turned over and hung his hands on the ropes of the wooden bridge. Go up, kick all the obscene monks off the bridge and fall down.

Seeing that those useless subordinates have been dealt with, Master Kong Kong can only watch. He has no choice but to be seriously injured yesterday, so he can't easily move too much.

After defeating the little soldiers, Huang Feihong pointed at the real person Kong Kong, and said in a deep voice: "Monk, Foshan Huang Feihong has come to arrest you and bring you to justice. You should surrender as soon as possible."

Master Kongkong just said with a oh: "Young man, the poor monk used to be named Kong, looking at your boxing skills, you and I are both from the same sect, we are both from Shaolin, why don't you worship me as your teacher."

If you have an injury, you can talk about it or talk about it, if you can't talk about it, then you can delay it for a while, just wait for the younger brother to bring someone over.

The above is the Kongkong real person, or called Kongkong's plan.

Feihong didn't answer, and flew over.

The empty figure did not move, but a flying claw made of fine steel shot out from the sleeve of the robe. It was the soul-chasing and life-killing claw, and then his body moved towards Feihong like a ghost.

Speaking of which, both Liaokong and Feihong came from Shaolin, and they both learned the same kind of Shaolin Kungfu, but they have different paths, one is full of yin, and uses Shaolin Kungfu like evil spirits, and the other Walk freely with one heart, and the boxing method looks like Shaolin but has undergone major changes.

In fact, at this time, Feihong's martial arts had already achieved great success, and he was no longer limited to any boxing routines. He could use each move like flowing water, not to mention absorbing advanced concepts and knowing how to use tools. Accidentally injuring the girls locked in cages around, Master Huang didn't bother to talk nonsense with that demon monk, he just shot him, and saved himself from fighting and sweating.

Aunt Thirteen likes Huang Feihong who is heroic, not Huang Feihong who is sweaty, so Master Huang still pays attention to his image.

Although Lie Kong is already a first-class master in the world, compared with Huang Feihong, a master-level master who has reached the king level, there is still some gap. Under the bridge, life and death are unknown.

Master Huang was able to defeat the demon monk. In the final analysis, this demon monk was naive. Huang Feihong believed what he said. Huang Feihong said that he used Wuying Kick. The master called Wuyingjiao again, but the idiot monk thought it was the Gongzi Fuhu Fist, and was kicked off the suspension bridge.

After Monk Hua and the demon monk were settled, Master Huang first rescued Nine Girls who was tied to a pillar, and then left with Nine Girls.

According to the time, those apprentices of his have already reported to the officials, and they are bringing the newly appointed Mr. Qian to come, so Huang Feihong decided not to save the other girls. There are too many people on the other side, and then they engage in a murder to silence them, and there is no evidence to prove the death. If you kill those girls, you are not here to save them but to harm them.

But the world is unpredictable, and Huang Feihong found that what he planned did not match what actually happened.

Although Lei Yixiao arrived with government officials under the leadership of Awei and Akuan, he instead framed Feihong for destroying the temple and injuring monks.I hope that the prefect can handle it impartially and put Huang Feihong in prison for interrogation slowly.

As for the woman hanging in the apse who was also taken away at some point, this is good, without witnesses, all listening to the words of Mr. Qian Zong and the abbot of Nengren Temple, Feihong couldn't argue for a moment.

Because of his friendship with Lei Yixiao and his many years of dedication to him, it is actually very easy for the magistrate to simply kill a commoner, so he wanted to order Baozhilin and Xiangzhiguan to be imprisoned at that time.

But still the same sentence, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, just when Lei Yixiao and the magistrate were sure to win, the arrival of the four major chambers of commerce made Lei Yixiao and the magistrate's plan come to nothing.

The business gang united by the four major chambers of commerce wanted to keep Huang Feihong, but under the pressure of the four major chambers of commerce, the magistrate finally thought about it and decided to take those people from Nengren Temple into custody first, and Master Huang should be released without charge.

According to what the prefect thinks, there is no way to do this. Thinking about it, it is also the case. Between Lei Yixiao and the four major chambers of commerce, as long as you are not stupid, you know who to choose, and it is definitely the four major chambers of commerce.

Yes, indeed, this Lei Yixiao gave him many years of worship, his new concubine, and the drugs he sucked were all provided by Lei Yixiao, but no matter how much money Lei Yixiao gave, it was not within the fingers of the four major chambers of commerce. How much is exposed?The four major chambers of commerce pay so much tax every year, I will not refuse, and these several chambers of commerce have tribute to me every month, which is more than the tribute that Lei Yixiao gives me for a year. Great Chamber of Commerce.

Conversing black and white failed, and Lei Yixiao was convinced. This stupid magistrate is really a white-eyed wolf in the eyes of money. I have given him so much filial piety for nothing all these years. I can't do things well, and let the person concerned treat me. Suspicious.

"Ma De, the useless magistrate, I will kill you sooner or later." In Lei's mansion, Lei Yixiao punched the coffee table, angrily said.

"Junior brother, don't get excited, we still have a chance now, this Huang Feihong is white, and he won't be jumping for long." In the dark, the real figure of Kong Kong appeared, and he comforted Lei with a smile.

Speaking of which, the real Kongkong is also fateful. After being kicked off the suspension bridge by Master Huang, he just fell on a disciple who had fallen off the suspension bridge before and fell unconscious. Falling from a high altitude, he was bound to die from internal injuries on the spot.

Lei Yixiao sat on the chair, closed his eyes and concentrated, after a while, he patted the table and said, "I thought about it."

"What did you think of, Junior Brother?" Daoist Kongkong asked.

Lei Yixiao snorted coldly and said: "The four major chambers of commerce are able to jointly protect Huang Feihong, because Huang Feihong's lion dance skills are what he is looking for, so as to make a good splash for the opening ceremony of the new site of the Thirteen Banks. Let me find a way, Let him Huang Feihong not be able to perform the lion dance, and even replace it by himself, so that the lion dance performance will be performed by himself, and so on, and the four major commercial firms will no longer be able to protect Huang Feihong."

Hearing this plan, Master Kongkong gave a thumbs up and praised: "Brother's wonderful plan, great plan."

"Ahahaha, Huang Feihong, I don't think you will die this time?" Lei Yixiao burst into a strange laugh.

Overnight, the plan was set.

Let Lei Yixiao go out and ask people close to Huang Feihong to poison Huang Feihong in Baozhi Forest. If Huang Feihong dies from the poison, he will not be able to participate in the lion dance. At that time, he can replace Baozhilin in the opening of the thirteen lines ceremony.

Real Kong Kong is responsible for contacting Monk Hua who was arrested in the prison, asking them to kill the old and ignorant host of Nengren Temple, and then pour the dirty water of the host's suicide on Huang Feihong.

In this way, the two brothers joined hands to make sure that Huang Feihong died without a burial place, and then he could safely kidnap the new foreign consul Shaxian Taipan and force the British government to let go of their boxing altars Lord, maybe I can still make a fortune in the hands of those British foreign devils?

(End of this chapter)

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