Chapter 38

After Master Huang entered the secret room, Ah Lek joined Ah Kuan and Ah Wei with blood on his hands.

"Damn it, brother Lak, did you kill someone?" Awei exclaimed.

The blood in this hand is really scary, is Huang Shihu so ruthless after learning Master Yan's iron cloth shirt?
Ah Le turned his hands away, touched the back of his clothes again, tried to wipe off the blood, and said while wiping: "I didn't kill anyone, it was that obscene monk who didn't give me face, beat me after breaking free from the rope, I also No boxing skills, and that's it."

Ah Wei and Ah Kuan covered their crotch at the same time, and it was lucky that Ma De didn't offend him when they confronted Huang Shihu before, otherwise this guy would specialize in the next three ways, and he would have to find a doctor in the future. A hole was made at the bottom, and she became a woman from now on, and sat on the stage at Ah Let's Xiangzhi restaurant.


There was a sound of shouting and killing, but a dozen people rushed out from behind the temple, each holding a weapon, with a ferocious expression on their faces and an imposing manner.

But it didn't scare Ah Le and the others, the main reason is that it's okay for these people to run over. Their other hands that don't hold weapons are covering the bottom, so they are holding the bottom while looking fierce, thinking of running like eunuchs Come here, it's not scary.

These dozen or so people are the flower monks whose lower body was kicked by Yan Zhendong yesterday. Because of their injuries, they are unable to move, so they can only swarm up against Ah Le and the others. There are so many people, and it is no problem to bully three rookies. .

As for Huang Feihong in the secret room, these people did not dare to go, Huang Feihong was famous outside, and he and others were seriously injured, and they would not be able to beat them in the first place, so he would not go to give away their heads.

Although a dozen of them couldn't beat Huang Feihong, the others in the secret room could. They were all newcomers.

Yesterday, Lei Yixiao, Kongkong Zhenren and those Hua monks from Nengren Temple were all injured by Yan Zhendong. Lei Yixiao and Kongkong Zhenren were fine, with a little skin trauma, and their bodies were only a little bruised and purple, and there was no muscle or bone injury, but those disciples were not. .

Those disciples are the flower monks in front of Ah Le and the others. They can't be repaired at all, and they can no longer be grass girls.

To sum up, Lei Yixiao discussed with senior brother Kongkong Zhenren, and decided to call some more people. In case the murderer from last night came again, he and those eunuchs and disciples alone could not stop him, so Lei Yixiao asked Master Kongkong summoned the disciples who were lurking in other temples in Guangzhou.

That's right, lurking, there are monsters of Boxer hiding in every temple in Guangzhou City. The Qing court would never have imagined that the guys of Boxing were hiding in the temples.

These monsters work as monks in the temple during the day, searching for targets that can be taken away. At night, they gather people and dispatch together to rob girls. If they are young, they will be stunned and sold as laborers. If they are old people, just kill them and then Pack it up and bury it anywhere.

When these monsters are dispatched, they not only take away the people, but they don't even let go of the money of the people. That is the real search, because it is covered by Lei Yixiao, so apart from Yan Zhendong, he has a little understanding of these things, and the others are completely I don't know, after all, in this era, no one cares about people who disappear at will.

These people were summoned to Nengren Temple to prepare to strengthen the guarding force of Nengren Temple.

Seeing that those colleagues who used to be fierce and fierce have been abolished by Keir, these people burst into laughter. ,

Then, in the dungeon, in front of those scumbags, these people raped those girls who had lost their eyesight and had little will to live. These scumbags showed their manly abilities to their heart's content.

Ah Le smiled when he saw the group of thieves clutching their crotch. As a person who had just crushed two eggs, he knew that these people were inconvenient to move because they had been abolished by Kiel before, and they were able to do such a thing The only one is my unscrupulous master who likes whoring, an unscrupulous master who specializes in prostitution in his Xiangzhi restaurant.

Unscrupulous Master said that you must be shameless enough to deal with the enemy. The hatred between two people cannot be resolved when the two sides are equal in strength. It can only be resolved by completely hanging the other side or being hanged. As long as he is negligent once, his life will be in danger, so this unlimited ultimate fighting technique is used to deal with enemies who have life and death vengeance.

To deal with the enemy, there is no need to talk about martial arts morality, how to attack as fiercely as possible, even the unscrupulous master said that this technique focuses on the result of fighting with people, not the process, Kung Fu is a killing technique.

Although Ah Lek understands what Master said, but he still has a bottom line in his heart. He didn't take the foreign gun that Master gave, otherwise he wouldn't have to pinch and explode the egg, and just run away with AK47 ripples and kill all the thieves.

Seeing these people smiling lewdly and picking up weapons and walking towards him and the others, Ah Lek suddenly felt that the way Master gave him a gun was right, and there was no need to speak morally when dealing with crooked ways. Although he was not afraid of these knives, guns and sticks, Ah Wei and Ah Kuan can't, if the two of them get hurt, he will be very upset.

Iron cloth shirt, activate!

Ah Let activated the iron shirt, and there was a faint metallic luster on his body. Of course, this kind of luster can only be seen by people with excellent eyesight. When people look at it, they only think that Ah Let is very greasy and has a lot of oil.

Because the skill of the iron cloth shirt is not enough, Ah Lek knows that he can't change the color of his whole body like his master Yan Zhendong, and become an iron man or a golden man. However, it doesn't matter if he can't change the iron man. , his own level is enough to deal with it.


More than a dozen Hua monks clutching their crotches rushed up, brandishing weapons.

Ah Le, Ah Wei and Ah Kuan exchanged glances, and also rushed forward.

This Ah Kuan is tall and tall, good at the mighty tiger-shaped boxing, with one move of tiger claws, the punch is called a tiger like a tiger, full of might.

Ah Kuan spread his five fingers apart, and then curled them into his palm like claws.At the same time, Ah Kuan lowered his energy to his dantian, pierced his fingertips with force, and if he did not come out, he would stop the enemy and injure others. Every time a Hua monk was approached by him, the clothes on his chest would be torn, and at the same time, there would be a bloodstain on his chest.

Awei is smaller in size, with a nimble body, and is good at the elegant crane-shaped boxing. Because he is taking a nimble way, it is destined that Awei will not be able to fight close to the body like Akuan.

Each shape of Xingyiquan has different characteristics. The tiger shape is mainly attacking and good at killing, and the crane shape is mainly defending.

Crane-shaped boxing is to defend and wait for attack. There is a mantra of "If the enemy does not move, I will not move; if the enemy moves, I will move first". This is the characteristic of Awei.

These two boxing techniques, one offensive and one defensive, are an excellent match, so Master Huang arranged for these two people to practice Tiger and Crane Flying. I haven't practiced well so far.

Not to mention the flying of tigers and cranes, in fact, Awei didn't even practice the crane-shaped boxing that he practiced well. As a result, he couldn't really predict the enemy's opportunities. Although his brain might react, his body couldn't keep up. As a result, every time he attacks the enemy, Awei can indeed punch first before the opponent, but the punching speed is not fast enough to be blocked by the opponent.

Then the result is that there is no single enemy on Ah Kuan's side, and all intruders can be repelled, but Ah Wei's side can only force a [-]-[-] split.

As for Ah Let, Ah Wei and Ah Kuan are different, Yan Zhendong does not teach boxing like Huang Feihong, he handed Al Lek the three axes, so these three axes are the three axes that Ah Let has practiced the most these days.

Yan Zhendong once said that as long as you are stronger than the opponent and more resistant to beating than the opponent, no matter how rubbish your moves are, it is still a nirvana.

So insert the eyes, poke the throat, and kick the crotch, and use them alternately.

The crotch kicking in these three tricks is not very effective now, because my master exploded the balls of these people the night before, and now Ah Lek kicked it well, or he didn’t kick it, or he kicked it later After being guarded or kicked, the opponent will feel pain for a while, and then he will slash at himself with a big knife through gritted teeth.

As for the two tricks of inserting eyes and poking the throat, they are not very effective. Although the lethality is obvious, the moves are too simple, so they can be easily blocked, and the opponent can even fight back. Thanks to Ah Let's iron shirt , not afraid of the swords of these obscene monks at all, and their strength is stronger than the opponent, so under the exchange of injuries, Ah Lek has the upper hand.

Ah Lek feels that now is the highlight moment of his life.

The enemy tried to use weapons to exchange injuries with himself, and when the opponent saw that he was bleeding and thought he was sure of victory, he directly activated the iron shirt, healed quickly, and then beat the opponent hard.

This kind of feeling makes Ah Lek intoxicated, it is so cool, I have never experienced this kind of pretentious pleasure in the first half of my life, it is really a correct decision to worship Yan Zhendong as a teacher, even if this master often prostitutes himself for nothing girl.

The enemy is too strong, shit!
Seeing his own group of people, they couldn't help the three people in front of them, and were even escorted and beaten by the other party.One of them raised his arms and shouted, and more than a dozen people began to run towards the inside. If he didn't run, he and others would not only be exploded, but the greasy man with rough skin and thick flesh would really be nasty, either kicking his crotch, inserting his eyes, or Poking the throat, the attack was too harsh, it's better to hide back, wait until the master and the others solve Huang Feihong and come out to help themselves.

Um?want to run! X3
Ah Le and the others instantly saw the intentions of these obscene monks, can this work?

"Ah Wei, prepare to fly a crane on one leg, and kill the chief culprit first." Ah Kuan said in a deep voice.

As witty as Ah Kuan, he knew that the one who took the lead in escaping must be the leader of the group of obscene monks in front of him. As long as he was caught, he and others would be able to know where the girls who were taken away before had gone. There must be someone behind Nengren Temple. The complete industrial chain, from trafficking to sales, is in charge. What I saw at the pier before was the girl who was sold.

When he heard the one-legged flying crane, Ah Wei was a little taken aback, and asked: "Do you really want to fly?"

"Fly!" Ah Kuan nodded heavily, then bowed his legs and stretched out his hands, and made a good posture.

Tiger and Crane Flying is a nirvana. It is composed of two moves, which are composed of one-legged flying crane and black tiger's heart.

Ah Kuan is good at the tiger shape, using the black tiger to dig out the heart to attack the enemy's middle or bottom lane. Awei is good at the crane shape, restricting the opponent's middle road, directly blocking the hand, and then focusing on the top lane.

Ah Wei put out his beak, then stepped on Ah Kuan's thigh all the way up until he stepped on Ah Kuan's shoulder.

Ah Kuan stood up vigorously, ready to push Ah Wei out.

The plan was good, but the result was unexpected by Kuan and Wei.

Because Ah Wei is usually lazy in his practice and his lower body is unstable, when he was stepping on Ah Kuan's shoulders to fly out, his feet slipped and he fell directly to the ground. The bag broke.

Two pig urine bubbles and water were Ah Wei's breasts for women, and then they were crushed and exploded, and the water flowed all over the place.

With the effort of supporting Awei, those obscene monks have already disappeared.

Ah Le and the others thought about it, since this person is gone, the three of them will not stay here, let Master Huang deal with it, and the three of us should go to the police first.

Ah Le, Ah Wei, and Ah Kuan were not worried about the troubles those lewd monks would bring to Master Huang. Master Huang's martial arts skills are outstanding, and they cannot be defeated by a large number of people.

Even if there are many people on the other side, is it true that Master Huang can't break the situation?

If you think that Master Huang can't break the situation, then you can only say that those who have this idea are too young and don't know Master Huang at all.

Huang Feihong's nickname is known as the Four Absolutes. Among the Four Absolutes, there is a spear. He pushed Master Huang into a desperate situation. He took out his rifle, and if he thought he was driving Master Huang into a desperate situation, he took out his gun, then he would not know who was cornered.

Huang's AK47 shadowless marksmanship.

The secret technique developed by Master Huang has seen many enemies, but no one can avoid Master Huang's trick, and they were all shot to death by random guns, and no one has survived so far.

(End of this chapter)

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