Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 25 Fucking the White Lotus Sect

Chapter 25 Fucking the White Lotus Sect
When they arrived at the embassy, ​​they were stopped outside the embassy because Liang Kuan and Master Huang could not speak English.

As for Yan Zhendong, in order to maintain his personality as a warrior, he naturally does not understand English.

Fortunately, they met Lu Haodong later, and under Lu Haodong's recommendation, the three of Yan Zhendong met Thirteenth Aunt, Asu and more than twenty children.

After Yan Zhendong and others entered the embassy, ​​a large number of foreigners poured in. They were all foreign businessmen doing business, but they were threatened by the White Lotus Sect and hid in the embassy to seek asylum.

Yan Zhendong saw those foreigners, all of them were wounded, and it looked like they were beaten by the White Lotus Sect.

Later, it was a good time for Master Huang to pretend to be aggressive. At the same time, Master Huang met the doctor who helped him to translate before.

The doctor's surname is Sun, and his name is Sun Yat-sen. He is good at Western medicine.

Under the treatment of Master Huang and Dr. Sun, all the injured foreigners were healed.

That is, after their treatment was over, Yan Zhendong met this Dr. Sun. Others did not know Dr. Sun's identity, but Yan Zhendong knew it.

Famous people are not as good as meeting each other. Yan Zhendong knew at a glance that this was the face of a great man. A hundred years ago, it was the face of an emperor, such as "Han Zhu Ge Ge", "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview", "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan" , in these stories, it is the fate of an emperor.In the Qing Dynasty, you have to deal with this big boss, especially in the late Qing Dynasty.

It can be seen that both Sun Yat-sen and Lu Haodong have a sense of time, and often look at the pocket watch in their hands, counting the time.

When Mr. Sun and Master Huang finished their treatment and were resting, something happened outside again, and many people shouted outside.

Quietly walking to the window, Yan Zhendong saw clearly that the people shouting outside were all members of the White Lotus Sect.

This group of people in white clothes and hats shouted: "Qingyang monster, restore rivers and mountains."

Such a massive battle made the foreigners in the embassy tremble with fright.

That group of people came again, it was them, shouting something to help clean up the oceans and restore our rivers and mountains, and then slashed off the head of a foreigner like himself with a big knife. The rolling head is still vivid in my mind.

Seeing a group of foolish people outside, Yan Zhendong shook his head. The White Lotus Sect has never been a sect that does great things since before. It bullies and bullies the common people. The boss came to lead this group of fools and lead them on the road of red flags.

Yan Zhendong was observing the situation of the White Lotus Sect, while Huang Feihong was talking with Sun Yat-sen.

Huang Feihong couldn't help admiring this conversation.

Sun Yat-sen wanted to make friends with Huang Feihong, so he revealed his identity.

This Sun Yat-sen called himself Mr. Wen to the outside world, and he came to Guangzhou this time to contact the revolutionary party in Guangdong.Hearing what Mr. Wen said, Huang Feihong was startled. The revolutionaries are against the government, and if they make friends with them, they will be killed.But he had heard before that the revolutionaries were all heroes. Their purpose of rebellion was to overthrow the decadent Qing Dynasty and keep China from being bullied by foreign countries. This was completely consistent with Huang Feihong's family and country philosophy. I and Master Yan did the same, so I couldn't help admiring Mr. Wen even more.

Now that Mr. Wen urgently needs to return to Hong Kong, he has already bought a boat ticket.So he introduced his subordinate Lu Haodong to Huang Feihong, and said: "After you get the list of the revolutionary party, meet me at the pier immediately." After finishing speaking, Mr. Wen quickly left the place of trouble.

Before leaving, Mr. Wen looked at the medicine box in his hand and sighed in his heart: "Studying medicine can't save the Chinese after all!" So he threw the medicine box aside casually.

On the other hand, it was well known that the White Lotus Sect was making trouble in the embassy, ​​and it soon reached Nalan Yuanshu's ears.

Admiral Nalan rushed over upon hearing the news and dispersed the surrounding White Lotus disciples.

He had heard before that there were revolutionaries hiding in the embassy.He can turn a blind eye to the troubles of the White Lotus Sect, but catching important members of the Revolutionary Party is a great achievement.

He Nalan Yuanshu is loyal to the emperor and patriotic, so his own family can make trouble whatever they want, and the White Lotus Sect can bully foreigners if they bully them, but this revolutionary party can't do it.He Nalan Yuanshu refused to agree, even if the Qing Dynasty was on the verge of collapse, but as long as Nalan Yuanshu was an official for one day, he would protect the Qing Dynasty for one day.

Nalan Yuan said that this person was brave and resourceful, highly skilled and bold, caring for the people, and even proficient in English.As a martial artist, he has his own arrogance. Hearing that Huang Feihong is visiting, he must compete with the ten tigers of Guangdong.

On the other hand, as an official, he has the people in his heart and protects the people from collision.

As a Chinese, he argued hard, loudly berated the British, and safeguarded China's sovereignty.

Although as a general who defended the imperial court, he never tolerated the revolutionaries and even resorted to cruel methods, but in fact, this is just a different position.

Therefore, it is impossible for Yan Zhendong to let go of this kind of talent.

After all, judging from Nalan Yuanshu's actions, this person does not have any ethnic prejudices. Manchu and Han are all Chinese. He is not proud of his Manchu identity, but more of a Chinese.

Then if you think so, you are my good brother, Lao Yan, and I, Lao Yan, can't let you die because of your sense of identity as a Chinese.

"Give me some face and be my running dog." Yan Zhendong's eyes suddenly brightened.

Nalan Yuanshu is proficient in English, and with a few words, he led the people into the embassy.

The admiral's eyes were sharp, and he had already seen Lu Haodong in the crowd, but he didn't dare to arrest people in front of the British ambassador, so he comforted the ambassador and said: "The cultists have been dispersed by the governor, the ambassador can work with peace of mind, and the governor will not disturb you." gone."

Afterwards, Nalan Yuanshu ordered his men to surround the embassy with muskets to guard the embassy.

There are some things that cannot be made clear and must be done in secret.

At night, Nalan ordered his men to shoot into the sky, which attracted the attention of the embassy guards.

Taking advantage of the foreigners' attention being attracted, a number of Bailian believers sneaked into the embassy with knives in their mouths and spears on their backs.

The embassy is actually empty of troops. It is just an embassy. How many foreign soldiers can there be?
At night, it was the time when people were exhausted, not to mention that the foreign soldiers in the embassy had just changed shifts to rest, and the other foreigners were mostly foreign businessmen who had just been injured and had no strength to restrain them, so the White Lotus cultists wanted to kill They really shouldn't be too simple.

As for foreign soldiers, death means death. Yan Zhendong didn't feel much about it, but those foreign merchants still paid great attention to them. After all, whether their "goods" could be exported or not depended on these foreign merchants.

In exchange for protecting their personal safety, they buy their own goods and at the same time sell these goods into their own country.

Mastering the skills of the barbarians to control the barbarians, old Li Hongzhang.

What do you use to open the door of our country, what do I use to repay you, the needle will not poke.

By the way, Yan Zhendong not only sells ice, but also sells porcelain, jewelry, special spices and so on.

Toilet water is the main product, Liushen toilet water is the best in the world.

The members of the White Lotus cult were murderous everywhere, silently killing the foreign soldiers in the hall, and then these people turned their attention to Lu Haodong who was staring at his pocket watch in the room.

In the eyes of the people of the White Lotus Sect, foreign monsters are going to die, and fake foreign monsters are going to die even more. It doesn't matter whether you are a big fake foreign monster or a small fake foreign monster, you will die if you have anything to do with foreigners.

I saw a few Bailian believers quietly pulling away their bows and arrows, aiming at Lu Haodong.


The sudden sound of the door opening startled everyone in the Bailian Sect, and quickly hid in the dark.

But it was Thirteenth Aunt who came out of the house, and was going to discuss with Lu Haodong how to arrange the students of Tongwen Hall.

A "Mr. Lu" drew Lu Haodong's attention away from his pocket watch.

After Lu Haodong concentrated his attention, he discovered the members of the White Lotus Sect hiding in the dark.

"Kill the foreign monster!!!" With a loud shout, the members of the Bailian Sect rushed out from the shadows and swung their big knives at Lu Haodong.

Lu Haodong had been prepared for a long time, he took out his pistol, fired one shot, and killed the first person.

Here, Lu Haodong's murderous intentions appeared, and over there, Thirteenth Aunt's murderous situation appeared.

The current situation is extremely dangerous.

The Bailian sect members shouted "Kill the foreign woman." Then several people rushed forward.

Aunt Thirteen took her time and used a trick to call people Dafa, and shouted "Feihong save me" to summon Master Huang, then held her breath and concentrated, facing a member of the Bailian sect who was the first to bear the brunt and grabbed her with a big hand.

I saw Thirteenth Aunt holding the congregation's wrist first, and then pulling it down to the right. When the congregation leaned forward, Thirteenth Aunt was close to the congregation's body, with her right shoulder inserted under the congregation's armpit, arching her buttocks, Break the legs, pull and rub, and at the same time, grab the opponent's right arm with the left hand and pull down, forming a back fall.

It was too late to say it, but the believer didn't check for a while, and was thrown to the ground by Aunt Thirteen.

The opportunity was not lost, Aunt Thirteen ignored the messy clothes on her body, and after falling down on the believer, she used a deadly move of scissor kicks. After twisting her body and breaking the arm of the believer, Aunt Thirteen quickly got up and avoided the person who was almost cut on her body. Broadsword.

"Master Yan's internal strength is really exquisite, and his fighting skills are also good." After seeing her achievements, Aunt Thirteen sincerely admired Master Yan.

In view of Thirteenth Aunt's weak health that night, Yan Zhendong gave Thirteenth Aunt some of his own skills to wear. As Gao Wu's iron cloth shirt, it must be different from ordinary iron cloth shirts, such as this iron cloth shirt. If someone who has practiced this iron shirt for many years dares to pass on his skills to others, he can help others iron shirt to avoid wasting their genius and treasure, and it can be done directly and quickly.

Naturally, it is impossible for Yan Zhendong to pass on all the skills to Thirteenth Aunt, but only to her some of them symbolically. These skills are only used as consumable items, unless Thirteenth Aunt will practice internal skills in the future to nourish Yan Zhendong's internal energy seeds, Turn it into your own martial arts, otherwise these internal forces will be exhausted in a short time.

Of course, now is the time when these internal forces are the most abundant, so Aunt Thirteen's combat power is still acceptable.

"Master Yan said that as much love as I have for Feihong, I have to use as much strength against the enemy, so that Feihong can see my own role, and I can fight side by side with Feihong." Aunt Thirteen's thoughts changed, her eyes fixed on other congregants.

Huang Feihong hadn't slept at all, and the current situation was full of dangers, so he didn't dare to sleep peacefully, so after hearing Aunt Thirteen's call, Wu Ying kicked out, broke through the door, and was shocked on the spot.

Master Huang's appearance was really ingenious, just in time to see the scene where Aunt Thirteen fell on the back of a white lotus disciple, and then broke out in a cold sweat instantly, good guy, Master Yan taught Aunt Thirteen who is like a flower So ruthless?Why did you break your hand when you came up?

As soon as Huang Feihong appeared, Aunt Thirteen, who wanted to defeat another White Lotus cultist, changed her attitude instantly, especially when she realized that Feihong might see her cutting off someone else's hand.

Once Upon a Time: (°ー°〃)
Thirteen aunts: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

"There's no other way." Aunt Thirteen gritted her teeth and made a decision.

I saw Thirteenth Aunt retreat and screamed: "Ah, Feihong, save me."

White Lotus believers: Σ(`д′*ノ)ノ

Looking at the pear blossoms with rain, the lovely and pitiful Aunt Thirteen called for help, how could Huang Feihong stand still?With an angry shout, he made a bold move.

He didn't want to kill too much at first, so Huang Feihong just used the Shadowless Kick to kick the Bailian disciple in front of Thirteenth Aunt.

Seeing Feihong making a move, Aunt Thirteen felt relieved and turned to look for those students.

At night, Yan Zhendong had nothing to do, knowing that there would be a night attack by the White Lotus Sect, he didn't do anything, but taught the students of Tongwenguan a few tricks.

As a crash course that was even faster than Aunt Thirteen last night, Yan Zhendong didn't teach too much, time didn't allow, and the children's bodies couldn't keep up, so he just handed in a little.

I saw four white lotus monsters holding weapons and found the place where the students were.

Looking at the little white sheep-like children, the four white lotus monsters smiled like big bad wolves: "Little foreign monster, kill it."

Remembering Master Yan's teaching in mind, a group of children instantly put up a gesture of spreading their hands, which is exactly what Master Huang is for pretending to be.

Master Yan said that a fox pretending to be a tiger is also a routine, and then when the children are confused by the Bailian sect.Suddenly Qiqi withdrew his hand, stretched out his finger, pointed to the door, and exclaimed: "Master Huang."

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Master Huang's reputation was well-known, and when he shouted, the four Bailian disciples all turned their heads, and then realized that they had been tricked.

When the four silly dogs were about to turn around and kill a few little bastards with evil faces, they suddenly found two men standing behind them, one with foreign glasses and the other tall and strong.

Ada! ! !

The moment the four silly dogs turned their heads, Asu and Ah Kuan punched at the same time, one punch at a time, one at a time.With these four punches, the Bailian disciples were stunned.

"Come on!"

A student shouted, and then all the students rode on the four believers together, punching their faces with small fists.

The elementary school students were all fighting, and Asu Akuro was not idle, he picked up a bench next to him and smashed it on the heads of several congregants.

After a few hits, the four were knocked unconscious.

A child nodded after seeing the result of his victory: "Sure enough, what Master Yan said is right. When we righteous men are doing crooked things to our father, we have to stand shoulder to shoulder."

In addition to teaching the children how to be shady, Yan Zhendong secretly arranged for Asu and Akuan to guard the house.

Ah Kuan is a bit skilled in boxing and kicking. After learning from Master Huang for a few months, he has a decent fighting style. With his strong body, he can fight three-on-one without losing the wind.

Ah Su is worse. He originally learned Master Huang's medical skills as an apprentice. He didn't expect the world to be dangerous, so he also started to learn some martial arts. So under the discussion of the two masters, Huang Yan, it was decided that Asu would focus on firearms, and also learn some joint skills and fighting skills.

So with these two people around, plus twenty or so children, it is no problem to beat up four White Lotus disciples.

Master Huang knew that Aunt Shisan and the children were not in any danger, so he didn't hold back when they were in the embassy.

The benevolence of the doctor meant that Master Huang would not be ruthless when fighting with others unless necessary.

However, there is always a but in everything. When the group of white lotus followers killed innocent foreigners and prepared to hurt Aunt Thirteen and those children, Master Huang became angry. You must know that Buddhism also has angry-eyed King Kong, let alone Huang Feihong?

So Huang Feihong didn't show any mercy. Those who dare to stand in the way, Wuyingjiao, intend to Shanghai Mr. Lu, Wuyingjiao, those who are going to chase Thirteenth Aunt, Wuyingjiao.

Shadowless kick, kicking with both feet, kicking out afterimages.

After a desperate bloody battle, Huang Feihong barely protected Lu Haodong from being hurt.

And just after Feihong beat up the members of the White Lotus Sect, the admiral arrived late and ordered his subordinates to arrest the members of the White Lotus Sect. Needless to say, it was Lu Haodong.

The name is to rescue foreigners, but it is actually to arrest the rebellious party. It is worthy of being the admiral.

It's a pity that a hundred secrets were kept secret, and the behavior of Nalan's subordinates letting go of the White Lotus congregation was seen by the consul of the embassy, ​​Mr. Counselor.

Mr. Consul can't stand this anger. The cultists killed my people, and you still let them go?
Then Mr. Counselor died, Nalan Yuanshu killed him, and his throat was broken on the spot.

The murder scene was watched by Aunt Thirteen who was hiding on the second floor.

After discovering that the admiral had killed a foreigner, Aunt Thirteen quickly notified Master Huang, who immediately understood that the consulate was not safe anymore.

After much deliberation, she decided to let Aunt Thirteen go first, take Mr. Lu out of the consulate by herself, and ask Asu, who is similar in figure to Mr. Lu, to pretend to be Mr. Lu, while A Kuan stood by and guarded.

Master Huang helped Thirteenth Aunt change into men's clothes, and while helping Thirteenth Aunt fasten the buttons, he said: "Thirteenth Aunt, hurry up and tell Mr. Sun to leave quickly."

Hearing Feihong's words, Aunt Thirteen's heart sank, she grabbed Master Huang's hand, and said with an expression: "Feihong, I know you always think of me as your elder, but I just think of you as the man in my heart. If you get lost this time, you must come to me."

Upon hearing these affectionate words, Master Huang was a little stunned.

"Good guy, is it so exciting?" Yan Zhendong, who was hiding in the dark, was excited when he saw this scene, "I didn't expect Thirteenth Aunt to confess affectionately under such a crisis, come on, Thirteenth Aunt Come on, kiss him, kiss him, kiss him so fascinated that he stole Master Huang's first kiss."

Then, under Yan Zhendong's expectant gaze, Thirteenth Aunt kissed him just as Yan Zhendong thought.

Yan Zhendong: o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
This crucial step was taken, and the relationship between Aunt Thirteen and Master Huang was stabilized later.

Feihong ordered Asu to pretend to be Lu Haodong to distract some Qing soldiers.But let Lu Haodong cover his head, assuming that his disciple Liang Kuan followed Feihong to the Bailian General Altar to quell the chaos.

Nalan thought to himself: Let them bite dogs first, and then I will reap the benefits when they are evenly matched.

So Nalan Yuanshu didn't stop him, and let the two go.

Seeing that Master Huang left first, Yan Zhendong also took his eight younger brothers out, but was intercepted by Nalan Yuanshu unexpectedly.

Yan Zhendong frowned: "What is the meaning of this, Lord Admiral? Why did you block my old Yan's way?"

Nalan Yuanshu looked at the younger brothers behind Yan Zhendong, and said in a deep voice, "Master Yan has too many disciples, right?"

Yan Zhendong curled his lips: "Nowadays all kinds of bandits are rampant, my old Yan is afraid of bandits, can't I ask some disciples to accompany me?"

Nalan Yuanshu fixed his eyes on Yan Zhendong, and said slowly: "Master Yan, I don't mean anything else, I'm just afraid that some of your disciples have been mixed with members of the Revolutionary Party?"

Yan Zhendong took a step back and made a fuss, "Hello? The admiral suspects that I am harboring a rebellious party? Where can I do this? Congratulations on getting rich, you will have a lot of money, and you will show your identity."

As soon as Yan Zhendong finished speaking, the eight disciples behind him took off their commoner clothes, revealing the black and red kung fu inside, with a big word "yan" on the back of the kung fu uniform.

Looking at the fiery pectoral muscles of the eight disciples and the shameful practice uniforms, Nalan Yuanshu was startled. Now that people open a martial arts gym, do the disciples have to pass out the signs?

It was difficult for Nalan Yuanshu to find out his identity. Those pectoralis major muscles were not the literati Lu Haodong at all.

[Gong Xi Fa Cai], [Zhao Cai Jin Bao] These eight people were carefully trained by Yan Zhendong. They eat well, learn well, and use them well. These eight people are the embryonic form of Yan Zhendong's future team. Eight people, Everyone is good at firearms, proficient in various fighting skills, and also some Yan Zhendong's iron shirt.

These eight people were completely trained by Yan Zhendong as special forces, and the future team will be trained according to these people. These eight people are assassins, scouts, and marksmen.

Because Yan Zhendong was planning to unify the White Lotus Sect in Guangzhou, he recruited these eight disciples, and planned to train some elite soldiers and generals after he took over the White Lotus Sect, so as to contribute to the overthrow of the Qing government.

The current preliminary plan is to train all the members of the Bailian Sect and hand them over to Mr. Sun for command.

This revolutionary party lacks everything, manpower, materials, money and food, but if the White Lotus Sect joins, it will have nothing. The White Lotus Sect does not have many things, but there are many people, and there are branches everywhere. , as long as the White Lotus Sect is unified, and then the White Lotus Sect is brought under the revolutionary party, the revolutionary team will grow stronger.

It is enough for Yan Zhendong to be the emperor, so he will be a behind-the-scenes pusher and push people to the top. In the future, the war between the neon lights of the celestial dynasty should be dominated by the celestial dynasty, and the red flag will be planted in Tokyo.

With eight younger brothers, Yan Zhendong caught up with Master Huang and went to Chaotian Temple with him.

The plan has been discussed along the way. Since it is difficult for Mr. Lu to reveal his identity, eight disciples will guard Mr. Lu, ready to escape at any time to find the register of the revolutionary party and burn it.

Master Huang singled out the real person of Jiugong and killed him. Taking advantage of the collapse of the beliefs of the people in the White Lotus Sect, Yan Zhendong took over the White Lotus Sect himself. Isn't it hard qigong? Direct resistance to foreign gun bullets.The full-level iron cloth shirt is so confident.

"White Lotus Sect, my cyst thing, I, Lao Yan, come to provoke me!!!" Yan Zhendong rubbed his hands, and rushed towards Chaotian Temple with a lewd smile on his face.

The obscene smile on this face made Master Huang and the others chill, and Master Yan's unscrupulous side was revealed again, so disgusting!
(End of this chapter)

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