Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 218 Brief Introduction

Chapter 218 Brief Introduction

Seventeen years later, Qinghe City.

On Shuilin Street next to Yujian Villa, a masked woman in a long white dress and a white headgear was sitting on a big python and wandering the street.

The big snake was tens of meters long, with a woman on its huge head, and the snake crawled slowly on the ground. Next to the big snake, there was a maid, carrying a lot of paper bags in her hand, walking beside her with difficulty.

When such a strange combination appeared in Qinghe City, none of the surrounding people were surprised, and they didn't have the slightest intention of running away when they saw that monster-like big snake.

It can be seen that the people in this city should not be surprised by the appearance of this combination, and several people even bowed their heads to this combination.

Sweat dripped from the servant girl's forehead continuously, and her long black hair stuck to her fair neck after being stained with sweat.

He raised his hand laboriously and wiped the sweat from his forehead. The servant girl Xiaoguang pulled her face: "Miss, can we take a break? The people are too enthusiastic, and there are too many presents. I, I want to take Can't stop."

The masked woman called Miss turned her head sideways, the veil covered her face, and she couldn't see her real face, only the veil trembled slightly under the air current.

With the shaking of the veil, the voice of the masked woman sounded like an oriole: "Xiaoguang, I told you a long time ago that you, as my maid, have to learn a little martial arts. Me, you don't know martial arts, what should I do then?"

Hearing the lady's answer, Xiaoguang curled his lips and said in a low voice: "Captain Iron Wind said to equip you with an iron guard, but you don't want it yourself, and you are riding the second master's blood python under you, who doesn't like that?" Dare to belittle you with open eyes? Are you really a vegetarian for blood pythons?"

"Xiaoguang, what are you talking about?" The masked woman turned her head to look at the servant girl.

"No, no, no, Xiaoguang didn't say anything." Xiaoguang quickly vetoed, shaking his head like a rattle.

"Don't say anything, let's go, let's continue shopping." The masked woman turned her head and observed the pedestrians on the street.

"Huh? Do you still want to go shopping?" Xiaoguang was shocked, her arms were sore, and the young lady hadn't finished shopping yet.

"I haven't finished shopping yet, must I continue shopping?" the masked woman said to the maid next to her.

"Okay, Miss, you can say whatever you want." Xiaoguang took a deep breath, lifted the paper bag in his hand vigorously, raised his feet and quickly followed the figure of Miss.


The sound of the boa constrictor uttering letters rang in Xiaoguang's ears, and then she felt that her hands were empty, and those paper bags were taken over by a huge tail and hung behind.

"Thank you, thank you Lord Blood Python." Xiao Guang lightened his hand, and immediately thanked him with joy.

Who said Lord Blood Python is unreasonable?

Just like that, the figure of two people and one snake slowly merged into the crowd, and then disappeared around a corner...

The woman riding the big snake is Yin Tianxue who is now 17 years later, the big snake tens of meters long is a blood python, and the maid who follows one person and one snake is the personal maid in charge of taking care of Yin Tianxue's daily life.

Nothing to do today, Yin Tianxue asked Xue Mang to take her out for shopping. Originally, Yin Tianxue just wanted to go shopping and understand the people's sentiments. She had no intention of shopping, but she couldn't stand the enthusiasm of the people in Qinghe City, and gave them various gifts one after another. Yin Tianxue said that he was grateful to Yin Tianxue for making them live a better and more prosperous life.

Due to public opinion, Yin Tianxue couldn't refuse, so he asked the servant girl to accept the gifts.

In 17 years, to be honest, a lot has changed.

When Yin Tianxue was ten years old, under the training of the teachers of Blood Python, she became an expert, and she was good at chemical industry, military industry and physics.

How else could she be said to be a genius?It can be seen from the fact that she can become an expert in three years.

Indeed, there was a blood python to help open it, stimulating Tianxue's soul, which led to the development of her brain, but the main reason was Tianxue's smartness.

In the next few years, Blood Python arranged for Tianxue to promote the development of Qinghe City.

The first is to re-plan the sewage system of Qinghe City to ensure that there will be no feces and garbage on the streets, which will interfere with the travel of blood pythons.

Then began to study food, clothing, housing and transportation, starting from the people's food and clothing, improving step by step, first studying food, and then considering clothing.

Of course, with Yin Tianxue alone, he must be too busy, but fortunately, Blood Python has many knowledgeable tool man souls, so it is no problem to ask them to help with research.

Anyway, after 17 years of development, to some extent, Qinghe City is already close to reality.

For example, there is soap for cleaning, perfume for women’s cosmetics, flush toilets for every household, and the roads in Qinghe City are all cement floors, etc.

Anyway, the development of Qinghe City is completely in accordance with the novels in the memory of those modern people who traveled to ancient times in the blood python's memory.

When the common people saw the development of Qinghe City, they rejected it at first, but they couldn't bear the identity of the emperor of Yujian Villa, so they didn't dare to resist at all.

After a long time, all the believers also knew the benefits of Yin Tianxue's development.

Not to mention the abundance of food, the method of cooking is no longer limited to steaming and grilling, and the advancement of cotton alone has saved many lives in the cold winter. The people benefit.

There is even some vaccination, and those infected with the plague can be saved.

To the people of Qinghe City, the existence of Yin Tianxue was like a living Bodhisattva.

That is to say, the position of the owner of the Yujian Mountain Villa should be passed on from male to female, otherwise the common people would think that it would be good to let Yin Tianxue be the owner of this villa.

Naturally, with so many things happening in these years and such big changes in the city, Yujian Villa, as the emperor of the land, must have responded,
But seeing that it was their eldest lady who caused the change, they let it go.

The Yin family has a rule that female family members are not allowed to practice martial arts.

Therefore, as the eldest lady, Yin Tianxue has no problem studying literature. Yin Hao, the owner of Yujian Villa, was shocked at the beginning of his daughter's rich knowledge, but after learning that it was taught by his daughter's husband, he didn't care. up.

That female gentleman has the ability to know the world, and has the ability to understand the past and the present. If Yin Tianqi is not too useless, Yin Hao thinks it would be good for Tianqi to study with her.

According to Yin Hao's understanding, the female gentleman was picked up by his daughter Tianxue outside. She was seriously injured at the time, and her daughter helped treat her. In order to repay her daughter, that gentleman was willing to pass on all his knowledge to Tianxue.

Someone taught his daughter knowledge, Yin Hao was naturally happy, since it was not about teaching martial arts, it was acceptable, and his second brother Yin Zhong had no intention of refuting it, so he just let it go.

As for who this female gentleman is, needless to say, her surname is Long and her first name is Yan.

Under the arrangement of Blood Python, Long Yan became Yin Tianxue's teacher, on the one hand to cover Tianxue's profound knowledge, and on the other hand, it was also for Long Yan to appear in Yujian Villa reasonably and help Blood Python.

A qualified villain must have his own power.

As a snake, it is completely unrealistic for the blood python to form a force, so he asked Yin Tianxue to form a force.

Blood Python: "I, Blood Python, have a dream. I want to watch Yin Tianxue become the Emperor STAR!"

The name of the faction is the Blood Dragon Society, and its official identity is the Chamber of Commerce. In fact, it is involved in all walks of life secretly.

This kind of blood python has been formed countless times before, and they already know the process, Yin Tianxue can just follow the steps.

Anyway, since everything was arranged five years ago, the blood python has been living in Qinghe City as a spirit beast, living a boring life of wandering and practicing.

As for the "master" of the blood python, Yin Zhong, since most of the spiritual power in his body disappeared for no reason, and the wound only erupted once a year, he basically didn't go back to Yujian Villa very often.

He has been doing business outside, taking a lot of goods along the Silk Road.

Because in the previous hundreds of years, Yin Zhong was injured and couldn't go far at all, so he basically spent these hundreds of years in Qinghe City.

But it's different now, his wound is almost healed, he has the capital to go outside to have a look, at most, when the injury can't be suppressed, he can find a blood python to help him suck blood.

Yin Zhong has been looking for traces of the Tong family for hundreds of years. He hates the Tong family and wants to take revenge on the people of the Tong family, but because of his injuries, he cannot find the Tong family at all. people.

But now it is completely different. He has no injuries and worries, and he can go shopping casually. In the past few years, Yin Zhong used the name of business and the reason of going to various cities to search for traces of the Tong clan. After traveling all over the country and in various remote mountainous areas and finding no members of the Tong family, Yin Zhong suspected that the Tong family might live in farther places.

After thinking about it, Yin Zhong suspected that the Tong clan might have gone to a foreign country, so for the next ten years, Yin Zhong went to the Silk Road to explore the traces of the Tong clan along the way, but he also saw it in the end. The clan didn't find it, but they found the seed that the niece wanted, which greatly promoted the development of Qinghe City and the whole country, and even set up a shrine for Yin Zhong in some places.

Where has Yin Zhong experienced this kind of thing in the past few hundred years?He kills a clansman every few decades, and takes his place in Yujian Villa to live, and he has never seen anything big in the world.

The biggest world scene was when he was a general 500 years ago, but at that time he was only a general for a few days, and then he was ordered by Zulong to attack the Tong clan, and then he was fighting against General Longteng At that time, it was a disastrous defeat, and it has since taken root in Qinghe City.

In the final analysis, Yin Zhong is actually a pretty good person, but the experience was too miserable, which led to the blackening of the whole person, and he made a wrong step in the next step, and no one helped him.

After living for hundreds of years, there is not even a single person to confide in, and there is always only a snake by his side. The key is that this snake has never lived him, so Yin Zhong's mind began to distort.

It's different now. In the past ten years, Yin Zhong's experience has completely turned upside down compared to before.

In the past, they were all afraid, afraid of his face, afraid of his identity in Yujian Villa, but now, as long as they wear cotton-padded jackets, they are all grateful to Yin Zhong who brought them cotton.

Since five years ago, when Yin Zhong appeared on the street, an old man or an old lady would rush out from some corner and ask the second owner when he wanted to get married, and his teenage daughter didn’t know if there was one. Blessed.

This makes Yin Zhong's "big brother", that is, Yin Hao, the owner of the villa, so envious. He is in his forties, and the younger brother has a teenage girl in his arms every day. What the hell is this? ah?
Yin Zhong didn't care about "Big Brother"'s thoughts, he only cared about the Tong clan's affairs, and he was almost dazed.

Even after he knew that the blood python had wisdom, he didn't have much reaction.

In the past 500 years, Yin Zhong has raised tens of thousands of blood pythons, many of which have activated their intelligence, but it is useless to activate their intelligence. Many snakes whose IQ has reached the level of children have not survived, because they are greedy for playfulness and food. , Yin Zhong saw many snakes that died of mercury poisoning by mistakenly eating the herbs under the Yinchi.

Now, in Yin Zhong's opinion, compared with those snakes before, this one is just a little smarter, a little more kind, and a little more friendly with his niece Tianxue, other than that, there is nothing strange about it.

Oh, I forgot to mention, Yin Zhong also found strange places, such as big bulges on the blood python's head and under the abdomen, and he didn't know if he had some kind of illness.

Riding the blood python, Yin Tianxue returned home, and after greeting her envious elder brother, she took her maid Xiaoguang and the blood python back to the house.

Taking off the shoes on her feet, Yin Tianxue put on the slippers brought by Xiaoguang, took off the veil on her face, revealing her peerless face, and then...

Then he picked up the glasses on the dressing table, put them on in front of his eyes, kicked off the slippers on his feet, flung himself on his pink soft bed, took out a book from under the pillow, and lifted his legs, Swinging back and forth interactively, looking at the book in his hand with relish.

The cover of the book reads "La Lang Pei - Voldemort and Lin Daiyu".

"'Look at this whole body, it doesn't look like the old lady's grandson-in-law, but rather a magician.'" Yin Tianxue lay on the bed, reading the dialogue in the book in his hand.

"Oh, it's too sweet!"

The book covered her face, so she couldn't see Yin Tianxue's face, but her feet were clearly swinging faster, and she was knocked.

Having lived in ancient times for more than ten years, in winter, because they like to hibernate, blood pythons generally don't like to go out from the underground city.

But the days of squatting in the dungeon are like squatting in prison. When talking about squatting in prison, it reminds a certain author of cutting and swearing.

"Superidol's sentence is not as long as his, and the sun at noon in August shines into his cell"

"You who love 105 watts, the sweat of labor reform!"

"You don't know how stupid you are, you can't sing, dance, act or produce."

"You never say failure lightly, and your attachment to your first love has never changed."

Life is boring, so Blood Python let his subordinates write novels, ranging from the four great Chinese classics to foreign classics.

Then these books were seen by Yin Tianxue at the time, and he has been deeply involved since then.

What Yin Tianxue sees now are the products of the collision of souls and inspirations, the love story between Voldemort and Lin Daiyu, similar stories and Lin Daiyu's weeping willows and so on.

Anyway, Yin Tianxue looked very happy.

"Uncle Mang, when will my real man arrive?" Yin Tianxue put down his book suddenly, and asked the blood python lying on the ground beside him.

"Fate is such a thing, there is no rush, it will come when it should." The blood python did not raise its head, but continued to lie on the ground and take a nap with its eyes closed.

There is one thing to say, when I first came here, because the snake couldn't blink, the blood python at that time felt like it was going crazy.

Very sleepy, but with my eyes open, I couldn't fall asleep.

Later, when I was studying how to practice the Dragon God Art on the body of a snake, I didn't know what went wrong, and the body of the blood python kept changing.

In addition to the longer body, the blood python's head has also changed, for example, eyelids appear on the eyes, allowing him to close his eyes.And the ear pinna and other parts began to appear inside the ear. Although the blood python's head does not have the shape of two flowers from the outside, in fact, a complete ear structure has appeared under his scales.

To put it simply, the body of the blood python has been changing in a certain direction, but at present, the change is unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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