Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 213 Snake Princess

Chapter 213 Snake Princess
The monkey is out?
Yang Yi sensed a mental fluctuation somewhere, and suddenly became energetic.

The dead monkey has been active in one area for the past few days, after Yang Yi's investigation, there are some small monsters nearby, and there are no big monsters at all.

It made him think that he was caught following him, but it turned out that he didn't find it now.

But after the monkey fell into Pingyang, it really didn't have a taboo, it ate any kind of meat, even old people, wouldn't it stick its teeth?

He even watched the monkey button its teeth five times in front of the mirror.

"Let's go!" Yang Yi put on his clothes, got up from Mariko's lap pillow, and prepared to follow the monkey.

The monkeys are all looking for the thighs to hug, and he can't just watch them slipping away from under his nose, he has to follow them to have a look. The beef is all eaten, and it's time to change to other meats.

After opening the space, Yang Yi stepped in one by one.


Ling Snake Mountain, when it comes to its historical background, is actually similar to the previous Niutou Mountain, which is the mountain of the whole village of Tauren.

There is a big demon in this mountain. This big demon is not worshiped by people in nearby villages like the bull ghost.

These villagers are very afraid of this monster. After all, people who go hunting in the mountains or woodcutters will be swept up to the bones of their bodies and swallowed whenever they encounter this monster.

Yes, this man-eating monster is a snake demon.

Some people may say that the background is not strict, doesn't it mean that everyone you meet will be eaten?
Baga, many people go into the mountain together, meet the snake demon, push the people next to him to the snake demon, can't he run away?If pushing one is not enough for the snake demon, then push two.

Meeting a snake monster is like meeting a bear. You don't need to run fast. As long as you run faster than others and push others to feed the bear, wouldn't it be good if you survived?

I really feel sorry, so I knelt down in front of the man's tablet and said, "I will take care of your wife, so don't worry about it."

Isn't that great?His wife and children are taken care of, and you have a chance to live, bearing the burden of food and clothing for the two families, living in shame, and if you don't do it right, you will have an extra mouth.

Humans are, indeed, complex creatures.

Many people in the village have witnessed the existence of the big snake, and the appearance of the big snake has threatened the lives of the villagers.

When people see this situation, they think it's not good to let the big snake eat people in the forest like this.

This snake demon is in the mountains, they rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and cannot live without the mountains. If they give up the mountains, they will not be able to survive at all.

It’s fine if it only eats people, but at worst, it’s not a problem to dedicate a few disabled villagers to feed the whole village.

But this big snake has a big appetite. It is not enough to eat people. It also eats animals in the mountains, such as those wild boars and rabbits.

This big snake really has to stay for three to five years. According to that appetite, the animals in this mountain will be eaten up sooner or later, and then the big snake will go down the mountain to eat people without food.

No, absolutely not!

For the sake of their own lives, the villagers decided to get rid of the demon.

It's a pity that they know that if they really want to eliminate demons, mortals like them alone won't do it.

So the villagers invited a witch with powerful spiritual power from a village farther away to exorcise the snake demon.

This priestess is not a priestess serving in an ordinary village shrine, but a truly powerful priestess who has exorcised many demons and ghosts.

The witch led a group of villagers up the mountain, preparing to drive away the snake demon.

In that battle, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, the big snake was bloody and bloody, the witch's spiritual power was exhausted, and her limbs were paralyzed.

It would not be an exaggeration to describe the scene with a sentence that hurts both sides.

But the physiques of humans and demons really cannot be generalized. Although the big snake's demon power was exhausted, its powerful physical body allowed it to recover earlier than the witch.

Taking advantage of Miko's weakness, Orochi found an opening and swallowed Miko's lower body in one gulp.

But even so, the witch did not give up fighting the big snake, she used as much spiritual power as she had in her body, and did not let the big snake take advantage of it.

At that time, the witch called the villagers who were watching the battle to help. As long as these villagers help, one person and one farm tool knock down, the big snake will undoubtedly die.

But what happens next is the real magical world.

When the villagers saw the witch being swallowed, they didn't think about helping the witch kill the big snake, but a group of people stretched out their hands and pushed the witch into the big snake's mouth.

The witch asked loudly, why did he do this to him.

The villagers told her that she had little chance of winning against the big snake, so it was better to give up on her.

Then the villagers made a deal with Orochi, offering the witch as a living sacrifice to Orochi in exchange for the peace of the village.

Seeing that the big snake agreed, several villagers worked together to push the witch into the mouth of the big snake, and in order for the big snake to swallow better, they also chopped off the two hands of the witch with an axe.

After being swallowed by the big snake, the witch did not die directly, and her strong spiritual power made her persist for a while.

In such a short period of time, the witch heard a truth, a truth that she did not want to accept at all.

The idea of ​​dedicating her to the big snake as a living sacrifice came from her clan.

The power of the witch herself is too powerful, and her clansmen can't grasp it at all.

I have said it many times, Waiguo has no concept of equality between men and women, and Neon has no concept. Women are more like tools to them.

As a toy dedicated to the gods, now it has gained great power, and will not obey the orders of the family at all. In the eyes of the family, there is no need for such a maiden to exist.

A shrine maiden who wields great power and is disobedient is not what her family wants at all.

If the witch is a powerful man, her family may submit to her, regard her as the head of the family, and pray that she can lead the family to rise.

But gender is a mountain, which perfectly separates her from her tribe.

The powerful force made the clansmen dare not fight against the witch, and the monsters eliminated by the witch are the evidence.

But it's different now. After discovering that the big snake is a powerful monster, the clansmen secretly told the villagers that if they couldn't do anything, they could sacrifice the witch in exchange for the safety of the village.

As a result, I also saw that the villagers did this.

"I can't accept it!" The Miko who heard the whole story collapsed.

She tried her best to eliminate demons for the sake of the family, in exchange for the prosperity of the family, but because she was disobedient and unwilling to serve the distinguished guests from Kyoto for the sake of the family, she was about to be eaten by the big snake.

She doesn't accept it!

Fueled by anger and resentment, the Miko used her remaining spiritual power to curse her family and villagers.

The curse grew stronger after her death, so powerful that her soul merged with that of the basilisk.

Then the witch's lower body turned into a snake body, and she took revenge on the tribe and villagers.

At that time, the six villagers who pushed her down all died. When the six people died, each of them lost one hand, three left hands, and three right hands.

What, why do you know this story so well?

It's not me, it's Yang Yi.

Those six hands were holding onto his body, and She Ji was biting a banana with her mouth, weeping while eating, accusing the clansmen and villagers of their lack of martial ethics.

Facing such a monster with a miserable life experience, Yang Yi could only hug her head and comfort her: "Be gentle!"

As for the clockwork monkey, after confirming that there are no powerful monsters in its memory, Yang Yi made it into a music box.

Like the music boxes in film and television works, they are all the kind of spinning ballet dancers. The one that Yang Yi sits on has a wind-up monkey spinning on it.

The music selection of the music box is usually Beethoven's "Fur Elise", but this music box made by Yang Yi, the music in it is called "Grandma Re-employment", which is "Grandfather's Migraine" from Jay Chou.

Don't know what this song is about?Didn't even know Grandma Qiao came out to be a virtual idol?The classic reappeared, cheated money and ran away, and decisively deleted the video after being hammered.

After this farewell, I don't know when grandma will come out of the mountain again. The next time I guess it will be to change the skin and add a voice changer.

It’s also hard for others, a person in his decades, in order to earn some money, he still practice CS hard all day long...

(End of this chapter)

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