Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 205 The Pied Piper

Chapter 205 The Pied Piper

In the third story, the town is still the same, and the characters are still there. Compared with the first two stories, this story has an extra prologue.

In the prologue story, a big black mouse as tall as a person gave the flute to a ragged beggar, saying that it could help the beggar to live, but correspondingly, when the beggar blew the flute at midnight on the day, he would give it to the beggar. The sacrifice of the big black mouse, the sacrifice is a child.

After getting the flute, the beggar attacked a passerby, got colorful clothes and hats from the passerby, and then ate the passerby on a string.

Later, the beggar came to the town. When he came to the town's entrance, he saw the mayor's daughter, a girl as beautiful as an angel.

It happened that the whole town was troubled by the rat problem. At the same time, the mayor offered a high price, as long as he could solve the rat problem, he would agree to any request.

After the interview with the mayor, the beggar made three requests to the mayor, hoping that the mayor can meet them, but he didn't say what the request was.But the mayor agreed to the beggar's request in order to keep the town stable.

In order to solve the rat problem, the beggar blew his flute, and a burst of black smoke came out from the mouth of the flute, which turned into the big black mouse. After knowing the beggar's request, the big black mouse handed him a sheet of music, saying that he could help him. .

With the mentality of trying, the beggar played the music, and after hearing the music, the mice in the town ran out of the residents' homes one by one, and came behind the beggar, and then the beggar played the music like this, He threw himself into the river with a group of mice.

The beggar who had completed the task then returned to the town and made three demands to the mayor.

The first request, the residents of the town need to provide him with fifty bags of gold.

The second demanded that the mayor's daughter marry him.

The third request, he asked a child to go with him.

After the three requests were made, the mayor did not answer him directly, but said that he wanted to discuss with the residents, and then left the beggar alone in the house to wait.

After waiting for a while, the beggar found that it was already dark. Why hasn't the mayor come back yet?Confused, he left the house and walked outside the door.

But when he walked out of the house, what he saw was not the mayor waiting for him with people and money, but the residents of the whole town standing in front of the door, each holding a torch, looking angry at the beggar in front of the house.

The beggar looked at the group of people and felt bad. He wanted to escape from the house, but he found that there were piles of firewood all around the house, and the firewood was covered with grease.

"Kill this witch who has brought us misfortune, he is the one who brought the rat problems!" The mayor raised the torch in his hand and shouted at the residents behind him, "This witch has deceived us and wants to rob us of all the rats!" Money and children, burn him!"

"Yes, he is an evil witch. If it wasn't witchcraft, how could he control those rats?" A young man standing in the crowd said.

Hearing what the young man said, the residents behind also reacted.

"Yes, he is a witch, and he summoned rats to harass our peaceful life with evil countless, burn him to death."

"Burn him!"



The voices of the residents came one after another, and the beggars heard them all.

I don't know who was the first to throw a torch, and the torch fell on the grease-stained firewood, and the raging fire burned instantly.

A torch was thrown out, and the torches behind were also thrown out.

Under the burning fire, the beggar was forced to retreat into the house. He wanted to explain, but he couldn't explain at all under the anger of the crowd.

He was doomed to be burned!

"Burn me to death? Then let you die first!" The beggar's eyes were full of resentment.

He wants revenge!

Under the thick smoke, the beggar blew his flute, and the big black mouse came after hearing the sound.

After seeing the big black mouse, the beggar made a wish to the big black mouse. He hoped that the residents of the town would never recover, and at the same time hoped that the big black mouse could save him.

The big black mouse granted the beggar's wish, but not fully.

Putting its paws in its mouth, the rat blew its whistle, and countless wet rats appeared from the forest, from the fields, and from the horizon, and charged the town.

Where the rats passed by, there was a mess.


Seeing those stupid residents being eaten by rats, rolling and crying on the ground one by one, the beggar showed a complacent and cruel smile.

This group of people asked for it.

In addition to rushing towards the crowd, the rats also rushed towards the room where the beggar was.

Countless mice rushed into the flame one after another. After an unknown number of mice rushed in, the fire around the house was extinguished, and the beggar also smelled the smell of burnt meat.

After seeing the flames extinguished, the beggar, who was thinking of thanking the big black mouse, realized that something was wrong with the house.

From the corner of the room and the root of the wall, there was a rustling sound, which sounded like the sound of a mouse digging a hole.


"Sorry, because you violated the contract, I can only grant you one wish, which is the wish to avenge everyone in the town." The big black mouse took out a human palm, put it in his mouth and began to chew.

"You, you lied to me?" Seeing this scene, the beggar felt his hair stand on end, and his back felt cold.

"It was you who didn't abide by the contract first." Blood flowed from the big mouse's mouth, and at the same time there should be the sound of bones breaking, "So, with your resentment, go to death, if there is a next life, please abide by the contract. "

The beggar wanted to argue, but he found that he opened his mouth, but no sound came out. At the same time, he felt a little cold on his neck, and there was the sound of chewing raw meat in his ears.

The pain was only felt by the beggar at this time, but he no longer had the strength to push the mouse away from his throat.

Whoosh whoosh!
One after another, the mice landed on the beggar, even crushing him to the ground.

The beggar saw that the light in front of him was getting less and less, and at the same time, his physical sensation was getting duller, and his consciousness was getting more and more blurred...

When the rats in the corner left, only a eaten bone remained on the floor.

"Hey, the guy who doesn't abide by the contract." The big black mouse looked at the bones, shook his head, and then shouted outside, "According to the convention, leave one..."

The sound of creaking rats sounded outside the house...


Yang Yi picked up the handkerchief and blew his nose out.

"It's touching, it's so touching!" After seeing the three stories, Yang Yi showed a moved expression, "The spirit of contract in foreign countries is really touching."

"Unfortunately, I don't believe it. I don't believe any of the three stories." Yang Yi threw the handkerchief aside.

And when the handkerchief left Yang Yi, it started to burn automatically in the air, and the flame instantly wrapped the handkerchief, and when the handkerchief fell to the ground, it just burned up.

"You group of urban ghost stories and ancient legends, when you tell stories, you really don't talk about science, history, or martial arts." A ghost claw emerged from behind Yang Yi, and then stretched into Fa Array Center, "If Into Science doesn't stop broadcasting, it's really appropriate to pull you over to tell stories."

After the ghost claw fumbled in the center of the magic circle for a while, it seemed to have caught something, and then immediately retracted into Yang Yi's body. At the same time, a burnt flute appeared in Yang Yi's hand, and the top of the flute was a A mouse carved out of metal was lying on it, with its mouth wide open, revealing the mouth of the flute.

The original color of the flute is unknown now, but Yang Yi is sure of the color after burning - black!
Yang Yi has seen such things as urban ghost stories before. The eight-foot girl who is trapped in a cage and is drawn orthographically every day is urban ghost stories, and Hanako who is dressed as various beautiful girls is also urban ghost stories.

After careful understanding in simple terms, Yang Yi almost understood the formation of urban ghost stories.

To sum up, four big characters - three people become tigers.

According to tradition, Bachi Dashen is a god in charge of fertility.

According to tradition, Hachi-no-sama is a god of plumpness.

Passed down, Bachi Dashen is plump and tall.

Passed down, the eight-foot girl is tall, likes to eat children innocently, and is very plump.

Something like this.

According to Yang Yi's deep digging of Bachi, at first she was really just a god in charge of abundance. After all, Nihong claims to be 800 million gods, and it doesn't matter if there are one or two wild gods.

But the village that enshrined Bachi did not know when it was spread that Bachi had the priesthood of giving birth, and then there was the birth of a witch, a strange ritual of sacrifice.

To sum up, the strange talk originated from rumors.

Hameron's piper is a kind of strange talk, spreading rumors.

In the [-]th century, there was a plague of rats. Many people died in Europe, but in fact, everyone knew that the cause of death was the Black Death. Europe wiped out cats and indulged rats, which eventually led to a large-scale outbreak of the Black Death.

At that time, so many people died because of their own reasons in Europe, such as not being clean and not taking a bath.

The latter is simple. The story of later generations combines a group of undead who died because of the Black Death.

The story Pied Piper·Guai Tan Undead version was born.

Then the flute that was born, with a large number of undead, drifted to Neon for some reason, and was finally suppressed and squeezed by the ancestors of the Abe family.

Until today, this flute has not reappeared in the world.

"The shape of this flute is somewhat disgusting." Yang Yi frowned, observing the flute in his hand.

If you look at the metal flute alone, Yang Yi feels that it is okay. Although the flute is burnt and black, it is not unacceptable.

The main thing he can't accept is the shape of the mouth of the flute. He hates mice the most. If it's a mouse girl, it's okay. This kind of big black mouse is really not too annoying, especially playing the flute, it's just like that mouse. mouth to mouth.

Bah, disgusting!

At this point, Yang Yi doesn't want to summon the mouse elf in the flute anymore. A big black mouse is no different from a demon, and the flute, according to the three stories, is only used to control mice.

In this day and age, Shushu hasn't reopened to Australia yet, so there's no need for it.

Besides, the plot of hypnotized mice jumping into the water is completely nonsense, mice can swim.

Just re-read the three stories, there are believable plots, and there are also nonsense that don't talk about martial arts.

Now there is only one problem before Yang Yi, he can't use this flute, and he doesn't want the devils on Anbu's side to continue to squeeze the power of the undead in the flute in exchange for family continuation.

"Oh, it would be great if you had a special function. Is there a ghost to hypnotize mice?" Yang Yiwu played the flute in Wu's hand and said regretfully, "It would be great if it could hypnotize people."

Yang Yi had a not-so-serious idea, an idea to really use this flute.

First of all, pour the spirit into the flute, erase the consciousness in the flute, and seize the memory.

"I got the music score for hypnotizing mice!" Yang Yi closed his eyes, recalling the music score that appeared in his mind.

The big mouse can use this music score to control the mouse. The principle is to use the sound to control the mouse.

Changing the sound of the flute so that the mice can understand it, and then using the hints in the music to hypnotize the mice, the operation method is somewhat similar to hypnotizing humans with a pocket watch by a hypnotist, and there are reasons for language induction.

After obtaining the memory, start to simulate and revise the score, the goal is to make human women understand it, and be in a state of hypnosis. The final situation should be like a mouse hearing the sound of a flute.

Then use the sound to resonate with the soul, attach the spiritual power to the sound, and start to resonate with the soul of the people around you...

The song has been revised!

With a strong soul and spiritual power, Yang Yi transformed the music that can hypnotize women.

Let's try blowing!
Da la la la!

A string of strange sounds sounded from the flute. (To add, it is now Yang Yi who uses his mental power to simulate his mouth, and then plays the flute)

After playing the flute, Yang Yi began to wait quietly.


A woman's voice suddenly came from above Yang Yi's head, the voice was very low, it was above the secret room.


Yang Yi quickly put his energy outside, and then saw his aunt, Keiko Abe, crawling around behind the house on all fours, with two eyes, no eyeballs, rolling her eyes.

Spirit starts scanning!
"The soul is already in a stable state, and there is no mental fluctuation. This is a state of sleep!" Yang Yi was sure that the aunt above was in a state of lethargy, but in the middle of sleep, he was called out from the room by the sound of his flute.

Looking at the dirty pajamas on her body, the dust on her body can fully prove that she crawled all the way here.

"Isn't it walking, but crawling? Forget it, it's all details, don't care!" Yang Yi is not interested in whether the person who hears the flute is standing or lying down. What he is interested in is his new creation. The music produced has an effect.

After the transformation of the melody is successful, the next step is to transform the instrument—the flute.

The body of the flute was burnt by the flames and was scorched. The metal flute began to be quickly polished with spiritual power to restore its original appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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