Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 184 Count Your Sins

Chapter 184 Count Your Sins

Hate, she hates.

Alessa looked at these people who were as small as ants below, and she hated them.

If it weren't for this group of people, how could she be put on the stake and burned, and she became what she is now.

Countless times, Aretha wanted to kill these people who harmed her.

But because these people are hiding in this church, coupled with their twisted and firm beliefs, she can't enter the church at all, let alone release her power into the church.

But it's different now. The woman named Rose made a deal with Dark Aretha. Dark Aretha handed Sharon to Rose, and Rose was responsible for bringing Aretha into the church.

The result was very good, just as the dark Aretha planned, the disgusting bishop did something to Rose, and then the blood containing the dark power dripped into the church.

She, Aretha, finally came to the cathedral, ready to kill.

And what's even more exciting is that the little thing's mental strength is already exhausted, she can devour that little thing and has the power to pretend to be a tender old ghost, it's really gratifying!
The wire rose slowly, seeing this scene, the fanatics in the church screamed in fear.

No matter how firm your beliefs are, when faced with the danger of your life, you will avoid the most important and choose the option that is important to you.

And the people in the church, without a doubt, chose life.

After seeing the terrifying scene of dancing wires in front of them, these fanatics retreated crazily, rushing to the gate one by one, and within a short while, the gate was full of people.

If you think about it, if this group of people didn't cherish their lives, they wouldn't have survived until now.

Beliefs are all nonsense. If the church can't guarantee their safety, why should they believe in the church?

However, because their lives were endangered, the believers who ran to the door without thinking, faced difficulties in front of the road of life that was close at hand.

The door of the church opens inwards.

In other words, this large group of believers rushed to the door in a swarm at this time, which actually drove them into a desperate situation.

How can you escape if you can't even open the door?

Therefore, Aretha's bloody feast begins here.

The first person to be tried was Aretha's aunt, a middle-aged woman related to her by blood, the archbishop of the church, Ms. Chris Bella.

Without Chris Bella's instructions, the young Aretha would not be persecuted by the cleaners, nor would she be burned on the stake by a group of believers.

The culprit behind all this is Chris Bella.

Therefore, there is no one more suitable than her to be the first to be punished.

Seeing the horrible scene in front of her, Chris Bella's legs softened in fright, and she knelt down on the ground, praying constantly, hoping that the gods would help her get rid of the demon.

But in the world of Silent Hill, how could there be gods?
Aretha manipulated the wire, bound Chris Bella's limbs, and hung her in the air.

Then Aretha directed the wire again, like a poisonous snake, slowly climbed up Chris Bella's feet, climbed up her legs, and then got into her long skirt.

"Oh God, please help me to keep me chaste."

Sensing the position of the wire, Chris Bella already knew what Alessa was going to do.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

What Chris Bella did to Aretha, now she wants to pay back, so that Chris Bella can also experience pain.


The wire easily penetrated into Chris Bella's body, and blood sprayed out instantly.

Under the severe pain, Chris Bella has rolled her eyes, but rolling her eyes does not mean death. At this time, she is still conscious.

Even if a person dies from a hemorrhage, time must pass.

Iron wires suddenly drilled out of Chris Bella's body, and blood flowed down the wires outside the body.


With the grin of the demon Aretha, her aunt, the bishop of the church, Chris Bella, was split in half by the wire.

Like treating garbage, Aretha threw aside the pieces of aunt's meat on the wire, and then looked for the next target.

This time, her target was on the congregation gathered at the door.

The wire is sharp, and wherever it passes, the crowd falls like wheat.

For a moment, blood flowed like a river...

"It's really cruel." Seeing the purgatory on earth in front of her, Nancy couldn't bear it and turned her head away.

Nancy, who already knew the facts, would not help them at all. After all, these people asked for it.

To be honest, Nancy was already used to this kind of horrible and bloody scene when she was played by some unscrupulous ghost.

Turn your head away now, it's not that she's afraid, it's just that she doesn't want to see it.

"The shot is really fierce."

Suddenly, Nancy seemed to hear Junxiong's voice.

"As the saying goes, there is an injustice and a debtor. You take revenge on those who harmed you. I have no objection, but..."

Nancy heard Junxiong's voice again.

"But you can't implicate innocent people. My son didn't provoke you. Now you still want to eat him. You can't bully children."

Junxiong suddenly appeared in front of Nancy.

With the appearance of Junxiong, the figure of Aretha in purple also emerged from the darkness.

Just seeing Junxiong who suddenly appeared, the purple-clothed loli was a little shocked: "How is it possible? You should be restrained, and then be absorbed by us obediently. You have no chance to escape at all?"

"Catched alone and dressed in chicken feathers, are all evil ghosts dressed in chicken feathers?" Junxiong stretched out his hand, pointing at Sibel who had fallen asleep to the side.

He was trapped by Aretha before, on the one hand because Junxiong wanted to see how the child was doing, and on the other hand because Aretha was really difficult to deal with, but now that the situation is critical, he can no longer continue watching the show.

Speaking of which, Junxiong was arrested before, so he really couldn't escape. After all, Aretha owns a whole world. Although the world is not very big, it is still a world after all.

Confronting the whole world, Junxiong's ability has not yet reached that level, so a direct conflict is not suitable, so there is the incident of Nancy throwing something in the church later.

What Nancy lost was none other than [The Source of Nightmares].

As a succubus, Junxiong's power comes from dreams, but the people in Silent Hill, Junxiong perceives it, these people basically don't sleep much.

There are monsters entrenched outside, and bishops take the lead in praying inside, and those who don't come according to the regulations are all dead.

No one sleeps, so where does Junxiong, a succubus, get his strength?
So Nancy's role was reflected. In the church, Nancy wasn't just watching a play. While watching a play, she didn't forget the news from her dead husband when he transmitted his super power.

Find a way to put all humans to sleep.

Compulsory sleeping pills, the source of nightmares, debut!

The first person to fall asleep was Siebel next to Nancy. Out of a sense of responsibility, Siebel fought monsters and fanatics. He was exhausted physically and mentally.

Under the effect of [Nightmare Source], fall asleep directly.

Sensing someone falling asleep, Junxiong escaped from the hospital in an instant, descended into Siebel's dream, and then escaped from her dream again.

"Sa, let's count your crimes." Junxiong stretched out his hand, pointing high at Aretha's body floating in the air.

At the same time, behind Junxiong, the living fell down one by one like harvested wheat.

Before they fell, the fear on their faces turned into tranquility.

Fall asleep and go!
(End of this chapter)

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