Chapter 181 Church
"Are you a woman, are you a psychopath? A schizophrenic Lolita is also a psychopath. What you do is called human affairs?"


"And you're still arresting my son? He's only two years old! Just weaned, did he provoke you?"


"Now, I'm warning you, let me go quickly, and then quickly entertain with my little elephant, maybe I can spare your dog's life."

To the rotten hospital bed beside him, Junxiong started to talk trash.

If you ignore his current posture and talk trash, he may look a little more handsome.

But the current Junxiong is completely in a state of letting others play with him.

Black gauze was wrapped around him one by one, and the end of the gauze was tied to the ceiling. Now he was suspended, like a silkworm chrysalis, unable to move.

On the hospital bed at the side, a middle-aged woman whose whole body was tightly wrapped in bandages, and a little exposed skin was also covered with severe burn marks. She was fixed on the bed board like a living mummy, her eyes were full of hatred, And the only way she can express her hatred is those ferocious eyes, staring at everything in front of her.

When stared at by these eyes, Junxiong felt like being watched by a poisonous snake.

This is the body of the demon Aretha, the little girl who was burned in Silent Hill 32 years ago.

"Treasure the time you spend talking trash now, after all, you will become our nourishment in a short time." A purple-clothed loli appeared from the hospital bed, looking calmly at Toshio who was hung up.

Looking at the purple-clothed loli in front of him, Junxiong smiled: "I found out that I'm not the most ruthless ghost, you are the one who is really inhuman, you don't let a two-year-old child go."

Following Junxiong's line of sight, a two-year-old child was being hugged by a nurse in red and sitting on a chair.

This kid looks like Freddie with eyebrows and eyes, but with Nancy's nose and mouth, very cute.

Glenn, the child of the ghost king Freddy and humans.

It can be seen that Little Glenn's condition is not very good now.

His eyes were closed tightly, his limbs were hanging limply on the nurse in red, his whole body was in a transparent state.

Through the blood connection, Junxiong knows that little Glenn is fine at this time, but it will never be too good.

Now Glenn's body is transparent, completely out of self-preservation. He keeps himself in a sleep state, and his soul goes deep into the dream world. Only in this way can he not be swallowed by Aretha.

But in the final analysis, he is still a child, and he can't hold on for long. When Glenn can't hold on and turns into a solid body, he should really fall into Aretha's hands.

As for Junxiong at this time, logically speaking, it is no problem for him to run, but now he will be trapped here because he has other plans.

He is waiting for an opportunity, a turnaround, an opportunity to turn passivity into initiative.

"Nancy, now it depends on whether you can give me some strength." Junxiong now pins his hopes on Nancy, "Son, he may not be able to hold on anymore."


When Nancy saw the woman in front of her, she felt a little uncomfortable.

While taking Siebel and Rose to search for clues, the three of them encountered a woman named Anna who was throwing a ragged old woman with stones.

This woman named Anna, her behavior disgusted the kind Nancy.

Rose said she knew the old woman, but she didn't know why, the old woman looked at the picture of her daughter Sharon and said it was her daughter Alessa.

But how is this possible?The woman in front of her seemed to be in her dozens of years, and her daughter was only nine years old.

Rose didn't believe what this woman said, but if she didn't believe it, it didn't mean that this woman was a bad person and should not be judged by her appearance.

Out of kindness, Nancy stopped the behavior of the man named Anna and pulled the old woman named Dalia up from the ground.

Later, in order to find a suitable place to hide from the monster, the three of Nancy followed Anna's advice and went to the church.

The sky is constantly falling with white "snow", and the ground is pale, but only by touching the "snow" can you know that it is ash, it just looks like snow.

And after knowing the identity of "Xue", it will only make people more depressed.

In such an extremely depressive environment, all one can feel is restlessness and restlessness.

What's even more annoying is that, as one of the "decorations" on the road, you can't go far, and you will see some corpses that have been processed and maintain the style of hunting.

No, it can't be said that they are all corpses, because these corpses also have many men in strange protective clothing, which is the kind that Nancy and others have seen before.

Even if these "corpses" were disemboweled or even dismembered, they still seemed to be alive.

They will open a pair of blood-red eyes, staring at those who pass by them with extreme jealousy and pain.The bloodshot eyes and the voiceless throat seem to be telling the most vicious curse in the world, cursing all living beings, and they will become like them soon...

Following Anna's guidance, several people came to the church.

A loud air defense siren sounded.

Afterwards, Nancy only saw a large number of men in gray clothes in ragged clothes in the church that was originally deserted.

These people had no time to talk to each other, they just lowered their heads and walked towards the church in silence.

Anna once said that the church is a safe place, and only by entering the church will people not be infested by monsters.

Therefore, Ross, Nancy, and Siebel subconsciously followed the crowd into the church.

And just as Rose lifted her foot, Dalia behind her grabbed her.

Dalia pulled Ross with a painful expression: "Don't go, don't go, the church is not safe, they are all demons, and they are all demons in human skin."

But Ross expressed doubts about the words of the old woman in front of him. If there is really a problem in the church, why do all these people in front of him go to the church one by one?

Seeing that Ross couldn't be stopped, Dalia tried to hold Sibel and Nancy next to her, but the ending was already doomed.

The footsteps of the crowd became more and more frequent, and everyone walked quickly into the church.

Dalia didn't give up, and wanted to pull others, but every time someone knocked off her arm, she ignored it.

At this moment, the three women just wanted to find a shelter to rest quickly. They didn't notice that the woman named Anna who was supposed to be walking in front of them stopped and walked up to Dalia who was dressed like a beggar. .

She picked up the stone again and threw it at Dalia angrily: "Go to hell, witch."

But at this moment, a huge triangular-headed monster finally appeared out of thin air. As soon as he took shape, he grabbed the woman who was still throwing stones in front of him, and then an extremely bloody and violent scene was staged.

The left arm of the monster's triangular head stretched out flat, grabbing the woman's neck tightly. Anna's face was in pain, and she couldn't even cry out. Her dangling legs danced wildly and struggled, with one hand facing the direction of the church. Grabbing and scratching, eyes full of longing for life, but such resistance is completely futile...

The triangular head first tore off the gray robe on the woman and threw it aside. Its movements were so skillful and perfect that even the most experienced prostitutes couldn't move as cleanly as it did.

After tearing it apart, Anna's naked body was immediately exposed to the pitch-black air, not even a small piece of rag was left on her body.

The next moment, I saw that the huge and terrifying palm of the triangular head was already pressing on Anna's chest.

If it were ***, this would already be the prelude to a big drama, but unfortunately, this is a horror movie.

The rough hands grabbed the layer of soft skin fiercely, and when the monster's arm recovered, the woman in its hand had only bright red muscle tissue left.

"Quick! Close the door quickly! Otherwise it will be too late!" The people in gray robes shouted loudly.

Until the sound of "dang", the heavy door was finally closed tightly.

But what is frightening is that at the last moment when the door was closed, the triangular head outside the door actually threw in the white and blood-red human skin on the hand, so as not to die, the blood just spilled on on the bodies of three outsiders.

The entire church was silent, and the eyes of the gray-robed man were focused on the three women. Then, an old woman with a sad face suddenly pointed at them and began to cry loudly: "Witches! They are sent by the devil!" Seduce our miko, we can't let them come near us!"

"Get them out! Get them out!"

Encouraged by this old woman, the scene suddenly became lively.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and these gray-robed men went crazy. They surrounded the three strangers in front of them, and began to chirp and condemn, extremely emotional, as if they would rush up the next moment and skin them alive.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the three women felt vigilant and retreated to the gate.

"Church members, stop for a moment, maybe they are just innocent people who have the same faith as us." At the end of the crowd, a quiet voice suddenly came, followed by a comparison, The middle-aged woman with the cleanest clothes came over surrounded by several tall men.

This woman has a problem!

Since Nancy got superpowers, she found that she seemed to have gained another ability to detect people's hearts.

The people in front of her are not just a group of ordinary people in her eyes, but with her ability to sense, the people in front of her are more like beasts in human skin.

Looking at the cleanly dressed middle-aged woman in front of her, she looked like a very kind person, but there was a voice in Nancy's heart telling her that this woman was not simple, and she even had a lot of lives on her hands.

"Some trouble!"

Seeing these people in front of her, Nancy began to feel worried.

(End of this chapter)

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