Chapter 179
Seeing this monster in front of them, Nancy, Siebel, Rose, and the three women felt a little scared in their hearts.

On the contrary, it was Junxiong, who didn't react much, since they were both monsters after all.

"This monster looks so weak." Junxiong whispered to Nancy when he saw the policewoman pointing his pistol at the monster.

"Yeah!" Nancy nodded after hearing this.

Although Nancy was also a little scared, after Junxiong said so, she was not afraid anymore.

That's right, no matter how powerful a monster is, can it be as strong as the monster beside her?

"Mom, save me..."

Suddenly, a voice echoed in Nancy's mind, and she hurriedly looked at Junxiong beside her: "Freddy, was it just now?"

Junxiong also turned his head, looked at Nancy, nodded and said, "I heard it too, it's our son."

[It seems that the situation is not good, otherwise Glenn would not be so anxious to pass on the mental fluctuations. 】

Nancy said that although Glenn was only two years old, he was born precocious and had an adult mind.

I used to send news through dreams, saying that I was trapped in Silent Hill, but now I am calling for help, something is wrong!

"I'll go and see first. It's safer for you to follow them. The place I'm going to next is a little dangerous. You are not suitable to follow me." Junxiong floated into the air, and whispered in Nancy's ear, "Now, I will give you some superpowers so that you can protect yourself."

Junxiong pressed his forehead against Nancy's forehead, and then saw a ray of purple light flowing from Junxiong's forehead to Nancy.

"I've given you the ability, I'm leaving." Junxiong parted his forehead and prepared to leave after giving instructions.

"Wait a minute." Nancy suddenly stopped Junxiong.

"Why... woo woo!?" Junxiong felt the soft touch on his dark purple lips.


Nan Xi let go of the hands that fixed Junxiong's face, her cheeks were a little red, and she lowered her head shyly: "No...don't die."

"En!" Junxiong turned his head, smashed the space with a punch, and teleported to a certain place.

At this time, Siebel, who saw the behavior of the two people, was shocked.

"Hey!" Sibel turned the gun and aimed at Nancy, "You still say you are not a copper smelter? I will arrest you!"


The moment Sibel turned around, she didn't notice a monster suddenly appeared behind her, another "tights" monster.

It was too late and then too soon, seeing that the monster was about to approach Sibel, Nancy raised her hand subconsciously, pointing her fingertips at the monster...

Nancy saw something shoot out from her fingertips, and then it bypassed Sibel and hit the monster directly behind her.

The monster disappeared half of its body as if it was hit by a shell, and a large amount of black corrosive liquid was sprayed from its body, and it fell to the ground with a sizzling sound.

Ross: "!!!"

Siebel: "???"

Feeling the full strength in her body, Nancy looked at her hands and murmured: "It seems that he left me something incredible."


Junxiong followed the location where his son's last mental fluctuations occurred, and came to a toilet.

As soon as I came to this dilapidated and messy toilet, the surrounding environment changed.

The decayed gray-white wall covering, the stained ceiling and the floor, began to peel off quickly under Junxiong's gaze, revealing the scene below.

As the ceiling and walls cracked, they fell off piece by piece, revealing the "squirming" flesh and blood under the surface.

The entire toilet, or room, began to become distorted and crumbled.

Before these things were ordinary rooms, ordinary walls, but now they have all become abstracted flesh and blood.

At this time, with the change of the room, a compartment located in the corner of the toilet, the door that was originally closed, suddenly opened by itself!

Then, there were bursts of noises from inside, as if someone was struggling to tear and destroy it, and then there was a series of extremely thick and terrifying guttural sounds.

"Oh, oh, oh!"

Accompanied by the sound, a rotten right hand stretched out first, followed by another hand...

The nails on these two hands have all fallen off, revealing the black and red flesh underneath, but to a dead person, the nails are actually of little significance.


With two rotten hands working together, the owner of the arm appeared.

Open your spiritual eyes and look at the essence through phenomena. The screaming monster in front of you is actually just a corpse. One was tortured before death, and then tightly bound by thorns and barbed wire, twisted into a ridiculous Styling, and then being fixed in that toilet cubicle corpse nothing more.

It seemed that the corpse was crawling now, but it was only because he was in the inner world. He, who was outside the world, still stayed where he was.

This is an adult male corpse, the hair and clothes on his body are almost completely rotten, only a small piece of the left chest is left, and there is a breastplate with the name "Colin" printed on it...

A few black thorny wires covered with blood foam and flesh shredded deeply into his eyes and neck, pulling his head back cruelly until it touched the arched sole of his own foot.

Every time he crawled, he opened his mouth wide open, and in his stinking mouth, there would be a long dark black flexible tongue that was constantly swallowing, and the way of twisting was very obscene.

Look at the way it crawls with its legs suspended high, every time it crawls, the rotten toothpick will be severely rubbed.

It was torture, punishment for what he had done in life.

The living corpse that crawled out of the toilet crawled forward with two hands that were barely movable. When crawling, where his arms touched, his flesh and blood seemed to be fused with the floor and walls, dark red like a vine. Blood vessels extend along the walls and the floor, accompanied by dark green putrid poisonous bubbles...

The floor under his feet quickly turned blood-red. The dirty blood mixed with the thick dust on the floor to form a swamp-like silt. As long as the feet stepped on it, it was difficult to move half a minute.

But Junxiong is not afraid of him getting stuck in it, he is fearless if he can fly.

"However, this living corpse is the cleaner in the movie." Junxiong raised his head, dodging the bad hand that almost caught him.

"Looking at you like this, you deserve what you deserve." Although Junxiong is an evil ghost, he still has a little mercy as a life, but the one in front of him is not within the scope of his mercy.

Seeing the living corpse in front of him, Junxiong stretched out his feet and covered them with a thick layer of black air. The black air condensed into a pair of big-toed leather shoes with spikes all over them.

Stepping with his left foot, he fixed the head of the living corpse while keeping his body blurred to avoid being caught by him. Junxiong raised his right foot, aimed at the corpse in front of him, and started kicking ruthlessly, and the kicking position was The lower part of the body of the living corpse.

That position is where his toothpick is!
Junxiong kicked it up.

"51 troubles, right?"


Another kick.

"Underage, right?"


"Just kidding, right?"


"Bullying the little girl, right? Spending money to settle it? Planting the blame?"


"You're a cleaner for dirty work, aren't you?"


Clap clap clap!

Where the big-toed leather shoes kicked, rotten flesh splattered and black blood flowed horizontally.

Every kick, inevitably, made Junxiong come into contact with the memory of the living corpse.

These memories are very dirty and dark. After reading it, Junxiong is only more angry, and the expression of anger is to kick the living corpse even worse...

(End of this chapter)

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