Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 176 The wind is surging, the seal is lifted

Chapter 176 The wind is surging, the seal is lifted

What happened outside, Junxiong, who was focused on the things in front of him, didn't notice at all, and now he was busy shocking the things in the jar.

Two sheets of paper talismans that were somewhat yellowed with age were crossed and pasted on the mouth of the altar.

When you touch it with your hands, you can still feel a little numbness, the kind of numbness that seems to be hit by electricity.

Not only is it a little old, but the power attached to the spell doesn't seem to be very strong.

Junxiong obviously felt that the sealed thing in the jar was actually about to break out of the seal, and now its power was somewhat leaked.

In Junxiong's eyes at this time, the jar in front of him continuously exudes a purple aura from the mouth of the bottle. That aura is not like the decayed and dead aura of ghosts, but more bloody and aggressive. Breath, and this breath is similar to dark breaths such as ghost qi and yin qi.


Although he has never seen a monster, this does not prevent Junxiong from associating it with it.

In this world, there must be monsters. His mother Jiaye met two monsters, and Junxiong has not had the chance to meet monsters in person yet.

Putting his hand on the talisman on the mouth of the altar, Junxiong attached his spiritual power to his hand and began to impact the talisman.

As soon as the mental power came into contact with the spell, Junxiong felt that the spell was a bit strong on the outside, and if he hadn't discovered the jar, it is estimated that the spell would lose its effectiveness in a few years, and the contents of the jar would be released.

However, now this situation has been realized in advance by Junxiong.

The spiritual power turned into an awl, Junxiong injected it into the jar, and then the spell was broken away.

And at the moment when the spell was broken, Kayako, who was sleeping in the attic, suddenly opened his eyes, but at this moment his eyes were dull, and both pupils were covered by a trace of purple air...

It's easy, really easy, Junxiong thought that this spell could block his spiritual power, but he didn't expect it to be broken easily like the window paper, without any effort at all.

Under the watchful eyes of Junxiong, the broken spell quickly blackened and decayed, turned into flying ash, and flew around without leaving a trace.

Walking to the front of the altar, Junxiong looked down at the mouth of the altar from top to bottom. Without the shackles of the spell, there was a deep darkness inside the mouth of the altar. At a glance, he could only feel an attractive force emanating from the mouth of the altar, which made people want to Put your head in the jar.

Just when Junxiong's face was inadvertently getting closer and closer to the mouth of the altar, a black shadow suddenly sprang out, which made Junxiong wake up in an instant.

"It's dangerous." Junxiong retreated quickly, and patted his chest in fear, "A jar has such a great temptation, that it almost made me suffer?"

[However, the one who ran away just now, you want to run away, did you ask me? 】

Junxiong quickly changed his shape, raised a small ghost claw, and then slapped down.

At the same time, a huge super-sized ghost claw completely condensed by black air appeared outside the house, and it snapped around the house, directly blocking the space around the house.

Under Junxiong's control, the huge ghost claw outside the room began to shrink a little bit from the outside to the inside, and the space between the ghost claw also shrank together. This situation continued until the big ghost claw shrank to the same size as Junxiong's hand size.

"This is, a tail?" Junxiong looked at the thing in his hand that was alive and kicking like an eel, and was surprised.

The tail in his hand, depending on the situation, is definitely the tail of a beast on land.

This tail looks to be twenty centimeters long, the main body is covered with golden hair, and the end is pure white hair.

After realizing that he was controlled by someone, the tail kept trying to break free from Junxiong's hand, but found that he couldn't break free, so he wrapped around Junxiong's wrist and continued to exert force, trying to break Junxiong's wrist and escape.

Is this the fox's tail?
Looking at the fluffy tail in his hand, Junxiong thought of what kind of animal its owner was.

Just when Junxiong was still guessing wildly, a beast roar came from the direction of the stairs, interrupting his thinking.


Junxiong found out that the one who yelled was Kayako, who was resting in the attic.

At this time, Jiaye was on all fours, not like the spider crawling like before, but more like a beast, lying on the stairs, looking warily at Junxiong in the middle of the mound in the living room.

Something is wrong!

Immediately, Junxiong realized that there was something wrong with Kayako in front of him. According to his prediction, Kayako, who had absorbed so much power, should be replenishing energy in the attic at this time, and he couldn't wake up at all.

Moreover, the walking posture of Kayako is generally upright, or crawling like a spider. Now Kayako's posture, although it still looks like crawling, is more like a wild beast.

Gayoko used his hind legs hard, jumped, his whole body flew into the air, and threw himself at Junxiong who was still thinking.

Bug carving tricks!

At the moment when Jiaye jumped in front of him, Junxiong suddenly disappeared, leaving Jiaye in emptiness.

The target disappeared, and Kayako turned his head and looked around, trying to find the target.

"You didn't notice it, Mother!"

With his head down and his feet up, Junxiong descended from the sky in imitation of the palm of the Tathagata, and slapped on the spine of Jia coconut, and then a big ghost claw appeared out of thin air, and slapped on Jia coconut's body.

The energy is surging, and the dust is flying.

When the smoke cleared, the situation in the arena became clear.

Jia coconut was pressed to the ground by Junxiong's palm, unable to get up at all, he could only grab his limbs indiscriminately, trying to hurt Junxiong, and then took the opportunity to escape.

So annoying! ! !

Being hit in the face by the soil raised by the turbulent movement of the coconut, Junxiong was a little annoyed.

So he directly pushed Jia coconut's hands behind his back, and his right hand suppressed them together, and then saw Junxiong put his two thighs against Jia coconut's thighs to ensure that Jia coconut would not move.

At this time, Gayako was put into a frog pose by Junxiong.

The posture is a bit shameful, and even a little hot, but it's all details, don't pay attention to it.

sniff, sniff!
Smelling the smell of the tail, Junxiong was a little sure what kind of animal the tail was.

Really fox!
"Oh, don't be annoying!" Junxiong arched his legs forward again to ensure that there was no room for Kayako's body to move.

After being restrained by Junxiong, Jiaye was dishonest and kept moving randomly. Although he couldn't move in a large range, small movements also distracted Junxiong who was busy thinking.

The feeling of twitching even made Junxiong's toothpick respond.


Toothpick feeling?

Closing his eyes, Junxiong used his thoughts to try to move the toothpick.

"Really, to be able to feel it?" Junxiong was overjoyed by this great discovery. He thought that this body had no chance at all, but now...

Uh, why does it move so little?
Frowning, Junxiong found some problems. The toothpick did raise his head, but not too much, only a little bit. If he raised his head to that level, it could be suppressed by the wind.

"Isn't this right? When I was in school, I didn't react, but now I have a reaction?" Junxiong felt that something happened, but he didn't notice it.

But after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't have a clue, until he saw the fox's tail that was constantly moving in his hand.

Is it because of the tail?What did I do to this tail again?
Junxiong looked at the eel-like tail in his hand, thinking about what he had done to the tail before.

"I didn't do anything with this tail? At most, I just grabbed it and smelled it, huh? Smell?" Junxiong felt as if he had discovered the melting point.

Tentatively smelling the tail again, Junxiong closed his eyes and began to wait for the change.

The smell of the tail is a little coquettish, a little bloody, and a little vanilla.

Um?Have a feeling?

Junxiong suddenly found that the toothpick raised its head a little bit.

Seeing the gratifying discovery, Junxiong subconsciously wanted to inhale the smell of the tail again, but he stopped when he noticed the roar of Kayako under him.

"The most urgent thing is to solve the problem of Kayako first."

Judging from the situation of Jia coconut just now, it is absolutely abnormal, and it may even have something to do with the tail in Junxiong's hand.

Then Junxiong groped and inspected Kayako for a while, and finally found the problem.

Kayako hides his secrets, there is a D... There is something on Kayako that is connected to the tail.

Junxiong has three hairs of a completely different color from Gayoko's black long hair on the back of Gayako's neck.

The three hairs are yellow in color and white at the end, and they are very short. Under the long hair of Kayako, these three hairs cannot be seen at all.

And when Junxiong put his tail on the back of Kayako's neck, these three hairs have obvious tendencies, where the tail goes, where the end of the hair points.

Tentatively, Junxiong stretched out his hand, trying to pull out the three hairs, but for some reason, Junxiong couldn't touch the three hairs. Every time, the hairs were there, but Junxiong always passed by with his hands, touching them all the time. less than.

After thinking about it for a while, Junxiong came to the attic with the jiggling Kayako, only to discover the real cause of the problem.

In addition to the resting place of Gayoko, this attic is also the place where Gayoko's body is located. It is also here that Junxiong discovered the problem.

Those three hairs were not attached to Kayako's soul, but to her corpse, but I don't know why they also appeared on the soul.

After pulling out the three hairs, Kayako also calmed down, and crawled back to his original position to sleep and rest, leaving Junxiong alone, studying the tail on his hand on the side of the attic.

Randomly put away the enchantment that was placed around the house just now, Junxiong began to concentrate on studying the tail. The function of the tail is very important, and it cannot be done without research.

As for how to study it, it was the smell that was discovered before, and then he found that the smell was not very useful, Junxiong started to lick the tail again, tasting it from the beginning to the end...

When Junxiong was concentrating on studying the tail, he didn't know that at the moment the barrier was removed, two people looked in his direction at the same time.

Of these two people, one is a beautiful boy doing homework at home, and the other is a beautiful middle-aged blonde woman in a hot spring hotel in the mountains.

After looking in the direction of Junxiong, the boy dropped the pen in his hand instantly, then took out a bottle of wine from under the table, and laughed wildly while drinking.

As for the beautiful woman, after pouring wine for the client, she returned to her room, turned her back to the mirror, and took off her kimono.

In the mirror, there is a beautiful woman with a bumpy gourd figure, but at the position of the tailbone of this body, there are eight hairy tails with a length of [-] cm. No, it should be said that there are nine, but there is one very short. The short ones are all close to the tailbone of the beautiful woman, as if most of them were cut off by someone.

And accompanied by Toshio who was studying the tail in the attic of the haunted house, every time he smelled and bit the tail, the short stubble on the tailbone of the beautiful woman on the other side would twist at the same time.

And every time she twisted, there would be an itchy feeling spreading all over the beautiful woman's body.

After a while, with the woman's face flushed, I saw a crystal clear stream flowing down three thousand feet from the root of the kimono on the woman's lower body, suspected to be the Milky Way falling nine days.

"This...this dead...dead...dead brat, give it to me, Yada...xi, Xika, your west building, ah~" The woman's golden hair was already stained with sweat, and it was tightly stuck to her temples. Side, look out, she is very hot.

I do not know how long it has been!

"Huh, that dead brat has stopped!"

The woman breathed a sigh of relief, then changed into a new kimono embroidered with cherry blossoms, and began to go downstairs to greet the guests...

(End of this chapter)

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