Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 169 I'm Blowing, I'm Blowing, I'm Blowing, Blowing, Blowing

Chapter 169 I'm Blowing, I'm Blowing, I'm Blowing, Blowing, Blowing
The story of the grudge is actually very simple. It tells the story of a domestic violence man who suspects that his son is not his own, then attacks his son and his wife, and is finally killed.

Although this story seems simple, the ending is quite troublesome. All three members of this family have become ghosts, specially dealing with people who come to visit.

Among the three ghosts, the little ghost Junxiong is actually not bad, he will not harm others, but his behavior is rather strange, elusive and easy to scare people.The real danger is actually the two big ghosts, Kayako and Saeki Takeo.

Here, Jia Coconut died of injustice, with a lot of resentment in her body, she basically killed anyone she saw, and basically no one was left alive as long as she saw her.

As for Takeo Saeki, before he died, he didn't know whether this Toshio was his son, so after his death, he kept recalling his life, from his suspicion that his son was not his own, to the experience of abusing his wife.

Naturally, these three ghosts are very troublesome for ordinary people, and there is almost no way out when they meet them, but as a fierce ghost, Freddy has just absorbed a lot of dark energy, and most of the injuries in his body have recovered. I am really not afraid of these three.

Let alone three ghosts like this, I wouldn't be afraid of another thirty.

At this time, Freddy is so tough, it's not what he said, as far as this haunted house, all the evil spirits present are rubbish.

Da Da Da Da!

Freddy's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of dripping water on the stairs.

"Meow meow!"

Two more meows came from upstairs.

"The yin energy in the house started to riot, did you notice me?" Freddy felt the flow of yin energy in the air, thinking to himself.

Let's hide and have a look first. If it is not necessary, there is no need to kill ghosts.

Freddy thought so, and then with a big wave of his hand, the whole person turned into a black shadow, disappeared from the spot, and merged into the darkness of the room...

Accompanied by a meow, a figure appeared from the railing on the second floor.

The skin is pale, the face is bloodless, and there is only a white loincloth on his body. It is Toshio Saeki, a little ghost who can't speak but only meows.

click, click, click...

Another series of trampling sounds came from the stairs on the second floor. This sound sounded a little softer than the normal sound of feet stepping on wooden boards.

Looking for the sound, I saw a group of black shadows quietly appearing at the corner of the stairs, and then I saw the black shadow trembling for a while, and turned into a head covered with black hair. The hair was a little long, and it fell to the ground.

After the human head appeared, it was the body, which was a long white dress similar to Sadako, without any dirt, not pure white, but pale.

As time passed, the figure revealed its full shape, a woman with long hair lying on all fours.

Not surprisingly, this is Kayako.

"Where, where is that man? The adulterer?"

Another gloomy man's voice came from the living room of the house. It was a middle-aged man with a ferocious appearance. It was Takeo Saeki, the culprit who caused all the tragedies.

The three ghosts in the house appeared at the same time, but in different states.

Junxiong at the railing swayed his legs, his eyes glanced at every corner of the house, and Kayako, who was on all fours at the stairs, kept shaking his nose, sniffing the breath that did not belong to this house.

As for Takeo Saeki in the living room, he kept circling around the living room like a headless fly.

At this time, Freddy, who was hiding in the shadow of the stairs, was puffing out his mouth, blowing in one direction continuously.

I blow, I blow, I blow!
Ah ho!Ah ho!ahh~
With every blow of his breath, in front of him, the Kayako who was crawling on the stairs, her long white dress, would be blown up a little by the breeze.

"Made, go up a little bit, it's almost there." Freddy's eyes were almost protruding, and his cheeks kept rising and falling, blowing outwards.

Everyone knows the location of Jiaye coconut, the stairs, and because it is on all fours, the head is down, so the white long skirt of Jiaye coconut is a bit not tightly wrapped.

As an evil ghost who doesn't want to be serious, how could Freddy let go of this opportunity to take advantage?Not to mention that the client's son and husband are still nearby.

Husband, return to that criminal!

Ha oh hoo! ! !

Taking a deep breath, Freddy blew it.

All of a sudden, a strong wind blew up in the whole room, causing a look of flying sand and rocks.

A whirlwind blew directly in the middle of the living room, bringing up scattered papers and undried clothes.

White, cotton!
It's quite conservative.

The blowing of this strong wind instantly achieved Freddy's goal.


Sensing that someone was watching him, Kayako turned around in an instant, and the eyes between the gaps in the black hair were fixed on the direction where Freddy was just now.

It's just that there is nothing in that position now.

When Gakoko found that there was no one there, he tilted his head in doubt, then turned around and repeatedly checked that there was no one else in the room, and then climbed up the stairs.

Just after Kayako crawled around the corner, Kayako disappeared, along with Junxiong and his son.

In an instant, the whole room became quiet, as if nothing had happened, if you ignore the messed up piece of paper on the ground...

"It seems that Kayako and the others are very sensitive to the breath of outsiders. I only missed a little human breath, and they appeared directly." Freddy thought about the situation just now, "However, the place under Kayako is too plain , do you want to find a time to help her change to Lacey's? The black one?"

With messy thoughts in mind, Freddy walked into a phone booth, dropped a coin, and called the office...

"Hey, there is one less potential customer." Nakamura Xiong drank a cup of tea tremblingly, trying to calm down his excited heart.

That place is so evil, as long as one has entered that house, there will be no one left alive.

Therefore, Yuichi Nakamura still has doubts about whether Freddy can come out alive. After all, even if he can come out now, he will suddenly die suddenly within a few days...

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle!
A series of ringtones rang from the phone in front of Yuichi Nakamura.

"Moses, this is Yuichi Nakamura, are you buying or selling a house, or renting a house?" Putting down the teacup, Yuichi Nakamura answered the phone and asked politely.

"Mr. Nakamura, I want to buy this house from the Tokunaga family. Let's see when the contract can be signed."

The voice from the phone made Nakamura Yuichi a little demented.

where?Tokunaga's house?The place seemed a little familiar, and even the speaker was a little familiar.

"You, you are Mr. Ebina?" Yuichi Nakamura was a little afraid to answer.

"Hello, Mr. Nakamura, are you polite?" On the other end of the phone, Freddy's tone was somewhat dissatisfied.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Nakamura Yuichi hurriedly bowed and apologized on the other end of the phone, "I didn't recognize your voice, and it was my mistake to say such words, so are you sure you want to buy that house?"

"Sure, it's best to sign the contract now. After all, there is only one demented old lady left in Tokunaga's family. She needs money to live in a nursing home." Freddy thought for a while and said.

"Okay, okay, I will arrange the signing of the contract as soon as possible." Nakamura Yuichi nodded quickly and agreed to arrange various matters for signing the contract.

After hanging up the phone, Nakamura Yuu collapsed on the chair as if his bones had been pulled out for a moment.

"This Hai Lao Ming Saburo was able to come out of that haunted house alive? I'm lucky, but although I agreed to sign the contract, I can't rush to do it. If he dies in the next two days, it will be in vain. I've made some preparations." Nakamura Yuichi was not in a hurry for Freddy to sign the contract, although he said that he would do it as soon as possible, but if this person didn't live to the next day, then why would he bother to prepare? Have a look first.

On the other side, after hanging up the phone and walking out of the phone booth, Freddy didn't go home directly, but turned his back to the shadow of a room behind him, and said loudly: "Come out, you've been following me for a day, it's time to come out Let me see who you are." Freddy turned around with a calm face: "If you don't come out, I'm going back."

"No, as expected of the person who can kill me, my clone." A stuttering voice came from the shadow, "You, you are very strong!"

As soon as the words fell, a woman with a height of only 1.5 meters emerged from the shadows.

This woman's long hair reaches her waist, her front is not protruding, her back is not curled up, and she has a small A hood, which is ridiculous.

A mask covered her face, so Freddy couldn't see her face clearly, but that was nothing. What caught the eye was the big scissors in the woman's hand. The scissors showed a cold glow. Very sharp.

Who is this woman?
The black shadow under Freddy's feet extended in front of the woman in an instant. The black shadow's sharp claws quickly brushed across the woman's face, and after taking off her mask, the black shadow quickly returned to its original position and turned into a normal shadow.

"It really is you, Gap Girl!" Stretching out his tongue, Freddy licked the position of the upper lip of the mask, confirming the identity of the visitor.

After the woman lost her mask, the two huge scars on the corners of her mouth were very eye-catching.

And the person with this appearance, who is still related to Freddy, or ghost, is the only one with a gap!
It's just that the gaping girl in front of me is underage, right?It felt completely different from the rip girl Freddy used to have fun with.

The main reason is that the previous one, regardless of the face, is the model's figure, and it has been certified by Freddie's negative distance, and it is indeed exactly the same as the model.

What is this in front of you?Is it too small?What did you just say?Doppelgänger?Because the avatar was swallowed by someone, so the main body came to the door?

What kind of idea is this holding, the avatar is protruding forward and backward, what is the main body?Indeed, the former Freddy likes to play tricks on children, but now this Freddy will not do that kind of evil thing at all, not counting the black two-legged sheep that eat watermelon and drink Coke, they are all livestock, and they can be killed casually.

"However, looking at it this way, it seems to be okay." Freddy squinted his eyes and looked at the face of the slit girl. "Ignoring the age issue again, it seems that it is acceptable to look like an older loli?"

(End of this chapter)

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