Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 161 Sadako Comes to Me

Chapter 161 Sadako Comes to Me
Reiko Asakawa broke down, and she couldn't stop her broken emotions. She was covering her face and crying.

Thinking about it, after all, her ex-husband watched the video behind her at the beginning, but in the end he died in front of her. At the same time, according to the guidance of her ex-husband's soul, she determined that the way to transfer the curse was to show the video to others.

But the situation is different now, the curse has not been transferred, but continues to remain in her body, but it is different from the seven days she expected to die before, and it has been postponed for a few days, but what about the delay?Should be killed by ghosts, after all, will be killed.

So, Reiko Asakawa broke down.

No, you can’t say that. When Reiko Asakawa first found out that she was throwing out her hair, although she was emotionally broken, she didn’t completely break down. What really broke her down was that she saw Freddy throwing out her hair too. The last straw that broke the camel's back.

This made Freddy, who had just saved her life, very upset, didn't he just throw up a little hair?Why did it just crash?I wasted my efforts to save your life in vain.

Well, that's right, Freddie saved Reiko Asakawa.

As a good friend, it is very reasonable for Freddie to show kindness and save the other party.

As for the way to save her, it's very simple, life energy infusion.

What Reiko Asakawa pulled out from her mouth before looked like hair, but in Freddy's eyes, what she pulled out was her life energy, and the action of pulling her hair was completely extracting her life energy, so pulling The longer the hair grows, the more energy she loses, and the whole person becomes older, until the life energy is completely extracted, and she dies.

However, death also has a process. Although the life energy is drawn out, if it is poured back in time, it can still be saved.

It just so happened that what Freddy lacked most was energy, so he poured the energy in his body into Reiko Asakawa's body.

As a result, as he thought, Reiko Asakawa was resurrected, but the process of resurrection made Freddy very unhappy.

And Freddy sucked the curse from Sadako inside her into him.

If a good person does it to the end, he will send the Buddha to the west.

As a result, after the curse was sucked, there were some side effects. Freddy spit out some hair, and then Reiko Asakawa in front of him collapsed, and the fear overflowed directly, making Freddy next to him feel refreshed. .

But this woman was really not easy to coax, she kept lying in his arms and covered her face and wept, he was talking nonsense.

Sure enough, tricking a collapsed woman into swallowing it is a technical job.

Moreover, the broken woman came out of the breakdown, and played even crazier, insisting on draining Freddy, saying something to prevent the female ghost from entangled him again.

Humph, woman!

Although he was very reluctant, Freddy was happy in the end. After all, he had to pay for it before, but this time it was a free prostitution, and the other party took the initiative.

"However, isn't the time of the curse brought forward by one day?" Freddy used two things at once, keeping his waist and brain at bay.

In the past few days, he has not patronized Shuang, and has studied Sadako's energy. He can even reverse locate Sadako's position through the curse on his body, and at the same time feel the distance between Sadako and him.

After watching that video tape, the curse of seven days of death, in fact, this seven days is not only about time, but also distance.

After absorbing the curse in Asakawa Reiko's body, Freddy obviously felt that the curse was advanced. This early feeling was his feeling of distance from Sadako.

It is now the fifth day. Logically speaking, Sadako should arrive the day after tomorrow, but after absorbing the curse, he feels that Sadako will come tomorrow, and it still seems to be angry.

Is this because he moved her cake?

According to what Freddy knew, Sadako would find Reiko Asakawa entirely because of her identity as a reporter, and she wanted to use her identity as a reporter to spread the horror video, so Reiko Asakawa did not die on the seventh day.

Judging from what he felt in Reiko Asakawa's body, the so-called seven days is completely the incubation period of Sadako's mutated virus, and the seventh day is the outbreak period of the virus. However, in order to spread the virus, Sadako has not let Asakawa Reiko died.

But it's not working now, Sadako is angry, because the situation she expected didn't happen at all, and her curse was transferred...

Seeing Reiko Asakawa, who walked out of the wall and was a little wobbly, Freddy showed a disdainful smile.

A mere mortal who wants to conquer ghosts and gods with physical skills?

"I'm really looking forward to the scene of Sadako's arrival." Thinking of Sadako coming to his house tomorrow, Freddy felt that his pants were a little loose.

The next day, Reiko Asakawa clocked in at work as usual, and after getting the money from Freddie, she returned to her home.

And Freddy sat on the tatami after taking a simple bath, waiting for Sadako's arrival.

As Sadako got closer, Freddy clearly felt that he was being more and more affected.

Before, Freddy could only feel a little memory flashback, that is, like other people who watched the video tape, he could experience the memory of Sadako, but since the morning, Freddy feels that the influence has become more and more serious. bigger.

for example.

Sadako was pushed into a deep well by her relatives, enduring the feeling of loneliness and the feeling of being soaked in water for decades.

Freddy actually felt what Sadako felt at that time, that sense of suffocation, that sense of loneliness.

Naturally, after being attacked by the opponent, Freddy wanted to fight back. He didn't pass on the death experience he experienced to Sadako, but passed on the death experience of those young people he had killed. Sadako.

The curse is a medium, a medium for welcoming Sadako's arrival, and a medium for Sadako to convey her feelings, but the medium must be two-way, but mortals have no ability to use the medium, so they cannot reverse Sadako.

But, Freddy is mortal?

But I don't know if the experience of those young people was a little exciting. Freddy seemed to hear the wailing from Sadako on the other side of the media.

After all, he is still young, and the loneliness of decades is nothing compared to the fear of knowing that he will die, but not knowing when he will die.

Of course, if Sadako could give feedback at that time, if the words were not strong enough, Freddy would still have the fear of dozens of monsters being sealed.

It all came from that typewriter. Although the monsters were sealed for a short time, there are many monsters that cannot stand being sealed.

"Come on, sister. Uncle Freddy's pants are about to fall off!" Looking at the TV that he turned on, Freddy tightened his belt and smiled...

(End of this chapter)

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