Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 156 Mysterious Video Tape

Chapter 156 Mysterious Video Tape

To make a long story short, in fact, in Freddy's current situation, it is because he does not control himself and suffers on his own.

The exercises that Freddy is currently majoring in, as mentioned earlier, are to absorb all energy crazily to achieve the effect of improving his own state.

So later Freddy possessed Glenn in order to practice his skills. Through the filter of Glenn, Freddy absorbed all kinds of energy. Electricity was stolen from the box.

Anyway, energy can be absorbed. If Freddy has the filter of Glenn, he doesn't need to care about the energy at all.

The final result is that the Glenn filter is discarded directly after Freddy gets the human flower.

Later, it was discovered that there were other movie worlds in the world, and Freddy discovered the "Goosebumps" movie, and finally got the typewriter.

In Freddy's opinion, since this typewriter can visualize the monsters in the novel, it must have enormous power.

Then Freddy couldn't hold back for a moment and absorbed the energy of the typewriter.

When Freddy came back to his senses, he had drained the energy of the typewriter, and the typewriter, which had magical powers, became decayed and rusted, and became an ordinary typewriter.

Freddy's exercises are destined not to absorb excess energy, especially energy that has not been filtered.

In the end, the energy in Freddy's body ran away, and the huge energy went out of control directly, rampaging in his body, and the ghost body almost exploded.

In order to survive, Freddy possessed himself on a young Japanese who came to the United States to play, and drained all his energy into that Japanese.

Under the majestic energy, the young man was physically exhausted, from a young man to the current old man, which is now the old Freddy.

The Japanese soul had dissipated the day Freddy discharged his energy, and the current Freddy was just wearing this person's skin.

By the way, this Japanese is called Ebina Saburo, and he is an otaku.

Freddy, who was sitting on the tatami, picked up the tea in front of him tremblingly, and sighed: "Sure enough, the body without soul control is gradually losing its vitality."

The body is the carrier of the soul, and the soul drives the body. Ebina Saburo's soul dissipated and lived in an unknown soul. The result is that Ebina Saburo's body does not match Freddy's soul, and his body continues to fail. The weak ones can, A little breeze can easily make him sick, but fortunately, physical illness can't disturb Freddy's soul, so being sick is nothing but making Freddy feel a nostalgic sense of powerlessness and weakness .

Boom boom boom!
A series of knocks on the door brought the air defense-minded Freddie back to reality.

"Who will knock on the door in the middle of the night?" Freddy stood up tremblingly and walked towards the door.

There is no way, the current Freddy is really very weak, and his body will lose its activity at any time. Although this body is full of energy, ordinary people can't absorb this energy at all. In the current situation, it can be considered that Freddy will lose a lot of energy. The energy is directly imprisoned in Ebina Saburo's body.

"It's Miss Asakawa, and Yoichi, what's the matter?" After opening the door, Ebina Saburo asked softly when he saw a mother and child outside the door.

It was not surprising for Freddy to see a mother and child in front of him. After all, the single apartment he lived in had both his parents dead and no relatives at home, and the old Shanghai name Saburo was used to being alone, so he didn't know anyone at all. People or friends come to visit him.

The Asakawa mother and son in front of me are the neighbors who live next door to Saburo Ebina.

Ms. Asakawa's full name is Reiko Asakawa. She is a reporter. She is currently divorced and lives alone in a single apartment with her children.

Because of the special nature of her profession, when Ms. Asakawa has tasks, she can't take care of her child Yoichi at all, so she asks her predecessor, Ebina, to take care of her son.

Ebina Saburo's parents died in a car accident, which happened to be reported by Ms. Asakawa at the time. They happened to be neighbors, so they became familiar with each other after coming and going. Because they knew Ebina Saburo's personality, sometimes Asakawa would take his son Yang One was entrusted to the care of Saburo Ebina.

"Hello, Mr. Ebina, I... huh?" Miss Asakawa bowed directly after seeing the door open, and asked Ebina Saburo to take care of her child as usual.

However, this time, she found that the person who opened the door was not the kind Mr. Ebina, but a trembling old man who seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind.

"Hello, Ms. Asakawa, I'm..." Freddy knew that it was inappropriate to call him Ebina Saburo in his current situation, so he decided to use a false identity.

"I see. You are Ebina Kyou, Mr. Saburo's grandfather." Ms. Asakawa suddenly realized.

Alright, even the nonsense self-introduction is omitted.

Ms. Asakawa pushed her son in front of Freddy, bowed slightly, and said, "Old man, I discussed with Saburo-kun before, if I have something to do, I can give Yang Yi to him to take care of him for a period of time, of course, I will Those who pay the reward, may I ask where San Lang is?"

"Saburo, he's gone on a trip, so let me take a look at the house." Freddy replied.

"Is that so? That's fine." Ms. Asakawa was a little disappointed.

"However, Saburo also told me before he left, let me take care of Yang Yi." Freddy said thoughtfully.

"Really?" Ms. Asakawa's eyes showed hope, "Then thank you, old man."

After Reiko Asakawa left, Freddy took Yang Yi to play the game console.

As a quick way to appease children, game consoles are the most suitable.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ms. Asakawa came to the door as scheduled, but at this time she was a little different from before.

At this moment, she had tears in her eyes, and it seemed that she had cried just now, and she was still sad now.

"Miss Asakawa, you..." Taking Yang Yi, Freddy walked up to Reiko Asakawa and asked.

"It's nothing, but I still have to thank Mr. Ebina, please take care of my child." Asakawa Reiko bowed her head and thanked.

After thanking her, Ms. Asakawa took Yang Yi back to her home after paying her reward.

After accepting Reiko Asakawa's money with peace of mind, Freddy sat back on the tatami and continued drinking tea.

After being seriously injured, Freddy felt that it would be better for him to live a Buddhist life. It was because of his impatience that he fell to this point.

Boom boom boom!
Just after taking a sip of tea, there was another knock on the door.

Who is it?

Freddy was deeply disturbed. After all, he was really weak now, and he had no strength at all. As a result, people always came to disturb him now.


"Miss Asakawa, why are you back?"

After opening the door, Freddy showed a surprised expression.

At this time, Reiko Asakawa was not as sad as before, but instead felt relieved.

Reiko Asakawa looked at Takashi Ebina in front of her, took out a video tape from behind her coyly, lowered her head and said embarrassedly: "Mr. Ebina, in order to thank you for taking care of my child, I have a video tape for you to watch."

After taking the videotape suspiciously, Freddy thanked Reiko Asakawa, closed the door, and prepared to watch the videotape.

Idle is idle, if there is a videotape to watch, then watch it, after all, this is Japan, what if it is an indescribable videotape?

On the other side, Reiko Asakawa breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Kei Ebina accepting the videotape: "Great, please hand it over."

(End of this chapter)

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