Chapter 144 Dream (4.3)


A cracking sound came into Nancy's mind, followed by a burst of pain when relatives came. This kind of pain spread all over the body, making Nancy hum in pain. The premise is that she still has facial features at this time. this kind of thing.

A child is not an egg, who knows the pain of breaking an egg?

Freddy didn't know if the egg would hurt if the eggshell cracked.But this did not prevent him from passing on the pain to Nancy.

Since I don't know if the egg will hurt if the eggshell cracks, let Nancy add the pain she fears most.

Aunt Pain was all Freddy could think of to target at Nancy's Pain.

Dreams are all illusory, and Fuzi couldn't grasp it when he didn't become strong enough.

So in order to create a nightmare feeling for Nancy, it is necessary to use Nancy's memory appropriately.

The pain all over her body made Nancy's mind go blank, but fortunately, the pain came and went quickly.

There was a gust of wind in the ear, which reminded Nancy who had just recovered from the pain.

In addition to hearing the sound of the wind, the sense of weightlessness coming from below also clearly told Nancy that she was now falling.

The egg is broken, and the egg liquid must fall into the container.

The feeling of weightlessness is like aunt’s pain, it comes and goes in a hurry.

A dull sound of falling objects came to Nancy's ears from the back, and she fell into a flat surface, or should it be called a stainless steel basin.

Nancy felt as if she was about to crack...

"Okay, next, start sucking the egg yolk."

Overhead, Nancy heard what the striped sweater said.

To make a cake, the egg white and egg yolk must be separated. Among the two eggshells before, the egg white and egg yolk are tossed back and forth, which is a waste of time, and the element of showmanship is more important.

Therefore, the correct separation method is to absorb the egg yolk with a mineral water bottle just like the action of the horizontal sweater at this time.

Slightly force the palm of your hand to squeeze out the air in the bottle, and then put the bottle mask on the egg yolk. When you let go, the egg yolk will be sucked into the bottle, and then squeeze the egg yolk into the special basin for egg yolk.

Watching the huge bottle mask towards her, Nancy knew clearly that she couldn't just sit and wait for death.

With all her strength, Nan Xi gritted her teeth and rolled to one side, enduring the severe pain from the previous fall.

Fortunately, Nancy escaped the cover of the bottle perfectly.

"I have limbs again?" Nan wished for his intact limbs and body, and couldn't help thinking.

As Nancy saw, her limbs were intact at this time, and there were no missing parts on her body. The only trouble was that her whole body was soaked in egg whites.

The wet and slippery egg whites flowed over Nancy's whole body, soaking her hair, and the strands of hair became strands, sticking to her face. In addition to the hair, Nancy's pajamas were also beaten by the egg whites. Wet, changed from fluffy silk pajamas to close-fitting pajamas, which happened to be two little peas inside... vacuum sexy.


If it wasn't for Freddy's face being covered by the black mist at this time, what Nancy saw might make her San value go crazy.

Under the black mist on the face of the horizontal sweater, there are basically no facial features except the eyes, nose, mouth and so on.

Now under the black mist of the horizontal sweater, there are many eyes, arranged from big to small, from near to far.

On the face of the horizontal sweater, there is a huge, single eye, which basically covers the entire face of the horizontal trade.

Extending outward from the largest face is a smaller eye, this smaller eye is placed in front of the eyes of the face, and then another smaller eye is placed in front of the smaller eye, and so on.

These eyes are not floating out of thin air, but countless capillaries grow from the cheeks of the horizontal sweater. These blood vessels connect each eye and also play a fixed role.

High Power Microscope Flesh Limited Edition!

Freddy, old sp, never forgets to peep in other people's dreams, what this weird microscope is used for, I think needless to say, everyone has already guessed.

After admiring the two cherries for a while, Freddy realized that he was going to make a cake.

There was a burst of flesh and blood on the face, and those big and small eyes were absorbed back into Freddy's body one by one. If the black mist was removed, he could clearly see the burnt rotten face.

This time, Freddy made Oreo for... Oreo chiffon cake.

When making a cake, you must separate the egg yolks from the egg whites.

Now this step of separation, Freddy has done.

Regardless of the egg white part, let's deal with the egg yolk first.

Pour the corn oil into the stainless steel basin where the egg yolk was placed before, and stir the egg yolk and corn oil evenly.

Seeing that the striped sweater didn't attack her, Nancy breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to think of ways to escape from this huge basin.

In the dream world, no matter how unreasonable something is, it is reasonable in the dream at this moment, so even if Nancy becomes smaller and there is a giant in front of her, she will not feel strange.

When a person can know that he is in a dream, he has already woken up from a dream. At this time, Nancy is still in a dream state, so he will not realize that he is dreaming at all.

In dreams, unreasonable is reasonable.

Wading through the slippery egg whites, Nancy made her way to the edge.

Using her legs hard, Nancy jumped up with all her strength, trying to grab the inner wall of the stainless steel basin.

Unfortunately, she failed.

Slippery egg liquid, smooth inner wall, tiny Nancy, huge steel basin.

She wanted to escape from the steel basin, it was just a dream.

Now that you can't escape, let's just wait.

That's what Nancy thought, since she couldn't escape, she might as well wait for an opportunity, a chance that she could take advantage of to escape.

Being a lazy person, Freddy couldn't be bothered to reach for the whisk in the cupboard, so he used his paws for convenience.

He took off the dirty glove on his right hand, revealing a sharp and sharp metal claw under the glove.

The metal claws spun quickly, making a piercing beeping sound.

For Nancy at this moment, this sound was harsh, but for Freddy, it was almost inaudible.

The rotating metal claws reach into the steel basin, beat the eggs rapidly, and stir the corn oil and egg yolk evenly.

After seeing that the two egg yolks had turned into egg liquid, Freddy took a bottle of milk in his left hand, and his rotating metal claws cut across the mouth of the bottle instantly like a sharp knife.

Pure white milk flows into the stainless steel basin along the smooth mouth of the bottle, turning the dark yellow egg liquid into light yellow.

The metal claws continue to rotate, stirring the egg liquid and milk evenly.

After stirring briefly, Freddy grabbed a fine sieve and placed it on the stainless steel basin, then brought over a glass bowl containing low-gluten flour.

Metal claws gripped the sieve, and the left hand poured flour continuously.

After looking at the amount of flour and feeling that it was about the same, Freddy put the sieve back in place, and continued to stir with the metal claws.

After a while, Freddy stopped the rotation of the metal claw, raised the metal claw, and checked the state of the egg yolk paste.

Delicate and smooth, no dough balls, perfect condition.

Turning on the faucet, Freddy rinsed his metal claws carefully to ensure that there was no egg yolk paste left, and then walked into the stainless steel basin where the egg whites were placed.

Oops!Here he comes!
Seeing the horizontal striped sweater walking towards her, Nancy quickly waded over the egg white, and put her whole body close to the stainless steel basin, in order not to be sent away by the sharp, rotating metal claws along with the egg white...

(End of this chapter)

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