Chapter 140 Dream (3.3)

Taking advantage of "Tina" not paying attention, Rhode ran away from the door. He only hated his father and mather for not giving him two more legs.

A huge crashing sound came from behind Rhodes.

Sawdust splattered and dust filled the air.

A figure rushed out of the smoke and dust, landed on all fours in one direction, and rushed away at a high speed.

Looking at her figure, with slender limbs, gourd figure, and enchanting metal reflective body, needless to say, this is definitely "Tina".

Rhodes heard the sound just now, and he knew that it was the sound of the wooden door bursting.

At this time, Rhode didn't dare to look back at all. The scene of Tina turning into a robot and swallowing her clone just now is still vivid in my mind.

Da Da Da Da!

It seemed that it had just rained on the street, and now the slippery road was full of puddles. Rhodes ran barefoot on the road, and there was a sound of treading water.

Running, running, Rhodes suddenly found that the surroundings were completely dead, silent, and he couldn't even hear the heavy footsteps of "Tina" running.

Rhodes stopped in his tracks, panting heavily.

The high-speed running and nervous mood made Rhodes feel a little tired at this time. Coupled with the hemorrhage caused by the previous avatar being swallowed, Rhodes is now in a state of physical and mental exhaustion.

After panting hard for a few times, Rhodes was more focused than ever before.

Concentrated and calm, Rhodes listened carefully to the surrounding sounds, hoping to hear something.

But the truth disappointed him, there was nothing,

He waited for a while, did not dare to turn back directly, but just stood there, waited for 2 minutes, and then turned back.

There is nothing scarier than the person chasing you who suddenly appears in front of you when you are relaxed.

So Rhodes wants to wait a while, relax by the way, and wait until he is ready before facing the monster called "Tina".

After counting down to three, Rhodes suddenly looked back.

Rhodes breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the monster didn't catch up, and it should have lost its direction when it was chasing him.

God escape!
Patting his chest that was constantly heaving due to running fast and being frightened, Rhodes felt a little scared.

Why did Tina suddenly become a robot?Poor my little brother.

Um?Little brother?
Rhode suddenly realized something, quickly pulled away his blood-stained pants, and looked at the important position.


The hair is still there, the fifteen centimeters is still there, and the blood is still there, so why was I swallowed?The blood doesn't look fake either, I remember the pain very clearly.

The question marks in his head made Rhodes doubt whether everything that happened before was his own fantasy.

Filled with doubts, Rhode raised his head, and was about to go to the police station to call the police. Regardless of whether it was true or not, he should go to the police first and catch the monster.

The moment Rhodes raised his head, streaks of colored light instantly filled his eyes, making him unable to see everything in front of him clearly.

Raising his hand, Rhodes blocked the dazzling light, closed his eyes, and let his eyes adapt to the light as much as possible.

Before, he was running in the dark, but suddenly there was a lot of light in front of him, which made Rhodes feel a little uncomfortable.

A few minutes later, Rhodes put down his hands, and after realizing that he had adapted to the light, Rhodes opened his eyes.

Everything in front of him made Rhodes unbelievable, making him wonder if he was in another world.

In front of Rhodes' eyes, there were many high-rise buildings, all kinds of dazzling, colorful neon lights, or Chinese, English, or Japanese signs hung on each building, marking their names.

"This is...where?"

Rhodes really didn't understand the situation in front of him.

I obviously ran away from home before, and there is no such a prosperous city near my home.

By the way, home!

Rhodes hurriedly turned back, looking for the direction he came from before.


The home is gone, the streets, the telephone poles, the phone booths, the slippery roads, everything that used to be gone.

Now in front of Rhodes is just a wall and a few trash cans.

No matter how you look at this place, it looks like a remote alley that can no longer be remote.

Why would I appear here?
"Are you looking for me? My dear Rhodes?"

A voice suddenly came to Rhodes' ears, and this voice was somewhat familiar.

Ka Ka Ka!
The sound of metal hitting the wall reached Rhodes' ears, very close, very close!

"You are looking for me, Rhodes!"

Looking for the sound, Rhodes turned his head, but found that his eyes were covered by darkness.

The darkness in front of him is not the darkness that cannot be touched, but the darkness that can be touched, but why is there still a trace of this darkness?It seems to be composed of black silk threads, and then cover your eyes?

This black silk thread also has a slight smell, which seems to be like the shampoo at home. This, is this hair?

With both hands carelessly brushing aside the black silk threads in front of his eyes, Rhode looked up, only to see a face suddenly appear in front of his eyes.

Very close, close to the kind of face.

The nearby Rhodes already smelled the smell of engine oil.

Uh! ! !
Rhodes was so shocked that he was speechless.

Because the face in front of him was a little frightening.

In Rhodes' eyes, the left side of the face in front of him is still a fleshy face, the face he often sees, but the face on the right is, um, not a human face.

The scarlet glowing electronic eyes, the cold and hard face revealed the characteristics of metal, this is half a pure metal face.

"Ah, Rhodes, seeing me, are you already speechless?"

Half human voice, half mechanical synthesis, words without any emotion came from "Tina".

"I, when I saw Rhodes, I couldn't help drooling."

After finishing speaking, a transparent liquid with a pungent smell flowed from the corner of "Tina"'s mouth, flowed down the nose, passed through the eyes, and flowed to Rhodes' forehead.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

After a series of screams, Rhodes looked straight ahead for an instant, and ran all the way to the place where the lights were most dazzling, without looking back.

"Don't run away, let me take a bite, even one bite is fine."

"Rhode, you said that you like me the most, and you are even willing to dedicate everything to me."

"Oh, Rhodes, I fell down, are you unwilling to help me?"


Devil-like words kept coming into Rhode's ears, always tempting him to look back.

He didn't dare to turn back after killing Rhodes, only he knew what kind of terrifying creature he would face if he turned back.

The scenery on both sides receded quickly, and Rhodes ran forward in big strides.

near, near.

Looking at the neon lights getting closer, Rhodes knew that his life was coming.

Under the neon lights, there are many surging lines, vaguely, which are signs of people's activities in the city.

"Help, help."

"There is a monster behind me, who, huh, who can help me?"

"Come and save me!"


While running, Rhodes shouted for help to the approaching crowd.

100 m.


60 m.


30 m.


20 m.


ten meters.

Rhodes was getting closer and closer to the crowd under the neon lights, but when he was only ten meters away, he stopped and didn't even take another step forward.

His eyes were filled with two emotions of fear and regret.

Rhodes, who stood still, felt that it was a mistake for him to run towards the neon lights at this moment.

Maybe running into the dark is also a good thing?

Rhodes' clear eyes reflected what he saw.

Under the neon lights in the distance, it was not what Rhodes expected, there were people in groups of three or four.

There is such a saying, when in danger, as long as I run faster than you, I can survive.

Rhodes went to the crowd to find help for this reason.

Now that he is being hunted down by monsters, if he is given the opportunity to find a large number of people, with better luck, he will join forces with those people to eradicate the monsters, and then he will survive, which is a good choice.

If you are unlucky, the people you find are no match for the monster. They can also be used to delay the monster's footsteps and make Rhodes run a little further. If the monster happens to devour passers-by and is satisfied, then he can really chase and kill from the monster. survived?

But the above are all assumptions made in Rhode's mind when he found a large number of people, but what if he found monsters like the monsters behind him instead of people?Waiting online, very urgent.

Rhodes expected that he would be unlucky, meet a lot of people who lost to monsters, and then sacrifice others with tears in his eyes, and then live on his own breath, but he didn't think about it. He encountered a lot of monsters of the same kind, and might even be more powerful than monsters. strong monster.

Now, there are wolves in front and tigers in back, what should I do?
This is the question before Rhodes.

ps: During the holidays, challenge yourself and update [-] words a day
(End of this chapter)

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